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Toddler & Preschooler - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

My daughter wakes up 4 or 5 times a night on a regular basis. She comes into my room and calls me, then i get up, and lead her back to bed. if I leave, she pitches a fit! I can't have her wake the entire house at 3am. I have a 5 yr. old who is sleeping! I don't know what to do. It isn't hunger or teething. She just wants company. She can't seem to fall asleep without me in the room! After she notices an hr. later that I'm gone, she comes in again! If my husband goes in, she goes bananas. I'm losing my mind! Any suggestions? Please comments from experienced mom and dads with sincere help!

2007-06-30 14:42:28 · 22 answers · asked by noitall 4

i also have a 3 year old so im sure he has learned from him i have taught my 3 year old not to hit the baby when hes mad at him but to tell me help!!!!

2007-06-30 14:29:11 · 19 answers · asked by joey3440215 2

There is a children's story about a lion that was roaring and he had a thorn in his paw, but because he wouldn't be still, the thorn kept getting pressed deeper in his paw. I think a mouse finally got him to calm down and the moust pulled it out. I am looking for the name of this book so that I can buy it for someone as a gift.

2007-06-30 14:14:14 · 6 answers · asked by Shanigirl 4

have encountered many dogs off their leashes either running towards the stroller,trying to jump in,just sniffing around and barking. How to handle this? I know to try to remain calm and firm but when they come so fast,my 1st reaction is to sheild my daughter with my body. I now carry a stick but am afraid that if I strike a dog (must be a threat to do that) that it will anger them to attack further. Should I get pepper spray? Will that have the same effect? Where do I get pepper spray? We've had some scary incidences and have changed our pattern several times but it doesn't matter where we walk. I don't want to stop walking all together,just want to be prepared to defend us in the right manner.

2007-06-30 13:45:27 · 9 answers · asked by mooseny35 4

I husband works second shift, meaning he is gone from 3:30pm until 2:30am, so my 2 1/2 year old daughter and I are home for dinner alone. I get her those gerber lil' entrees and gerber soups, she loves them. She loves cooked veggies, but I don't wanna cook a meal for just me and her. what are some good meals for her dinner? I normally don't eat a big meal. I eat a microwave healthy choice meal most of the time.

2007-06-30 13:44:52 · 10 answers · asked by mysticmary 3

I realize this sounds strange but my 4 year old cut his own hair about a month ago. I didn't freak out becuase well it was his hair. But this morning before my husband and I woke up (somewhere around 5:45) my son cut my 3 year old daughter's bangs off. She literally has about a half inch of her bangs left. I have punished him. I dont need to be scolded about not watching them. I had no idea they were up! How can I hide her missing chunk of hair? She looked in the mirror and cried this afternoon... she loves her long hair.

2007-06-30 12:56:59 · 10 answers · asked by M. Nurse 3

My sister's baby will be 1 and I was wondering if a play kitchen would be a good gift for him? The age says 2 and up though so I'm not sure?

2007-06-30 12:47:19 · 9 answers · asked by JumpingBean 3

my daughter likes barbie and she has a b-day coming up any party ideas would b helpful 2

2007-06-30 12:38:34 · 6 answers · asked by kina 3

we had my boyfriends 2yo daughter with us for 3 wks. she didn't have a solid poop the whole time. it was mostly soft/runny. not to be gross but shouldn't she have solid poops at that age. i've never been around kids that age full time so i'm new to this stuff.
i worried she might have a food allergy that is undiscovered.

2007-06-30 12:34:14 · 3 answers · asked by nataliexoxo 7

I have heard of the terrible 2's but what is going on when a happy 3 year old turns 4 and is more and more whiny and miserable and upset over everything!! Is this normal?

(I asked once but only got 2 answers-I still need help!)

2007-06-30 11:43:27 · 4 answers · asked by samira 5

What does your toddler say that cracks you up?

2007-06-30 11:03:35 · 8 answers · asked by reggieg 4

I usualy wait 15 minutes to make sure she's done.

She has not had many cases of diaper rash, could i let her sit in her diape rlonger? like on trips.

2007-06-30 10:10:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to get ideas...everything from invitations to goody bags! Thank you to all for your ideas!!! :-)

2007-06-30 09:29:00 · 8 answers · asked by houstonzfinezt 1

I am thinking of buying some unfinished wood boxes (various shapes ie heart) for girls to paint and decorate with gems etc. for my daughter's party. I thought it would be a nice keepsake.Do you think this would go down well - is this the sort of craft activity this age group would like. My daughter would but can't speak for other kids????

2007-06-30 08:52:51 · 17 answers · asked by Hels 1

2007-06-30 08:15:47 · 18 answers · asked by jasmin d 1

I have a 2 1/2 year old and she talks a little bit only a few words but im worried she is not saying enough.
Also Im am still potty training her as well, when is the right age for kids to be potty trained??

2007-06-30 07:27:33 · 11 answers · asked by taffy 2

I am just curious because alot of kids his age say alot of words but I just wanna know if he is slow or what..not in a bad way or anything.

2007-06-30 06:06:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-30 05:24:11 · 6 answers · asked by Melissa K 1

My son's weight has dropped off the growth charts and I need some ideas to increase his calorie intake without feeding him too much sugary or salty food. Any suggestions? He's only 17 months old and a bit of a picky eater.

2007-06-29 23:43:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 14 month old girl had a fever of 38.4 last weekend and it seemed to settle down, she has had no noticeable fever this week but now the fever is back at 38.3. She has recently (3 weeks ago) had her 1 year shots. We think she might also be teething as she hasn't yet cut her first tooth. I don't think it sounds like an infection or ear ache as the fever was gone all week. Has anyone ever heard of a reoccuring fever and can a fever get that high for teeth?

2007-06-29 23:20:03 · 9 answers · asked by maidmiriam01 2

When do babies stop putting things in their mouths I have 2 small grandchildren and am watching them all the time everything goes straight to their mouths 1 is19 months and 1 is 7 months

2007-06-29 22:50:05 · 12 answers · asked by marg4kizz 3

My daughter's 1st birthday will be on November 7th andI am trying to figure out where I should have the party. Obviously I cannot do anything outside since the weather would not be permittable where I am from, but I am not really wanting to spend a ton of money on the location either. Any suggestions?

2007-06-29 20:17:57 · 14 answers · asked by LAH 2

I've only been really serious about it now for the last two days. She did pretty good the first day but today she only went in the toilet once even though I was asking her every half hour. Please help! :)

2007-06-29 18:38:35 · 10 answers · asked by JANELLE 2

2007-06-29 18:09:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

She has 8wk old twin brothers and I am sure getting used to not being the only child has a little bit to do with it, but up until about 2 days ago when her behavior started, she was doing extremely great with them. And, they are still only eating and sleeping, and I have been working on giving her EXTRA attention, so I don't think it's only this situation. Also, while on maternity leave, our family has been staying with my parents, her gma and gpa for a couple of weeks. So, it probably has a lot to do with being away from home. But, she all the sudden one day decided to be defiant to the point, she mocks me and thinks its funny. She was quite well behaved before. Not only will she not mind at all, but she has started biting and hitting me. I am concerned because today she got aggresive with her brothers around and threw a stuffed animal at one of them in anger. I have tried time out, spanking, and simply talking to her sweetly, and still she is so stubborn, she prefers the trouble.

2007-06-29 17:41:18 · 10 answers · asked by lirpa41757 2

My son is 4, and he at school a teacher made the class some cookies, he ate half of his and then gave me the rest of it.. I asked him why he didnt want it and he said "because I don't like it mummy.. it's a bedicrious (rediculous) cookie" lol.. Something my 22 month old did that was cute, he said "peet ow" (peace out) and has started saying more often..:)

2007-06-29 16:12:55 · 19 answers · asked by Butterfly 3

My friend has been trying to potty train her 3 almost 4 y/o. Somedays are better than others so to speak. What is the easiest way to do this? She has tried treats, buying her a new toy, telling her vocally how big she is etc. Then it seems as if she falls back. She will be 4 soon, very bright and knows when she needs to go but to no avail. HELP!

2007-06-29 16:11:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

are ear rings ok for a 2 year old ?

2007-06-29 16:06:51 · 23 answers · asked by rachel p 2