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Toddler & Preschooler - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

2007-11-30 23:15:53 · 24 answers · asked by Gary N 1

my in-laws incl. my life-partner r worrying about it n make me tensed also....what should I do?

2007-11-30 20:56:17 · 11 answers · asked by Soura 1

my son is 2 and he always chews on his finger nails and toe nails. I dont get it. I dont know where he got it from cus me and my husband dont chew on our nails. HE just seams like he always has to chew on something, toys, sometimes the wall or anything hard. My doc said oh its just a phase, and they told me that when he was about 6 months old, and it hasnt stoped its gotten worse, and i dont know what to do to stop him, when i tell him to stop he doesnt listen, he never does, and it really makes me mad sometimes.

2007-11-30 17:50:32 · 5 answers · asked by Heather S 3

Ok, so I am an aunt and I am writing this because of a disturbing conversation I had today regarding my neice with my sister.
My neice, 5, has a speech impediment. She is introverted, and very much the sporty/rough n tumble type (not at all the girly-girl, or dress up type). Despite her roughness around the edges she is very sweet, shy, and wouldnt hurt a fly.
She has just started kindergarten this year. I regret to find out she has been being bullied at school. This one boy hits her in the face (twice), steals her toys and throws them, and speaks to her appaulingly (this boy, also 5, tells her she must have slept with the school! Can you imagine! they are both 5 years old!!!).
One day, my sister caught her trying to put on makeup (very out of character) as to not appear "ugly".

My sister has already spoken to the teacher who has advised my neice to stay away from the boy. The teacher is young and inexperienced. My neice sometimes comes home crying and is upset. Cont'd...

2007-11-30 17:42:08 · 13 answers · asked by Juicy Fruit 5

Like just laying there watching t.v, don't happen often just every now and then???

2007-11-30 17:30:54 · 6 answers · asked by crmnknght 1

i've been a stay at home mom for over a year. my husband works and makes enough money that i could stay home with my son. he actually prefers that i do because of all the germs and sickness in most daycares. well i started a new job at a daycare and i recently enrolled my son. my son is 4 yrs old and kicks and screams every morning,when i drop him off. i can't even pass his room during the day because if he sees me he starts crying and saying that i'm gonna leave him and not come back. i feel absolutely terrible. i'm right around the corner from him all day. am i putting him through too much? should i quit? he makes me feel like i'm being selfish because i wanna work and make my own money. on top of everything the owners have offered me a supervisor position. should i stay or go because i do care about my son's feelings and don't want him to hate me and do you think he'll ever get used to daycare?

2007-11-30 17:14:58 · 20 answers · asked by brandi w 2

...and yes, it was accident, but I don't feel any better for it. We have started potty training and I was taking off his pants (to remove his diaper) and he tripped and hit the porcelean part of the toilet causing an instant HUGE black bruise above hsi eye. I freaked. My mom drove us out to ER and they said he was fine (acted normal, only cried for about a minute), but I still fill horrible. Last spring he had two fever seizures and was moved to a children's hospital. I feel like I failed him TWICE this year. Why do I feel this way?

2007-11-30 16:39:58 · 49 answers · asked by primalclaws1974 6

My 3 y.o. has always been fearful of new things/places/people. She's supposed to start preschool next week, 2 days a week. I talked to the teacher beforehand and asked her if I could observe the class. She said she can't tell me not to, but she thinks it would be better if I just left my daughter there after about 5 minutes. I think I should let my daughter see the class first, observe it, and stay maybe half an hour and leave with her. Then the next time we come I can leave her there after 5 min. Or will this make it worse? I'm so afraid for my little girl but I want to do the right thing.

2007-11-30 16:13:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter is 5 and in kindergarten and she started misbehaving all of a sudden. There is this girl in her class that has been in her pre k class and play group. All she does is whine and missbehave. My daughter plays with her. Is it right to ask the teacher to seperate them to and see if she is the problem on my daughter?

2007-11-30 14:19:41 · 12 answers · asked by crazziegrl14 5

It doesn't matter what or how much he eats/drinks, he is always throwing up, it stinks like throw up but looks like spit up. He is in the 85% for height and 20% for weight. His Dr doesn't seem worried at all, but I am. I also have to change mine and his outfit 3-4 times a day, (hello laundry). Any ideas i could get him tested for, acid reflux, or I heard someone say maybe his valve isn't fully developed, what does that mean??? Any ideas, thought would be great!!!!!!!

2007-11-30 13:33:17 · 6 answers · asked by anna 2

Just curious about when they usually start going to preschool. So i can hopefully prepare my child for this new thing in his life.

2007-11-30 13:06:41 · 22 answers · asked by Heather S 3

what does that mean? it was based on a true story that the child was about 4 years old.

2007-11-30 12:57:07 · 6 answers · asked by Liza P 6

Can I sue Walmart and what do I have to do . She got out from the straps ,not sure if they were in working condition , I can't explain how she got out just in 2 sec. when I turned to take something from the freezer . She has a head contusion and I brought her to ER . She has to be supervised for brain damage for the next 3 days.

2007-11-30 12:16:13 · 55 answers · asked by sobusy 2

Hey all. My 2 year old daughter absolutely WILL NOT EAT! She'll have like maybe a couple cheerios for breakfast and maybe a couple bites of toast (on a really really good day). She won't eat anything for lunch really, at the most 1 or 2 bites. For supper, she rarely touches her food. We have tried everything we can think of - holding her and trying to feed her when she refuses to eat, forcing her to sit at the table, giving time outs, taking away privileges - absolutely everything! I am so tired of the battle every day just to get a few bites of food in her! I am so frustrated! Please help! Thanks in advance and God bless!

2007-11-30 12:08:41 · 11 answers · asked by ~*Mrs. GM2*~ 5

we've been thinking about those muzzy tapes but were'nt sure on how well they would work.

2007-11-30 12:05:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone give me ideas on easy foods I can get at the grocery store to feed my 1 yr old? Thanks!

2007-11-30 09:45:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was raining outside, and my brother grabbed onto the metal fence, where we had Christmas lights Hanging. He got shocked and was crying hysterically and couldn't let go. His hands are all red, and my other brother pushed him off. He seems fine now, by my goodness, was God looking out for him or what?

2007-11-30 09:29:04 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

When did you start letting your child climb on a McDonalds type playground alone? My child is almost 18 months old and I follow her everywhere because she's still prone to falling down and doesn't really seem to have much depth perception yet. The McDonalds playground is fully enclosed but I still don't feel comfortable with it because of all the stairs and the big slide.

2007-11-30 07:45:22 · 17 answers · asked by Carrie 4

Our nanny is a sweet older lady who has worked for us for almost 2 years. She has become almost like family. Unfortunately, over the last few months she seems like she has lost her ability to do her job. She leaves my son in dirty diapers, "forgets" to give him food sometimes, and pretty much just leaves him in front of the TV while she's here. I don't think she is lazy, she is just older, has health problems, and I don't think she is physically up to working anymore (though she says she's fine).

I think we need to let her go, but I feel bad because I do care about her, and she and my son are close. Also, is it terrible to let her go this close to the holidays?

2007-11-30 07:30:53 · 20 answers · asked by mommy 2

I can not see any valid reason for a child who is able to walk and talk, to suck a dummy - especially while out shopping ect. Do you allow your kids to do this and if so, why?

2007-11-30 06:16:57 · 27 answers · asked by Siamese Triplets 5

When I come home from work my daughter always has bruised and cuts and my wife tells me she got hurt playing outside. What should I do?

2007-11-30 05:57:15 · 33 answers · asked by Chingaleng 2

I need some ideas.... I started the potty training business with my daughter when she was 2 1/2. She just turned 3 on the 16th of Nov. She wants no parts of it!! She will tell me SOMETIMES after she has already gone that she needs to go! I have tried giving her rewards for going, clapping, saying yea... I have tried food coloring, turning the toliet water a different color and then when she pees in it, it changes colors. I have tried stickers. I even stuck a new toy on top of the entertainment stand and let her know that it was there and told her she can have it if she can go all day without peeing in her pants! NOTHING has worked!! My son wasnt this hard to potty train, they say girls are suppose to be easier! (Not for me) I cut back on her drinks and only give her something with meals & keep a sippy filled in the refrigator & let her have a sip if she get thrusty between meals, instead of drink the whole cup! What else can I do!!! PLEASE HELP....

2007-11-30 05:15:48 · 13 answers · asked by awesomemommy05 2

My little 14 month old has something against veggies. She would eat ANYthing when she was getting jarred food, but now that she's getting the real stuff, she turns her nose up at anything that doesn't involve carbs. It's driving me crazy. Any tips on how I can get her to eat her veggies?

I've tried mixing them up in her food, but she still manages to pick around them. I've also tried to mix jarred veggies in with her food..that doesn't work either. She ends up refusing the whole meal if I do that. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

2007-11-30 05:13:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just wanted to do something easy and appropriate for her class without spending a lot of money.

2007-11-30 05:01:31 · 8 answers · asked by mcpeekaboo 2

My son will turn 5 next nov so he will start kinder in Sept when he's still 4. A lot of people are telling me to wait another year but I wanted to start him in kinder ASAP- (day care costing me about $700.00 a month) and plus I think he is smart enough. anyone w/ similar situation?

2007-11-30 05:00:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-30 04:42:45 · 9 answers · asked by -Athenaa- 3

In our house and my husbands house while growing up Santa would bring the one big toy and then the stocking stuffers. We're doing the same for our children.

How do you explain that to your child who's really good and has the one gift from Santa and was happy with it until she hears that Bad Girl Suzy gets the Barbie Dreamhouse, TV and Holiday to Disneyland and now your child views her Barbie Computer which she was originally happy with but now views it as dinky from Santa?!!

Do you think that the belief of Santa would exsist longer if we all had some sort of unspoken rule?!

2007-11-30 04:41:14 · 37 answers · asked by Yummy♥Mummy 6

Ok so my sisters daughter is going to be turning 1 in a few weeks - then there's Christmas right around the corner. I have no idea what to get for her - nothing too crazy, big or expensive. I was thinking a pretty basket filled with things she would enjoy playing with or things that my sister needs for her...I need some help - please!! Thanks everyone xoxo

2007-11-30 04:36:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is 16 months old. He is in love with his binky. I want to try to break him of it by the time he is 18 months old. It's just starting to look silly and if he gets a hold of it during the day it keeps him from talking and trust me, you don't want to be the one that takes it away from him. Anyway moms if your kids had a binky obsession how did you wean them?

2007-11-30 04:32:27 · 19 answers · asked by Cruz and Kinsley's momma 3

I want to rent a local hall. My house is way in small for everyone. It's also in January way to cold for an outdoor party. I think I want to have a circus theme. Have clowns, and face painting, and things of that nature. Not sure what to put in the goodie bags, ages will run from 1 to 13. Any ideas for games ,and activites for the kids?? I also thought since her b-day is January 1(week after xmas) instead for gifts. Bring items for childen less fortunate then ours. Like hats, mittens, and such. Sound good to anyone?? Ideas?? I have to start planing this ASAP.

2007-11-30 04:14:13 · 8 answers · asked by Lydia's Momma 2