hey, so i just wanna tell you all about my little girl Alex. she's 3 years old but she's been behaving really odd lately. just hear me out, my wife sets her of in a bed and i find it odd that 30 mins later, a 3 year old finds her way to the couch or the carpet to sleep on. im really more concerned that she likes to sleep ontop of me as well as the way she sleeps. i was taught that if you sleep upright, it'll help your posture, breathing etc (wether or not thats true, its just what i think) i useually come home from work and land straigt on the couch and sleep. but ever since she started to walk, she's been climbing ontop of me and curling up into a ball to sleep on my back.
my friends told me that maybe she's learning from something by example as kids tend to do that. i know my wife doesn't curl up into a ball on me, and we dont have a cat either, is somthing wrong?
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