Bring a little bit of everything your child loves to play with. A special blanket or lovey, colors and paper, regular little toys, a few board books. maybe even look around WalMart for a new toy that might keep her occupied for a good while... especially something new she's never experienced before so it will hold her attention longer. Then bring lots of different types of finger foods and juice boxes... anything she likes. If she's happy your trip will go much easier... I did an 8 hour trip with my 15 month old and it actually went pretty well. When you stop try to let her get out and around if she's awake and spend a little energy. Don't worry! With a little good planning, everything should go great! P.S. - don't forget to pack some normal meds just in case so you don't have to stop to purchase them... such as tylenol/motrin, mylicon, teething stuff, rash cream etc. Saves lots of time! Best of luck to you!!
2007-10-29 05:28:57
answer #1
answered by Amy G 4
I travel a lot and bring my toddler regularly. However, the first really long car trip I did with him was when he was about 15 months from St. Pete, FL to Pensacola--about 8 1/2 hours.
I'm lucky because I have a built-in DVD player in my SUV--we watched a LOT of cartoons (I recommend Shrek!). Still, TV is not the total answer---Me or my husband did sit in the back with him the whole way. I brought colored pencils and a pad, puzzles, a play-remote control (Elmo) for the TV, several electronic push-button type games (a Pooh phone game, our V-tek, and a Learning Leappad) and my husband bought a great toy I didn't think of--it is a modern version of an Etch-a-Sketch with an attached magnetic pen and little cut-out shapes to draw with--it was a huge hit and kept him occupied for over an hour.
I still think the DVD's were the best solution and you can get or rent a portable player if you can't get an installed one--trust me, it's really worth it. If you have a laptop, they can play DVD's too, though the volume isn't always great in a car--our teenager (my stepson) does this on car trips and flights, but he uses headphones since the audible sound quality stinks. Headphones aren't the best solution for a toddler.
Several of the toys we brought were new--so that enhanced the interest for my son. I am also unashamed to tell you that I also brought some junk food and candy in addition to healthy snacks in a cooler--as a last resort and for bribery purposes.
Last, but not least, when things get bad--pull over and take a walk or stop at a McDonald's or park and let your toddler play in freedom for a while. My son was absolutely a trooper for the first 5-6 hours or so, but the last 3 hours were a trial. If you time things right and manipulate your schedule right, you might be able to plan a lengthy nap into the trip as well--best case scenario for all involved!
We planned stops about once every hour for everyone, too (we bring our dogs on these trips sometimes too). Be patient, stay calm, bring aspirin, and be very prepared for a very long frustrating ride. Keep in mind that noone likes to be physically restrained for very long under any circumstances--and a toddler doesn't understand it's for their own safety--they just want to get up and go. Plan your distractions well and you should be just fine--and it will keep your mind off things as well.
My condolences on your loss. Good Luck.
2007-10-29 05:41:39
answer #2
answered by MMM 5
I have a 16 month old and when we go for a road trip we bring a portable dvd player. If you don't have one, I would leave around nap time and TRY to not stop when she falls asleep. Just drive as many miles as you can in that time. Then when she wakes up stop at a rest stop and get some food or whatever. Also try bringing some of her favorite toys to entertain too. Good luck! you can do it!
2007-10-29 05:41:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
How about getting a portable dvd player and some of your childs favourite dvds, some books and juice and snacks. I would make sure you stop every couple of hours or if she is getting upset or restless. Leave yourself plenty of time for rest stops. I Tried the driving at night thing once and the kids stayed awake most the way! How about leaving just before she is due a day time nap - most kids will sleep longer when they are in the car.
2007-10-29 05:22:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
My son was always good for car rides, he just fell asleep after about a half hour. I also attended a funeral with him and he was quiet through most of it. When he got fussy I took him to what the church called it's "cry room". It was for mothers who wanted to hear the sermon but had a fussy baby or a squirmy one.
My inlaws bought a van that has a dvd player, and he does like that. I dont think I personally like the concept, just because I think kids should read or something else during car rides. I understand it is a life saver if you have a kid who hates the car, but when I was little we used to read or listen to music on car trips. We talked as a family. I understand tho at 14 months they cant read. lol
On trips when he was little, we stopped a couple times to nurse. He usually "told" me he was hungry, either by starting to fuss or sometimes I just knew it was time for him to be hungry. We actually moved when he was 4 months from DC to tampa fl, and we drove. He slept most of the time, except when he was nursing. I did sit with him on that trip, because the car seat had to be backwards and I wanted to keep a close eye on him. He played with a couple simple toys, some soft rattles and teething stuff.
At 14 months I would think your toddler would be easy to amuse with perhaps some cookies, toys, maybe some songs if you like to sing?
I'm a first time mom too. :)
2007-10-29 05:32:51
answer #5
answered by st_melody 2
We took our baby grand-daughter on a similar trip for Thanksgiving one year and took along a Big Totebag with favorite books, toys etc. And we stopped at rest stops more than usual just to let her run around and work off some energy. so give yourself some extra hours and you'll be fine. If she gets fussy take turns sitting in the back with her. And the DVD player is a Great Idea too!!
2007-10-29 05:30:38
answer #6
answered by sandy t 4
I used to drive everywhere for my job with my son.
I know it sounds scary at first but it is not that big of a deal once they get settled in.
do you have a portable DVD?
Music she likes to sing to?
and she will trips do that.
What I do not agree with is leaving during her night sleep time.
Then by the time you get there she is wide awake and you are ready for bed.
Stop and walk around about every 2 hours chat it up and give kisses.....then back at it.
Sorry for your loss......... The trip will be not so bad...
2007-10-29 05:27:36
answer #7
answered by bigthinker 4
leave as early as you can stand so she will sleep in the car for the first 3-4 hrs of the trip. Invest in a portable dvd player, you can find them for $100. Stop as often as she needs it, you will figure out when she is fed up with riding in the car! Traveling with kids takes a little longer, but its not that hard. You just have to be flexible!
2007-10-29 05:21:10
answer #8
answered by parental unit 7
Leave early in the morning, I've traveled alot with my daughter and she has always been a great traveler. Take anything that she can do in the car, take snacks and drinks. My suggestion would be to play it by ear with your daughter, if she gets cranky stop and let her run around. You might be surprised she may be a great travler.
2007-10-29 05:34:54
answer #9
answered by TD R 5
You have been a nanny since you were 11 y/o? Sorry i stopped reading when you said you were 22 with 11 years experience.
2016-03-13 08:21:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous