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Toddler & Preschooler - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

it's only been a couple of hours and we are up to our ears in wee. before this ive tried her on the toilet we will sit for ages holding on as tight as she can and as soon as i take her off she wees on the floor. So im off work for a few days so im trying i went out bought little pants for her she loves those. We are watching lazy town and i have got one of her teddys on one pottie and me saying "tell mummy when you want a wee wee" all the time i know it takes time is their any one with some tips on what i can use to help her .
thank you

2007-01-22 20:48:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

he definitely did not have them before he went and i've just washed his hair and there were 5 big lice in his hair.

2007-01-22 20:03:31 · 36 answers · asked by katrina c 2

I’m always looking for ways to make my children’s life safer, but with more than half the products I have in my house that says, "Keep out of reach of Children it’s hard to keep them safe. I have all the safety gadgets but they get into everything. I was reading a parent magazine and read a write-up called “Mr. No-No Saves Children’s Lives”. Read your kids the book then put stickers of Mr. No-No on things you don't want your children to touch. It says they did a case study on infants to preteens and they documented a one-year-old baby would not touch anything Mr. No-No was on including his stuffed bear. So I went on line, I noticed there are a couple other safety characters, but they are stupid. Looks like allot of time and effort went into Mr. No-No. Some characters were just outright pathetic. Would it be easier for children to learn to stay away from Mr. No-No or just try to keep teaching them all places & things not to touch? Check it out www.mrnono.com let me know what you think.

2007-01-22 18:57:55 · 4 answers · asked by I_am_pure_energy 2

Hi everyone, i have 3yo boy, when he was one yo,he hated whenever i sang and danced he would get angry, shout and yell at me. In restraunts he was never interested in eating food, he wouldnt sit still, would run around the place climb under tables etc,he began to walk at 9 months by the ways. whenever strangers payed him attention he would get angry and yell or run away, sometimes he liked attention, he used to say 3 words then but then it stopped and he hasnt been able to talk since,,,only says "papa". he does point to things which he wants but whenever i try to teach him words he either ignores me or acts foolishly, he still doesnt eat well, he is over sensitive to temperatures. He doesnt show interest in learning either, unless it has anything to do with cars,,,which yes he does line up.he is hyperactive too. Hes very intelligent. i live in japan with japanese hubby, he doesnt think theres a prob so he wont have our son evaluated, i dont know who or where to go.

2007-01-22 18:36:08 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2

I have a very close girlfriend who has a three year old. My son is 2, and we have play dates 2-3 times a week. They fight over normal kid stuff like not sharing, which my son is always the one who gets the short end of the stick. But the worst has only begun. Her son has started biting my son, not little nips, he is leaving bruises and teeth marks. On our last play date, in a matter of 4 hours my son was bite 3 times. Two left bruises. I feel she does not disipline her son the right way. She puts him in time out for 2 min and that's it. It obviously is not working because he continues to bite. I cannot allow my son to continue to be physically hurt. I have decided to stop all play dates until he has stopped biting. How do I let my friend know that I have no intentions on getting together because of the biting without ruining our friendship?

2007-01-22 17:07:58 · 11 answers · asked by JENNIFER C 1

Sometimes he waits til' about the 3rd or 4th day then goes. I currently use a fiber you mix with water and when it gets desprate I try a very mild natural laxative just for little kids.

2007-01-22 16:45:50 · 10 answers · asked by Nells30 1

i found a really good website for parents . its www.parentsconnect.com it is really informative in my opinion. you should go and check it out

2007-01-22 16:34:09 · 6 answers · asked by my_immortal_love2000 2

and what is best a party at home or a chucky cheese party??there will be only five kids all boys same age and they will be spending the night..

2007-01-22 16:26:18 · 18 answers · asked by ladytee 4

I just need a meal idea for a two year old and a three year old. for lunch anyway.

2007-01-22 16:25:40 · 9 answers · asked by rbh0305 2

he acts like he is listening to me, but never tries to take it away. what can i do to make him listen?

2007-01-22 16:24:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

my daughter does not like baby food. she likes table food but all she will eat is like 1 spoon full of something and thats it she will say no and all she wants is her milk...help me! what do you all give your 1 yr olds please any advice.

2007-01-22 16:23:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

How to get my three year old daughter to wear pants without throwing a fit. she thinks that if she doesn't wear a dress that she isn't a princess.

2007-01-22 16:19:49 · 5 answers · asked by rbh0305 2

Our relationship is taking a nose dive because she keeps attacking me over how I attend to her baby. I try to do everything I can, from playing with him, feeding him, changing him, staying up late when he isn't well. She thinks I dont do enough, and when I do something, it's not right. I am feel like anytime I am with the child I am being watched. I am starting to distance myself for fear of getting lashed out by my gf. For instance, last night, the baby started to cry in bed and I gave him his bottle and covered him with a blanket. Then she went off on me saying I wasn't careful enough and should have put the other blanket on him. I didn't see it. Honestly, I am trying but I feel like anytime I do something for her or her kid it's not enough. What do I do? Should I give her space? I tried talking to her about it but she says it's my fault for not caring enough.

2007-01-22 16:05:39 · 29 answers · asked by hmguesswho1 2

My daughter is 16 months old and has curly blonde hair. The curls are cute on the sides and top, but the back of her hair is frizzy. I try to put a little water in her hair in the mornings to get the back curly again, but when it dries it is still frizzy. Are there hair products that are safe for toddlers? Any gels? (Oh, and baby lotion makes her hair greasy.) Thanks for any suggestions!

2007-01-22 15:26:15 · 3 answers · asked by Mommy of 2 2

My 19 month ol has been throwing up for 7 days straight now. The worst day was the forst, then he skipped a day, starting doing it again, then skipped another day, etc...etc... I took him to the doctor's after he threw up on the morning of the fifth day and they said what I figured they'd day "it's going around". He threw up once more that day, twice the next day, not at all the next day, then tonight, he threw up again. I want to call his pediatrician but they are probably going to tell me the same thing they told me Friday. I caught this same bug from him and was out a day from work during all of this, but only threw up one day. I am really scared that something else might be wrong with him. Has anyone heard of a stomach flu lasting this long? Should I look around for a second opinion?

2007-01-22 14:54:05 · 16 answers · asked by Momin2005 1

she's four years old, anyone have any idea's of things we can do during the day?

2007-01-22 14:50:18 · 37 answers · asked by sunistao 3

My son has had diarrhea all day today. Does anyone know if I can give him Pepto Bismol and if so, how much, a teaspoon? Thank you.

2007-01-22 14:43:55 · 15 answers · asked by jazzykatt 1

I am the child's nanny, and this is the first time I have been put so fully in charge of a child's potty training. I have successfully gotten her to sit on her little potty, and occasionally pee in it, but on some days, she refuses to do this, and she always refuses to wear panties or pull-ups. She repeatedly says that she just wants to wear diapers. The child will be three in May, and I have been trying this in earnest for a couple of months, having begun work with the family last Fall. Her training was originally delayed due to a move and to the birth of a brother, and it seems as though we've lost our window of ideal training time. We've tried videos and books; she enjoys watching and listening to these in her diapers and then not using the potty. We are also using a reward system of stickers that is having some limited successs.

Is it ever right to just say, "Sorry, but you are too old for diapers. You will have to wear these panties whether you like it or not"?

2007-01-22 14:41:25 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

All info sources (books, doctors, family, ect) say 24 oz. Is this right? Also he has a (I belive) dislike for milk because he doesn't drink very much compared to say juice. He has recently turned 1 and we are trying to switch him to whole milk from expensive formula, gradualy of course not compleatly all at once.

2007-01-22 14:33:45 · 4 answers · asked by rollerskater 3

My son is 15 months old....he's recently started to wake up with his diaper dry at least 50% of the time. I've been told by some people that this is a sign of them being ready for potty training. Is this too soon? Or should I start now?

2007-01-22 13:57:50 · 13 answers · asked by Jessica 4

My son is 4 months old and has had cradle cap on and off. I have tried scrubbing with wash cloth during bath, Eucerin (oil based cream for dry skin), and baby lotion. I am at whits end. Please, somebody give me some advice!!!!

2007-01-22 13:35:56 · 17 answers · asked by Amy G 1

i need to find a place to buy curtains for his room
any ideas please?

2007-01-22 12:15:59 · 8 answers · asked by yeal 2

We've put baby locks on them so they don't slam so hard, but what is his obsession with doing this? It can get quite annoying and we have tried everything to break him from it. He is 21 mo old and the typical curious little boy. We've even let him get his finger caught once to show him that it can be an "owie". I know that sounds mean, but we've tried everything, even scold him, which I hate doing. But nothing is working. Anything else I could try? Hes the typical ornery boy like I said and has recently started throwing tantrums as well. I really don't know waht to do!

2007-01-22 11:59:06 · 10 answers · asked by Koozie 5

I know a lot of peolpe go all out for their baby's 1st birthday, and I see no reason why not to!! However,his father and I are buying a house and are an a pretty tight budget,what are some good ideas for our baby's very important #1 B-DAY?!!!

2007-01-22 11:53:22 · 20 answers · asked by vrc 1

My son is 13 months and his poop has become routinely solid. Not dry or pellet like, just clumped together like play-doh. Is this normal since he now eats mostly solids?

2007-01-22 11:47:32 · 8 answers · asked by I Ain't Your Momma 5

I already tried the nail stuff that taste nasty it doesnt work..

2007-01-22 11:46:20 · 9 answers · asked by bigjoss2k 2

my daughter is almost 2 and fits in a 3T!!! and some 3T shirts are too small on her...with pants she can fit 18 months-3T
my boys were never this big this young!

2007-01-22 10:26:21 · 32 answers · asked by Tissa 4

have a very picky family...my 4 year old son only eats chicken, some beef and pork. He doesn't like ground beef. My husband eats like cheeseburgers, NO chicken, some fish, some pork....what am I supposed to make these guys for dinner??

They don't eat anything "weird" or stuff that has mushrooms or stuff...basically anything with flavor!

I need some dinner ideas HELP!!

2007-01-22 10:16:16 · 12 answers · asked by totspotathome 5

fedest.com, questions and answers