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Parenting - March 2007

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In today's society,a single mother is viewed with a very negative eye by society,is this really right

2007-03-01 22:07:08 · 17 answers · asked by ABIGAIL K 1

In china,many children have a problem,that is their parents try to control their life!many children don't know how to make a decision ,because their parents always want to make a decision for them.some children don't know what their own idea is!!some even have OCD!what do u think of it?

2007-03-01 22:02:52 · 8 answers · asked by Nancy 1

Is it legal to marry my mothers elder sisters daughter?We belong to GavaraNaidu,Hindu.I am a few months elder?
I am boy who belongs to Gavara Naidu(caste),Hindu. I love a girl but she is the daughter of my mothers elder sister.We both love each other & i am a few months elder than her. Could i marry her ? If i marry her would be there any problem in getting children ? Is it illegal to marry her ? Could her or my parents claim that it is not valid if we marry ? SORRY IFORGET TO SPECIFY MY STATE ! I BELONG TO TAMILNADU.(INDIA)

2007-03-01 19:28:19 · 24 answers · asked by muthu raman 1

My grandson adores his mum-He loves me aswell his grandma.The problem we have with him he is so jealous,we dont know if its his age 13 or things that have gone on in the past.He has abrother 9 who 1 minute he adores the next he is fighting with.His mum remarried 5 years ago,He goes from hating his stepfather to saying hes not to bad.The tension in the house is terrible at times. to make matters worse the stepdad left my daughter for another woman,then after a week wanted to come back.As my daughter is pregnant to him 4months.This happened just before xmas.My daughter was in a terrible state,and of course my grandson saw all this.She has took him back, she was in such a termoil with being pregnant.Its now like a time bomb at times because i had his brother on a thursday while stepdad was away and grandson had what he called his mum night.Now the problem is if the stepdad goes anywhere near the house even though he is staying there he nearly blows a gasket. is this normal

2007-03-01 19:17:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

im unsure of what parental rights exactly is and what my daughters father will get if he gets this, he is all for doing things to make his daughter look 'cool' not for what is best for her will he be able to overrule my decisions for her?

2007-03-01 19:06:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am a stay at home mom of a 7 month old. i love her to bits put lately she has been getting on my nerves. i am also a full time college student. i go to night school and my boyfriend watches our daughter at night when he gets off work. the problem is that since i go to school at night, i try to get my study on during the day, but my angel wont let me. it's not her fault, she is just being a baby. i call her "eva diva" because she just wants my attention ALL THE TIME! and it's getting harder to study. in the fall i'm thinking of going to day school and putting her in daycare. she will be 13 months old then. i dont have any family members who can keep her on a regular basis. am i being mean for putting her in daycare, even though i'm not working? i just want to do well in school. i'm trying to get in the nursing program.

2007-03-01 18:25:05 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 4 year old, two and a hlf year old and five month old. my two oldest never listen to me. even when i put them in time out they laugh, ive tried everything, the only thing that works is getting dad. their dad puts them in time out just like me, but they dont laugh at him? how can i get them to stop walking all over me?

2007-03-01 18:11:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am boy who belongs to Gavara Naidu(caste),Hindu. I love a girl but she is the daughter of my mothers elder sister.We both love each other & i am a few months elder than her. Could i marry her ? If i marry her would be there any problem in getting children ? Is it illegal to marry her ? Could her or my parents claim that it is not valid if we marry ?

2007-03-01 17:58:09 · 11 answers · asked by muthu raman 1

I am boy who belongs to Gavara Naidu(caste),Hindu. I love a girl but she is the daughter of my mothers elder sister.We both love each other & i am a few months elder than her. Could i marry her ? If i marry her would be there any problem in getting children ? Is it illegal to marry her ? Could her or my parents claim that it is not valid if we marry ?

2007-03-01 17:51:52 · 10 answers · asked by muthu raman 1

They said that they were coming, and then my husband and his brother had a small spat (it was mostly his brother), and now they say they are doing something else. How should I respond to this and her e-mail? It does matter. I write down in my daughter's growing up books about all the people who visit her, and etc. I refuse to lie and put them in the book. They are a little bit jealous (it shows) that we have children, even though they just got pregnant. Help!
P.S: It also a celebration of her recovering from Torticollis, a musclar defect!

2007-03-01 17:47:14 · 17 answers · asked by fourcheeks4 5

I am planning to adopt or become a foster parent.....I like kids and want at least two. My question is If i become a foster parent is there any help from the government to me? I live in the state of California and I am a single man.

2007-03-01 17:27:48 · 2 answers · asked by Alexander 1

I have 7 children ranging in age from 24-5 who call me mom.5 are natural and 2 are step-but should be mine because i have cared for them since their mother left 20 yrs. ago.6 of them are 15 and above.1 is 5.the older ones say that she is spoiled.She has her own room,she has lots of movies,dvd's-no video games like x-box.She has a V-Smile.She has a portable dvd player because I travel alot.why does that make her spoiled?they had Atari,Nintendo,Super Nin.,Segas,etc.,movies,their own tv.'s and cd players,bikes, movie theaters and allowance.the 5 yr old just started to get allowance and they are pissed.my 5 yr. old is more willing to help me do anything compared to what they wanted to do,but she is spoiled?Am I wrong?I am grateful to this 5 yr. old,I think she knows more about caring for people than worrying about what her older siblings have.I LOVE all of my children,but my 5 yr. old is more grounded to life and I can't tell my other children that.I can't hurt them like that.their good 2.

2007-03-01 17:03:42 · 3 answers · asked by BaDonkaDonk 2

I am writing a seven page essay how I am against same sex couples adopting but then on the other hand I am for same sex couples getting married. So I need help on the paper and i wanna hear your guys opions on the topic that would be great thanks

2007-03-01 16:38:49 · 23 answers · asked by jenny G 1

2007-03-01 16:23:05 · 6 answers · asked by christina m 1

Need sources-links educating on single woman's rights and name of child adoption centers which let a single woman adopt a child.

2007-03-01 16:11:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am already loosing, but would like to speed things up a bit... my baby girl is now 3 months old.

2007-03-01 16:06:42 · 7 answers · asked by jubiejubejubajube 4

How can they make it legal? Why isnt there outrage in the streets to change the law?

2007-03-01 15:55:15 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

s a wonderful opportunity for both the parents and the child. I was home schooled all my life up to now (dual enrollment 11Th grade/college). home schooled kids have a lot fewer problems than most public schooled kids. we make Friends very easily, we get along with most people because we are not raised in "cliques" like most kids. in MOST cases we have BETTER social skills than public schooled kids because we get to be around a lot more types of people. my parents made sure that we got out in the community, went on field trips (home school groups, 4-H, and many other community clubs), spent time in museums, got to talk/know the directors of at least 3 museums (2 of which I still have contact with, great home work helpers), and we were exposed to "real life" every day. while public schooled kids were reading about sea turtles we were touching them and talking to a Marine biologist. while public school kids were studying the civil war we were reenacting it, you get the idea...

2007-03-01 15:37:35 · 6 answers · asked by I_am_me 2

I am a managing director of a company, I was talking with my wife about a few staff problems we have been having, when my son told me, 'You need to be a stronger leader, like Stalin"

This got me a bit worried, he wears a lot of plain, drab looking clothing, never wears brand labels, he listens to the strangest music, and has posters of all kinds of 'dictator' looking people, almost like propaganda of some sort, all his friends dress and look the same.

How do I find out if he is a communist or not? Could it be something else?

I really dont know what to do, its so hard to speak to him these days.

2007-03-01 15:26:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Parents, if you got to "request" your child's teacher who would it be: an easy teacher because you want your kid to have a good grade or a hard teacher who preapares them for SATs?

Have you ever complained to your child's teacher for a lower grade than other teachers because they are a hard teacher and you don't like your kids grade because of the teacher.

2007-03-01 14:54:19 · 7 answers · asked by runner09 1

I hate babies, and kids. I can't stand to be near them. I hate when I go to a store and they are running around or crying or being loud. I hate them at restaurants, I hate them at movies, I hate them pretty much anywhere. Almost all of my friends have them, and they just love their little monsters that scream and crap and throw fits and prevent them from going anywhere and having a life outside of the house. WHY am I unable to be that way? Am I missing a hormone or something? I mean my husband doesn't like kids either, so thats good, we don't have to worry about having any. However I just can't help but wonder WHY I have such a strong aversion to kids. I don't WANT to hate them, I just do.
Please no rude answers, remember I am not making a personal jab at YOUR kids.

2007-03-01 14:37:53 · 18 answers · asked by kherome 5

last night my daughter was playing with her toys, fell asleep laying on me and the next thing i know she felt real warm and started shaking, foaming at the mouth, wouldnt respond,turning blue, it was so horrible, i have never seen somethign so bad in my life, i felt so helpless, she was rushed by ambulance to the hospital and they ran a whole bunch of tests and they think it was a really bad virus that attacked her body and the seizure was fighting the fever. we followed up with her doctor today, but i still dont feel at ease, i just cant stop the image of her laying there on the ground so helpless out of my head, everything i watch, i see it, when i hold her and she closes her eyes i get so worried. if anyone knows anything about this or can offer me some advice on how to get through this??? thank you so much in advance, this has never happened before, i have never seen anyone have a seizure.

2007-03-01 13:42:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Also, how long can you expect a child to be awake for when you put them down? If they are up for more then an hour am I putting them down too early?

2007-03-01 13:33:56 · 4 answers · asked by creston_182 1

I was talking to someone that other day who said that one of there friends have two kids and both the parents work and have a nanny rase them. What is the point of having the kids if you aren't going to give up enough time to be with them?

2007-03-01 13:29:38 · 19 answers · asked by buttons527 1

I have a son who is 14 and he never wants to eat. When we have lunch and dinner he never wants to eat any of it as well as drink milk. Today he didn't have school due to a snow day and I said what would you like for lunch and he said nothing. Well I made him drink his milk and then he lied to me about eating lunch. I remind him daily about how good food is and milk is for your body to keep healthy and make your bones strong. But I feel like I'm running out of choices. What should I do?

2007-03-01 12:39:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

All the impositions that kids bring? No money, no free time, no privacy with husband/bf, no job or career advancement? Can all of you really say it was worth it to have a kid?

2007-03-01 12:28:24 · 26 answers · asked by cloudofeiderdown 2

Why do girls laugh when they see or find out a guy was jerking off?just curious.

2007-03-01 12:11:29 · 5 answers · asked by johnmarshall4697 1

I posted this before but probly not brief enough im 16 years old i run outdoortrack crosscountry and indoor track i weigh 106 pounds i get good grades in school i get along with my siblings fine but when i get home all i want to do is play video games online and my dad took away my ps2 for it. I play for 5 hours+ when i get home from school and alot on weekends. My dad took my ps2 away because he says i play too much i do well in school am very active help around the house and yet i cant play? i never get in trouble with school i dont see why he did this.

2007-03-01 12:10:39 · 17 answers · asked by java 1

Do you leave your kids in the car while going into the store to pay for gas or something quick?How safe is it to leave them in the car in NC.

2007-03-01 12:09:30 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

At my school (I go to a magnet school) when I ask a perfectly REASONABLE question, people always say 'duh' or something. I'm new, but I'm not dumb and I have no idea how my questions are any more stupid than theres! My parents tell me to not be scared to ask questions but it's hard when people make you feel stupid for asking them in the first place!!!!

2007-03-01 11:37:34 · 6 answers · asked by I Am A French Fry 2

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