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Parenting - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

I have a 2nd grader who has homework on a daily basis. Should I make him do it right after school? Should I wait until after dinner? Should I ask him to do his chores first before starting his homework, or just the opposite, do homework after his chores are done? Any suggestions?

2006-08-10 10:52:52 · 23 answers · asked by whatzerface 3

I know when you have your first child, it must be so wonderful to look into his/her eyes. That bond is TIGHT i'm sure. But at some point or another, i'm sure that "honeymoon" period ends. About how long did it take for you?

2006-08-10 10:51:42 · 15 answers · asked by Brooke's Mommy 3

2006-08-10 10:45:03 · 6 answers · asked by tgrider1121 2

I was all the time. My dad would use his belt, his hand, bash our heads together. My mom had to hide my older brother once because my dad kept beatin him up, he was 12.
My dad has threatened to kill me as well, my mom never did anything about it.He even said once that it he went to jail for beating us, when he got out, he would do it again.
Has this affected the way you parent your children? It has for me, I won't put my hands on them.

2006-08-10 10:16:21 · 15 answers · asked by ~SSIRREN~ 6

I was reading another question on here where people were stating whether or not their parents spanked them as children. I noticed peoples definition of " spanking" can really vary from one person to another. OK, so my question is what exactly constitutes to each of you an "acceptable spanking"?

2006-08-10 10:14:38 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-10 10:06:13 · 10 answers · asked by brooke27 1

Just wondering how ppl feel on this. I have a lot of friends, black, white, yellow whatever. And their parents dont agree with them dating opposite races.
They're not racist, just dont agree with them having relations together....
What's your take?

2006-08-10 10:02:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

There seem to be a good number of people who only answer questions with insults or unuseful comments. In fact, if you pull up their profile and view their other answers, it is obvious that they are that way to alot of people. Are these people just trying to get a rise out of others, or are they just naturaly mean nasty people? I would be embarrassed and ashamed to be catigorized that way, but some people dont seem to care. Why are people on here being so nasty? Seems like it is usually the people in the parenting and pets catagories. If you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all. Why cant you answer the question and be done with it, instead of putting people down? I mean, fine give your opinion but if you have to do it in a hateful nasty way, why bother? No one likes to be cused at or insulted. I would really like to know why this is.

2006-08-10 09:32:06 · 37 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

what do you think they are 7 and 9 years old
are they safe enough

2006-08-10 09:18:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


My Husband, David & I are in the process of trying to open up a pet store in Northren California ( Shasta County area). And we have a question for you. If a pet store offered free pet classes for kids 6-up. ( Parents must attend) would you do it? What kind of classes would you like to see offered? What kinds of animals would you like us to cover? Any other ideas?

Also another question. Sadly in the state of California. It is illegal to sell any pets or pet related products to a child under 18 years old without a parent in the store with them.( sending notes or calling doesn't count you must be with them even to look) I have worked in pet stores where parents have gotten mad because of this. What can we do to make it as pleasent as possable for both kids and adults to come into our store?
Any ideas would be great!

2006-08-10 08:20:53 · 11 answers · asked by LITTLE 1 :o) 6

anyhow, we've tried talking about it, time out, cleaning up his own mess, bribes, spanking (not beating), and now taking away his toys. He knows when It's coming and just absolutle refuses to cooperate. When I ask him why, he laughs and says it's because I'm funny ( I guess my reaction).....any ideas????

2006-08-10 08:09:18 · 13 answers · asked by andrea b 1

my 5 year old son plays out side my house with other kids they have started hitting my son there mothers have told them to go out and hit back if my child does it to them which i understand thats right but there taking the piss a bit with me now my child was playing nice and they just come and hit him but i cant say anythink as there child dont do anythink wrong i just dont no what to do for the best could any body help my son is a good kid he can do wrong some times what child dont please help iam i being a bad mother stopping him playing with them ???????

2006-08-10 07:56:00 · 35 answers · asked by sweetheart1960 1

Now days it seems like the "old school" way of raising kids is looked down upon as abuse or mistreatment. By "old school" I mean the way my parents and grandparents were raised. They did not back talk their parents,cause if they did, they got their butts set on fire(my dads words) Kids had to help out around the house. I dont mean do a couple of chores a week. They got outside in the heat or cold and helped weed the garden, pick cotton (Yeah, my mom and dad both remember doing that), hand wash laundry. Nowdays, people let their kids sit around watching TV and paying videogames. And heaven forbid we spank our kids anymore! There are alot of parents using what I call "psycho babble". This is when little Tommy nails his sister in the head with a toy and his mom sits him down and says "Now Tommy, thats not very nice. Are you angry about something? Lets talk about your anger.", instead of busting his rear. Why is "old school" so taboo now days? It worked on our parents didnt it?

2006-08-10 07:31:38 · 25 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

My 8 yr. old step son has a bad habit of mouthing off and talking back when I am pointing out something he has done wrong and telling him of his punishment. It's always someone else's fault and he starts yelling and getting all worked up. I want him to shut it and nip it in the bud before he starts carrying on but I can't get his dad to even notice the behavior half the time or even get on the same page as me. What do I do? and am I wrong for not letting him tell his side? (btw this is usually always something I have seen with my own eyes not when he is defending himself against someone tattling or otherwise).

2006-08-10 07:26:40 · 22 answers · asked by freespirit 5

2006-08-10 07:08:36 · 14 answers · asked by TANDRA D 1

I am so sick of people laughing that Im fat. Ill explain a situation- last weekend my Grandmother took the family out to celebrate me starting college. As a gift at the dinner table, she told me she and Grandpa wanted to pay my tuition all 4 years. I was so grateful and everyone clapped. Then dinner was served and dessert too. There was one piece of cake left for dessert (we ordered a whole cake) and my Grandma had not had a piece yet- I think I had had 3 slices - but since Im a healthy girl, I love cake. Anyways she was about to take the slice but I got to it first, and had already started eating it when she asked if she could just have half a slice. The rest of the family urged me to let her have half. But come on I was already eating it so I said "No, its my cake!" And finished it. I didnt feel like sharing what I already ate. My brother then called me a "fat ***" and some people laughed. Why are people so cruel to me because of my weight?

2006-08-10 07:03:44 · 20 answers · asked by mrs sunshine 1

My son will only fall asleep for bed or naps if he has a bottle. How do I get him to fall asleep without relying on a bottle?

Also, he refuses a pacifier. (he broke himself of that at about 9 or 10 months old)

2006-08-10 06:49:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it is the summer months. But, I don't understand why people bring their babies ( newborn -2) out in public with just a diper on. Is it tacky? What is wrong with a onesie on. I would never take my son out in public with just a diper on or for that matter a pair of shorts and no shirt unless we were going to the pool.

For those of you who do take your babies out with just a diper on. Do you go out in public with just your underwear on? Then why would you do it with your baby?

2006-08-10 06:39:35 · 26 answers · asked by LITTLE 1 :o) 6

2006-08-10 06:34:03 · 9 answers · asked by blackgurl52@yahoo.com 2

So if what they say is true and sh*t hits the fan on August 22, are you going to work and send your kids to school????

The school my children attend is within walking distance of housing for many foreign exchange students..from all walks of life.

2006-08-10 06:33:55 · 17 answers · asked by little fairy lady 3

Any thing actually work at getting rid of or at least reducing the appearance of these distgusting scars?

2006-08-10 06:09:56 · 12 answers · asked by PHD-NDN 2

i watch a good friends 3 yr old 2 or 3 times a week. she stays at my house she goes to day care part time last week when i picked her up she told my daughter that she toched boys penis (teetee) iwhen i asked her a couple days later about it she told me the same thing. i asked her who told her to do that and she said her mommy.she went to her dads for the weekend and than home to her moms and i got her again tues. i did call and tell her mom . her teacher told me this week they are watching her and child and 2 boys where in play house and teacher heard her ask these boys to see there peepees. i talk to her but i guess it doest help cuz yesterday she asked my 13 yr old soon to see his. my husband called the dad this time my gut says shes being abused
but i dont know what to do
any help someone

2006-08-10 06:06:48 · 15 answers · asked by robin w 2

HI, My son is 6 years old and he still can not tie his shoes. Any suggestions on how to get him to do this? He is going into 1st grade this year. He doesn't have patience for a long time, he gets upset very quickly if he can not get the hang of it. I have tried to get him a book that teaches him but that stillhasn't worked.

2006-08-10 06:05:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Iam a mother to two, everytime my kids fall sick, however minor the illness is, i go off tangent. I start imagining the worst and go into depression. Ive always been like this and God knows how desperately i want to change this attitude but simply cannot. Life has become a big burden bcos of this.

2006-08-10 06:05:01 · 17 answers · asked by Sumi 2

my 8 year old had speach problems his whole life and finally got his tonsicles removed and they found several lumps in his throat and had to remove them he is fine but because of the lumps the say he couldn't hear the sounds right now that the are gone he is doing better but is really behind. I can't afford a totor so what can i do

2006-08-10 05:47:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there anything my husband and I can do to get our 20 month old to want to do more with my husband? My husband feels like our daughter doesn't like him. She crys ALL the time when he trys to do something with her, or if he trys to put her to sleep. (Ex. Last night he wanted to put her to sleep when it was bedtime, all she did was scream, scream and cry and cry, she was crying so hard that she seemed like she was in some kind of painhe tried everything to calm her down and to try to get her to lay with him) When I put her to bed she goes right to sleep with me. She cried for almost an hour 1/2 before he said here I don't want to make her hate me anymore and he gave her to me) I don't know why she is like this or what I can do to help him feel better and reasure him that its not him. I am a stay at home mom and I am with her all the time, I think that is part of the reason. Is there anything that my huband and I can do to get her use to him doing things with her.

2006-08-10 05:39:26 · 25 answers · asked by awesomemommy05 2

I came across an ancient Chinese formula that show if one would give birth to a boy or girl, by knowing the mother's age and what month she conceives the baby. I've checked it against my mom's case and so far it proves to be quite accurate. For example my mom was 30 years old when she conceived me (girl) in April, and the formula (table) shows "girl", again my brother was born in Oct, so my mom (who was 32 years old then) conceived him around Jan, the table shows "boy". I'm so fascinated that I would like to test it further. Would be thankful if you would tell me your age and month (when you conceive) and what gender your baby is.

P.S. maybe this should be in the "Polls & Surveys" section, but I thought I would find my target responders here more. Thanks!

2006-08-10 05:36:42 · 10 answers · asked by panic-over-nothin 2

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