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Pregnancy & Parenting - 17 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

i am 26 weeks pregnant and so far i have been feeling physically really good. i have lots of energy and nothing hurts. when should i expect to start feeling run down? the thing is i have to a busy schedule up until i give birth and am curious as to when things will get difficult for me.

2007-09-17 13:35:00 · 5 answers · asked by pilar 3 in Pregnancy

I am in High School and I need to start thinking about careers. I want to go to college and I LOVE babies. I was thinking maybe a neonatologist or a neonatal nurse. I would really like to be one of the nurses that takes care of the newborn babies in the maternity ward. Like the ones that change them and take care of the healthy ones. I would like to be looking after healthy babies, because seeing a baby die or be very sick would just break my heart, but I think it would be worth it in the long run to get to be with babies. Any other job suggestions? Please help, I am very serious about a career in infant care.

2007-09-17 13:33:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

having a baby is amazing im sure, but after seeing a lot of ur questions and how miserable a lot of u feel and all the random pains and symptoms, doesnt it freak anyone out?
i mean reading some of this stuff kinda scares me, like going through all this. i have anxiety so im gonna have to practically live with a dr til i give birth, i know ill worry so much about every pain and headache and stomach ache i get.

dont get me wrong ,i love kids and i absolutly cant wait to have them, but do a lot of people really feel so miserable while pregnant?

2007-09-17 13:32:02 · 11 answers · asked by Blondie131 4 in Pregnancy

I was thinking along the lines of Gabriel and Lily.

2007-09-17 13:28:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

It seems to have become an epidemic, especially among young girls, who in some cases do it for fun !
In other cases, grown women will do it in response to playful teases like a gentle breast caress, or a hair tug.
At one time it was considered "out of bounds" for a female to attack the male's private region. Instead, painful shin kicks and instep stomps were taught as a substitution - & considered just as effective in any encounter, including rape assault !
I personally believe groin attacks by females should be forbidden because:
- it's an assault upon a man's sexual dignity & his core regenerative being
- it causes such extreme pain that a guy can only see stars & feels paralyzed & nauseous
- it causes extreme embarassment, esp. if other girls are present to witness it
- it could cause infertility
- it destroys a guy's ego & can lead to fear of women & depression
- it's unfeminine
- it's a vicious & malicious misuse of her body against a guy's body
- it's totally unfair !!

2007-09-17 13:27:49 · 24 answers · asked by Romano 2 in Adolescent

I mean, why do they love me so much? It's not like I'm amazingly spectacular and always doing chores for them...

And your always an amazing angelic being in their eyes...

They don't seem to judge you at all.

They just love you.

But why do they unconditionally love me like this?


2007-09-17 13:22:37 · 15 answers · asked by updo 3 in Parenting

Hey Im a week overdue...and Im a really uncomfortable.....Im always in pain because she is just tearing me up....do you think they would induce me?....Other question....how does an epideral work?....They inject it into your spinal cord....and then do they put a catheter in?....How much does is help? Could you actually go without it, does it make a difference? Thanks......

2007-09-17 13:19:52 · 5 answers · asked by ☆☆T. May ━═☆ 4 in Pregnancy

2007-09-17 13:19:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

Ok been divorced 3 yrs with 8 yr old daugher. The last 2 yrs i had my own b-party for my daugher with my family and she loved it.Well now my ex wants to combine our parties to just one and has my daugher all pumped up about it without asking me about it 1st.I asked my daugher if it was her idea and she said no it was her moms.The problem with this is my ex and current gf do not get along(plus i really can't stand being around my ex for what she has done to me..long story).So i really don't want to do this but my child is all excited about this do to her mom.

2007-09-17 13:16:40 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

Olphilia Naomi Martin

2007-09-17 13:14:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

I work at home and don't have a time i need to wake up, but feel that it would be better to wake up before 9, but have trouble doing so.

2007-09-17 13:13:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Its my first, and I think Id like to ask for one.
My question is, is the DR or hospital allowed to deny me it?
Vaginal I know is better, but not for me...
I have medi-cal type insurance.. can they deny it if its not needed?
thank you all so much

2007-09-17 12:57:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i thought for sure our son would get brown eyes, his dad has brown eyes, and so do both of his parents and his sister, my dad has brown eyes, and so does my brother. my mom has green.

so far, our son still has dark blue eyes around the outside, and a lighter greyish-blue around the inside. he is 3 1/2 months old. do you think if they were going to be brown, they would have changed by now?

it doesn't matter to me what colour they end up, i'm just curious.
lol, thanks for any feedback :o)

2007-09-17 12:50:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby


im 20 weeks 1 day pregnant,
i eat very healthy, stay away from caffeine and everything i am suppose to,but today i could not get over craving sweets!
so i had a few pieces of candy,
that should be safe right??

sorry its my first pregnancy and very worried about everything

2007-09-17 12:49:40 · 17 answers · asked by mommy2408 5 in Pregnancy

At my baby shower i had a book for everyone to put advice in or a little inside joke or something. Well i had my friends there from parenting class and while i was in parenting class during the school year i ended up killing 2 or 3 of them fake baby dolls you take home with you, or they would just die on me. Anyway so my friend put on the advice page,"remember you don't have a 2and or 3rd chance on this one so don't kill it" and earily that day we were even taking about it, but my almost in laws- my boyfriends aunt and grandma read that and started freaking out asking my boyfreinds mom if i was pregnant before and things! and they apparenty didn't hear the inside joke eariler and finally they asked me and im like no, its from a parenting joke and had my boyfriend tell them becuz i didn't feel like explaining. I was just wondering if this would of upset and what you would have done or said? I just kind of ignored it but i did have me upset. Did you ever have any drama like that? Thanks

2007-09-17 12:41:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

everyone keeps telling me to "stop trying" and Let it Happen. They say just relax and it will happen. That never worked for me. I got pregnant with wories, depression (for taking so long), not one bit of relaxation (our sex sessions were not for relaxing but for making baby and maximum ttc lol.

anyone else like me???

ps lol, whenever we "relaxed and let it happen" it never did. Did we get it all backwards?

2007-09-17 12:41:12 · 8 answers · asked by chapped lips 5 in Trying to Conceive

I want to use cloth all the time.

My husband doesn't mind using cloth during the daytime, but he does not feel comfortable using cloth at night. He thinks they will leak.

I don't want those disposable chemicals against my baby's skin.

The question is this: Can I use a cloth diaper against my baby's skin and then put a disposable over the cloth diaper, which would basically cause the disposable diaper to act as my diaper cover. This would make me happy (cloth against my baby's skin) and make my husband happy (added protection of a disposable at night).

Does anyone think this would work or does the disposable fit too snug for a cloth diaper to fit under it. If so, would a larger size solve the problem or would the larger size cause more leg leaks.

Any thoughts would be great.

2007-09-17 12:33:55 · 12 answers · asked by The Morg 2 in Newborn & Baby

My 4 year old has had thining hair for a t least a year now. The doc doesn't seem to know why. (maybe it's because she never see's the same one?) I've checked everyhting online and she doesn't have any of the symptoms of the conditions that cause hair loss. She had bald spots at one point but htey have kind of filled in. She also had really dry scalp, but that too has somewhat cleared up. I want to know if any one has any suggestions? She asks me why she doesn't have long hair like me and it makes me feel really bad for her. Her hair is so thin I really can't even put it in a pony tail or style it other than just leaving it down which only makes her feel worse about her hair. Also, I have tried vitamins in case it was a problem with nutrition but it didn't seem to make a difference. Please help! She will be starting school next year and I don't want her to be teased.

2007-09-17 12:33:03 · 4 answers · asked by *~mama mari~* 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

I watch my sister's son in the afternoon. Lately I've been taking him to the local range a couple of times a week. I even bought him his own .38 that stays at my house. He's not allowed to have it without adult supervision. He's been through the NRA approved safety courses and takes safety seriously.
My sister found out and hit the ceiling. She claims to not be against guns but thinks that ten is too young even though Dad took both of us out when we were much younger and let us shoot.

2007-09-17 12:29:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I'm 31 weeks pregnant, but my baby has some stuff wrong with him, resulting in his head being the size of a 40 week baby. Anywho, so now the babys big, my bellys big, and everythings pushing on my sciatica. I'm not sure how I'm gunna survive 9 more weeks. Any advice other than the heating pad?
(btw, im an incredibly tiny person, 5'2, im only 18)

2007-09-17 12:26:20 · 6 answers · asked by tqf 2 in Pregnancy

from an estranged family member. Though she is my blood mother, she has mental problems and tried to take my daughter from me when she was just a baby. The package was from Macy's Dept Store and the only way I could tell that it was from her, was that she had put her phone number on the order, but no name. It was addressed to my daughter and newborn son. I don't know what to do or think?

-A Concerned Mommy

2007-09-17 12:22:10 · 10 answers · asked by Somebody'sMother 3 in Parenting

Katrina Hudson
Liliana Mümen
Dawn Richards
Julia Jones
Maura Thomas
Eliza Brigetti
Rowena Charlton
Vanessa Davies-Rowe
Bridget Alexander
Lucinda White
Elsa Normanton
Dulcie Bedborough
Jemima Beighton
Harriet Blyth
Sophy Brannigan
Valerie De Placido
Nancy Denton
Tabitha Eyre
Polly Flowerday
Hannah Fraser
Susie Summerland
Robyn Rainbow

which would you choose and why?

2007-09-17 12:18:21 · 34 answers · asked by Antonia 2 in Baby Names

2007-09-17 12:15:31 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I have a 7 (almost 8) year old girl who cannot pronounce her R's. I talked to someone at the school last school year (1st grade) and they said she's fine and by age 8 she should learn to say her R's on her own. Well....here comes age 8, and she still cannot pronounce them. Is this normal? Or should I demand that she be put in speech regardless of what the school thinks?
(Her cousin is almost 10 and cannot pronounce her R's very well...my sister-in-law said that she was worried too, and when she talked to the school they told her she didn't need speech...so finally she made them put her in it- and she thinks it was too late.)

2007-09-17 12:08:00 · 11 answers · asked by ~*Felicity's Mommy*~ 3 in Grade-Schooler

I thought she was talking about waxing or tweezering when I agreed she could have her eyebrows done. She meant piercing, and now she thinks I have gone back on my word and am making excuses.

Until she reaches the age where I legally have no choice, I would never give her permission to get facial piercings. Its not that I don't trust her to look after them or anything like that. Its that a lot of employers don't like them and I don't want to let her screw up her future.

Can you think of something I could offer her as a "sweetener"?

2007-09-17 12:02:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting


I have two beautiful kids 4 and 2 and pregnant with another, which i am so happy, but after sort of telling my mom, she was not happy at all, saying that i should not have 3 bec. 2 is hard and I should worry about them and there future.

She is also very sick and on alot of medication and chemo, i did not exactly tell her i was pregnant, but when her reaction was not what i had excepted, I dropped it.

I am very hurt and that fact that she will not be pleased when i actually do tell her. My husband and myself did plan this pregnancy so I do not know what to think.

The way I feel now is that I want to sell my house and move far away.

Any help out there? Thanks.

2007-09-17 12:00:36 · 4 answers · asked by GQ69 2 in Pregnancy

ok i live in a mostly white neighborhood, and i go to this magnent school and theres these group of guys that wont leave me alone, at first they were being funny and cute and said things like "hot chocolate" or call me "beyonce" but now its gotten to the point where i dont feel comforatble, i want them to leave me alone but their all older than me and i'm just some freshman chick i just want them to back off, i told one of them once to stop calling me stuff that my name is candice and he just laughed.
and once i was walking down the hall to class and one of them grabbed by butt and then i looked back he acted like it wasnt him and he didnt see nothin and once at lunch the same guy threw a french fry at me
hellllppp please, i dread going to school now
and dont tell me to tell the teacher or my parents that would be embarassing and they would think i was a slut or something,
shoudl i just try avoiding them in the halls

2007-09-17 11:48:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

i was thinking about having it in early to mid december because its the holiday season, my family will have more time off work and people will be shopping! but then i think about people going out of town and just giving people something to look forward to after the holiday hump....but thats the other thing. people will be getting over the holidays! so no money! which do you ladies think? a christmas shower or a new year shower? i'm due feb 22

2007-09-17 11:42:31 · 11 answers · asked by SOBUTIFUL 1 in Pregnancy

baby number four. I have three daughters Electra, Karrigan, and Rudy. And a son Darius. I need help choosing a name for the new edition that is coming soon. tell me what you think

Claudia Mckena Box
Macy Naudia Box
Marlena Neve Box
Maeve Ruby Box

Makin Calvert Box
Lander Collin Box
Deacon Coular Box
Samson Cary Box

2007-09-17 11:36:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

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