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Law & Ethics - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

She just went to the bar using a Drivers liscence that she found. The picture looks somewhat similar...same weight...eye color...etc...what can happen if she gets caught? $Fines$ >///Jail///?? how much of a fine?

2007-03-31 16:08:40 · 4 answers · asked by Jason 3

Hi, just wondering if you are25 getting outta jail on parole and ur gf is 20 with a clean record, could you go get an apartment with her???? if she agreed? Thanks alot, I need all info I can get!!

2007-03-31 16:05:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really want to move 2 months earlier than my lease states. I just found out my landlord owes almost a year's worth of association dues to our neighborhood. The claim has gone to an attorney. The cost of the dues was included in my rent. Am I justified in leaving since he really broke the contract (in my opinion)?

2007-03-31 16:02:02 · 6 answers · asked by Want to move! 2

2007-03-31 15:48:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have seen sites that sell human urine for "control samples" in at home drug tests. Are there any legal issues that one should worry about when trying to sell such samples? Shipping body fluids and selling samples that could be used illegally in drug tests are two primary concerns. Any thoughts would be helpful.

2007-03-31 15:45:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Hawaii resident. My Landlord gave me a verbal eviction.
Statting that I need to vacate permisses today 03/31/2007. As a tenant what is my legal rights?

2007-03-31 15:32:16 · 2 answers · asked by Honey-Girl A 1

I don't really want to sue but my family says I should sue for pain and suffering also for my hospital bills. If I don't sue then how can I petition for the city to fix the crack in the ground to where I got hurt so no one else will get hurt. I am a quiet person and I don't like to cause problems. Anyways any help would be great.

2007-03-31 15:27:51 · 8 answers · asked by kitty_loves_cuddles 3

Here is the Article:

Article 29.

(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.

(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

2007-03-31 15:24:31 · 4 answers · asked by niceasker 1

2007-03-31 15:23:54 · 16 answers · asked by fresh2 4

I feel both is important to me. Because many laws are based on morals.

2007-03-31 15:17:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know someone who commited an ARMED robbery, and he got 6 months in the county jail. He was always in trouble. But my other friend stole someone's purse with no weapon and got 8 months to 6 years. He was in a little trouble when he was younger and this was his first charge as an adult, and got sent up state. They both had a Public Defender, and seen the same Judge. How can the court system allow this. Is this Unfair? To me I think it is perjustice and I just want to know what everyone else thinks; and is it legal for a Judge to do this?

2007-03-31 15:16:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you can provide me examples of previous situations as well as the web page to found it I will appreciate it.

2007-03-31 14:59:01 · 4 answers · asked by berny 1


The penalty for theft - amputation of hands or feet

The penalty for adultery - stoning to death, 100 lashes

The role of women under Sharia - NO RIGHT basically. (men so imagine your sister getting maried under the sharia law)

Dress codes - must be covered at all times, sor women, only youe eyes can be seen.

Domestic punishments - to beat, strike, to hit. ""Strike" off their heads, "strike" off the very tips of their fingers!"

Freedom of speech - "Sharia does not allow freedom of speech on such matters as criticism of Muhammad. Such criticism is considered blasphemy against Muhammad. it leads to DEATH penalty."

Treatment of non-Muslims- they are distinctly second-class citizens .


2007-03-31 14:32:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i would like to attend dog grooming school, they offer loans bit you have to work that out with the lender, the school doesn't offer it directly. it it either privately or publicly. so i decided to go to fafsa.gov and do the government loan application. it is asking me for the month and year i became a legal resident. so i moved to colorado from texas in july of 2005. it is now april 2007. do i answer the question in the form of the month and year it became a year that i was here, or do i have to actually submit proof? please help

2007-03-31 14:29:22 · 8 answers · asked by kburgess612 1

2007-03-31 14:22:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

everybody can get weed but yet its illegal everywhere in the usa cept for medical its stupid im not saying im a stoner but im just curious.

2007-03-31 13:53:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are neighboor told us our renters have now 8 cars, and are parking them all over the place leaving and taking up the parking, even on the oppisite of the street. As a landlord what can I do to solve this issue and what are my rights?

2007-03-31 13:41:12 · 10 answers · asked by ck_abella 1

the bible says we must be christ like . dose christ drink allthe time? dose christ do every thing in the book , the bible says be ye holy for i am holy . what has happen to the cathilics i had a man tell me the other day if so and so go to mass all the time curse drank commit adultry smoke hes no better than me ?

2007-03-31 13:38:26 · 10 answers · asked by early 2

And they had been acting on your conversations by sending influential people into your lives and then decided to tap your husbands phone and framed him. I also have went to the police and they lied to me about it being tapped.....But it really is. Plus they spread information about my personal phone conversations all over. Would you sue?

2007-03-31 13:01:59 · 10 answers · asked by springer 1

this is very important to me i need this evidence for court. please help me!!!!

2007-03-31 13:00:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had the choice to help family members, or stuff them and pay a court fine that i did not deserve, did i do right?

see you when i get out


2007-03-31 12:36:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-31 11:46:42 · 3 answers · asked by shaq 1

2007-03-31 11:45:20 · 1 answers · asked by shaq 1

My papa owns a movie. His name is George Loughborough. It is called The Milpitas Monster and made in 1976. Papa's movie has a copyright. There are 4 versions. Well, 5 versions now. The people who stole it own the SUBSTANCE copyright. Why do people have to steal my family's movie? I'm soooooo sad. Papa paid for this movie and I do NOT want it stolen. Whoever took it, please stop selling it. I will NOT DEAL WITH PEOPLE STEALING THINGS FROM PAPA.What can I do to get papa's movie back? I really want to be known for SOMETHING. Please? some support?

2007-03-31 11:43:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-31 11:35:19 · 5 answers · asked by theantilib 4

2007-03-31 11:33:54 · 15 answers · asked by Nafertiti 2

Answer in a hurry, because this question has already been removed once.

2007-03-31 11:29:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

weather its a traffic ticket, slander, or bad service on my car. I would like someone to defend me?

2007-03-31 11:27:46 · 2 answers · asked by windstorm7219 2

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