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Cats - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

My cat turned 1 year old recently and has been acting VERY strange. He used to be the perfect little cat but yesterday he urinated ON MY BED. The smell was AWFUL. How can I stop him doing things like that? I don't feel safe having him in the house.
On Wednesday he ATE my guinea pig. He stuck his claws in and caught a baby guinea pig out of the cage. He has never tried to that before.
PS: He hasn't been to the vet before, neither is he desexed. He hates other cats and other people he isn't familiar with.

2006-12-01 10:11:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep trying to flush this cat down the toilet (long story; don't ask) but he keeps clawing and biting me. What gives???

2006-12-01 10:04:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i heard somewhere that i could sprinkle cayenne pepper around things that i want to keep my cat away from. is this true? or is it just a lost cause and she will go wherever she wants?

2006-12-01 09:58:39 · 15 answers · asked by J K 1

We reacived our kitten and he was doing great. He had a great ball of energy until one day i notice that there was blood from his bottom i wiped it up then i started to notice a white discharge from his butt. His poop is runny it is a almost like water. please help me. he is losing weight to but he is eating a lot. i have already tried to de-worm him and it didn't seem to help. Thank you

2006-12-01 09:39:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've had a few cats in my life, and I can say from experience that male cats are far more affectionate than the female ones. They loved it when I babied them and they were sort of like a momma's boy. They love to be around you...they get attached and they are super sweet. Female cats on the other hand like to be left alone more and are less playful. They are usually the serious ones while the male cats are the kittens at heart. I can say this doesn't apply to one or two female cats that I've had. Does anyone feel the same way?

2006-12-01 09:04:24 · 19 answers · asked by gothic_marionette 2

in a fight/ remember cats are faster, more agile, smarter, have better hunting instincts, stealthier, retractable claws, ability to climb trees, etc.

2006-12-01 08:54:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yeah okay! He totally ignores the post and goes right to the arm rests of my sofa and loveseat. He's leaving little raised bumps on them and my furinture is black vinyl. How can I have him stop doing that?? I've tried gently squeezing his paws so his claws would come out and put his paws on the post to scratch, but he only does that for a second.

2006-12-01 08:42:19 · 15 answers · asked by gothic_marionette 2

She now, no longer poops in her litter box. She pees in her litter box and poops along the wall and directly infront of the television which is a floor above her box. I'm getting sick of stepping out of my bedroom in the morning and directly into cat poop. Should we have her put down? And she's been in heat non stop for 3 straight months. We have tried to let her go out and mate but she is afraid to leave the house. Is that normal? She started pooping on the floor a year ago. She also jumps into the wall a lot. Is this a disease that we could get treatment for. Or are the symtoms so bizzar and weird that a diagnosis would cost 100 times the amount it would cost to have a vet put her down. What do you think?

2006-12-01 08:39:57 · 15 answers · asked by naphythespiffyone 3

Seems like this group is the most cattiest because of people giving thumbs down to others. I'm tired of it and wish Yahoo Answers would get rid of this altogether. I'm probably preaching to the choir so this is just venting. But don't you think the cat people here in Y!A are so catty? I have my favorite top 7 people who answer questions well here in this category and I think they should get cudos as deserved.

2006-12-01 08:30:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two kittens - one is perfectly litter trained and the other seems to prefer to wet on the floor despite me having several clean litter trays

2006-12-01 08:21:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

everyone hides them so I have to click them open. I hate the ratings and wish Yahoo would get rid of it that way no one can be discriminate ed so either the asker or the voters can decide for themselves. I would think an answer would be selected based on the most sound info, any way to prove the answers if they are difficult to substantiate such as with webpages, politeness and tact, etc. The cat groups is getting "catty" ...no pun intended.

2006-12-01 08:15:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, well I got of the school bus again to find the 4th abandon cat at our house. We've always had animals dropped off at our house, and have had 10 stray dogs!
This cat is unlike anyother though. She is jet black, with green eyes. She meaws constantly and we've fed her twice. To my suprise, her and my female dog got along instantly. She came to my dad last night, she jumped on the door and was clinging there when he found her.
The thing is, we just adopted a calico kitten and her and the stray cat (whom I am thinkin' about naming Misty) are NOT getting along. They hissed, and then they began some growling thing. I'm a dog person, but I would love to help this kitty. She looks healthy. But why is she meawing so much? And how can I help her and Cali our other kitty get along?
Also, my dad insits on letting her stay outside because she has THICK claws and a THICK coat. He says she may like it better out there since she's been out there for more than likley her entire life.

2006-12-01 08:09:47 · 10 answers · asked by Jessica 3

my cat has recently gone missing... she has been gone for around 3 days and she has never been out this long before. i am really worried about her and i hope she will be home this christmas, but what should i do?!

2006-12-01 08:08:07 · 9 answers · asked by .:Tenten:. 1

2006-12-01 07:58:37 · 20 answers · asked by AJ D 1

I got a 8 week old female kitten & currently have a 3 yr. old male cat. I have heard stories about male cats attacking female kittens. My cat will run up to my kitten when she is playing & will watch her & follow her. Today he started licking her. His he trying to to attack her?

2006-12-01 07:16:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 10 month old kitten has been living with us for about 3 weeks now, he's very curious and loving, but he will NOT stop climbing our christmas tree. I know someone asked about this a couple minutes ago, but our cat has an obsession with this tree. He will NOT get out! HELP! He's even tipping it over!

2006-12-01 07:03:10 · 16 answers · asked by Lindsay 2

My siamese cat is 1 yr old he loves to hunt but the problem is he brings in snakes, lizards, birds anything he can hunt and brings these things through the doggie door I don't want to close the doggie door . What can I do to stop him from doing this?

2006-12-01 06:56:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there laws that you cannot take pet cats to Hawaii?

2006-12-01 06:52:07 · 9 answers · asked by theshiningstarz 1

I have 2 cats... both about 7-8 months old. 1 is an all black cat who loves going outside for hours and makes his way in when he wants. The other is a tabby cat and he used to be ok with going outside and playing with his "brother" but now he seems scared to go out or even leave the deck area for too long. 1 minute he's out and then the next minute he wants to go back in. He needs to be outside so he doesn't ruin the house, he's already going to the bathroom in weird places even though he knows how to use the litter box and is tear pieces of wall paper off the wall and just makes a mess of anything he can get his hands on. How do I get this little guy to feel comfortable with going outside again? He used to be fine and maybe got scared by another cat in the area or something but he needs to go out and get some of this energy out of his system. HELP!

2006-12-01 06:49:10 · 5 answers · asked by Jeff L 2

I use the aerosol spray for training purposes, but the odor of it is offensive to my family. Is there any way to keep the cat from wanting to climb up my tree? I want to be humane so whatever works that way, I will try. She knocks the tree down every time thus breaking ornaments, etc. I want to keep both my cat and the artificial tree in the house. Please give me "humane" suggestions.

2006-12-01 06:48:28 · 12 answers · asked by Sammy Jo 1

We have the chance to get a 10 mth olc cat for your daughter, it has not been nutured or had any vaccinations yet, as i have never had a cat before is this normal. It is a boy cat who seems abit reserved but my daughter has fallen in love with him. We have been thinking about getting a cat for a white so its not a xmas thing.

2006-12-01 06:45:57 · 19 answers · asked by theresa 1

I love my baby, but I know hes teething. He's really sweet, So i was able to look in his mouth and sure enough, hes got lots of teeth coming in. He's started playing rough, and biting (fingers, elbows, toes) but then licking where hes bitten, like he doesn't mean it.

What can I do to help him? Seems like hes in pain.

Also, he's a larger cat (like a tom cat) so it's starting to knock the wind out of me when he pounces! Is there any way to calm him down some, especially at night? Thanks!

2006-12-01 06:43:38 · 7 answers · asked by m0o p!e 3

We have a small tabby cat who was the runt in his litter. Honestly, it seems like the cat is mentally ill. (As cruel as that sounds to call a little kitty.)

He sprays all over the house & never uses the litter box. For the first few weeks he lived at our home he alwaysed used the litter box though.

So my family wants to get rid of the cat now that we can't control him.. Yet nobody in town will take him and the pound is overfull of pets. So the only other option is to put him down, cus leaving him out in some random forest is just cruel.


2006-12-01 06:38:17 · 15 answers · asked by That cool kid 1

2006-12-01 06:34:53 · 8 answers · asked by hi 1

Who is a cat lover on here?

2006-12-01 05:56:55 · 18 answers · asked by christian c 1

2006-12-01 05:48:48 · 12 answers · asked by vera lynn 2

I took sunny to the vet yesterday, she has conjectiveitus (Sp for sure.) They did tests on her eyes and came to the conclusion of this virus. I have ointment to put on each eye three times a day. This morning she is very lathargic, and when I picked her up she felt very warm. I put the med in her eyes and she went to lie down. My friend told me to feel the insides of her ears to see if she has a fever. The insides of her ears are VERY warm, so are her paws. I brought her water dish to her, she wasn't interested. I called the vet, and they said to bring her in tomorrow if she is the same. The woman at the vets' office said I can try to give her a baby asprin (1mm per pound). I don't have baby asprin here, but I'll go into the snowstorm outside and get some (I live south of chicago). What should I do? How can I take her temp? (Please don't say rectally! Neither one of us will like that! LOL!) I've never had a sick cat before, I am very worried. I just want to cuddle her.

2006-12-01 05:23:15 · 15 answers · asked by misskenjr 5

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