Do not give her regular aspirin. 80mg (baby aspirin) broken in small pieces, so as to get the 1mg per pound. Regular aspirin is way too potent and will kill the cat. In fact, if the woman at the vet's office was not a veterinarian, I would not heed that advice.
Push the fluids. You can try added chicken broth to the water, or just get a clean eye dropper and putting the end into the side pocket of her mouth. She can also get fluids through eating wet food. Warming the wet food would make it more appetizing to eat, also makes it stink more :P
Getting a rectal temperature from a cat is not that hard if you have a digital thermometer, and a person to help you. Digital thermometers have a small tip, which only needs to be inserted a few millimeters. Use KY or petroleum jelly to lubricate the tip, and gently insert the thermometer. Having someone else hold the cat or distract her by blowing in her face, or petting and rubbing her helps.
2006-12-01 05:47:41
answer #1
answered by robin 2
First take a deep breath and realize how lucky both you and your cat are to have each other. If you talked to the vet and they said to wait a day and see what happens, then listen to them. She may be distressed over going to the vet and getting the medicine put in her eyes which could be causing her to feel overly warm. Cat's natural temperature is much warmer than humans also, a range from 100.5 to 102.5.
She might not be thirsty right now. Try giving her a special treat like tuna that comes canned with water. This will both hydrate and give nutrition to the cat. If you don't have any on hand, I guess you could get it when you go out to get the baby aspirin. (Snow storms stink, don't they? I live near Buffalo, I am familiar with them)
As for taking her temperature, the info I could find on that said it shouldn't be attempted solo, or by inexperienced individuals, and must unfortunatley be done rectally. So I would skip that and just keep a close eye on her and call the vet if she is not any better tomorrow.
2006-12-01 05:46:43
answer #2
answered by Schnibbs 2
I'm just so against using aspirin with cats. It can damage their livers irreparable even in small doses. It won't do anything for her unless she has a fever and till you decide to determine that as instructed by other posters don't give her any aspirin.
Vets prescribe a baby aspirin every THREE days for old cats with arthritis so I don't think that her having it now is going to help much anyway and daily dosage, even a small one, could do great harm. Save the boots and snow chains for another vet trip if that seems indicated - not to get aspirin for her.
I am upset that "the woman at the vet's office" suggested the aspirin to you. That is extremely unprofessional of her as she is not qualified to make that recommendation.
If you find she has a fever and you insist on giving aspirin another poster suggested one-half of an adult aspirin and that is too much IMO. A quarter might even be an overdose. Tylenol, Alleve, Motrin or any of those products humans use is even worse for cats than aspirin. I just woudn't mess around with it at all.
2006-12-01 05:56:14
answer #3
answered by old cat lady 7
How can I tell if my pet has a fever?
The normal body temperature of a cat at rest is 99 to 102¦F. If your pet is acting sluggish or depressed, is reluctant to eat or move around, is panting or breathing rapidly, or feels warm to the touch, it is exhibiting symptoms of a fever. The most accurate method of determining whether an animal has a fever is to use a rectal thermometer.
As with taking the temperature of an infant, the thermometer should be shaken, lubricated with petroleum jelly, and inserted about two inches into the rectum. It is helpful to have someone hold and distract your pet while its temperature is being taken. Care should be taken not to force the thermometer as you may perforate the intestine.
If the reading is above 102.5¦F, you should contact your veterinarian. A temperature of 105¦F or more will require an emergency visit to a veterinarian. If the pet holds a temperature above 106¦F for very long, it could suffer serious adverse effects, including permanent brain damage and death.
2006-12-01 05:36:05
answer #4
answered by BVC_asst 5
Don't ever give a cat aspirin. It is highly toxic to cats. Unless you have one of the thermometers that you can use in her ear (they use them for people, but you can use it for cats too, and it's pretty accurate) probably the only way to really get a temp is rectally. It's true neither of you will like it, but you really need an answer for this. The best thing would be to get her to a vet a.s.a.p.
2006-12-02 07:50:46
answer #5
answered by nomoregames47 2
To get her to drink water maybe try to give her water with an (clean, obviously) eye dropper in the side of her mouth. Keep pushing the water. Perhaps the cat also has a virus or something as well.
Rectally is probably the only option to take her temp... sorry but it's the unfortunate truth... unless the vet has some other way.
I hope the cat gets better soon, good luck.
2006-12-01 05:30:46
answer #6
answered by Somanyquestions,solittletime 5
Your cat has a temperature which means she has infection in her body. Rectally is the best way to get an accurate temperature. Put on a latex glove, put some lubricant, minareal oil, vaseline etc. on the bulb of the thermometer. You may need help to wrap the cat in a towel to avoid getting scratched or bitten. This small thermometer will not hurt the cats anus. A cats healthy temperature is around 101.5f Don't consider a cat feverish until its temperature is over 102.6. Just leave the thermometer in the cats anus and hold it there for about one minute, then withdraw, wipe and read it against the scale.
2006-12-01 05:56:18
answer #7
answered by redbass 4
The other answers are pretty much on target. If you have pedialyte or gatorade you can give her that. If the temp isn't high I would just let the fever run it's course though as it is her body's way of fighting off the infection anyway. I wouldn't however cuddle her just leave her be except to give her some pedialyte or water. And you may have to hold her by the scruff of the neck to get it down her neck.
2006-12-01 05:41:38
answer #8
answered by dakittenizcozmic 2
I would do as the vet says if you can. If you dont have the baby asprin, then take note of what you do have in the house and call your vet back and ask the recommended dosage. I am sad to say that rectally is basically the only way to take the temp. Unless you have the ones that go in the ear, it may be a few degrees off, but you will have an estimated temp.
Just try to make her as comfortable as you can and keep a close eye on her. Be sure to take her back to the vet if she is still ill by tomorrow.
Check her gums, this is a good way of seeing if she is sick. They should be bright pink in color...if they are whited out, then you have a problem.
2006-12-01 05:32:08
answer #9
answered by Casey B 4
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