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Marriage & Divorce - 27 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I'm 24, I'm not the only one am I?

2007-12-27 06:36:26 · 33 answers · asked by Lynzy 5

I want so much to have him right now, but of course I can't since he is in jail, and I would never ever cheat on him. Help!!! What do I do. I don't know when he is going to get out

2007-12-27 06:33:00 · 15 answers · asked by Lulu 3

how come I get really good feels like climax when i masterbate or have sexual dreams and I dont get that feeling with husband maybe i dont get very high climax??!! can anything help!

2007-12-27 06:32:13 · 13 answers · asked by Candace Kuviak 1

if you were expecting them home at a certain time..and they didn't show up till 3 hours later..and you asked..''where were you'' ?..and they gave you that whats it to ya look and said.. ''don't worry about it''

2007-12-27 06:26:30 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi i have been married for 4 years, i think that my husband might be cheating on me, i wanted to know if there is a way to read his e- mails and find out if he has any dateing sits, he has cheated on me in the past, i for gave him because he is my son's father but if i find out that he is again its over, so my question is, is there a way for me to read his e-emails?

2007-12-27 06:20:38 · 52 answers · asked by NENA82 1

I'm 18 yrs old for about a week now my father has been ganging up on me, he calls me stupid, idiot and that i'll fail in life. i never get n2 trouble and i don't curse at any of my parents. and he says i don't honor him, define honor 4 me please.

2007-12-27 06:17:55 · 28 answers · asked by mott08 1

We got married when we were 19, were married for 4 years. We got divorced and I moved back to our hometown. We have been talking about getting back together I just dont want to get hurt again!

2007-12-27 06:17:43 · 20 answers · asked by scionsteve2005 1

because he doesn't show me any affection or attention, he say's he loves me, but he doesn't show it and I don't feel loved. We don't go out together on date's or spend quality time with each other, I feel lonely, even when he's around, he can spend the whole evening and night not saying one word to me. I've talked to him about my feelings so many times and the conversation always ends with me crying myself to sleep. I have asked him if he's truly happy and he says he is, but I'm not! I do love him and want to be with him, if he would change. I sometimes wonder if I should just live this way, the rest of my life, or get a divorce. I would rather be lonely and not married, than lonely and married! At least that way there would be a chance of meeting someone new. I want someone to cherish me and think I'm wonderful. I know there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, that's not what I want, I just want to feel loved!

2007-12-27 06:17:42 · 17 answers · asked by DINO 1

he stopped looking @ them since we started going out together(something he said won't needed no more) I dont like that type of things. but reacently my husband got fired at his job, one of the reason they gived him was, because he looked at womens pics in netscape,we work it out,he promise no't do anything like that againg, and just couple days ago he was looking on one of those MAXIM magazine @ a friend house saying that's not porn,and tha's is normal once a while cause others married man does! so we all know what's in this f.... magazine....this time I'm want out. what can i do?

2007-12-27 06:14:57 · 12 answers · asked by yeibe 2

The past couple of months have been hell in my marriage. My husband stopped working. He doesnt help out with the cleaning, financially, or emotionaly. He only helps me with the kids really. He hangs out with these losers down the street who just drink, smoke, and dont work. He disrespects me in front of everyone. I am so stressed out with work. I work 8 hours a day and will be taking a state test to get licensed for the field of work that I do. I have been trying to study and I never have time. I get home to cook, clean, take care of kids, and study. All he does is tell me how lazy I am. He doesnt even care if I lose my job. People tell me to make him work for the family because he is the man. I feel that I cant stand his arrogant way of being anymore. I cry because I love him but I cant stand him. I cant leave him because its my home. I pay the bills so I feel he should leave. I noticed he's become more of a jerk. Should I leave or can we save this relationship? Or doesnt he love me

2007-12-27 06:11:43 · 12 answers · asked by cocoa 4

In your experience, what works and what doesn't work when trying to devise a plan to share the bills and manage money in the household?
What do most people think about both spouses contributing an equal % of their salaries into a joint account, used for household bills and groceries etc. and keeping the remainder in a personal account for personal expenditures such as clothing etc?
Those who've been married for years please tell me what works best!

2007-12-27 06:09:24 · 15 answers · asked by Jada 1

We are currently separated, and I live in the house that we bought together. Both of our names are on the deed and the loan. Can I make him pay half of the mortgage payment while I am living in the house since, legally, the house is still half his? The house is on the market, and I can't afford to keep up the payments and the upkeep by myself.
Mature answers only please!

2007-12-27 05:52:43 · 13 answers · asked by takemymulligan 4

Well my story is about 5 years long but I'll try to make it as short as possible. My baby daddy and I have 2 kids that he is claiming. He says that my daughter with Downs isn't his. Reason is that after much verbal, physical, and emotional abuse from him, he ended up sleeping with my friend. I did the same **** (stupid), and ended up pregnant. Anyways, there is a chance that my daughter is his. My friend also got pregnant from my baby daddy. Anyways, we supposedly broke up 3 years ago because of that, however I was still there for him for everything. I mean everything to the point that if it was my last dollar he could have it, I took care of his 3 kids from another mother, gave him everything, even his last son. Now I find out he has been ******* every girl that I know and still talking to the ***** that was my friend. I've endured alot such as insults, having guns pulled on me, embarassment in front of other women, etc. I'm just depressed that I wasn't enough, help please!

2007-12-27 05:52:21 · 14 answers · asked by 2cute4u 1

My husband and I have been married for almost 2 years. He is kind, attractive and I love him with all my heart. About 6 months ago, our sex life came to a halt. I love him, I think he is sexy but I am just too tired. His work schedule allows him to be off 3-5 days a week but mine is Monday-Friday 8-5 plus i am in school full time. When I get home, I usually have to hurry right back out to class or do homework. Either way, I am always exhausted and just cannot get in the mood.

I know I am hurting him. Most women are juggling jobs, marriages, and many other responsibilities. If anyone has found an answer to this problem, please help me. Serious answers only!

2007-12-27 05:47:44 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was going thru my hubbys phone last night he has a sidekick so I use it for the net sometimes. Well I came across a couple of textes to his friend asking him "where the hoes at" and :Let me holla at one of them" and "send me a pic". Plus he has numbers with no names under the call log that he talks to for like 5-10 mins at a time, but the numbers aren't saved.
We just had a baby 7 weeks ago and personally I can't deal with cheating I think its the most degrading thing someone can do to another person.
His response: Its not like that I didn't even talk to them, etc.
He went to work last night and came home and tried to make up and as his wife I kinda gave in. But I lost all trust in him, and dont want my little boy to grow up like his dad. I told him I dont want to break up our family we worked so hard to have but right now I can't even look at him with out crying. Any advice??He says he hasn't cheated it was all talk. But isn't talking cheating too....HELP!!!!

2007-12-27 05:47:16 · 15 answers · asked by ERICKSMAMA 5

How do I get my new husband to help more around the house? We have been together for 8 years (married 4mo.) and it has always been me doing the housework. We both work full time & he gets home before me by 3 hours. Every night I come home to a sink full of dishes, laundry and no dinner. Sometimes he is asleep on the couch!! I get home at 6, do the dishes and cook dinner EVERY night and I don't sit down till 8 or 9. I understand he is tired, but so am I! I feel like I should not have to ask, that we should both carry the housework evenly. I am starting to get annoyed and taken for granted.

2007-12-27 05:35:35 · 50 answers · asked by RED CHIC 2

What would you do if your fiancé had a myspace account and this girl contacted you stating that they have been dating for as long as you have been going out? What if you knew this girl and that they were dating however you didn’t know that it wasn’t over. What would you do if you and your fiancé provided each other with passwords to each others email accounts and then you found an email that stated this;

“Moving forward, can you write to me at blah blah address as she has obtained the password to this account and I'd like to be able to continue being honest with you rather than filtering the things I say for fear of her reading them.

Christmas was quiet. I'll tell you the rest of the story (including the blog thing) on the other email account. Write me there when you have a moment. it's more of the same insanity. That said, I'm off to CA this weekend to spend New Year's with her. Again, I'll tell you about it in my next email.”

He made me it sound like the girl was insane and stalking him, she obtained my password, he gave it to her. Then he stated he meant for the girl to see the email, however when she went in earlier the email wasn’t there. It just so happened that she stumbled across it.

Given this recent email story and the one where an ex girlfriend called you and she seemed very hurt and honest, what would you do?

Only serious responses !!!!

2007-12-27 05:21:45 · 16 answers · asked by ################################ 2

two couples together heavy petting no penetration (first time for one couple, other couple has been part of lifestyle for much longer)....first time woman has had enough...ready to head off to sleep. In front of all four she tells her husband if he stays behind, not to stay too long because he can come to bed and she will *take care of him*. She leaves, falls asleep, he comes up later and confesses that he had intercourse with the other woman after she left. What do you think? Too bad, so sad because that's the nature of the swinging lifestyle? Not enough communication? Husband took advantage of situation, and ignored the implied but not spelled out rule?

2007-12-27 05:20:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 25, and a couple of years ago I would say that I had a great sex drive, now I feel like it is totally gone. I could care less if I had sex or not. Even when my husband gets me to agree I hardly enjoy it. I just wanted to know if there was anything like vitamins or something that you can take to try and help because I feel horrible for my husband and in my head I want to have sex with him but have no desire too. Someone help????

2007-12-27 05:16:07 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

what I mean is, having sex in the dark rather than the light, or not wanting to shower together, or never wanting to talk about anything remotely about being naked or having sex, or being naked long enough to put more clothes on.

2007-12-27 05:12:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I find myself making up stories even. It`s crazy. I have had a very tohgh life, I really don`t need to make things up or to lie. Yet I find myself on the verdge of loosing my soul mate, not being able to stop.Yes I am Bipolar have known pretty much all my life.Please addvice I could really use , now more than ever!

2007-12-27 05:10:17 · 13 answers · asked by Penny R 1

i cannot help my flatulence. i eat alot of cruciferous veggies, and my husband has almost vomited at times due to the stench. this is not a joke, as he is threatening to leave the marriage. i have tried everything available including "Beano" please help and fast.

2007-12-27 05:00:37 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Husband is self-employed, and work has been slow during the holidays. His business depends on getting an appointment with the business owner of different companies. In late October, he had some business where he says he made $1500. However, the money never showed up in the bank, and he insists that the business has been pending due to applications that were not filled out correctly. He says he has to track the people down to get the apps corrected. Well, the apps were "corrected" last Thursday, but the money still hasn't showed up in our account yet. It was supposed to be there Monday. We really need the money due to our new mortgage payment and can't live off of my income alone. I'm starting to think he's lying. Do you think he's lying and what should I do? Should I accuse him of lying?

2007-12-27 04:59:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

ll time i have to do everything cook clean and put up with his moaning tele loud machine making noise etc fed up shall i leave him he retires soon have it all time then

2007-12-27 04:51:51 · 45 answers · asked by spurs 1

How do I get out of this marriage? We both want the divorce. I filed and he answered all late and wrong. Now he is in Iraq and we already don't communicate. I just want it over. Any others going through this? The judge just ordered my default non-valid. The law protects soldiers from any civil cases including divorce. Does anyone know of a good lawyer that can get me out of this? Are there any loopholes? I don't want to be legally tied to this person. How do I get out?!!!!??? Serious answers please.

2007-12-27 04:51:25 · 9 answers · asked by new life abundant 2

I have tried getting her every type of broom, etc but she says that it's difficult coz she lost her legs and I am like, "Sweety, you lost your legs and not your hands." If she wants to stay in this marriage, then she has to contribute somehow. She is not working to feed her mouth, she doesn't do housework, and so on. And I am tired of having to take her to the washroom and hold her while she does her smelly disgusting business and opening doors for her and ...

Should I divorce and dump her? I will not do that right away coz I don't like sleeping alone (coz i m scared of sleeping alone at night and i work during the day, so have 2 sleep at night) until i find a woman with sexy legs. i really love her and that's y i m struggling with the "To dump or not do dump" thing. Also she and her family don't have much but i have spent over a hundred thousand dollars on this useless thing's medical bills alone but will I be able to successfully sue her and her family for the medical bills,

2007-12-27 04:48:12 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im not quite sure why this happens but everytime my boyfriend and I get with his family they make a comment about his friends being married and with kidsand imply that why aren't we married yet. and how much they want to be grandparents!! Now I am 20 years old and he is 27, we have been dating for 2 years. I am not looking to get married right now I would love to but not til after I finish school. My question is what is the big deal about him and I not being married with his family. We don't live with each other, We don't have any kids . Could someone help me understand why? I don't know if I should ever say anything. All I can ever do is just sit there and smile because I feel that is all I really can do cuz it isn't my family its his.

2007-12-27 04:45:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous