I want to divorce my husband because he pays my daughter (3 yrs. old) and I only negative attention, doesn't help with house work or childcare, and lies about money. He is also a recovering alcoholic who promised he'd stay in counseling, and that didn't happen. He is never affectionate, does not parent, runs away from it, and is just plain irresponsible, leaving me to work my full time job, clean house, take care of our daughter, do all financial tasks, etc., everything but wipe his butt.He has burnt bridges with my family who had offered him work doing carpentry at $40/hr. under the table, blew them off and never called people back after making promises and he's burnt my inlaws by borrowing a ton of cash.My credit is crap now, and has been mentally abusive.My daughter is displaying angry behavior at school like that at home when her father is home.Her teachers and I are working hard to help her through her feelings safely and responsibly.Our mortgage is jumping from $2000 to $2300/mo
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