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Marriage & Divorce - 28 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

a friend of mine is having his child supports modified for a child he has been supporting since birth. The child is now 18 yrs. old and is inthe 10th grade so the mother now wants more money even though for a year the chid lived with the father and continued to make child support payments to the mother.What can he do to prevent this from happening.He is also paying child support to his ex-wife for thier two children?

2006-11-28 08:45:57 · 2 answers · asked by wb2005@sbcglobal.net 1

Is a wife legally responsible for her husbands child support arrearage?

2006-11-28 08:45:32 · 2 answers · asked by stella 2

She hit me on the back of the head while I was eating my eggs. No warning - just BANG! It didn't break the skin but it hurt like a mother. She said a whole bunch of sh*t in Spanish but I have no idea what it was. She was really angry about something. I want to call the cops so she gets the picture, but my wife doesn't want her mother to get arrested. My wife couldn't get an explanation from her either. Maybe that's how they do it in Mexico, but not here. Should I call the cops and file a report? That was at eight this morning and my head is still throbbing. What a psycho! God...I wish they would deport this woman.

2006-11-28 08:45:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband was injured durning combat and is having a real difficult time...it sometimes feels that my love for him and the love of our kids arent enough to help him heal...does anyone have any ideas besides couseling? thanks

2006-11-28 08:44:39 · 15 answers · asked by truthgrl 2

We are seperated because it was what she wanted (grass was greener). Now it is a seesaw of come back, we are through. Is this normal? Her life has taken a down turn since I left.

2006-11-28 08:38:55 · 9 answers · asked by Johnboy 3

its ok right not to get a ring? i dont want to rush things

2006-11-28 08:38:48 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think my husband may be talking to another women. Id like to check his cell phone call history but it is a work provided phone so I dont have access to the phone records i asked that he let me see them once before when i was suspicous and I did find a number a someone he did have an affair with(different women). Can anyone help?

2006-11-28 08:38:20 · 19 answers · asked by lnay05 1

nov. 26 was our fourth anniversary, and i found pornography downloaded on his computer. this is the second time. and he doesn't do any of those things with me.

2006-11-28 08:37:11 · 26 answers · asked by reames79 1

I read a case about a woman who separated from her husband who got herself knocked up while they were separated and then later divorced. Because they were still married at the time she got pregnant, California law made it an irrebuttable presumption that the ex-husband was the father. That meant that he had to pay child support.

Except, the baby wasn't his. He was white. His wife was white. The baby was black. But under the law, even though DNA testing proved conclusively that he was NOT the father, the court said he was.

Has the law gone berzerk? And are most of the women out there as greedy and self-centered as the woman who wrote this piece? She seems to think that a man who has done nothing wrong (not cheated on his wife, honored the marriage commitment) should simply accept it when his wife cheats and has children with other men.

What do you think?


2006-11-28 08:36:58 · 6 answers · asked by A_Patriot 2

I have tried three years in a row. They are nasty , they rude, they are crudy. I have spent three horrible Christmas Eve's and refused to suffer thur Christmas Dinner with them. It was so bad my daughter came up on Christmas Eve night and apolized for their behavior. It has only gotten slightly better the next year. I am tired of being treated like I have no feelings. I watched these two for years before the divorce paw each other I do not want to watch it now. But if I don't show up the girls are mad at me. What can I do. I loved having the family together, but it is at my emotional expense and I just can't take it anymore.

2006-11-28 08:35:27 · 5 answers · asked by springer 3

My family says I am bring cruel to do this. I want my boys to get a job after school and on the weekend. One has a clubbed foot and my companies insurance will pay for it. I want to fix is so that he can work...otherwise paying the deductible would not be worth it. what do you think?

2006-11-28 08:33:51 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I had our first child at age 16, got pregnant again at 19 and got married before our second child was born. We are now 23 years old. He is in the army and when he got back from deployment we had talked about having a third child. Then, he decided he didn't want to and before I got back on birth control we were already pregnant. He was happy at first, but then decided he doesn't want the baby. I am now 3.5 months pregnant and he is making our family life miserable. I think he resents me for being pregnant. What do I do to make things better?

2006-11-28 08:32:33 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

Currently divorcing my 2nd violent husband, I'm beginning to believe that all men are untrustworthy, and violent. I'm left with 4 beautiful children, true, but also have a broken heart. Any tips to make me feel better?

2006-11-28 08:31:54 · 17 answers · asked by queen_bee 1

My husband jacks off sometimes, is that normal? I mean I know he loves me, thinks I'm beautiful and everything like that but why does he jack off. Does he just need something different sometimes cuz I'm always wanting him so much or what? I don't mind it, its just why jack off when he has a woman willing whenever he wants. I thought guys just did that when they didn't have a girl.

2006-11-28 08:26:59 · 43 answers · asked by Jenny 6

I have a really good girlfriend that got married in April (but has been with her husband for almost 9 years) She is also 7 months prgenant. They own a hose together and have for te last 5 yrs.... her parents have put a lot of work into their house with upgrades and she thinks that her husband has a drug problem. Now she says that they fight all the time and neither of them are happy. They hardly talk to each other and she wants out but won't leave because she doesn't want him to get anything form the profit of the house. She calls me crying all the time, I don't know what to say to her... any suggetions or has anyone been thorogh something like this?

2006-11-28 08:21:26 · 12 answers · asked by laydenirvine 4

You made her chain too long...lol...

sorry just having a laugh...;0)

2006-11-28 08:19:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband has his own landscaping/snowplowing business, but I believe he is finished cutting grass and now he is waiting for the snow to come. In the meantime, should I mention to him about getting a job in the in-between time or just sit back and wait to see what he has planned?

2006-11-28 08:19:05 · 26 answers · asked by stella 2

I`m a divorced mother, having a new reelationship, but I work a lot, and also trying to get my University Degree, he is a relly good guy and I love him very much but the routine is killing us... give me some ideas to get rid of it and bring our beutiful relationship back!

2006-11-28 08:16:07 · 11 answers · asked by lobita 2

Lasy May I remet someone I knew from highschool...we started dating and then got married in August...only 3 months after we got married..he convinced me that we should get married before he leaves for Iraq. He is in Iraq right now and recently I met someone who makes me feel better than he ever has. I am confused as to what I should do.

2006-11-28 08:15:29 · 29 answers · asked by Confused 1

i need a clever image to put on my boyfriends divorce cake....he was married to the worst that there is...so we want a real good one..Thanks!

2006-11-28 08:09:34 · 17 answers · asked by Trinity 2

He has gained weight and doesn't seem as interested in sex. He is working out, but it seems like he is obsessed with looking good. I wish he wouldn't be so hard on himself...

2006-11-28 08:08:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay now, this truely is a serious question. My wife has a fantasy about having sex with several men one after another. She keeps bringing this up to me about wanting to be blindfolded, and having me bring in 3 or 4 different guys to have intercourse with her...without her knowing who they are. I've done a good bit of checking around (for health and descreetion purposes) and I've even asked her if she's sure she would want to go through with it.... she still says she wants to. The only thing like this we've ever done close to this is I've fixed her up with a fella she met online once and we both found it pretty exciting plus she had the time of her life sexually.
I've found 3 suitable prospects after much searching so the question is: Should I give her this fantasy and how can I keep her safe while it's going on?

2006-11-28 08:07:45 · 13 answers · asked by open_phunguy 3

My wife came home and took off her panties. Something she never does. For whatever reason I happened to look in the basket and something was odd that caught my eye. They had a GLOB of stuff in them. Stuff that looked, smelled and felt like semen. Yeah I touched it and smelled it. I was flabbergasted and mad as you can imagine. Having an explosive temper that I'm trying to control, I did not confront her, then. Trying to develop trust and letting my mind be creative as to the possible causes I let it drift to my subconscious. And I truly wanted another possibility other than the ugly one. Fellas I know how we think and I know how most would react, I have since confronted her and of course she has denied the possibility of ever done the unthinkable. But I am now at a trust crossroads. I need some objective feedback. I know that women have an occasional discharge, for her to absolutely deny the things that I saw and experienced makes me more suspicious than just a weak excuse

2006-11-28 07:59:16 · 31 answers · asked by Cee 1

It has been about 2 weeks now since I broke it off. I just want some feedback from some people because my friends and family have been telling me that its no big deal.

2006-11-28 07:57:19 · 25 answers · asked by Ed A 1

if your husband was in prison for a long time is it wrong to go out with other guys that are only friends?

2006-11-28 07:56:46 · 3 answers · asked by mz.honey 1

2006-11-28 07:52:24 · 25 answers · asked by ellis4655@sbcglobal.net 2


im 27 and my wife 22, we have been together for about 5 years, is it a bad idea for her to go out with me to a strip club?????????

2006-11-28 07:46:29 · 15 answers · asked by caragon27 1

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