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Marriage & Divorce - 14 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

2006-11-14 03:38:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my computer wont click on links it happened a few months ago went back to normal now its back again i cant click on things like music videos. when it happened before my dad went mad and started shouting etc i darent tell him again i only use the computer most of the time, i accidently went on porn sites months ago so iam scared his gona find out how can i stop this happening?

2006-11-14 03:37:37 · 20 answers · asked by nicky.x 3

Well me and my husband have been married for a year and a half now and my husband still isn't passionate. I mean he don't like kissing he don't like hugging he don't like spending time with me. I know he isn't messing around. He just don't make me feel special anymore. Every since I have been pregnant it seems like he wants to stay away from me. I don't understand. I thought sometimes a person is suppose to compromise on somethings even if it is somethings that you don't agree with. Sometimes I wonder if my husband is really happy with me. I don't feel it now. I feel like I am just a romate. Do you think that it is just my hormones?

2006-11-14 03:37:00 · 5 answers · asked by Andrea 1

Women out live men by seven or more years. Half of all married women will outlive their husbands by 15 years. Many women have no ideal where the family money is.

Are you prepared to become a widow?

2006-11-14 03:32:41 · 8 answers · asked by Lee 4

back he just wants to go to divorce and not even try talk nothing.

2006-11-14 03:31:27 · 18 answers · asked by tiger 4

In a secular marriage the only purpose of marriage is a legal contract which only comes into force when you divorce.

Isn't it pointless to base a marriage on that unless your intended spouse is a lot richer than you and you plan to relieve them of some of their wealth?

2006-11-14 03:24:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

This ruins my end of things and this is a new development we have been together 13 years. is he cheating on me or just not attracted to me anymore? Am i destined to be alone now this sucks.

2006-11-14 03:22:57 · 20 answers · asked by korina s 1

And constantly ask questions about their long penis...and how great it is...! That is so annoying! Who else is sick of this childish crap?

2006-11-14 03:07:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I have been married for a little over a year at this point. We have a fantastic baby girl whom is seven months old. We own a home and a condo on the beach. I do not work...I am a stay at home mom. I am not on the mortgage of either home but am on the deeds to both. I have not worked since before we were married due to physical problems in my pregnancy. I am willing and able to work now...husband does not want me to.
If we split ... (we are in counseling but its not helping to much at the moment) ... how will everything be spilt between us? We live in KY.

Thank you

2006-11-14 03:04:02 · 12 answers · asked by *Erin* 2

my girlfriend has asked me to move in with her at the end of january, and she has also told me she wants to start a family, we are really good together and feel like we have known each other for years, the thing is we have only been together for 4 months yet ive propossed to her already and she said yes. we both have very good jobs too. answers please

2006-11-14 03:02:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

She left me to reinvent herself with her lifecoach/lover. I am still paying the mortgage, living in another state with relatives. I am broke as a joke. She called twice last night between2 and 3 and has call 8 times this morning. I haven't answered any of her calls, because they usually end up in a fight or dredge up the pain. Why the eff is she doing this?!

2006-11-14 03:01:29 · 6 answers · asked by Johnboy 3

Friday my husband's sister told me that he cheated on me about a week after we started dating with one of her friends. She doesnt know if they had sex or not, but the girls bra was off. so something definitely happened. I'm not upset about the fact that this may be true. I'd only met him twice and was barely dating. The part that upsets me is when i asked my husband if it was true he got furious that i would believe it. He eventually denied it, after i asked him why he wasnt denying it. I don't think his sister would make something up like this. What should i do? Just leave it alone. Since at the time it really didnt matter? Or keep worrying myself sick over it.I really just dont know what to do.

2006-11-14 03:01:24 · 8 answers · asked by uh_huh_ok_wassup_shutup 2

I spoke with my x-gal after a two month of not talking because we had an arguement. She told me what I did wrong and why she broke it off. She still thinks about me but she does not want to be friends. Is she telling me to get lost or is she punishing me for screwing up?

2006-11-14 02:59:38 · 25 answers · asked by volkswagenf 1

Well me and my Husband have been together for 2 years and married for 3 months and he wants to bring another girl in our bed. He promises he would just watch and there would be no penis penatraion. Should I trust him? He said he has wanted to do that his while life and he is 41 now and he wants to do it before hes to old. Im 28 and I did stuff like that when I was 17 years old. Its not the fast that I dont trust him, its the fact that I wouldt trust the other person. What should I do? Should it just remain his fanasty? He gets on my nerves! He makes some kind of comment about it everyday. HELP!

2006-11-14 02:55:52 · 41 answers · asked by Loca 3

2006-11-14 02:53:19 · 14 answers · asked by confused 1

Over the past few days I've read so many questions that revolve around the questions am i pregnant, i'm 18? Or should i marry the father of my unborn child, I've only known him for 2 months and we are sort of casual? What is gong on in our society? The thing that scares me the most is that my children will be attneding school and socializing with the children born to these idiots!

2006-11-14 02:47:23 · 16 answers · asked by 1973kimberly 2

My wife and I were married for 3 months and have since been separated for three months. The separation stems from an emotional outburst that dealt with my frustrations in handling her daughter. The outburst was not in front of the child and words were said that i regret. She has since moved out and filed paper work for an anullment. She also has sinced cut off communication via the phone and has blocked my e-mails. I tried taking the advice of my yahoo answers and have begged and pleaded for forgiveness but it has not worked. I finally went to her house and all she said was you invloved her daughter. I tried to explain that i loved her, but had trouble with the 7 year old complaining and whining. I miss my wife and daughter. I have asked many times to try marriage counseling, and she says nothing. I have been doing it since the fallout. I feel i have pushed her as far away as i possibly could. Can my marriage be saved, with our mutal friends we have. That she has also sinced avoided.

2006-11-14 02:45:45 · 16 answers · asked by john d 1

in favor of violent games how can i argue for it

2006-11-14 02:43:59 · 5 answers · asked by timmt 1

This is a pro-gay marriage question and I am a straight guy.

2006-11-14 02:40:23 · 12 answers · asked by Kalidas 2

She says I am her one and only. I am a man that loves sex. I mean loves it. And she is the most beautiful thing in the world to me. I have always been a big guy, but she says it has no factor. She takes medicine for back pain which may cause the lack of sex drive, but even if she doesn't feel like it, wouldn't you think she would take care of me. Also, we have kids, 11, 10, 6 and 2. We both work full time. I realize being tired plays a role in this but. Out of 30 days, I get 10 minutes? Am I being selfish?

2006-11-14 02:36:40 · 19 answers · asked by Jim S 1

Right, i found out my fiancee cheated on me about a month ago we have tried since then but obviously the trust had gone, things dont seem to be working at the moment plus last week she screamed at me were finished, i went and had a drink on my own and got chatting to a girl who was a really nice girl, she is not normally "my type" but we had such a laugh and listened to me, she let me stay at her house but nothing happened. Now this girl and i are good friends and i would be interested if i wasnt with my Girlfriend. Right now i feel very little for my current GF but we have a baby together and she is going to make my life very hard for me if we were to split.

Please help people.


2006-11-14 02:34:58 · 23 answers · asked by bob o 1

What do you do when you have been married to someone and have 2 kids and all you do is fight hes gone everynight till 1 in the morning, and when he is home he never wants to spend time with his family. You try talking, yelling screaming everything and all he says is that he is the boss and I have no say in anything that he does. I am at my wits end. I have no job he made sure that I dont have any money the accounts are in his name only. I want my marriage to work what can I do to make him understand? Please help.

2006-11-14 02:23:14 · 16 answers · asked by littlemama 2

i have been seeing him for 7 months. im currently going through a divorce and am pregnant with my BF's baby. we only had a casul relationship until now. now he wants to marry me. i said no becasue i think he is only doing it because im preg. do you think im doing the right thing by saying no. also im not ready to get married again. dont know if i ever will be.

2006-11-14 02:23:14 · 9 answers · asked by fire_child 2

I was 7 mos pregnant when my motherinlaw came to "help"us for the next 6 months. Listening to her criticism of others and watching her odd behavior, it landed me two times of admission to the birthing place for high blood pressure--who then became pre-ecclampsia--and then lastly, have my son born at 8 months! And, more painfull things come after that...then she went home when my baby was 5 mos old. But after 4 mos, she's back! For another 6 mos!While staying with us, she rearrange everything in my place, telling me what to do and cook for my son and my son.She treats my husband like she is a very doting wife of him, and treat my son like her own not mine. Everything makes me feel like: I do not need to do anything anymore, just go satisfy my husband in bed when needed!

2006-11-14 02:20:52 · 10 answers · asked by af1795 1

If you find another woman who can wash salami better, is it ok? Wife doesn't like to do it.

2006-11-14 02:15:10 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

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