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Family - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

2007-06-19 17:59:54 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 19yr old brother and his GF of the same age got pregnant after knowing each other for 5days!! They are both highschool drop outs, with no jobs, no car, no place to live and no money. She is 7mths pregnant and they have moved 9times. My brother and her plan to live in a bedroom at my mom's or her fathers with the baby and let it sleep in a dresser drawer. I am a single 21 yr old female living with my bf of a year with a full time job part time online college and a job i have had for a year. In my home I have plenty of room for the baby and I want it in a stable enviroment.

2007-06-19 17:54:17 · 6 answers · asked by twohott4u00 1

My parents watch our children (ages 1 and 3) for us during the weekdays while my wife and I work. We are very grateful to have them around to do this for us and we let them know this quite often. Occasionally they will do things that we consider stepping over the boundry of being a grandparent. For example, my wife and I had been talking about taking the kids to get professional pictures done very soon since my 1 year old has never had any taken. Well today my parents gave us a "wedding anniversary" gift, which was proffessional pictures of our kids that they had done without telling us. My wife and I were a little upset because we were looking forward to taking our son for his first professional pictures ourselves. We didn't say anything because we didn't want to come off as ungrateful for the gift. They've done other things along these lines, like buy them holiday outfits when we feel this is our responsibilty. Are we right to feel a little upset by this, and should we say something?

2007-06-19 17:26:21 · 14 answers · asked by Jim K 2

2007-06-19 16:35:35 · 13 answers · asked by jasmineboubas 1

My husband is starting to really get back into his religion(muslim) and he was talking to me last night and informed me that he doesn't want me wearing shorts around the house anymore cause he thinks it would give our daughter the wrong idea but making her think she can wear them! I don't have a problem with her wearing them at all!I have given in on alot of things and I am starting to wonder if this is every going to end and I know this is silly as far as something like shorts but there as been lots of things: she as no middle name and it was always my dream to have my daughter have my grandma's middle name he didnt like it cause it was not an Islamic name so I gave in, Christmas and Easter I am still Christain but so she wouldn't get confused we don't celebrate it here, the school she attends is an Islamic School and they say the dress code is for the girls head to be covered I don't agree but I went along with it! So, my question is will this every end or do I just put my foot down?

2007-06-19 16:05:39 · 9 answers · asked by rere 2

About a month ago, my cousin died of a blood disease he's had for a while. No one in my family has ever died before, not even grandparents. I thought I had dealt with his death somewhat well, but I've found that all of a sudden I'm paranoid beyond belief. I'm so SO scared that someone I love is going to die. It's made me insane how scared I am. . .I want to see a psychiatrist or something, but I don't want my family to think I'm having a breakdown. They think I'm dealing with it well, and I don't want them to think I'm not. Please help.

2007-06-19 16:05:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mom doesnt think i'm old enough to wear make up.

also she thinks make up would ruin my skin. does that really happen? anyways i just need ways to convince her that i actually am old enough to wear make up. just need good arguing reasons.

2007-06-19 15:59:23 · 16 answers · asked by Rachel 3

I know what state they were born in and year of birth, but the first, middle and last names are very common.

2007-06-19 15:59:00 · 3 answers · asked by borg_1403 1

my sister in law is coming to visit and i have nothing plan for us to do what can we do while she is her

2007-06-19 15:58:26 · 6 answers · asked by nykeria2002 1

last summer i didnt have the money to go visit my family in a different state. my mom offered to loan me the money, then my cousin told me he would just give me the money. usually i wouldnt accept it but at that time i took it cause i wasnt doing well financialy. a year later he brings it up (out of nowhere) and tells him that i owe him the money, even though he just gave it to me. i had just finished paying back some money that i "felt" like i owed him (no, it wasnt from another loan). when i calmly explained to him that he told me i didnt have to pay him back (the way he asked me for it was totally inappropriate/rude). after that he told me that i was a liar, i was worthless, and he didnt want to know me anymore. then he mentioned small things that he bought in the past (we take turns picking up tabs, etc..) we havent talked in about 2 weeks. then he sends me an e-mail telling me that i still owe him the money and that he wants/needs it. what would you do in this situation?

2007-06-19 15:53:24 · 9 answers · asked by portuguese_tease 2

I have custody and the other parent was picking up my son from school but school is out and i can't have him up there since school is out and i work it's court ordered i offer for the other parent a extra day since it's summer and they said no then i told them where he will be at and they still said no they want me to have him at the school or she going to have a summon brought against me for not following the court orders

2007-06-19 15:49:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


why dont some people like country music?

2007-06-19 15:46:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

A friend of mine her daughter the mother of her 3 year old has recently died. The child wanted to stay with his grandmother after this tragic accident. Now the father wants to move the child up to N. CA. How can the grandma make sure she will still be able to see the child?

2007-06-19 15:40:37 · 4 answers · asked by hoodwink 2

My husband and I just got married and will live with his mom for a while (6 months up to a year) until we get our own place. Several of my friends who I talked to about it say it is a stupid idea, it will be awfull, etc. What do you think? If you have ever lived with your mother-in-law, could you tell me whether it was a good, ok, or bad experience?
I mean, his mom is nice, she seems to like me and I do not anticipate many problems; of course, some compromises will have to be made, but everything will be just temporary. She is a working person, invoved in charity after work, so barely at home. My hubby and I work too, so won't get onto each others nerves too much. Her place has four bedrooms, plenty of space. What do you think?

2007-06-19 15:29:41 · 6 answers · asked by Kaytee 5

i moved to texas with consent of my sons father, he signed a document that allowed this now he says hes coming over and taking him, can he do this? he doesnt call him, or support him in any way, my son is 4 and doesnt want to g with him what can i do?

2007-06-19 15:26:30 · 4 answers · asked by PiMp DaddY 2

My wife and I are planning on starting a family inside of year. One of a number of concerns I have is with my mother. She is extremely religious-a fact she often times reminds me of. Typically, when we go over there, she will basically force my wife and I to attend her church. She has also stated on several occasions that she thinks my wife and I (and any kids we have) should attend church. We very well might but think it is not her place to say a thing. One thing I do not want to see is her forcing her religion down my children's throats. An offense like that would likely result in her not being permitted to see her grandchildren unless supervised by either my wife or I. I feel that she should be warned; however, any time I bring up anything that even has a hint of not going along with her religion she immediately take offense. Any ideas as to dealing with this situation?

2007-06-19 15:23:04 · 8 answers · asked by chicago3200000 3

when my mother in law comes over my house, she doesn't speak or talk to me until i say something first. i have talked to my husband about it, but she still does it. i'm sick of it. and if i don't talk to her she acts as if there's a problem between us. what would be the best way to handle this?

2007-06-19 15:10:30 · 14 answers · asked by tisha p 1

My life right now is really messed up. I'm 14 and have a pretty boring life. Nobody knows me at school. My dad caught me with marijuana and my mom thinks I'm a psycho. I feel very depressed and quit marijuana but I can tell that my dad still thinks I smoke. My friends constantly betray me and I feel sad about the way things are going for me. Everyone that I used to know is so much farther in life than I am. I'm thinking of running away to a youth hostel or something else. Please don't say talk to a counselor, I've been there and moved on. I need some real life solutions, talking isn't going to solve my problems.

2007-06-19 14:43:29 · 7 answers · asked by dman 1

i just got grounded and i don't want to be, any tips on how to avoid grounding?

2007-06-19 14:41:27 · 18 answers · asked by Morgan 2


wpuld you rather go to the dollar store once a week and buy paper plates instead of doing the dishes?

my parents are lazy and they wont do the dishes for a week so they pile up before they wash them. i try to keep them up and stick them in the dish washer but im not the owner of the house nor am i an adult so i shouldnt have to do it ALL the time.. and after 16 years of it it gets verrrrrrrry old.. and now that im pregnant it really bothers me more then anything lol. and im 7 months pregant and i hate doing them nor do i feeel like it

so when i get my own place in a year im buying paper plates !!!

would u rather spend $5.00 for paper plates n cups once a week or have a lazy family who never does them for a week?

id rather spend the $5.00.

2007-06-19 13:38:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-19 13:32:29 · 6 answers · asked by goofyhop96 2

Im 12 yrs old and my dad was buggin me to clean my room. well i didnt do it so he scolded me. I was gettin really annoyed so I kinda stuck my butt out at him, pointed at it & said "Kiss my arze, arzshole." Then he walked over and swatted my butt 3 times. Then he said that i couldnt leave the house at all tomorrow! THiS SO MEAN & HARSH!!!! How do I make him change his mind????? Im REALLY pissed off. what a JERK!!.

2007-06-19 13:24:21 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need help!!!!!!! kk well my mom found my blog a week ago and (there was absolutly NOTHING WRONG WITH IT!!) she kicked me off the computer and i dont know for how long. im DYING!!!! does anyone have any ideas of what i can tell her that might convince her to let me back on the computer???? if so PLEASE PLEASE tell me wut they are!!!! thanx!!!!
o and the only reason im on now is cuz im not at home!! lol

2007-06-19 12:58:08 · 21 answers · asked by Wee-Wah 3

My in-laws are too much into religion and worship. All they watch on TV is sanskar channel. I think this is a big reason that they are completely disconnected with our generation. When my father-in-law visits us I find it very awkward watching any light entertainment stuff in front of him.The result is I get terribly bored in his company. They never watch any new movies or anything entertaining on TV. They still talk about stuff like girls are meant to be given to another family and their previous family does not have those rights on them any longer after marriage! God! Being a well educated and independent woman it's so frustrating to hear all this. They are nice but extreemly overbearing. They want complete right over me and find it difficult to accept my family in my life.I have started confronting these views but still have a long way to go. Any suggestions?

2007-06-19 12:38:43 · 14 answers · asked by Deeps 1

i was just reading a report about the jamie bulger case. iwas young when it happened, but now i ahve a two year old son and i cant contemplate how anyone can do that!?

why has the world gone so screwed up? i cant get my head around it. i know everyone asks why...but they do it half-heartedly. i honestly want to know why people want to bring children up in a world were things like this happen.

im terrified to let my son out by himself. i know that at some point it has to happen, and that terrifies me.

am i the only person who thinks like this. and if not, if theres lots of us, then why isnt more happening? why are we just brushed under the carpet.

living scares me. it shouldnt be like that, i dont what to constanly be asking why.

2007-06-19 12:37:24 · 22 answers · asked by littleladyclaire 2

i don't get mad cuz she asks me to help her w/ cooking or any other 'girly' job i get mad cuz she asks me cuz i'm a girl...she even finally admitted today tht i shud know how to cook cuz i'm a girl.....my brother can sit on his *** and play his video games but i have to be the one helping my mom....and i tell her tht she's giving sexist jobs but she just get mad and turns it in2 a fight and starts yelling at me(which makes me feel stupid/embarassed!!!)...........and she just pushed me (not hard lightly).................some ppl just shudn't have been parents

what do i do?

2007-06-19 11:35:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'll start.

I have hair on my upper lip and when I was about 12 or 13, before I discovered the miracle of waxing, my moms older sister came to visit. When she sees me she looks at me, runs her finger across my upper lip saying "Everyone in our family has this problem" GGRRRR!!!! I wanted to smack the s*** out of her.

Oh and did I mention it was in front of people too?

2007-06-19 11:30:58 · 3 answers · asked by Shawn 2

She likes to tell me her problems and everything else I don't want to know. I understand if she needs to get issues off her chest, but if she wants to do that it should be with a friend, of which she has many, not me, her daughter. I find myself worrying about things I should not be worrying about.
For example, about a month a ago she told me that she was going to ask my father for a divorice, but she was going to wait untill the end of the summer. I don't think that is something I should have had to worry about. The proper time for me to find out would have been when they were accually getting divoriced, not months in advance. So, now I have the weight of that on my shoulders untill it happens.
I get it if she wants to tell me SOME of her problems, but she's gone too far. How can I get my mother to stop telling me her problems and such so I don't have to listen to them or worry about them?

2007-06-19 10:56:58 · 22 answers · asked by Moll 3

Someone that knows both me and my ex-mother-in-law says that she was telling her that everything bad that has happened in the family is my fault.

She says that I have ruined her son, her granddaughter and my own life.

I left my ex-husband because he was abusive and controlling. Yet, she still blames me for all of the problems.

I know that I have not been strong and have promised them many times that I would come back and then did not follow through.

She also said that my brother does not want to talk to me and everyone is tired of me. My own parents have been the cause of all of the problems.

I don't think that she is right. I wonder if I was different (stronger and more assertive), I could have made our family life better.

I do worry about my daughter a lot though.

I am upset about my brother making comments about me to my ex-husband. I can't trust my own family also.

2007-06-19 10:46:21 · 12 answers · asked by Stareyes 5

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