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Family - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

I'm asking this because, yes, I'm 15, and I don't know how to go about asking them if it would be all right if I saw this guy sometimes. I am responsible, I'm always home on time, etc... basically a "good kid". Anyway, I don't exactly have a "talking" relationship with my parents, even though I've tried to make that so. I know they should meet him, etc..

How would you want your daughter to bring up the matter of dating? Thanks for any advice... I want this to work out, but obvoiusly I have to have my parents approval before I could spend time with him.

2007-06-20 16:13:41 · 3 answers · asked by Kiara 5

My daughter and I seen oprah today with a teenage girl who hid her pregnancy with her boyfriends help, had the baby, stabbed him, placed him in a gym bag. They placed rocks in the bag with the baby and through it is the lake or river (body of water) in the town where she lived. She is now in jail for 6 years.
My daughter and I sat down and talked about what would happen if she ever became pregnant. I let her know I didn't ever want her to run. We will work through it together. We actually talked about her finishing school and making choices. That i would probably be shocked, a little angy, scared with her but we would work through it together and never to run or hurt herself. I told her I want her to come talk to me before pregnancy happens so I can help her protect herself. Anyways, my question is have you talked to your teenager and what is your game plan?

2007-06-20 16:13:03 · 6 answers · asked by cheoli 4

My mom left for washington d.c. and she's the one that always keeps the house in tip-top shape, but she's only been gone for 12 hours and 45 minutes and I'm a complete wreck. what do I do to get over my mom totally leaving me like that when my dad is nothing but a big lazy bum?
(no offense daddy!)

2007-06-20 15:58:25 · 11 answers · asked by rhondapuntney 1

moving back from college,

4 rooms

2 sisters

3 brothers

going to have to share small room

or big room

with one sister

. . . or possibly sleep on the couch in our capacious basement living room - liable to get kicked out into a "proper" room at any time.

or have a small room (hot in the summer) to myself

My sisters affect my attitude negatively living with them, i like them if I don't share rooms with them.

Being too close to my parents (small room) is annoying bc I can't brush my teeth past 10:30

and i like the basement

but aside that, wisest choice?

2007-06-20 15:55:48 · 4 answers · asked by ? 2

Why do mother complain and complain about doing laundry,I personally dont think its that hard

2007-06-20 15:49:09 · 13 answers · asked by Kay♥™ 5


my cousin DJed at my sweet 16 and his graduation is friday. i want to thank him for helping me with my party and also DJing and also congradlating him for his graduation (hes going to college). wut can i gift him for doing all this? ($100-200)

2007-06-20 15:47:22 · 7 answers · asked by Kesha 1

What made the whole family SO weird?

2007-06-20 15:39:49 · 4 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6

2007-06-20 15:36:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do yah react to this>>>>>>>>>>

ive recentli found out my mums stolen $8153 out of my bank account and has lied to me my whole life about my dad and denied me access to him
she abused me and threw me out of home with a riped shirt and cuts on my wrist forarm and chest yet the polic wont get involved with any of it (very reliable the law is) so ive moved to my stepdads but my mum wont let me get all my priceless items from the house ie my ornament my dad left behind for me when i was little

2007-06-20 15:14:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hate mine 98% of the time.

2007-06-20 15:11:43 · 11 answers · asked by anonymous 2

My Fiance's sisters feel their mother should be best friends with my parents. My mother and father are not nuts but their mother is. I keep trying to tell them that there isn't any room for new friends in my families lives but that isn't taken very well. Their mother is divorced and an ex alcoholic, she has many views that my family does not follow and she is a complete biatch. My Fiance realizes that, but the rest of her family feels that I am trying to take my girl away from them. Which isn't very incorrect, they are crazy and I just want a normal life for her.

I am sure I will get people who feel I am wrong and thats fine, I just want to vent a bit.

Go ahead people, free for all.

Give it to me.

Keep in mind I dont really care what you say!!!!!

2007-06-20 15:00:50 · 7 answers · asked by Brian D 2

my son moved in w/ me & my husband july 2006. He said he wanted to see what it was liked to have parents full time, i was divorced when he was 4 yrs. old, and then again remarried when he was 10 yrs.old.
I told him he could live w/ me & his step dad for 6 months until he got on his feet, since he moved into a new state.
He agreed.
Now, he is trying to tell me , all his friends live w/their parents until their 25, and they always take their kids w/them, movies, vacation, out to eat, u name it.
He said, i was a bad mother , cuz his grandma told him so, if i wanted to go away for the weekend w/ my husband, to get a break from work & kids.....
his grandma said, any woman that would leave their kids & dont spend all their time w/them them, is no good and god will take care of her.
now take it, i have not had a vacation in 9 years, and my husband & i, have been working & around kids since july 2006, w/no break alls we wanted to do, was spend a weekend away for our quality time togethey

2007-06-20 14:56:45 · 10 answers · asked by gowestgurl 2

When my sister went to college, she borrowed a lot of my cds, dvd, computer games, gamecube games and a gameboy advance. Now one gamecube game, the gameboy advance, and a computer game are missing. She did not ask permission to take any of my things, even though we shared them. My mother told her to replace them, but I dont think she will. How can i make sure that she replaces the lost items?

2007-06-20 14:52:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i don't know what to do. He came back from college all weird and now I know why. What do I do?!

2007-06-20 13:54:59 · 28 answers · asked by Sali 3

My grandmother is from La Ceiba, Honduras. I've been looking for her on www.ancestry.com (no luck) Any suggestions?

2007-06-20 13:35:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not the outsiders but my one-two relatives, insults me and under-estimates me, to make others laugh, whenever they got the chance.

Plz, tel me how to deal with them, otherwise I have to break their jaws which I love to do.

2007-06-20 13:29:12 · 5 answers · asked by Parv 2

My live in fiancee and I disagree about something. I have a 3 1/2 year old son with him. I also have a 16 1/2 year old son from my first marriage. He, as well and his mother thinks that my 16 1/2 year old is not his responsibility. I, as well as my family think that since we live together like we are already married, and have been since October 2003, that he should be a father figure figure to my son and should help with the discipline, and all aspects of everything. Who is right?

2007-06-20 13:13:02 · 11 answers · asked by got2bmeinsc 1

and on what matter?
how do you react then?

2007-06-20 12:47:17 · 22 answers · asked by Jasmine 5

I am old enough to get a permit but they want to wait till Im 16 and a half becuase they said it will interfer with my volleyball scedual, and I know that it wont. They said the only way I can convince them to let me get one is to come up with a good reason. I have tried many things any suggestions will help. Please help!!! Thanks! :)

2007-06-20 12:24:08 · 3 answers · asked by michelle 2

2007-06-20 12:12:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have worked since i was 16, from age 18 to 40 I worked 2 jobs. I have been married for 30 years, raised 4 kids. am now 47 and quite frankly I am exhausted. I did manage college with 3 smalll children and 2 jobs. My husband is turning 50 and complains he needs to cut back at work, "getting too old to work 50 hours per week. i work 60 because I am in management. We don't have lavish items such as boats, jewlery, or vacations, last vacation was 8 years ago (a weekend camping trip). We eat out 3-4 times / month, cook mealse from scratch, don't drink, smoke or gamble. We have little to no savings, and live in a small house, about 1,000 square feet and have 10 years left on our 30 year mortgage. No retirement savings.and are in age group being punished by social security, but have paid over $200,000.00 into social security. & no financial help for kids college.

2007-06-20 12:03:16 · 15 answers · asked by C D 2

My father for my whole life takes any money that i had even if it is a dollar. its to the point that i have to hide my money. He takes my hard earned money that i worked for an says that he is holding it for me an sometimes i never get it back. me an mom tell him its wrong to do that because this is the age (15) that i need to make my mistakes an learn how to spend. dont get me wrong my dad is a good father an spends alot of money on me. its just that it angers my everyday i wake up to see that 5 dollars in my dresser gone. why do parents do this. i dont buy drugs/achohol or any of that. why can he just let me in my money be?

2007-06-20 11:59:17 · 9 answers · asked by jordan l 1

Iam 23 and my girlfriend is 22,when she came to visit me she refused to go back, we had been in love for three years and we had been staying together for one year ,the probleme is that i do not want to marry at this age because i want to continue with my studies, but when i tell her to go back to her parents and i consertrate on my books , she say that she will kill herself than going back home, am confused i do not want her to die.another probleme iam not financially stable to look after her and again pay my scool fees. when i told her about this she did not listen to me, i had tried to send her home/parents but she goes there and comes back to my place. please help me?

2007-06-20 11:58:46 · 18 answers · asked by muroarli 1

I'm a bachelor and I work long hours in my office. I am NEVER home, but when I walk through the door, I am just embarassed at how non-tidy it is. I absolutely HATE straightening up the place, but it's just not me to have things this disorganized. I'll devote a day to it and it'll look great, but then it'll be maybe 2 weeks before I spend more than an hour of non-sleeping time there and it just turns out messy again. and piles up. I know this sounds scrubby, but I'm really asking for suggestions. Are there ANY tips that you can offer that will just help me stay on top of this with so little time to do it? A little bit at a time? Housekeeper (would prefer not to.) Girls, how do you always seem to find time to clean. Being a bachelor, I guess I don't have any particular motivation to please myself by keeping it clean, much less a family. Friends/girls are never over, either. Embarrassedly asking for help....

2007-06-20 11:20:59 · 9 answers · asked by rlfesty 3

Last night my cousin’s b/f was killed in a car accident. He was 25. Today, his family and my cousin are making arrangements. They have no clue as to what he wanted. Cremated or buried.
Songs or not.

I remember as early as 10, telling my parents that if I died before they did that I want to be an organ donor and to be cremated.

Just got me thinking, how early is too early to plan for your funeral? 18? 16? 10? 8?

Just your opinions?

Thank you!

2007-06-20 11:18:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My grandmother has cancer and has a limited number of days left. I am heart broken. My parents think my brother is so close to her and that im not. But i am, there sending my brother to see her on her last days, i dont get to go only him and my dad. I have told them everything but they dont understand. To show my respect for my grandmother i want to sing her a song, But i dont know how to ask, if they havent cared about all the other things, why would they care now? Does anybody have any suggestions on how i could ask? i would deeply appreciate it. Thanks.

2007-06-20 11:05:57 · 6 answers · asked by Ashley 2

Where do I start, we just moved and we live in a duplex that has one above it. There are 3 kids that live there (mother leaves them alone all day) they stomp around and scream all day and ring my doorbell and they are just always noticeable. I have a newborn baby... they are in my garden tromping my flowers leaving trash on my patio furniture, messing with our stuff, harrassing my dog. I've asked them nicely to just STOP before I kill myself. That of course didnt work because these are devil kids. I addressed my concerns with their mother and she acted like I should just get over it, that there was no problem and that leaving 3 young children alone all day is acceptable. I feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I just cant hear any more stomping. We pay WAAAY too much to live here to deal with this. Should I call the landlord? I have postpartum depression and a 6 week old child, I feel like I have more than enough to deal with. PLEASE HELP!!!

2007-06-20 11:03:30 · 7 answers · asked by Christina 2

What do you feel they do all day? How do you percieve them? (Don't worry, I am a stay at home mom too, but I want an honest answer good or bad).

2007-06-20 11:01:07 · 14 answers · asked by arian13 2

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