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Family & Relationships - 14 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

would you allow your daughter to go on a trip to montreal,quebec on a bus with two other friends for 3 days staying at a hotel? what if u live within 4hours of quebec? what if she is 18 and still lives in ur house?

2007-12-14 03:26:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

We have been together for 8 years, married for 2. He and my 20 yr old daughter don't get along. HE told her she could move back home to go back to school. She has an infant. She went back to HIGH SCHOOL. He picks on her all the time. Always finding something to complain about. He says I always take her side. I tell him he always picks on her. He calls her nasty names which I take as a disrespect to me. He hardly works. Gets a job, then quits. We always have money problems. I smartened up and thought if I stopped paying HIS bills then maybe he would step up and grow up. NOPE. His cell phone got cut off and his truck has been hidden from the repo man. Instead he now drives MY car that I just got in July. I just get to pay for it. He has a job this month, but when he got his first paycheck, already stated that if his next one is this short, he is going to quit. He threatens all the time that he is going to leave. Finally told him, that if he was leaving, go ahead.

2007-12-14 03:24:43 · 35 answers · asked by Carollynne 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm in a long distance relationship. I've noticed that the root problem in our relationship is jealousy. I feel like a little bit of this is a normal emotion in a ldr. But the other night, he did something that truly disturbed me. We were talking on the phone, and he kept mentioning how he thought that I could have another man in my bed while I'm on the phone with him. We kept talking, and then my phone died and I waited a few minutes for it to charge to call him back. When I did, he told me to just call him when i got back in town and hung up the phone. Only 3 minutes before, he was telling me how much he loved me, and couldn't wait for me to get home. I know he's an extremely jealous person but I didn't know how bad it was. I tried calling him yesterday, and he basically said he didn't want to talk to me. I have cheated on him in the past, but I thought we were over that. What's wrong with him?

2007-12-14 03:24:14 · 13 answers · asked by singingbird 1 in Marriage & Divorce

We've been married for more that a year and until now i've haven't *** everytime we have sex.. everytime im almost theire there will be something pops on my mind and i forgot about CUMMING.. i need help for you guys.. Thanks

2007-12-14 03:20:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I'm a 21 year old woman, and I have a demanding mother. I have not been living with her since July, and I'm getting married in August of next year. While she adores the man I chose to marry, she doesn't like that I have a different way of doing things than her, in all areas of life. To her, even if it works, if she doesn't do it that way, its wrong. She's verbally very critical of me. She's been wanting me to grow up for the last 4 years (I was mentally unstable at the time). Now that I have matured, she wants to rule over me like I'm a child. She's been this way most of my life, it got worse after my father died. Even though I have moved out on my own, I'm still abiding by the morals I was taught as a child. And it goes unnoticed. The littlest things seem to make her not recognize that. I really wish I could have a good bond with her. And I've asked her what I can do, and she always gets offended, like she wants to deny there's a problem, even though I blame myself. Any advice?

2007-12-14 03:20:34 · 2 answers · asked by pocketful_of_sunshine 4 in Family

that caused you to fal out of love with him and then leave or consider leaving?

2007-12-14 03:20:11 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

it seems my boyfriend cannot handle my 2 boys they are really good kids and have been through alot. he alot older and his kids are out of the house how do i get him to be more involved and enjoy them he has no patience

2007-12-14 03:19:32 · 2 answers · asked by CARISSA C 1 in Singles & Dating

He almost lost his job cause he cant get to work on time. He cant pay his bills and gets off owrk at 4 or 4:30 and is TOO tired to come to my house to see me.
I am not giving him any more $$ or helping him or anything. How can I make this boy responsible or grow up?
I have thought about telling him I am quitting my job and he should find a way to take care of us so I can go back to school.

2007-12-14 03:14:42 · 16 answers · asked by baby_rost 3 in Singles & Dating

i want to leave a little anonymous treat for my boyfriend, but i don't know what candy would fit through. I thought skittles would work but they're too bulky. Any ideas?

2007-12-14 03:13:01 · 14 answers · asked by Mainee 1 in Singles & Dating


What are your thoughts on having a guy blow on you....? either on your face or is there anywhere you particularly enjoy it? Just curious if this is something women actually like or not.

2007-12-14 03:12:54 · 11 answers · asked by J M 1 in Singles & Dating

I work in a high school as a teacher. One of the other teacher's in my school has been getting close w/ married men who are the parents of students. I have known this for a while and minded my business. Well in the past 6 months she has made advances towards my husband. She texts and calls him non-stop and she even has stopped by our house. I have heard from my friends that they have seen them out at bars together etc. while I couldn't go b/c I am pregnant. With this situation and others, my husband and I are now going through a separation. It has left me torn b/c my homelife and worklife are now connected and I don't want to be in either place. I have spoken to the co-worker but it has done no good. Ultimately my husband is his own person and I hold him accountable. So, the question is do I tell my boss? He notices that something is wrong and is a very fair and genuine person. I just don't want to cause more drama.

2007-12-14 03:12:11 · 39 answers · asked by *~Cam's Mommy ~* 4 in Marriage & Divorce

It just seems like todays world is so expensive. where we live, the cheapest apartment we can find is 1,000 a month. Thats fine but we have a baby on the way, due in march. Together we only bring home about 4,000 a month after taxes. I know there must be some couples that can do it, but im really nervous.

We cant afford to live off only my income, but if she works, we will need daycare, and lord knows daycare is like 250 bucks a week, minimum... we dont have any family around here to help us...

has anyone been able to survive off less? i dont wanna get any government help, because im the kind of person who believes in personal responsibility... we wanted this baby and i want to raise a family, i dont feel other peoples taxes should have to pay for my inabilities... i just get nervous

2007-12-14 03:08:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Has anyone ever been to Wedding that had one or did you yourself have one? Tips, advice?

2007-12-14 03:03:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

2007-12-14 03:00:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Its my sisters 18th bday and she wants me to go to club wiv her tonight but i have work in the morning at 7.30am proberly wont get in till 4am rather intoxicated too i also have my period too what do u think i should do i wanna go but i dont wanna be a wreck at work.

2007-12-14 02:55:10 · 12 answers · asked by stressed 2 in Family

We dated for 3 momths i 29 she 25. All of a sudden she states she was not feeling the spark anymore but she was so into me and wanted to marry me and have kids etc... There were issues of her claiming she neded space and that we needed to know eachother more. She was in a verbally abusive relationship one month before we met ended in a restaring order. She was so happy with me saying how lucky she was and all. She also says she wants to remain friends cause i am a good person. She states she wants to be friends and still hang out. She also states that she broke up with me in a way maybe to get to know me better and for me to just be cool and let her think. She todl me thatt we had a good relationship and she will probably regret this decision for breakup. Family loved us together. She knows i love her and would do anything for her. Is this her way of figuring things out or am i done in her mind. I am just confused on how this came out of nowhere. Any advice of life exper.

2007-12-14 02:54:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

...my X, we are divorced, but we are on talking terms. She does have my two daughters. She did not directly asked me, but offered to show me her Christmas wish list. What would you do?

2007-12-14 02:49:34 · 11 answers · asked by Randy W 4 in Marriage & Divorce


Do you think a woman should never settle for second best when she is looking for a partner?

I was really in love with a guy for 5 months. We got on great together except for the fact that he lied to me for two months that he had been married before and had two children. He is only 29 and his children are 2 and 9 years old. He never loved his wife but just married her because she fell pregnant.

However, even though he treated me very well I got fed up with the situation. He had to drop out of college to work when she got pregnant so he has no money. I was paying for most of the bills when I was with him.

His ex-wife was getting his daughter to find out how much I earned and kept asking his daughter to buy things for her. I felt used!! On top of all that his children were being abused and locked in their rooms for hours on end.

2007-12-14 02:49:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i want to get married where is it legal

2007-12-14 02:48:36 · 11 answers · asked by sexxyblackdiva24 1 in Weddings

My fiance and I are so very alike in many ways. However, the way that we differ most is that I am a planner. I like to plan things way ahead of time, and take things step by step. My fiance likes to do everything in the last 5 minutes when he absolutely has to. He does this with everything from the bills to Christmas presents. We set a wedding date but I cannot get him to start looking at locations or anything with me. We are trying to move in March of next year and he doesn't even want to start looking at anything until that is over because he says it's too stressful. But if we are going to have a wedding the week of Thanksgiving next year in a tropical location, I think we should start booking a place now, especially since we HAVE to do it that week because of his kids and their school schedules. He seems to think that it will all just work itself out and shouldn't take more than 5 months to plan. I think we need to send save-the-dates in advance to give people time to save.

2007-12-14 02:46:44 · 16 answers · asked by Deanrijo 5 in Weddings

2007-12-14 02:44:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I currently have two boyfriends.( please redirect your slut and player comments elsewhere!) Stupid of me to get myself in this situation, yes I know. Anyway, it seems here lately the current and oldest boyfriend doesn't show as much affection or attention to me as he used to. The " spark " has pretty much died. I'm bored, but I thought it was love. And all my friends have told me that I should be good to him because I 'm the best girlfriend he's ever had, and If we were gonna break up, I would be the one to do it. Well It seems like their prediction is true, because I think I 'm gonna break up with him.
The new boyfriend lives another state away, but is sweet, funny, just not as attractive. So what should I do? I don't want to break the old boyfriend's heart, and the new one I'm just not sure. I'm utterly confused! Thank you in advance for your help!

2007-12-14 02:42:48 · 12 answers · asked by ~Just_Jessica~ 3 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I have two beautiful children ages 5 and 2. My youngest will be 3 this month. It seems that since the birth of my 3 year old I have totally lost my sex drive. We have had sex about 4 times in the last 3 years. My husband is very understanding and we have been to counselors, I have had tests run and my doctor says I am a healthy 31 year old diabetic.
I was molested by a family member twice when I was 10 years old and I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. My husband is the first guy I have had sex with.
I have told my husband that maybe he should divorce me and find someone who can give him the sex he needs. He tells me don't be ridiculous and that marriage isn't all about sex.

Please serious responses only. Is there something I can take or do to increase my sex drive. I find my husband attractive but just hate the thought of sex. I don't know why.

2007-12-14 02:41:28 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have never met my biological father,I guess when he found out my mother was pregnant he decided to not want anythig to do with me,he was married to soemone else..ooops! I knew my siblings names and did a search and found a younger brother who is only 20.I asked casual questions and he confirmed who his dad is.Should I tell him Im his sister?What if my father has kept me a secret for 35 yrs? And if I tell him,i'd cause a family fight at Christmas? Or should I jsut bite the bullet and come out and tell him,even if it does cause a fight in their family? I really want to tell him,but what are the consequences? What do I do?

2007-12-14 02:37:53 · 17 answers · asked by greeneyed_blonde72 2 in Family

He's been divorced for almost 2 yrs (she left him) - she had a boyfriend over the summer but now that she's ended that relationship, she calls her ex (my boyfriend) to invite him for dinner - their kids are with her and she says she's made "too much" food. He luckily doesn't want to go and knows this bothers me. He has 50/50 custody so he sees his kids a lot so I know it isn't for that reason. She also makes excuses for being at his house - example: his house is 1 mile from where she works and she lives 2 miles from him - yet she asked if she could stop by his house (they had a mtg at kid's school later on) and take a nap b4 they left for the mtg. He said no - but am I making a big deal out this? It isn't like she lives that far from where she works and couldn't go home to take a nap. What do you think is going on w/ her. I don't think it's b/c she wants him back & I know he doesn't want her. Why then would she be acting like this? Am I overreacting??

2007-12-14 02:33:45 · 35 answers · asked by singlevtmom 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I left my kids dad in July, and I moved to Ohio. He came and stoled them Monday, and took them back to Florida. We were never married, but he is their father. I have no court papers saying I have custody, nor does he. He filed for custody in fl., but we have not been to court yet. Know any statues?

2007-12-14 02:31:58 · 8 answers · asked by Mother 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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