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Family & Relationships - 14 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Just wondering who shops for who. Do you pick out your inlaws gifts with your husband with out your husband or together?

2007-12-14 08:04:21 · 6 answers · asked by Kat G 6 in Marriage & Divorce

I am away a lot being a Marine and it seems like every time I have to go she finds another man to keep her sex life active. That has happened 3 different times now that I know of. I am about to return again from a deployment and she gives her word that she has been faithful this time.

The problem is that when I do come home, she treats me like a king. She gives me 100% attention and waits on me hand and foot. I feel so bad sometimes and I try to do anything and everything to “out-do” her in kindness. I seem to never win.

I have two boys and really just can’t see them not in my life on a daily basis. I have stayed with her…AM I CRAZY??? Or are there others that have kept their significant other after they are unfaithful.

Sometimes I feel like I would be better off without the pain she has put me through and find a great woman that I could enjoy life with but………………..I feel trapped.

2007-12-14 08:00:09 · 52 answers · asked by SEMPER FI 2 in Marriage & Divorce

do you ever sotp loving an ex if they're rotton to you

2007-12-14 07:59:03 · 14 answers · asked by tip 3 in Marriage & Divorce

In the parenting plan is states that the religion is "joint". That I aggreed to when I though my ex would agree with me on not taking the 4 kids to this church. I am the custodial parent and I am very EX mormon. My ex husband goes to WORK on sundays and they are going sometimes with his parents or family mombers. Their not even with HIM! I am starting to pick up the kids early sundays mornings witch was ok until my ex started this power trip to have the kids go. He is ex mormon too! In the paperwork the weekend visits are until 7 pm. But he's not ever there with them. I called my Lawyer,(waiting) but your thoughs on the matter or what I should do next would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

2007-12-14 07:57:43 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I fed up with making more money. I been working so hard to have enough money for myself, tuition, and family expense.

I feel like life doenst need to be so overwhelm. Do you agree with me ?

2007-12-14 07:56:13 · 28 answers · asked by fedor_fan 2 in Marriage & Divorce

How s does one control bad internet habits like causual conversations with women when you are in a commited relationship? I understand just talking is not a problem but every now and then things will get flirtatious and go over board. How does one get around this temptation? If they can't get around it do they live with it or go get help? I am not talkin about porn. Is this hurting anyone elses relationship?

2007-12-14 07:55:54 · 2 answers · asked by thatdude 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-12-14 07:51:23 · 18 answers · asked by Best of British 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

Living together over year, we are late 40's. From the start things were not great. He didn't like sex much, then after a month, he suddenly stopped sex and he hasn't touched me in 15 months.(I love sex by the way!). Says he simply has no desire for me or anyone. Have been to doctors. It's not the sex so much as a massive lack of intimacy and fun. I'm very loving and open. He'd been feeling horrible for a year, then his attack. Thank God he made it! He seems still bent on self destruction. I had total compassion and have done everything for him, but he rarely talks to me, never laughs, doesn't listen, doesn't seem to care about me, no kisses etc. But he is not all bad! He is also sweet. We never fight, so I thought that was good. I had romantic visions his attack would make him have a love for life and me and have different priorities, No. As much has he loves me, I feel so lonely and unhappy it is pathetic. He will be so upset when I leave. I do love him but I get confused. Advise!

2007-12-14 07:51:03 · 20 answers · asked by kalliemorgan62 1 in Marriage & Divorce

but i was under the impression (because she told) she didn't want to go. so i replyed to the invatation that i would be alone. can i still bring her?

2007-12-14 07:50:46 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

...if you would be offended if your husband wanted to try women's clothing? Would you find this odd and would you be upset with him? Do you think it would change your relationship? As a caveat, would it matter if he had no other "feminine" tendencies...?

2007-12-14 07:48:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

How long does a relationship have to be to be considered long-term? At what age do people usually have their first long-term relationship? What's the average length of long-term relationship? How many of those do people usually have per decade and per life?
I have a friend with borderline personality disorder. She has never been in a relationship that lasted longer than a year, and she is 37 years old.

2007-12-14 07:48:35 · 6 answers · asked by Yara K 4 in Singles & Dating


This week me and my dad are fed up of my mother because she would tell her 3 friends who she whent to the pub with all our privet life. And would enbarras us in front of her friends and would be earwiging so she could tell her friends. she even reads my dads post and tells her friends and if we tell them her privet life she goes mad. once in the pub she flerted with another man in front of my dad and because he said hello to a woman he new she got mad. what shall we do?

2007-12-14 07:47:53 · 1 answers · asked by Phillip K 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Hi. I am 16 and I will admit I have a pretty cool dad. He has always been there and even allowed me to have my 1st real boyfriend. I totally wrecked that oppoutunity because I was so impulsive in my relationship and things went way too fast. Plus after me and this boy broke up, I went through tough withdrawal period in which i started straying away from my academics and started being really tardy. But eventually, I picked myself up and i`m on a better path.
Now my problem is that,my dad is like a hawk! I cant do anything really. I got a cell phone and i dont want him to be suspicious but i do want to have male friends. I`m just worried I might lose his trust again and it will get even worser. What tips can you give me make sure I dont lose his trust,escpicially with boys. I dont want to get in a relationship because I am too scared. Shouldnt I just spend my teenage years focusing on myself, no matter how right the next boy might be. What if I lose out on a really good guy.

2007-12-14 07:47:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

i want them there....

2007-12-14 07:42:49 · 21 answers · asked by angieleverett76 1 in Weddings

going to do it tonight..

2007-12-14 07:41:11 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

Do they fake it so the other person doesn't feel bad?

2007-12-14 07:38:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Ok here's the deal, 4 yrs ago I met a man that lives 4 hrs away from me. We had a hot and heavy relationship for 2 yrs. I went and stayed with him for a couple of weeks and told him I loved him and wanted us to live together. He told me he loved me but couldn't handle the responsibility of taking care of me. And he loves my kids. He still sends them cards for birthdays and such. Hello I'm 30 yrs old, I work and support my 2 kids on my own. He wanted us to be "friends w/ benefits" I told him I wanted more so we ended our relationship. Two years later I am married to a wonderful man who loves me and my kids. Would give us the moon if we asked. The only problem is he's 12 yrs older than me and tells me he doesn't need to have sex. We only have sex 2-4 X's a month which makes me angry. I introduced my husband to my ex cause his sis is my bf. Now he wants to come back into my life but just for sex. I'm still in love with my ex and am soooo confused. Any advice

2007-12-14 07:35:37 · 22 answers · asked by Amy N 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm not the jealous type unless given a reason.First he had her as a my space friend and i got mad and told him to take her off,then i found out she called him and left him a voice mail saying"I called but you didn't answer",then I started getting suspicious I went through his deleted my space messages on Google desktop one said subject: My love - "I enjoy talking about the past, hope to see you soon babe" i got very suspicious hoping to not find anything I went through his phone bill he was calling her at least 3 times a week and calling her several times a day one call lasted 2 hours I asked him and he said that they were just friends and that he didn't have feelings for her that he loves me and thats the reason he is with me I told him friends don't send messages like the one she sent through my space he said she talks like that to everybody. This had been going on since before we were going out (we live together and have a baby now)it slow down after we moved in together. help

2007-12-14 07:34:19 · 32 answers · asked by anonymous 1 in Singles & Dating

...How do you feel being without the person at the Holiday time?
Do you want to call? Do you want to have them here just to not be alone ont he Holiday?
How are yo dealing with it?

2007-12-14 07:32:48 · 13 answers · asked by Francesca 5 in Marriage & Divorce

YUP, back to the crazy friend. I am bored at work- me and my friend (who is in her wedding) our fighting over how many people are going to show up for her wedding.
It's just for fun (yeah, I am a B- I already know) And I am completely bored at work today! LOL
1. No invites yet- wedding is Jan 19th
2. 75% of the guest list is out of state
3. New England is getting lots of snow this year.
4. It's right after the holidays.
5. This is a redo wedding (she already married)
6. Only 17 people came to her shower and she invited like 60.
7. She short 6 grand so no one knows if the wedding is really happening...
8. She really doesn't have any close friends and is inviting EVERYONE she has ever known since childhood.
9. Not everyone gets a date!!

Facts- she is inviting 189 and thinks def. 147 will show. My friend thinks maybe 100 will show. I think 60 people might show. What your guess?
Hint- You figure from the shower 34 people will def show.

2007-12-14 07:30:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

My gf and i have been living togeather for 8 yrs and she has never realy showed me the afection i would like her to its like im living with a roommate only (other than im paying for everything )and I have tried to talk to her about this and she dosent wana hear about it.when i try to b romantic and carress her when i touch her she pulls away like im contagious or something she never trys to b romantic to me i always have to start when anything romantic is to b.then she complains of being lonley.I bought her sexy laungaree and it took a yr and me complaining for her to weare it for me 1 time im always thinking of her when I go to the store by getting her something like a rose now im 40yrs and this isnt my 1st relationship somethings going on here shes never nice or smiles now im not trying to make it sound like im perfect cause im not i have my faults.Ive talked to her about this and tryed to just wait it out but now im getting lonley and i would like to have someone show me some lovein

2007-12-14 07:29:47 · 37 answers · asked by ? 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm 19, and an falling for a girl in my life, who is 16 (17 in 4 months). i'm not even interested in sex with her. she's amazing. just being around her makes me happier than i've been with anyone else. the last relationship i got out of was with an 18yr old and was very sexual. it crashed and burned after a pregnancy scare. i'm not looking to add that stress to her life, let alone a relationship. all i'm interested in is her companionship, her open arms, just to know that shes there, and i'm hers. she turns 17 in <4 months. some people have told me to wait, but as i have approval from her parents, and am not interested in having sex with her, i do not see the problem with persuing a relationship now. what should i do?

2007-12-14 07:29:32 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband of four months and I recently made up after I learned that he hadn't paid November or December's rent (I just moved to his state from the west coast and I was without a job). Now I learned that in the past he has had all of these different types of women as sexual partners, although we spoke about our pasts before and after premarital counseling. (While in the army he has slept with a lot more women than he originally told me). I know it's in the past, but I look at him differently now, especially since he lied about it before. He's turning out to be a real disappointment. I'm trying to let it go, but I truly feel disgusted now. I don't even want to touch this man. I know we all have a history, but do I have a right to be upset with him?

2007-12-14 07:28:29 · 53 answers · asked by Just Asking 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I turned 21 the other day and my sister who is 29, and her husband are pressuring me to go out tonight with them and their friends because my sister says she is going to get me "trashed." I dont drink and I never have. I dont agree with her pressuring me into doing something that I dont want to. I told her that I would have a drink... but not drink to get drunk..let alone, "trashed". I keep telling her that I dont want to get drunk but she keeps telling me OH YOU ARE TOO! I am so different from her also. I am not the type of person to go out to clubs and drink w/friends, and she is. I dont really know what to say to her... any suggestions?

2007-12-14 07:27:29 · 3 answers · asked by blue_star12111 1 in Friends

My boyfriend and I have been together for two year and prior to that we were great friends. He has express to me numerous times that he wants to marry me. We never had any big or real problems. I found out in July that he was cheating on me with someone that lived far away from us. (1825 miles away)
When I found out I was hurt of course. I never told him right away that I knew he was cheating. I would drop hints to him that I felt something was going on. Finally one day I just could not take it and I tol him I knew everything. He finally confessed. He promised that it’ll never happen again and that he would never contact or see her again. I spoke with the women and she said she didn’t know about me and wanted nothing to do wit him. I want to know should I forgive him and stay with him or end what we have / had?

2007-12-14 07:25:25 · 13 answers · asked by satavia83 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-14 07:25:11 · 12 answers · asked by April 5 in Family

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