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Family & Relationships - 4 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

hi my name is syrenna...
im in u.s. and I have a boyfriend in my country dominican republic. he is a nice guy with me but people think he is bad guy that uses drugs, drinks and do bad things. i love him and he tells me that he does too. i want your opinion......... tell me what can i do? stay with him or search for other man??????

2007-12-04 15:12:48 · 11 answers · asked by annerys d 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I am an 18 year old ugly gal who is utterly depressed right now. I am posting this thing coz I have no one here to share my innermost feelings with.My looks prevent me from meeting new people.Every time I see someone I'd like to be friends with, I start thinking I might as well not give them a nightmare by introducing myself to them.This happens especially when the person I'm wanting to be friends with is a guy. I soo wish I could look "normal".like every other girl on the street. I have no desire to look glamorous..I just want to look "normal".."presentable". I can never befriend a guy...Whenever, I see a guy I'd like to talk to, I'm reminded of how ugly I am. As a result, I find myself hiding from guys I know from school so I won't have to talk to them. When there are occasions when I do need to have a conversation with a guy, I get extremely conscious about my looks and regret even having started the conversation in the first place.To sum it up, my looks have impaired my social life

2007-12-04 15:12:42 · 8 answers · asked by gal_wid_brainz 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I used to think not, because my ex broke up with me to focus on himself and I blamed myself so much for so long. And he lied he wanted a new girl. Well now Ive used this time to work on my college classes, go out with my friends more and save money by working. I recently realized how much stronger I am since before or when I was with him. I am happier. He made me miserable. I dont think Ive ever been more satisfried with my life.

2007-12-04 15:10:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i dont think its right and it gets under my selfesteem really badly(being kinda fluffy myself). he says its not that big of a deal and im making a mt over a mole hill and basically defends this crap to the end and yet its not that big of a deal. is it normal? should i just get over it? i really dont think its health and his big thing is the net... if it was vidio i dont think it would be such a problem but the net is too easy and is a "couple of times a week" type thing. ive herd ppl get hooked and become preditors. i dont get it and im ready for an enullment cuase if its not that big of a deal and he fights that much for it then where on the list does that leave me?

2007-12-04 15:08:55 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

well, i tried to safe it for marriage, but i don't think that i can wait that long.
my sexual atraction is getting really hight seen i was 18.
is that happen to you too??

2007-12-04 15:08:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

okay maybe i might be jealous but the problem is that -to me-is that he still has feelings for his ex, and that everytime he talks about her he sounds so bitter..like he can't let go okay, so they were together for 5yrs. it's not there's any ties that are binding him to her. WE have kids together! he's been so mean to me since he's came back from deployment i'm trying to let him adjust to being back but damn it seems like we can't move on from HER

2007-12-04 15:07:49 · 10 answers · asked by Lashelle H 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My parents are always telling me how much they want me to move out. My father refers to me as a "sucker," because I live in his house, he has nothing but pure hate for me. My mother is always thinking I am lying (about pointless things!). I am in high school, I am only 16...I got a job, but it has not made any improvements within the last 4 months. Both my parents are heavy alcoholics and I honestly believe it has proven detrimental to their mental health. I have two siblings (one in college, one just out--not living w/in the house), for many reasons, I can not turn to them. They experienced similar problems, but my parents have never liked me especially...they think I am going through the same as them. My parents play odd mental games to... establish control over me (?) and my leg is just now recovering from a shoe my father threw at me. I am an AP student, I enjoy schooI, I feel so hated. I try to be a good person...I am a happy person...I have to get out. What can I do?

2007-12-04 15:06:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am an ugly 18-year old college gal who is utterly depressed right now.The reason I'm posting this thing in here is because I have no one to share my innermost feelings with.
My story: My looks prevent me from meeting new people...Every time I see a person I'd like to be friends with, I can't muster enough courage to go talk to them. I believe they wlll only be experiencing a nightmare if they saw me. I soo wish I could look "normal"..like every other girl on the street. I have no desire to look glamorous... I just want to look "normal".."presentable". I can never befriend a guy...Whenever, I see a guy I'd like to talk to, I'm reminded of how ugly I am. As a result, I find myself hiding from guys I know from school so I won't have to talk to them. When there are occasions when I do need to have a conversation with a guy, I get extremely conscious about my looks and regret even having started the conversation in the first place. To sum it up, my looks have impaired my social life.

2007-12-04 15:05:41 · 32 answers · asked by gal_wid_brainz 1 in Singles & Dating

me and him are 22 years old ..i am done with my BA .. and he is still in college .. he wants to marry me now and my dad wants him to graduate first .. still two years to graduate so what can i do .. i love him to death .. i am afraid of losing him ...

2007-12-04 15:05:33 · 16 answers · asked by dodo s 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-04 15:03:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Love is like a wave,
it comes and it goes,
but when i look at you and me,
ours is like a rose,
so young,
so elegant,
so beautiful,
and so true,
i guess what i'm saying is...

i wrote it thinking about it a girl i was inlove with (my first love) but one day she found out b/c i was stupid and told some1 over myspace and that person printed out what i said and showed the girl & the whole skool. then the girl got freaked out and said she hated me and when i tried to text her and say i was sorry she said "stop callin and textin my phone. you get on my last nerve. get da point? so i have to spell it out for you? just stay out my life! i hate you!" and i started cryin. well it's been 9 months scence i wrote that poem and 7 months scence the girl found out and im still not over her so i knoi loved her...and i also kno b/c aftr all dat i would still die for her..but what do you think of the poem?

2007-12-04 15:02:47 · 45 answers · asked by bisexualgirl 2 in Singles & Dating

ever wonder who your spouce has been with before you . and if there still thinking about them after all did you come in . first with them or. second while. married or divorced

2007-12-04 15:02:32 · 11 answers · asked by matthew v 3 in Marriage & Divorce

i asked a question earlier, and i got some answers..but idk about it bc he told me wayy before that he didn't want sex bc he has too much to deal with as it is right now..understandable..and i don't want it either.
but i met him thru a friend and he drove 1 1/2 hours to meet me for the first time..i met him half way too..my friend told me that he was the kind of guy that dosen't respond right away to anyone..but i asked him to chill w. us one night. we were going to lou. and every1 was spending the night at my house..it ended up being just 2 of my other friends bc the others had to leave..so my friend slept on the couch and we slept on the floor beside the couch. we cuddled and kissed a bit, he played w. my hair and seemed to really care..im pretty much at the top of his friends list...and i told him 2 call when he got home. he did. i sent him a message but he never responded tho, but he's responded to other ppl..why? hope that better explains the situation..i just really need help!

2007-12-04 15:02:08 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


I know you folx are probably going to laugh?

But, I had a dream that I was having sex with Denny Crane. I don't usually remember my dreams. But, this one I did. I told my husband and we had a good laugh.

However, I wonder what the heck that was all about.

What do you guys and gals think?

2007-12-04 15:01:56 · 5 answers · asked by Indypendence 3 in Marriage & Divorce

He is too ticklish to enjoy caresses/anything sexual/any touch not on his arms. The giggling kind of kills the mood too. Any advice? I'm 20.

2007-12-04 15:01:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Okay, this is a long story. But here goes: So my family is incredibly nosy. I mean seriously. I'm a private person. I like my social life to be private. I clash with my whole family. For example, I got a ride home with someone and my mom was waiting at the door and the minute I walked in, I got bombarded with these questions: "Who was that? Where are they from? How do you know them? What grade are they in? Are they a good driver? How long have you know them?" etc, etc, etc. Well, this really irritates me. And it's been like this for years. It's gotten so bad that six years ago was the last time I had a friend come over. Since I never had my friends come to my house, they all assumed that I didn't want to be friends anymore so they stopped talking to me. Now I have no close friends. I have a few, but none that I feel totally comfortable around. My best friend thinks I'm anti-social so she won't ever ask me to hang out with her and she doesn't invite me to be with her

2007-12-04 15:01:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

He likes cars and is freshly divorced. Just having trouble thinking of something to get him for Christmas. Can you help?

2007-12-04 15:00:36 · 12 answers · asked by cosmotis 2 in Singles & Dating

In relationships. With the current state of things in that area. From fidelity, trust, honesty, commitment, integrity, values etc. With the current state of how things look now(and there's a lot!)

Do think this is a sign of a big social change? Now arguably, many will say. Things are the same now, as they were 50 years ago. Everything is just more out in the open. And I think I would agree with that!

But for the shake of argument. Do feel we are seeing the end of something?

And don't say marriage, because that's WEAK!!!

2007-12-04 14:56:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am really feeling this guy and I live in Cleveland he lives in Atalanta I am flying down to be with him for 4 days. Now the problem is I talk alot and he don't, I am starting to feel that I made a mistake by booking this flight I am felling like he has no interest in me anymore. I am afraid to ask him so please tell me should I just go to Atlanta and see how it goes from there or should I ask him how he feels about me and deal with the answer? And I still go to Atlanta and have fun because my ticket and hotel is already paid for? I can't stop thinking about him everytime I sign into Yahoo and see him online I go cold Turkey and normally wait to see if he notice me first.I never know what to say to him anymore before we actully spent time together I had alot to say now I am speechless.

2007-12-04 14:55:10 · 13 answers · asked by Mz.G 2 in Singles & Dating

I need help. I've been thinking that I should go and stay with my Dad. I'm 16 now and my parents were divorced when I was 5. I don't know who to talk to my Mom about it though.

2007-12-04 14:54:54 · 8 answers · asked by Marcus O 1 in Family

how do you show a girl that you like her?? i personally find it sooo hard to tell if a guy likes me or not. i cant differentiate on whether he's just friendly (with everyone) or he's actually interested in me!
so all boys/guys-shy and "loud"...how do show a girl you like her?? do you approach her? compliment her a lot? smile a lot? not say anything at all...stare from a distance lol? im soo curious cuz i cant figure out if this one guy is interested in me or not!

so plz answerrrr, fellas ;-)

2007-12-04 14:53:16 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2 in Singles & Dating

My girlfriend doesnt like it if I masturbate. I think its healthy but she doesnt agree, she says "if you're fullfilled with me theres no need for porn and masturbation and that in a way its cheating in my mind"...what should I do???

2007-12-04 14:52:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am very curious about this! I always wonder, if both the husband and wife have an extremely high sex drive, that puts them into this kind of lifestyle. Or does it just take for one [husband or wife] to be extremely horny for sex all the time to enter into this type of lifestyle. Thanks guys for your honest answers.

2007-12-04 14:51:24 · 13 answers · asked by pain_of_unhappiness 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I had this best friend, but we had some argument 1 year ago and stopped talking, basically she was a very straight forward person and said something hurted me, i was angry and told another friend about how angry i was, and she found out thru another friend, so we stopped talking. Now i am helping her moving house next week (we still kept emailing occationally), should i talk about the conflict or not when we meet?i still want to be her best friend.

2007-12-04 14:51:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

was it longer than a year or shorter or how long& how old were you?

2007-12-04 14:50:55 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

like you know go ion bed and do a guy or girl get in jiggy wit it

2007-12-04 14:49:49 · 121 answers · asked by Jessie 1 in Singles & Dating

We have been together for 8 months. I am 19, she is 21 and long story short her only option is to move to wisconsin. We truly love eachother but I just can't jump across the country with her. How can I show her before she leaves how much she means to me so she'll never forget me? I have 10 days left...

2007-12-04 14:49:34 · 10 answers · asked by clerick145 2 in Singles & Dating

I have been reading some posts and have come up a few times with something that needs clarifying. Let me explain. I read that a wife/husband have secret saving accounts that will not be touched till they get divorced. Please be careful because if the spouse finds out about it after the divorce, he can take you back to court and 9 times out of 10, they are awarded 100% of the assests since you did accumilate the money during your marriage and tried to hide it. If you come clean during the divorce, they will probably only get 1/2. Please be honest because when you try to cheat you will get caught one way or another.

2007-12-04 14:48:41 · 6 answers · asked by califdreamer_2000 3 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-04 14:46:02 · 38 answers · asked by Tiffany H 1 in Singles & Dating

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