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Family & Relationships - 4 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I think this is a common quotation but it really hurt me a lot after I saw it somewhere after an incident which occured to me recently.
The saying goes thus,

"To love is nothing"
"To be loved is something"
"To love and to be loved is everything"

What occured to me is something very common but the problem is when it happens to you only you know how hurt you would be!!! I had a crush on a girl and I expressed my love to her recently but she rejected it. I took the risk and asked about it but I forgot everything after she rejected me but there was pain of mind. Later I saw her with my friend and I came to know that they have become lovers!!! That really hurt me and also worse of all, my friend knew that I was interested in this girl!!!
These are my expressions of sorrow but I know that you would ask me to wait for someone new but you know the pain of mind rejection causes has no bounds. Thanks to everyone for your attention. Help me to come out of this sorrow...tks..bye..

2007-12-04 21:37:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

it's almost a year that we've never seen each other..yet he's still texting me, he already asked for my forgiveness and begged me to give him another chance..but i used to stay away from him.
because for me..i cannot forgive him if the pain is still there.
now..i'm confused.because i always find myself..longing for him..what will i do now? the pain is still there...but i really missed him.do i have to set these things free..and move on with my life w/o him?or give him another chance eventhough, my trust for him is already gone?

2007-12-04 21:30:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

think the problem really is he cheated on me though i have forgiven him i think somehow in my mind it always rings a bell. i love him so much and i do not know what i should to make to achieve an orgasm. we have tried different positions but it does not work.

2007-12-04 21:29:04 · 11 answers · asked by Sandra Melody M 1 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend has been acting differently over the past month. He's obsessed with the show the pickup artist on vh1 and even has downloaded cds on how to pickup women. when i asked why he would want to know that when he has me, he responded by saying it was to become more social and popular. He had been texting one of my friends which is a girl. He gets mad if i read his text messages and even ripped the cell phone out of my hands and deleted his messages before i could read them. finally he's never liked myspace but he recently got one. He asked me if he could add his ex and i said fine because i didnt want to be one of "those" type girls. I dont think he is cheating yet but it does make me mad hes doing all this stuff, it seems as though he is wanting to cheat or find someone else. am i crazy for being nervous about this?

2007-12-04 21:27:01 · 6 answers · asked by amy 1 in Singles & Dating

I went out on Friday and a stranger guy approached me and gave me his number. He seemed decent/nice and cute. I talked to him on the phone today and he seemed nice. He said he's 30 years old, even though he looked younger and I'm 18 and he said he's attracted to me and that's why he gave me his number. Is it a good idea to go out with him? I never went out with anyone before. And to those who just say no, please think that no men approached me before especially my age. I never dated and I'm pissed off that the the boys my age just stare at me and sometimes smile but don't ask me out. Don't tell me they never dated either, I saw them all lovey dovey with the geeky/nerdy girls with glasses and bad hair and with mean/slutty girls who ends up sleeping with other guys and flirting. And this happened since I was 16. I guess the feminine classy girl with seductive edge isn't IN for people my age. Maybe that's why he approached me. He seems decent... So should I go out with h

2007-12-04 21:24:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Recently my girlfriend split up with me. We had some issues and were both partly to blame for the downturn in the relationship but in my mind it was def not a lost cause. At the time it seemed final and also propbably for the best. Naturally, I was sad and missed her a lot in the first week - but I didn't get in contact with her thinking it best to have some space. Then a week later she got in contact saying how much she missed me - in a moment of weakness I asked her if she's sure she did the right thing - and then she she changed her tact to "we need some time apart - lets see how we feel in a few months". Is it just me or is it unfair that she did that? The logical part of me says "you need to move on dude" but a part of me has the "post-breakup crazies" and still wants to hold on because I still care for her. I think I know what I need to do - guess I just need to hear it from someone who's not emotionally involved in all this.. Cheers in advance peeps:)

2007-12-04 21:18:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Yuletide is close...and as it is, partners will feel the fist and boot of their 'other half' more than any other time of the year - but I'm always confused when a battered wife will tell us that she cannot leave him on account of her love for him, or that they met whilst at school years ago, and there's no way she could leave him now. What (if any) good does a husband/partner have that makes battered lasses forgive time and time again. Is he good with the bairns,or does he earn decent money and helps to keep their abode sparkly and nice - what is it? Never understood the forgiveness of women who really should have left long ago. Is the misunderstanding of such problems a 'man thing'?

2007-12-04 21:17:40 · 25 answers · asked by nativexile 5 in Marriage & Divorce

That drinks Merlot (750 ml) starting at 2 p.m..... & then has a bottle of Chianti (750 ml) that same evening & finishes that bottle in a couple of hours? My 21 yr. old son doesn't see a problem with that but both my husband & I do. A month ago he was arrested for public intoxication, bit a nurse on the hand at the hospital he was being treated at & hit the paramedic. At that time his blood alcohol level was .21 but he still insist that he wasn't 'that drunk'. A few months back he became enraged at home & bit his dad on the hand almost to the bone! I say that anyone who behaves this way & causes pain on someone (esp. a loved one) should feel such remorse that they would be totally embarrassed & would never drink again. I believe that someone who chooses to continue to drink especially when their previous legal charges are still looming that this person has a very bad drinking problem. Would you call this person an alcoholic? Is there free help for him due to no insurance? Thanks!

2007-12-04 21:09:38 · 18 answers · asked by joie 6 in Marriage & Divorce

Can someone please help me understand why after a six year relationship my fiancee tells me he does'nt love me in that way anymore and he cant tell me why. we have a son together he is 4... I just don't understand how after so many years he tells me now that his feelings have changed and he cant tell me why they have changed all he says is "i don't know" and that he is sorry i cant get any answers out of him... is there anyone out there that can perhaps just explain how a man can just fall out of love... oh and he says its not another woman.. i really dont know what to do i feel all empty inside im just numb......

2007-12-04 21:05:12 · 7 answers · asked by Jullie 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

many a man has been rejected by women in there life. but when a woman is used and rejected by men what.s the difference. are women that crazy knowing other women are more likley to end up where there decent. with a good man rather than spreading it. open like that trailer park trash. who was easy .at her age.40.s to be exact. to think a decent man wants something is known as . leftover.s she was just that asy doing it. in her own home. and scting like nothing she did was wrong toward her.man. and family. that.s degrading to every decent mother. but trailer park tash like that is sicking. to evencall a woman .those streach marks. and her flabby self thought i . was in love with her no way money she didnt have nothing but what her man workd and had she was even to lazy to cook.or. clean . degreding. as well sicking. to all

2007-12-04 21:03:11 · 2 answers · asked by matthew v 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

was just wondering if it is true tht u can fall pregs from "pre sperm" does it matter wht time of the month it is, i mean 2 do with ur periods... me and this guy had sex a lot over 5days. all night n day and im just a lil worried... he came only once
plz help

2007-12-04 20:58:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I've never had a boyfriend. Never been asked out. It's very frustrating and I have been very depressed because of it. I've asked out guys before but only to be rejected. I don't think I'n ugly but...I could be wrong. Is there anything I can do to find some one to be with?

2007-12-04 20:38:16 · 5 answers · asked by scarlettxfoxx 2 in Singles & Dating

our "thingies" attractive.
I mean would u like just go an grab it..if yah got half the chance?

2007-12-04 20:29:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend has been acting differently over the past month. He's obsessed with the show the pickup artist on vh1 and even has downloaded cds on how to pickup women. when i asked why he would want to know that when he has me, he responded by saying it was to become more social and popular. He had been texting one of my friends which is a girl. He gets mad if i read his text messages and even ripped the cell phone out of my hands and deleted his messages before i could read them. finally he's never liked myspace but he recently got one. He asked me if he could add his ex and i said fine because i didnt want to be one of "those" type girls. I dont think he is cheating yet but it does make me mad hes doing all this stuff, it seems as though he is wanting to cheat or find someone else. am i crazy for being nervous about this?

2007-12-04 20:28:49 · 8 answers · asked by amy 1 in Singles & Dating

IF you have a nephew or a niece that have been neglected because of a parent in need to sort out their finance?
I think she cares about her kids and she loves them to bits, she started a full time job recently and her priorities are muddled up and I don't want to be the person to say that. She ended up leaving her kids home alone (2 of them under 11) sometimes without food when she has to go to work. She clearly needs help but she takes advantage to people who helps her! I just want to help out without hurting her feelings or ego or anything for that matter but at the same time I don't want to help more so she can take advantage of me being helpful. I myself work full time and I have 3 kids. I love my nephews and I don't want them to end up with no parents at all. My brother already left them for another woman and settled out of the country. Please help me help my nephews....thanks!
Only genuine answers please.

2007-12-04 20:15:25 · 9 answers · asked by mum who cares 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

i went to a friends wedding. it was the most beautiful wedding i had ever been to. everything was good. dancing etc.......... the father of the groom had a heart attack on the dance floor. there was a nurse at the wedding doing cpr.....while everyone watched in horror... needless to say the man didn't make it......he was gone by the time help came........ i feel bad about that. i feel worse about the pain the bride and groom r going through..... it was so planned to be a perfect day... that went so wrong at the end. at the wake wake i wispered in the brides ear what a beautiful bride she was........ not taking lightly the death of her new father in law. but her day that she worked so hard for is gone and remembered for the rest of their lives. was i wrong to feel she was cheated by the death?

2007-12-04 20:02:13 · 9 answers · asked by jackdanielsbaby 2 in Weddings

been with bf for almost 3 years. been up and down due to me having pmdd that i struggle with (seeing a counselor and take meds). i also have 3 kids that i care for part-time. i'm 28 and he's 29-no kids,never married.

we've discussed living together-marriage and said one way or the other things had to be figured out by this Feb when my apt lease is up. so far, plan is for me to move in with him (my cat and over half my stuff is at his house now)

got into a little tiff today mostly due to me being a little moody and tired. things seemed ok when we left for work but he won't email or call me back.

a friend of his back home in IL emails him from time to time and emailed him to see how things were w/his life and w/me.

he emailed back not saying anything about me so the friend asked again. he emailed the friend back saying he didnt mention me the first time b/c things are the same-one week good, the next bad. more below and important-please read!!

2007-12-04 20:00:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

First I married her is because we have been together for quite some time and I always thought that my feeling will grow for her as time go(I did try). From my past relation experience I thought to be love is better to love someone, now we are married with a 2 years old daughter, what I can do to have a good separation and stay as a friend to look after our daughter. I may not be a good husband but I’m a good father for sure, I don’t wish my daughter get hurt and will hate me as I know her mum will tell her bad thing about me. Please advise me?????

I will still pay for all the family expenses
And giving her my share of a property we brought

2007-12-04 19:56:19 · 5 answers · asked by wil$on 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Hi i have a boyfriend who means a lot to me , i need help with getting him a gift this year, i have no idea what guys like him want as a gift , a lil about him
hes a serious gamer he got a x-box 360 last year and about 3 or 4 moths ago he got Final fantasy online ,and o-yea i play just as much as he do , whats hot this year for guys , i really need a guys answer on this pleeeeessss

thanks a lot

2007-12-04 19:50:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I go to uni with 2 girls, Lisa* & Kelly*.

I want Lisa* as one of my bridesmaid but not Kelly*.

The 3 of us have most classes/lectures together.

Any ideas/suggestions on how I can make our future classes/lectures as least awkward as possible if I don't have Kelly* as one of my bridesmaid?

2007-12-04 19:46:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

Because in the USA you have a high use of cars and also a high divorce rate. Unlike in UK and Europe where we do not need cars and we get divorced less, much less. We have got public transport, so no arguments about who drives, (hey, it's the bus driver or train driver), no arguments about who is in charge (hey, it's the Danish captain of the ship), no arguments about child seats (kids travel free) no arguments about child support (free daycare paid for with the tax on automobile fuel and parking charges). SURELY the automobile (and the love of too much individual consumption and the SELF over society) is to BLAME for all, or most, of the social problems in the USA today !

2007-12-04 19:44:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-04 19:40:23 · 29 answers · asked by deepak57 7 in Singles & Dating

2007-12-04 19:36:46 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

These last couple of months couldn't get worse, I hope! My husband is deployed, and won't be home until July, and today I found out my grandma probably won't make it until the weekend? Anyone else having a hard time too?

2007-12-04 19:35:41 · 8 answers · asked by ~Katie~ 5 in Marriage & Divorce

We have been together for a long time. I want him to be real and straight forward. I am in to tattoos and having fun when I am not being mom. He used to be into surfing and clubbing but now its just work and kids and I give him all the nookie he wants. I feel like he has lost his drive for life and it drives me crazy. I want him to be more confident of himself. Right now I have little respect for him because he is just surviving not living. what can I do to revive him or should I just leave?

2007-12-04 19:30:31 · 5 answers · asked by fabulosity 2 in Marriage & Divorce


what kind of person is unforgiving, and will always try and get you if you screw up with them once.

2007-12-04 19:20:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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