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Family & Relationships - 23 October 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

How can I do it and how long will it take. I need to
complete this right away.

2007-10-23 06:42:25 · 4 answers · asked by John 1 in Singles & Dating

to invite us to a football game on my scheduled visit. This game consist of the non custodial friends who had made our son the water boy ~ This was a last minute call to us. We were not home for most of the day as we already had plans and missed the call. I got a nasty letter from that parent saying I was not allowing the children to participate in social activities with them. Shouldn't he have made arrangements with me prior to this call?

2007-10-23 06:38:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-10-23 06:32:09 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My daughter is a very good swimmer. She swims because she loves to swim, and not because we as parents force her to do so. She is ranked as one of the top swimmers in our state, and as one of the top swimmers in the country. In fact in our state there is only one other girl that can beat her half the time.
The problem we have is that she honestly doesn't see herself as being any good. When she does race someone who has a better time, she allows them to beat her, because she doesn't put forth the effort to win the race. Her coach has talked to her in an effort to light that spark, but she tells him she doesn't care if she looses. The only time she'll put forth a good race effort is when a competitor says she's short, and will be easy to beat when in an open age event. She is 13, and has beat many of our high school record, and her times are already good enough for a division III university, and about 1/2 second from some Division II qualifying times.

Any Ideas??????

2007-10-23 06:30:39 · 6 answers · asked by Sara 1 in Family

I'm just wondering how often this happens in today's world...

How many couples let their significant other have some 'me time' after work or on the weekends?

What is your family situation? Such as no kids, 3 kids...
How long have ya'll been married?
Do you wish you would have it different... meaning that if your spouse goes out by themselves, do you wish they would stay home and do things with yourself & kids OR if they don't go out, do you wish they would get out every once in a while?

How do you think it affects the relationship?

2007-10-23 06:30:09 · 21 answers · asked by Me 3 in Marriage & Divorce

My mother in law got along great until a last week. I guess It started about a month ago when my mother moved in with my mother in law they live 5 minutes away. Well went to a harvest party at my mother in laws work and one of the guys that she works with grabbed the back of my head with both hands and was trying to kiss me. I said no but I couldnt move my head and so he kissed me and stuck his tongue in my mouth and then left. So I told my mother in law and she said nothing. Well the next day my husband new something was wrong with me. After a lot of arguing I told him. So he got mad and went to my mother in laws work. My mother in law and her boss and my mom were sitting there having supper and I guess he was really angry. I got a phone call from her 5 min later yelling at me for telling him what happened.She called me yelling at me for telling my husband and her boss yelled in the background tell her to shut her mouth. So I swore at her and hung up and have not talked to her since.

2007-10-23 06:29:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

How do you get your wife to fall back in love?
We've grown comfortable in our relationship. So much so that she never leaves me notes anymore. She never looks for sex.
She plans activities that never involve just she & I.
If I didn't talk to her for an entire day I doubt she'd raise a fuss.
What's left to try?

I need a companion so bad it hurts. I don't want another woman but I can't make her show more care.
Am I stuck in this situation for the rest of my life?
How many of you feel the same?
Please tell me I'm not alone.

2007-10-23 06:28:44 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I really care for this girl and she says she thinks the world of me. We did go out with each other last month and had a good time. But, she was still hurting over her last relationship and we both agreed that it wasn't fair to carry on seeing one another while she felt like this. Since then, we've remained close as friends. At the moment she feels as if she will never be ready for another relationship. I told her she should be single for a while despite it paining me to say that. The problem is that while I love hanging out with her, I still want to be with her and while being friends is easy, I somehow feel a bit guilty for wanting her as a girlfriend. It's as if I've got an ulterior motive in the way I act around her. I guess I'm scared that she doesn't feel like "that" for me anymore. But on the other hand just recently we've started getting a bit more flirty around one another again and in texts, where as for a while it was all too serious. How should I play this? I'm confused!

2007-10-23 06:27:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hi, i'm Billie.
I am using this emai because i honestly don't have one.
I have a serious problem
My father has been having some serious issues as of lately.
He won't let me go anywhere or talk to anyone outside of school.
((which is where i am now))
i'm 17 i think i should at least have some freedom!!
He even took my car away.
Could this be because i'm getting closer to the age in which i'll be leaving home?

2007-10-23 06:27:38 · 28 answers · asked by Mercedes M 1 in Family

2007-10-23 06:27:35 · 17 answers · asked by rush 1 in Singles & Dating

I Say Yes ... What About You ?

2007-10-23 06:27:07 · 37 answers · asked by finn 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Arranged marriages vs. romantic marriages. Do you think that marriages arranged by the family are more successful than ones that develop from the couple only?

2007-10-23 06:24:55 · 8 answers · asked by greatbuddy 1 in Weddings

2007-10-23 06:23:35 · 12 answers · asked by thanhmap 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Bit of a naughty question but I would like to know, especially from girls what makes them really jealous. I mean really really jealous of a guy, talking to other girls seems the obvious one and how do girls disguise their jealousy

2007-10-23 06:23:29 · 7 answers · asked by OfficeMonkey 1 in Singles & Dating

Hallelujah-jeff buckley (song posted below to listen)

Lullaby-dixie chicks

2007-10-23 06:23:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

This is a serious question so please be kind. I went on a date with someone who is extremely nice but looks wise I wasn't attracted to him. He has the face of a chipmunk (not to be mean) but he had like these chubby cheeks and he was a little overweight. I just kept thinking if he lost weight he would look good. But he is so nice I don't want to give up on things based on looks because that is not how I was raised.

2007-10-23 06:22:55 · 5 answers · asked by Brownie12866 2 in Singles & Dating

I would like to ask this question to wives.

2007-10-23 06:22:23 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

a threesome and not get insucre about it, like for a one time thing for your partner

2007-10-23 06:21:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have become good friends with my ex-girlfriend's friend and we would like to date eachother. I was with my ex for 3 years and never cheated on her, and we had a good relationship, but things just were not working. The breakup was a lot harder for her, and I think I had already in my mind gotten over it before it actually happened. This friend and I get along great, have a lot in common, want the same things in life, and are very attracted to eachother. I don't want to let this great woman out of my life, but I don't how my ex will deal with us dating. Please help!

2007-10-23 06:20:51 · 7 answers · asked by snoborder79 2 in Singles & Dating

When my family was at dinner at my grandparents yesterday, my aunt asked me what college I wanted to go to and I said I wasn't going to college but I was moving to NY to try my chances on Broadway and everyone just looked at me like I was nuts and started talking about how hard it was and really making me mad. I mean if this is my dream then why shouldn't I go for it instead of wasting time in some college? It's doesn't seem right to me. Besides, I'm just in 11th grade so why is everyone getting so worked up now

2007-10-23 06:20:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-10-23 06:18:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

....in bed besides your husband or boyfriend? Who would it be and why?

2007-10-23 06:18:39 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

ok...my wife and i seperated two months ago. she was the one that wanted it, she said that she wasn't in love with me anymore and wanted time to think. this completely tore me apart, because her and my daughter are all that i ever wanted in my life. over that time, we hugged and kissed each other a few times, so i thought that we were making progress in saving our marriage. but as it turned out we were not. about 3 wks ago, she told me that we were not going to get back together because we weren't right for each other, but she wanted to remain friends. now this really hurt me, and i acted like a real prick for a few days towards her, but i realized that i need to remain civil towards her for my daughter's sake, so i agreed to try and remain friends with her.
now i realized that i made some mistakes in our marriage, and i apologized so many times to her for them in the first two months of the seperation...i loved her so much, and i guess i always will in some way.

2007-10-23 06:18:35 · 13 answers · asked by confused 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My partner's sister will have a one year old and his step brother will have is 7month old, due to be at our wedding next July.
However, I am not keen on having babies at the church and then sat around the tables at the wedding meal. The tables will look lovely and will have chair covers etc etc. So, hence therefore I am not really willing to have tacky old looking highchairs (the venue supplies) for the babies. So I have said they can come but I am not giving them a place at the table. (Therefore will not be havcing a meal - parents should rbing their own in a pot or something). They can sit in their pushchair or on their parents lap - there is not enough places left also.
Help, I dont want to offend anyone, but its our wedding at the end of the day, yes they're my partner's family but he thinks whatever I want. Please, any suggestions.???

2007-10-23 06:17:18 · 71 answers · asked by Fairy Dust :*:*: 2 in Weddings

It’s strange, older guys seem to find me breath taking. They stare after me in the street…once a guy even came up to me just to tell me that he thought I was pretty. My mom once yelled after two guys who almost ran into a tree because they were starring behind themselves to look at me, “She’s beautiful, right?!”

And I still feel…ugly. Guys my age…don’t find me attractive at all. My boyfriend loves me for my inteligence..

I can’t even look in the mirror, when I have to lean in to pluck my eyebrows I cry..I used to pick at my skin a lot…but there’s only minimal discolouration. Still, it makes me feel ugly.

Help, I just…feel like I’m drowning!


^^on a really good day


^^on a horrid day (today to be exact)

2007-10-23 06:14:25 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i know most men fantasize about girl/girl action...my husband included. now, i am not willing to engage in a threesome because it would hurt me too much as i am already insecure enough as it is. now, he has enough sence not to ask me for one but i know that if i voluntereed he would be all about it. so, i now feel like im not enough for him and even though i've always been extremely sexual and open minded when it comes to everything else...now i've pretty much lost interest in sex because i feel like i'll never be able to satisfy him on my own...and he'll always feel like he's missing out on something. this is really killing me and i have no idea what to do. i mean, i guess i can just accept that i'll never be enough or leave him so he can feel free to have as crazy and fulfilling a sex life as the men in the porn's he watches does. men, do you have any advice?

2007-10-23 06:14:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i confessed to my friend last last week that i'm in love w/ him and he told me that he cares for me and that he loves me but he's not in love. I've been very lonely this week but I thought I should not give up on him. I told him that it's hard, that's why i told him that i would just make him fall in love with me. He told me he could see that happening.

these past few days, i feel really depressed. I know for a fact that letting go is hard... but only now do i realize that holding onis even harder.

2007-10-23 06:13:57 · 6 answers · asked by xoijdn 2 in Singles & Dating

Half of my bonus was spent on paying debts and buying my mom plane tickets so she can go back to our home country to resolve some family problems. Her allowance will also be pulled from a large portion of the bonus that was left. Only a small amount of money will be saved for me once I buy a plane ticket too. I'm going home to see that special person i've not seen for years. Should I just drop the idea of me going back home to enjoy the bonus i received from enlisting in the military or should I just give everything to my mom to ease everyone's mind?

2007-10-23 06:13:27 · 8 answers · asked by Airman Squid 1 in Family

My daughter has a trial before court date in a couple of weeks.

Her "new" lawyer lied and told her the judge had ordered her to mediation (there is no such order, not signed and not on file).

She only has enough money for the actual trial itself and not the additional $5,000 for a full day of mediation.

If there's no signed order, I don't want her to agree to mediation.


1. If, at the trial, the judge actually DOES order mediation, can't her lawyer plea Financial Hardship as a reason why my daughter can't goto mediation?

2. If the judge doesn't accept Financial Hardship, can't her lawyer demand that all mediation costs be paid by her to-be-Ex ??

3. Is there any other acceptable way for her or her lawyer to get out of going to mediation ??

Thanks for your help.

2007-10-23 06:13:02 · 6 answers · asked by gpurv 4 in Marriage & Divorce

I am married to a wonderful man who is a wonderful father to our new baby girl and i have absolutely no interest in any other man...so here is my problem...i have an ex-boyfriend from 4 years ago who has landed himself in prison he has been writing me letters and sending me cards (they have been sent to my mothers house because that is where i lived the last time we talked) i want to write him back and let him know that i am married with a family now and that i do not think it is appropriate for me to correspond with him because i have moved on (and i did not think my husband would mind because i do not intend to keep in contact) but when i told my husband about wanting to do this he forbid me, saying he does not want me to talk to him at all...i think it is cruel to let my ex continue writing me and think that i am ignoring him (we had a very close relationship), so should i just write my ex-boyfriend and not let my husband know that i did it??? any advice would be much appreciated...

2007-10-23 06:12:59 · 12 answers · asked by Savannah's Mommy! 4 in Marriage & Divorce

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