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Family & Relationships - 7 October 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-10-07 08:12:20 · 18 answers · asked by powerpuff girls 1 in Marriage & Divorce

this guy keep asking me out, I hate him, but I am always not busy, so I cant reject it, help
Iam scared he will get angry and argue with me.

2007-10-07 08:11:54 · 7 answers · asked by powerpuff girls 1 in Marriage & Divorce

The club we're both in is a sort of program where mainstream students cultivate friendships with special-ed students. We are both general-ed students.

Last week, we had a party where we met the parents of our special-ed buddies. He came over and remarked on a lot of the things I did. Things like: "Nice creativity with the scissors." "You're doing way too much work, chill out." "I heard you speaking your Chinglish to his mom" (Chinese with sprays of English) We chatted a little about languages then, and he told me about his ethnic background. At one point, he set me on a task, and blew me a kiss, then said, "Just kidding." Every so often, he would glance at me and smile.

That was a week ago, and he hasn't done anything else since. What's with the mixed signals?

2007-10-07 08:11:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anita 5 in Singles & Dating

Okay I am planning a wedding in just a few weeks time and I just want to make sure I am not leaving anything out. This is going to be a simple wedding with a simple reception, and I am doing it all myself. Can you help me with my list so I don't leave anything out. Like I said SIMPLE

2007-10-07 08:11:33 · 9 answers · asked by adriannahsmom 2 in Weddings

A guy that likes me asked me if I like to get drunk and my response was like no. I told him I like to drink but know my limits. Then I said you probably don't like that and he goes no I respect your decision.

What does that mean? Does it mean that he doesn't like the fact that I drink or does or it doesn't matter to him?

We both just turned 21 this year. I'm not the partying type of girl. I mean I just don't want to see myself going out getting smashed and coming home feeling yucky. Most of my friends aren't like that either so I have not been in situations were we have drank and drank.

2007-10-07 08:11:32 · 2 answers · asked by Brownie12866 2 in Singles & Dating

IS it really a felony to abuse a spouse?? because if it is.. then i have a very big problem. my dad always hits my mom, and makes her cry and hes the meanest person ever. he calls me and everyone else in my family "stupid" everyday. sometimes when he drinks too much alchohol he says crazy random things and punches holes in the wall. my mom trys to call the cops, but he throws the phone against the walls and breaks it (we have had 4 phones broken so far). one day i came home from school, and my little 3 year old sister made a mes of legos on the floor. he pulled my hair and pushed me on the floor and told me to clean up my mess. i did, and then i asked him why he always makes messes, and makes us clean them, but he tells us we must clean up after ourself. he got mad and started yelling CRAZY random stuff. he said " SO NOW YOU WANT ME TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOU!YOUR STUPID! YOU WANT ME TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR MESS YOU ANIMAL" and then he punched me in the stumic. is it really a felony? why didn't anyone tell me

2007-10-07 08:09:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Why do I bother making friends??? I just end up hurting them!!!!!!!!! I feel like i am a wate of space!!!!!!!! Why can no one understand me!!!!!!!! I feel like i am in a deep dark hole!

2007-10-07 08:09:09 · 9 answers · asked by ♥Jenn♥ 4 in Family

my daughter is 17 and she and her boyfriend want to get married! I am totally opposed to this. He is 19, got kicked out of college, is bisexual, has no job, and she is barley passing high school in special ed classes. She will be 18 in four months, and then they will be able marry with or without my permission. How can i talk her out of it? I don't want her to marry a bisexual man

2007-10-07 08:05:42 · 20 answers · asked by Jenn s 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I had my first child at 35. I notice that older parents seem to treat their children differently that younger parents. Older parents have had more life experiences and bring that knowledge to parenting. Younger parents have more energy and tend to interact at a different level with their children. Which is best and why?

2007-10-07 08:04:31 · 8 answers · asked by shannadee1 2 in Family

My boyfriend and i have gotten saved today to start all over with our family but to start from scratch, i was wondering because i know if your not married to have sex is a sin but does that include oral sex as well...This is a serious question or can you tell me where in the bible it talks of this thanks for all serious answers

2007-10-07 08:03:53 · 7 answers · asked by honey_b_03 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am having the hardest time trying to figure out the wording on my invites.
My future in-laws are divorced. My mother-in-law has been dating someone for 7 seven years and my father-in-law has a boyfriend which he lives with and helps raise my fiance and all his siblings. Everyone wants to be named and I have no clue how to do it and please everyone since I am from a very traditional family. I am trying not to offend anyone by leaving them out but dont want to scare my family who does not even believe in divorces....HELP

2007-10-07 08:03:33 · 12 answers · asked by Andi 1 in Weddings

How is it you can remember every last statement or insensative act us men do, yet can seem to remember where you park your car at the mall?

2007-10-07 08:01:46 · 9 answers · asked by 2012, Change it back!! 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Should I divorce him?, because hi doesn't want to have sex with me. We only have sex once a month or none.
I don't want to because we already have a baby and I don't want to give my son a step-father. I think I don't feel attractive to him anymore for rejecting me so many times.

2007-10-07 08:01:33 · 8 answers · asked by Kathy 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-10-07 08:00:05 · 9 answers · asked by sajmir 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm trying to think of a small role for my future husband's 9 year old sister to do at our wedding next year. We don't really want her to play a huge part in it, i.e. flower girl or bridesmaid, as our daughter will have the only important role at the ceremony, but we feel we should include her in something. The wedding itself is informal with very little tradition, therefore, there is no Order Of Service etc for her to hand out.
Any ideas would be much appreciated!

2007-10-07 07:54:54 · 19 answers · asked by nats28 3 in Weddings

My ex has a court order for child support, but he's filing an order of reconsideration. Does he still need to pay the court order until its changed, or does he not have to pay?

2007-10-07 07:49:17 · 6 answers · asked by Cyndi W 3 in Marriage & Divorce

was only being nice and sociable to someone in high school because I am not a mean person like that to not let somebody talk to me. It was only temporary because I thought that I wouldn't have to deal with that person after I left high school (and trust me, they annoyed me constantly in high school! Never gave me a space to breathe and kept coming up to me and annoying me when I was with my friends. One of my friends actually ended up not coming to a class ever again because it was that annoying and bad.. and my other friend ended up skipping classes because it was that bad as well) However, this person tends to see me a lot now with me going to college, and I don't mean to sound nasty or that, but it's kind of the same thing. I don't want anything to do with this person, I have tried giving them hints that I dont want to talk to them by maybe listening to music loud, or ignoring them in the corridors and that whenever they say hi, and it makes me look nasty - which I don't like because I am a kind person. They still didn't get the hint after this so I told them over MSN to leave me alone, and they still won't get the hint. Even though I said to be left alone in block capitals they still continue to come up to me, interupt me when I am with some of my friends and that, and basically attention-seek and never leave me alone. How can I tell this person straight to leave me alone without being mean? I have a firm feeling I will end up hurting their feelings, and I don't want to do that - but I have warned them that's what's going to happen if they do not leave me alone because I will take action. It's going to make me feel twice as bad and guilty for telling them out straight, but you have to be mean to be kind really, and because I am such a nice person I will have difficulty doing this. Can someone give me some advice here?

2007-10-07 07:49:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

i have only one friend and i get laughed at about it! is that bad?

2007-10-07 07:47:46 · 39 answers · asked by Samantha Anderson 1 in Friends

....than having a few more traits that are hard to live with, but being aware of them. Of course, there are some people who would be so hard to live with, that recognition and apologies for trespasses would not cut it. Would you rather live with someone who has a few more traits that are difficult to live with, but admits to them readily, or someone with a few less difficult traits, but won't discuss them, remain aware of them, or.......work on them?

2007-10-07 07:47:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My fiance's family are very stricked. They like to stick together, but my fiance is differnt then them. He is the ONLY one that runs to them when we argue and talks bad about me to them! I get along very well with his little sisters, (being that they are only one year younger than I) and his younger brothers.
His older brothers always talk REALLY good about thier girlfreinds, and I am the only one in the family who has to deal with the drama my fiance starts! I dont know what to do! We have children together, and we live on our own... I just dont know what to do!!! Please help because I dont know what to do!!! But its getting kind of ANNOYING!!! What should I do? I have told him about it bothering me, but he still went and did it!
He tells his sisters, and I dont know what to do because we are like best friends,(his sisters and I)
He doesnt tell his mother anything.. and only told his father bad things about me once.. but ALWAYS tells his brothers and sisters things about me.

2007-10-07 07:46:14 · 17 answers · asked by PrInCeSs 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I have heard so many people say that the wedding is the bride's day. Is that necessarily true? How do you go about changing that? My fiance believes that the wedding day is the bride's day. I want his input and his tastes portrayed at the wedding ceremony just as mine will be. Is it just usually that the woman takes care of all the wedding arrangements and things?

2007-10-07 07:43:33 · 17 answers · asked by Ms. Exxclusive 5 in Weddings

Ok so heres the situation.Today i went to my little cousins birthday party.My sixteen year old cousin and her dad was makin fun of me.So i made her flinch by pretending to throw a pillow at her.Then she tells her dad that i was annoying her.So then my uncle(my cousins dad) came up to me and said"if u make my daughter flinch again, ill punch you out and u wont know if im kidding or not. Now my uncle likes to think that hes incharge of everything and that he can say what ever he wants to me when its my dads job to tell me what to do.So this isnt the first time that he has givin me a stret before.Also,sometimes when im not doing anything,he just walks by and piches me for know reason.So what do you think i should do.I dont want to do nothing because im sick of him and his daughter pissin me off.what do you think i should do?by the way im 12 and my uncle is 48

2007-10-07 07:39:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Why is it that when I ignore the guy that I'm seeing (i.e. his phonecalls, text messages, msn messenges) it makes him push even harder to talk to me. He'll keep trying to contact me until I give in and answer. But when I call him or message him, it pushes him away and I hear from him less.

Does anyone know what the reason for this is?

2007-10-07 07:37:45 · 6 answers · asked by nicky 1 in Singles & Dating

Ive been going with this man for 4 years he had left an abusing relationship he tells me he loves me, but he when back to the first woman so why would a man leave a good woman for an abuser

2007-10-07 07:36:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend and I have been together 3 years (we are both 21 now).
His parents seem to enjoy making life difficult for both of us, and clearly don't accept me
When I visit they expect us to look after his brothers (who are 11 & 14) whilst they go out and do what they want, if we refuse they say 'dont bother having kids if you cant look after these 2'-harsh considering I had a miscarriage 2 years ago.
I'm always helpful around the house, and do my fair share when I stay, and am nice to them.
I've given up buying them xmas and birthday gifts as last years presents got branded a load of cr@p by his dad (was only living on a student loan-its the thought that counts!)
The crunch came last weekend when I went to vist, and the insisted their house was too full to accomodate me, so I spent the weekend in a B&B.
We were thinking of getting engaged, but worry they will tell us not to bother spending money on a wedding as we will end up divorced.
Any advice would be appreciated!thanksx

2007-10-07 07:35:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

what suggestions do u have for someone who is extremely insecure and possessive bcos hubby/wife strayed but promises never to do it again...

2007-10-07 07:33:51 · 9 answers · asked by dewdrops 2 in Marriage & Divorce

ok this is wat happened, me and him were going through it and he went and got him all types of friends that were female, he say he ain't do **** with them but i think he did so i slept with this guy that i work wit, am i wrong

2007-10-07 07:33:20 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Why do people get 'cool' around me when i show them my expensive stuff? For instance expensive cars, money.. when they find out i have these items they become 'cool' as in distant, odd reaction. Not everyone does this, most dont but ones closest to me who i think would be happy for me, become distant after they find out i have all this money and nice things, whats the explanation for this?

2007-10-07 07:32:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I was married 6 years ago. My wife had two children and I have none. I knew what I was getting into. Since their boilogical father is total shmuck, I had to step in as the 'father figure'. One of my step sons, did a total role reversal. Started getting good grades. Helps out around the house. Doesn't ask for anything. He has a temper at times, but I have taught him how to control it. (I have a temper too, and the USMC taught me how to focus it correctly.) My 'good' step son refers to me as 'dad' or 'my father'. Each time he does this, I feel a sense of pride, however I do remind him he has a biological father out there.

My other step son. Wow! Where to begin? He has near driven my wife and I to divorce three times through manipulation and lies. Manipulation doesn't work on me, but it sure works on my wife. She even knows he's doing it to her, yet she can't get over 'He's my son.'

Gimmie a second to finish before ansering.

2007-10-07 07:30:39 · 3 answers · asked by 2012, Change it back!! 4 in Marriage & Divorce

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