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Family & Relationships - 22 August 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

By that question I mean, at what age do women realize they aren't going to get a rich, tall, superfit, passionate, caring, loving, sensitive and tough, exciting, and handsome soulmate? so then they realize they themselves aren't perfect either so they lower their expectations of men and try to have realistic expectations of men.


I haven't been dumped or anything so dont say "you will find the one! LOL!" im 16 and im just wondering

2007-08-22 21:27:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-08-22 21:26:37 · 24 answers · asked by sahil 1 in Friends

I probably asked this question because I am too confused and too afraid that It might be true.We were best friends for not really long time,but I trusted him.I keep thinking about him, does that mean I love him? Every time someone will ask me if I felt in love with someone I will remember him. Every time I will think about being in love I will think about him. We never kissed but we did touched each other many many times, Maybe because we were to afraid to kiss? When I was with him in the middel school I used to have dreams about him having sex with me wich makes it harder for me to get him out of my head.I cant see him anymore because I moved from my country and I cant get him out of my mind.He is sure that what happened between us is real but every time I try to talk to him about it he would just shut me up.He doesn't know that what he did to me made me fel in love with him. And to make it sound more pathetic that was 3 years ago and I feel like I still love him and I will always do.

2007-08-22 21:25:32 · 3 answers · asked by Sadforever 1 in Friends

im a gm guy, and i just think higher of people that drive a car made by gm!!! i know i should not but i do, i just love those cars. gm i mean chevy saturn hummer ect!!!

do you date cuz of what they drive?

2007-08-22 21:22:17 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

A case of good friends that fell in love - drama in and out, challenges, life situations occured, and rumors/assumptions, people's ideas are getting the best of us - the last we spoke, we misunderstood each other and we haven't talked in a month. I want to clarify things and reassure him and hope things are okay

how can i do this?
is email too impersonal?
is a letter the right thing or too girlie?

suggestions please?

2007-08-22 21:19:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

im getting bored at home with only kids to comunicate with, then my partner comes in from work and wonders why im bored and have nothing to talk about! then she is often asleep for the night before the kids. which effects our love life! so now im bored and frustrated ( not all the time ). i often feel like giving it all up and clearing off and doing my own thing! not much of a question! any words of advise/ encouragment or any bright ideas ???

2007-08-22 21:19:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I do all the time...

2007-08-22 21:16:04 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I was with my ex boyfriend for about 5 years, he really was and still is the person I love and care about most in the whole world. But we broke up because he had changed over the past year or so he started taking me for granted and not respecting me, but when he was not doing this we would get on fine.

I just put up with it all time and time again, and it was so so hard when we decided to break up. It was actually he who suggested the break up, but we agreed mutually.

Things were ok for a few days, but whenever I would go out he would text me the day after asking if I was seeing such and such…….or sleeping with so and so, which I hadn’t.

I have spoken to my ex since, and he has told me that he cant eat, sleep, he jus keeps thinking about me and him, and how he wants it back. He said that he knows how he treated me was wrong and he doesn’t know what was wrong with him.

I started seeing a great guy, just going out on dates and stuff. He treats me like a princess, and I really do like him.

But im feeling kind of confused about whether im making the right choice seeing and getting close to this new guy if I still love and deeply care about my ex.

Im just thinking – am I making a mistake by letting go of my ex. What if I wait and by the time ive decided I do want my ex back its too late.

If I knew he would change and things would go bk to how they were before he started takin me for granted I wouldn’t think twice bout getting bk 2getha.

What can I do to be sure, or what would u do?

Thanks x

2007-08-22 21:15:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-08-22 21:12:08 · 11 answers · asked by destiny rider 1 in Singles & Dating

I meet this guy about 6 months ago. He’s 40, I’m 30. We have been dating & taking it slow. Both our ex’s cheated on us. It took me this long to let my guard down & I think he knows this. It seemed to me that he wanted to make sure that I considered him my boyfriend before we spend the night together. Last weekend we sleep together for the 1ST time. It was really sweet. I felt asleep after, but he constantly hugged me and looked at me.
He owns a business. I work, go to school and have a daughter. He txt me everyday & we have phone conversations 10-20 min long about 3 times a week. But, 90% of the time is me the one saying that we should go out.& suggesting where. He always pays though & makes himself available to me.

I’m not sure how invested is he into me? The fact that is me the one initiating the dates makes me wonder if he is just going along, shy, or is he really into me.

What do U think?

2007-08-22 21:08:03 · 7 answers · asked by Bri 3 in Singles & Dating

He's been my friend for almost 7 years. We had our good times, but the thing is, he has developed this crazy attitude of copying everything I do. He also has this irritating habit of telling people how close we are, and how he knows everything about me. Ya, he's my friend, but he's too much, and were not that close.

The other day, I saw his girlfriend at a resto eating by herself. I was also alone, so I joined her. Next thing I knew, we were checked into this nice 5 star hotel room, giving each other dessert, if you know what I mean.

My "buddy" doesn't know a thing. I don't feel bad nor guilty. Should I attempt to do it again??? Does my so called "buddy" deserve this?

2007-08-22 21:06:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My Girlfriend has moved here to live with me. She is from another country and she still has culture shock. Her work here is not good for her as she has no interest in it or the people working there (she cannot relate to them). When I go out to meet my friends, she finds that she cannot relate to them either as they share a long time sense of humour between them (although they are very nice to her and try to keep her in any conversation), so now she is reluctant to go out with me when I meet my friends, yet I still feel bad for leaving her at home on her own. Any ideas?

2007-08-22 21:04:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

David and I worked in the same company for 6 months. He may like me but I am not completely sure. My boss doesnt allow love between her staffs.
Some days ago, I decided to resign due to my low salary. Only the boss knew it.
Last night, I invited David a coffee to tell him about my resign.
before the coffee, He suggested not to let the boss know about our date. In the coffee time, I said "its pity we dont work together anymore". He replied "but is better".
This morning, he came to office when I was not there and told the boss that we had a coffee last night !!!
could you explain why he behave so?
p.s: he knew I resigned only after the coffee.

2007-08-22 21:04:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My sister-in-law is having a shower for her new baby, I would like to give her my sons radio flyer wagon overflowing with baby goodies. The thing is that the wagon was very expensive and sentimental to us, (its one of the big wooden ones that I got for my son's shower 15 years ago) and we would like it back when her child is done with it. So the question is, how do I present this at her shower while letting her know that when they are through we would like it back. Is that rude? Should I just go with a different gift?

2007-08-22 21:00:18 · 4 answers · asked by lili m 1 in Family

I am 27 and she is 18, we got married 3 months ago, she is my uncle's daughter, bcos of some family problems i have married her, but i feel she is not enough matured in understanding my love or she is scared, i am confused, i love her a lot...please give me some guidance to get her love.

2007-08-22 20:59:44 · 21 answers · asked by Vinny 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Should I wait for a man I have been with for two years he said he is not happy and dont think I am he says we might get back together and I kinda wanna wait an see because we have a baby together but I dont wanna wait and find out he found somone new .........WHAT CAN I DO...

2007-08-22 20:58:14 · 8 answers · asked by Heather marie 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Guys, Share what you did, feel, etc. when you fell in love really hard. Did you get the girl?

2007-08-22 20:52:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i am talking to my ex again cos she is single again but her past bf is coming back from travelling and says he still loves her, i so want her back and she says she wants us to work, i cant stop her seeing him but we have such a lot of history and she only knows this past boyfriend 6 months and he pushing her too hard for committment we have always been cool and i know she still has lots of feelings for me - what the heck do i do to convince her that i am the one

2007-08-22 20:51:11 · 15 answers · asked by johnny 2 in Singles & Dating

she knows i shop at pacsun then she goes shops there she wears the same namebrands as me she is trying to dress like me is she jealous evenmy other friend thinks she copies

2007-08-22 20:50:48 · 12 answers · asked by missa 3 in Friends

well i HAD this scholarship to play division 2 baseball but lost it in the recent weeks because of some issues with my scholarship and what i agreed to when i signed my letter of intent. now i'm back home. prior to my departure i had spent my last night with a group of friends i consider my main group and i love each and everyone, very emotional night. while i was away across the country at the college i was to play at, i wrote a long, emotional email worth 6 pages. only 2 answered back, 1 of 2 people i care about THE most just saying they were busy and they'd tear up later but ended their short message noting another one's email address and how sexual it was out of fun like "HEY LOOK AT ____ email address! woo!" the other was someone who truly half assed their response and didnt mean anything.
im back and sure a couple of asked if i was ok, but none of shown up to see me in person and when I, MYSELF, scheduled something, they didnt seem excited to see me after a month.

2007-08-22 20:44:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

We've been dating 2 yrs, recently he told me he has no feelings for me & rather we stay as good friends. I really love him & thought he was gonna propose than ending our relationship. When I told him I might be pregnant he was really happy & came to me in the middle of the night. Later on I checked & dr say I wasn't. When I told him his attitude changed yet he kept saying "Sometimes I have feelings for you, but when I think about our arguments it's too painful" I know he has feelings for me & I realized that I kinda push him alot when I ask him "where are we now?" coz he tend to avoid this question by saying "maybe" & never a direct answer. I love him but everytime I tell people we on a break they kept saying he probably have another girl. I really hate that! I love him but I don't understand him. Recently I went to dr for ultrasound coz I had stomach pain then they say I had a miscarriage & it coz my stomach to bloat like I'm pregnant.

2007-08-22 20:41:53 · 10 answers · asked by silver 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Is it true that the American's love the british accent and find it "quaint" i work for an american company and constantly get told that i have a lovely phone voice but i dont see it really !!!

2007-08-22 20:40:42 · 20 answers · asked by Peter M 2 in Friends

I am still married but hanging by a thread...actually to me (and her more than likely) it is only a matter of time...we have only been married since the end of may...i know that sounds bad...but let me explain....wwe started seeing eachother last year around may and fell deeply in love...she then got pregnant in july and we both made the commitment there and then to stay together....sounds naive i know but if u new the circumstabces you would understand...we had our beautiful baby boy last st pattys day and then had the wedding...and up till then things had been wonderful...but since the wedding things have gone quickly down hill...she fights with me constantly and i know she is miserable...i love her more than any words could prove or say...but to no avail...how can i cope when the one person i live my life for chooses to leave? what can i expect afterward? please help me...im so lost and distressed

2007-08-22 20:39:10 · 6 answers · asked by dislocated_82 3 in Marriage & Divorce

thank you to those who answerd honestly.some was very helpfull...the trust is there.but not as it should be.it has happend that i caught him lieing or not tell me things or telling another woman he loves and mis her..says shes just a friend and shes married.the lies well he says he was wrong and that his sorry.i believe him and trust he wont do it again but the insecurity abt wot his prominsing is knocking on my door and i dont want to open it but damit how can i turn a blind eye to that.or should i.did i open the door.how do i ignore.im i overreacting.im i looking for something thats not there.im i fighting a losing battle.im i pushing.i cant ask him this cause im not sure if his honest or not at the moment.maybe he is maybe its not him its me.i dont know!

2007-08-22 20:33:43 · 12 answers · asked by musicslave 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my brother says women should not go topless on the beach because children are there and its wrong
i think they should do what they want just like us men do ??

2007-08-22 20:31:25 · 20 answers · asked by steve the turk 2 in Family

well... long story short, me and my best friend like each other... weve cuddled and held hands, but we're not going out.... and i really just want to kiss her and see how it feels and all before i ask her out... the thing is i dont know if i should, would that make her nervous, or angry or something..... bc she never has really had a real relationship and idk, if kissing some guy if theyre not going out would be too fast for her, or wrong... opinions and advice????

2007-08-22 20:30:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i went out with this guy and for almost 2 years and we are each others first everything. things got shitty and we broke up after 2 years we began seeing each other again and after about a year now we've decided to get back together. now he drops this bomb on me telling me he has a crush on my sister and even suggested hooking up with her to get it out of his system. we talked about how that hurt me but i dont feel like he understands how thats crossing the line and i cant get that out of my head. i told that i have crushes too and we'll just leave it at that and that its fine. i dont know if im making a mistake or not by being with him again because i do love him and i know he loves me. am i overreacting or should i tell him that as long as those feelings are there this isnt going to work... ?

2007-08-22 20:28:04 · 9 answers · asked by xobabigrl87xo 1 in Singles & Dating

All my husband wants to talk about is me having sex with this friend of mine while he watches. He doesn't want to be involved just watch. He also makes comments about watching me get a lap dance from a stripper. I'm not entirely opposed to this, but I am afraid of what else this could bring into the relationship

2007-08-22 20:26:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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