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Family & Relationships - 22 August 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Okay I am 16 years old and I have been with my boyfriend a little over a year. He first got with me when my father passed away because he felt that I needed the support and that's when we got incredibly close. Like I said, it's been a year now and he wants to break up with me because he says he doesn't want a girlfriend anymore. He says he wants more time to himself and like he doesn't get to do the things he wants to do because of having a girlfriend. I hate myself for making him feel this way because lately I've been going through a really hard time and I've needed him a whole lot, and more than ever. I just panic every time he tries to break up with me because I am going through such a hard time right now that I need to be as close to him as I possibly can be. I tell him to think of all of the fun that we have and blablabla but he just says "But we can still have fun and just be friends" He doesn't understand that I need him more than ever right now ( details added due no room)

2007-08-22 17:30:48 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Everyday I dread that one day I know my parent's are going to die. I know we all have to die but I dread the day when my parent's will die. I know they could die in their sleep and that will be it. I don't believe in heaven or hell or god, so I know that they will be just dust and I will never be able to see them again. Does anyone else know what I am talking about or know how I feel?

2007-08-22 17:21:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

A stressfull school year passed and the summer started. My moms brother was dying so on July 13th she went to europe to visit her familly and dying brother. She asked me if i wanted to go and i said no, because i wanted to stay and chill with my dad. So as soona s my mom leaves these people who are very far related come and drop of this old man. Yeah its as spontaneous as it sounds. He just has a bypass surgery a month ago, and had a stroke a long time ago, and he is like 65 to 70 years old. They took advantage of the fact me and my dad dont have the courage to say bno. So they dropped him off, got to my country over seas called and said theyll be back in 40 days. The guy is the dirtiest, dumbest, laziest, 455 out there. Me and my dad would have eaten out everyday, and stuff but my dad has to cook, and were both mad. He cna hold in his anger, but i cant. And i always think about it and cant sleep. Also, my neighbors who are complete idiots and have no common sense bother me

2007-08-22 17:15:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am thinking of marrying a divorced father with custody of his 3 children. I do not have any children of my own and want to get the real scoop of what its like stepping into the role of instant- mother. The kids, 8,7 &4 are sweet and love me a lot but I'm sure that can all change once I "invade their territory." I'm hoping someone in my position can tell me what its really like. Thanks!

2007-08-22 17:14:41 · 24 answers · asked by Caryn R 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Ok, I am 27 and married for 7yrs. Right after I got married my parents adopted a little girl......well she is 15 now. Anyways, when I was growing up my step-mom was evil to me and beat the crap out of me and made me do all the house work...now my sister never has to clean or do anything.....she is behind 2yrs in school, she has a very low IQ, she is border line from being in special ed..and they allow her to have a boyfriend? They just came back from Mexico and she was dating a 22yr old man over there, they allowed her to go out with him alone, now they tell her she can call him and she can set up and e-mail account and that once she is 18 and she wants to get married she can????/ which i just find disgusting. I was engaged already to my husband and they would only let me see him on weekends and i couldn't talk to him on the phone for 30 mins.......right before i got married i had to run away cause they were just rediculous...its like they went over board with me and they are whoring

2007-08-22 17:10:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I barely have any friends, I go out and my mom gets upset that I come home at 4am, she doesn't like me staying overnite places (i drink when i go out so sometimes i don't want to drive home). I'm in the house Mon-Friday morning to night, sometimes not even setting foot outside. I feel like there's so many things that i want to do. I want to meet new people, I want to see and grow into the person I am w/o having to worry about my mom or family being critical of my every move. I'm feeling stuck right now- like everyone else is being active in life and being content (even though there are responsibilities). I need to move out!! I make roughly a little over 1,000 a month. I can rent out a room for $500. It's just taking that big step to finally say, ok, I'm doing my own thing. I need some advice...please. Am I being too critical here?

2007-08-22 17:10:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-08-22 17:07:55 · 8 answers · asked by powerpuff girls 1 in Singles & Dating

I just started my speech class today [with my boyfriend], and our first assignment was to get to know eachother by introducing yourself and getting their phone numbers/giving yours. but we only had to get 3 phone numbers. I wasn't going to say anything because it's JUST an assignment [although he'd be getting numbers from really cute girls] Well he said "omg I am going to be getting in trouble for this one huh?" and i said "no, just dont do anything wrong and you wont" he was like "uh what" with an attitude and i was like "better not be askin no girls for their phone numbers" and the whole time i had a smile on my face.. After that he got so pissed and said i was controlling and bossy and was trying to make him do everything i wanted. He made the rest of class crappy pretty much cause he had attitude. Then he walked up to me after getting the phone numbers and said with TUDE "there, are you happy? I only asked the fat ugly girls.. I didnt talk to those girls over there" which. CONT....

2007-08-22 17:04:27 · 13 answers · asked by Ashley 3 in Singles & Dating

Is it normal for a guy to like boobs too much? Like constantly looking at sizes and shapes of breasts? Is this normal human behaviour?

2007-08-22 17:00:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

That I'm not just someone to play with but someone to look after her and keep her out of harm's way? Cuz if I remove her from anything that's dangerous or harmful or she can break(like computer), she screams bloody murder and I'm the only one she does this to. She doesn't have any full time mother or father and my mom raises her.

So how to put a stop to this? I just pick her up and put her out of the room and try to give her a toy or whatever but she just sits there and throws a temper tantrum and my parents think I'm torturing her until they come and see us.

I am sick of this!

2007-08-22 16:59:25 · 6 answers · asked by Inferna Dragon 1 in Family

it's just IM for now...he's in another state...but the temptation is engulfing me....and him....what to do...HELP NOW!!

2007-08-22 16:58:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i like this guy name jonathan but he likes this other girl and he tells me he loves me and everything but idk and then i like this guy name tyler but he acts like a perv sometimes like he asked me 2 take a pic of my boobs and last i like this guy named nathan and he rlly sweet but he doesnt talk alot but he talks 2 me and makes me laugh and tells me he loves me and everything but he lives far away from me so who should i choose?

2007-08-22 16:58:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I exchanged phone numbers with this girl a few days ago. But, I'm wondering whether I should start calling her. We already get along great just with AIM (chatting online), and we chat about every other day or so. Should I just save the phone for important things... like asking her out on a date (which I plan to do in a few days, perhaps... :p)?

2007-08-22 16:58:07 · 12 answers · asked by Stan 3 in Singles & Dating

Ok so I work at a bar and theres a good looking girl who works there too and today was her last day. So some regulars were there and one of them offered her 500 dollars to flash them, and she turned it down. I know that sounds like something a classy girl wouldnt do, but 500 dollars is a lot of money. Would you have done the same thing?

2007-08-22 16:57:28 · 7 answers · asked by D.Z. Carter 5 in Singles & Dating

Parents divorce?...maybe! HELP!!!?
My mom and dad are in there late 40's ...They get along great! they have little fights here and there..But one day they got into this HUGE fight over "responsiblitys and stuff" My mom blew her top and she went to stay at my aunts house for a bit. As for my dad he's cooling down to. Later on that week my dad went to go check up on my mom and my aunt said she went out to some party with a friend (the friends a guy). So we head over to the party and my dad and I search around for mom...My dad finds her kissing "that guy friend" and she didnt have her wedding ring (i dont know why) My dad was completley shocked and devastated and pissed, My mom saw the look on his face, but before she could say anything my dad stormed off! He wont talk to her or sleep in the same bed with her anymore...She still stays at my aunts house some nights...It makes me sad to see my dad so upset and down ....Im afraid my parents might split...How can they save their relationship!!!

2007-08-22 16:56:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am abour 5'2" and have a size A bra. Do guys still look at me even since im smaller. To me it seems guys only like other girls because their breasts are huge..but i know i have nice curves and facial features are nice..but being small makes me feel bad lol

2007-08-22 16:52:03 · 7 answers · asked by Mrs.Blondie 2 in Singles & Dating

We are having trouble finding a first dance song that isn't the typical "top 20 list"
Any suggestions?

2007-08-22 16:49:12 · 21 answers · asked by Jessica P 1 in Weddings

i thought i got over the guy but when i saw a picture of him kissing his new BEAUTIFUL wife, i felt my insides burn and my heart shatter...i haven't seen him for a year and a half...what does this mean? i love my husband, i really do...i know this makes me sound so bad...i just don't know what to think...i don't understand what i'm feeling

2007-08-22 16:48:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I love my fiance but i recently found out that he slept with my sister. I know I should hate him but I don't. I do not want to marry him now and I want toknow how to tell him. I am not a mean person.

2007-08-22 16:47:51 · 31 answers · asked by AskMe 3 in Weddings

I am afraid to reveal my physical defect to my girlfriend. I figure she will dump me when she realizes i have a deformed hand. I have become so good at hiding it that she hasnt noticed YET. should i tell her and show her now and have her dump me, or just ride out the relationship and wait til she finds out. this is eating me up. advice. please.

2007-08-22 16:47:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I really like a guy, and I told him when we were in Santa Barbara together. He blushed but didn't let on anything. We've gotten in a couple small fights, that all end up with him assuming i'm jealous. It's like he's taking advantage of the fact that I like him! Should I still like him? Make a move? Confront him? Please answer with any help.

2007-08-22 16:45:14 · 9 answers · asked by Love_Stoned 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm 21 and not very interested in guys my age. I'm falling for a guy who's 35.

2007-08-22 16:45:12 · 12 answers · asked by ash6529 2 in Singles & Dating

a friend who filed a mutual divorce recently, with his spouse, after many years of harassment is now finding out that (through a 3rd party) that his spouse wishes to go in for a contested one or completely withdraw. she is presently in the US and has no intention of returning. all this is for further harassing him. they were married under the Special Marriage act, India.
i would like to know if this is possible to do. also what could be the consequences of this action on her part? is there a time period allotted for changing the process? is the process to change the procedure so easy or does it require more information or justification? is it possible to do this from the US? any information regarding this would be useful

2007-08-22 16:44:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I loved this guy for 4 years. We were like best friends, then he found out i liked him and everything changed. I tried to get over him for 2 years and i just officially got over him like 2 or 3 months ago. I haven't liked any other guys (except for celebrities and that kind of thing, no REAL guys) since then. I have seen girls all over this guy, and i thought it was funny because he didn't even know most of their names, and I've known him since he was 7 and no girls liked him, and I'v seen him become the guy that he's become now (the babe magnet) But the problem is that I just started my first year of High School 3 days ago. and i met this guy that I've known of for a while, but i'm just now getting to know him better. he's really cute, and i really like him. We seem to have a lot in common from what I've picked up, but I'm scared to really like him. I keep telling people that i'm just "in like" with him. I know that i don't love him or anything since i don't even hardly know him.

2007-08-22 16:44:42 · 4 answers · asked by JesusFreak777 2 in Singles & Dating

i was talking to my dad he lives in Ohio and i live in California which is about 2,000 miles away from Ohio and i only get to see my dad once a year in the summer time. Anyways me and dad were talking on the phone and then all the sudden his girlfriend Linda beeps in on the other line.My Dad was like "i have to go Linda is on the other line" Dads girlfriend Linda lives 3 miles away from my dad so she gets to see him all the time. But i live Far and i hardly ever get to see him. Plus i'm the pne paying long distance charges to talk to dad. do you think my dad was rude?i wasnt even talking that long to him we talked for 10 minutes plus he was telling me he'd call me back i waited all night and my dad never called back

2007-08-22 16:43:09 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

My best guy friend is really nice and I really like him. How do I ask him out?

2007-08-22 16:42:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Umm ok so theres this guy who I know, I play basketball at the park with him, I met him like...last week. I'm currently a sophmore in high school and hes already graduated. So about two hours I was going to go to the store, but decided to stop by the park to see who was playing there. He was there along with another group of people I play with. He started to recognize I was there immediately and stuff and started talking to me while he was playing. The other day he took my bottle of water and we were sort of flirting squirting it over eachother...hehe. Well I got him one when I ran to the store and came back, we left along with his nephew he was watching. On the way out he says, "So...are you going to the pool tommorow?" I said "umm...idk, I could I guess haha. What time?" and he said "I'm leaving a hour early to pick up some kids to watch, meet me here at 12 okay? Now do you have a cell phone?" we changed numbers and such, now I just want to know if he likes me or just being friendly

2007-08-22 16:40:04 · 12 answers · asked by JustAnotherGirl 2 in Singles & Dating

At school, sometimes when I see other girls, i get you know horny

2007-08-22 16:37:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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