94 Dodge Ram 1500 with a 318...I have owned this truck for nearly 10 years...it has 228,000 miles on it...I know...pretty good for and Dodge. When the fuel tanks gets down between 1/8th to a quarter full...its starts spittin' and sputterin'...trying to cut out and looses power. Once I put fuel in it above a 1/4 tank it smooths out and runs fine. A friend told me about Lucas...I bought a small bottle and put it in along with a full tank of gas. The truck ran perfectly...like when I first bought it...even the typical "Dodge pinging" was gone for the first time in 9 1/2 years. Then all of a sudden on the way home from work 2 days later...it just died with no waring...after a couple of minutes, it started and drove about 6 miles and died again the same way...it started back up and went about 9 miles and died again. Now it only runs for 4-5 seconds, dies, and will just turn over. After it sets, the process starts over. Is this because of Lucas...or what is the problem. Thanks.
6 answers
asked by
Big D
Maintenance & Repairs