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Parenting - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

How much would you give them a week?
what about paying kids for the good grades they make?

2006-08-15 13:54:51 · 34 answers · asked by lovesugarkisses 4

My little baby girl now 5 months, still sleeps with us in the bed. I have tried to put her in the crib, which is in our room, but i started crying and couldn't get to sleep. I am scared to death to leave her in the crib through the night, i am so afraid she won't wake up. Is there anything wrong with sleeping with her. Will I be able to eventually let go and let her sleep in the crib?

2006-08-15 13:19:43 · 27 answers · asked by babygirl4us 4

I seem to have a special bond with my daughter who is 2 that I just don't have with my son who is 10. It has nothing to do with loving her more, it is just a connection that I seem to have with her. When I was only a few weeks pregnant I was told more than likely I was going to have a miscarriage. I luckely didn't and when I found out I was having a little girl, I was just extatic. She was born with a medical problem, so I have always been very protective over her, in a way that I wasn't with my son. I don't know if it also has to do with the fact that I was almost 8 years older when I had her than when I had my son. Whatever the reason, there just seems to be a bond that she and I share that I dont have with my son. Anyone else have a bond like this with one certain child?

2006-08-15 13:12:58 · 18 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

A place where you could leave your kids if you're in a bind, and they could engage in fun activities while you are goine.

2006-08-15 12:17:06 · 8 answers · asked by rs2577 1

she got mad at him because he would not sign a paper that said she could move out of stste

2006-08-15 12:11:33 · 6 answers · asked by harris 1

My 3 year old daughter has been picking on her almost 2 year old sister a lot lately. I feel like I am almost always yelling, or punishing her for it. I feel as if I am picking on one child all the time, and choosing my almost 2 year old over my 3 year old. I have always tried to make things even between my girls, but I feel like I am high strung with an infant now, and being separated from my husband. I just need a little advice on this ... should I take a break from my kids?

2006-08-15 12:10:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm a twenty three year old mum to a beautiful three year old. Me and my partner and son live on a council estate which is ok at times. We live on the busiest of roads that leads to all the other roads on our estate. It seems that i see all the time small children wandering around on their own or with their friends. My friend also has a three year old that lives across the way from me and lets her son wander around the street, which i have witnessed on several occassions crossing the road. I will not let my son out of the garden unless accompanied by either me or my partner. I have learnt that this week i have been victimised by this friend and others on the street that i am wrapping my son in cotton wool and i won't let him socialise with the children on the estate as he's not aloud to go out of the garden. I'm i been daft or is it really daft to let a three year old wander around unattended?

2006-08-15 11:28:40 · 82 answers · asked by fairylandk 3

Dont They Realize Their Child Is Not A Baseball?

2006-08-15 11:23:35 · 15 answers · asked by Angel_Anton 6

My baby girl just turned 5 months old, she started to laugh the other day, and laughed 3 times. but i can't get her to laugh again. I have tried all kinds of funny faces, tickling, etc. Any advice?

2006-08-15 11:10:05 · 7 answers · asked by babygirl4us 4

what are the changes of me gaining weight on the PILL or the SHOT and how much?????

2006-08-15 11:00:54 · 12 answers · asked by *stars* 2

My sons 2nd bday is coming up and we are broke, of course! What are some options for a party that will keep us from a lot of spending?

2006-08-15 10:54:21 · 8 answers · asked by Jenintn 5

Was it the manna that the Jews lived off in the desert? Can you cure AIDS with it? Is that how Magic Johnson looks better than most non HIV positive men, does he drink breastmilkshakes daily? Can I drink it and will it cure my hypertension, and if so, will anyone here ship me some? My mom breastfed me for a year and I still wound up with high blood pressure as an adult, I still had chronic sinusitis as a child, I still suffered from ear infections, I still got strep throat as a baby girl, I still had ringworm as a kid, I still caught measels, I still got colds every winter, I kept a snotty nose up to about age 3, and I'm allergic to cut grass and pollen.

How did my formula fed cousins and brother escape these maladies? So, am I the golden child something, because I was breastfed for a year? Is my mom better than my aunt, even though her formula fed girls BOTH have masters degrees, and I only have an associates degree? They also beat me in chess all the time at the family reunion.

2006-08-15 09:52:41 · 7 answers · asked by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4

My son is 1 and he just got a hair cut with some clippers and his father is really upset.

2006-08-15 09:49:36 · 17 answers · asked by aadams9783 2

Ok,so my neice is 6 years old.I know some may say it isnt my business but im helping my sister raise them(My neice and nephew).Now,my neice is only 6 years old,and she was talking to one of her friends and said she has a "Crush" on one of her little friends.I see nothing wrong with it,she is only 6 and she acts way older than six and she is very smart.Anyway,My question is,would you scold her for saying this or not?I mean,my grandmother heard her talking to her little friend who is a little girl about this "crush" she has on a little boy and she scolded her for saying it.I feel as if it isnt a big deal.How i see it is,she will be scared and ashamed to speak freely about how she feels if she keeps getting scolded for speaking her mind.She keeps how she feels inside,sad,mad,happy reguardless she doesnt speak about it.I feel that one of these days she is going to have questions and concerns (when shes older) about things and she is going to be so embarassed and feel ashamed about asking..

2006-08-15 09:46:52 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

every morning at my bus stop there is this mean/rude lady that is always yelling at her kids(2 sons 1 daughter all in middle school).this morning she made her youngest son cry by yelling and calling him pathetic and a retard b/c he triped and dropped his books. and she does that type of thing to all her kids everday.standing out there makes me very uncomfortable.can some1 plz tell me something i can do?

2006-08-15 09:32:52 · 37 answers · asked by Simply Me 5

3 - 5 things you would tell/teach your Son or Daughter?

2006-08-15 09:27:31 · 18 answers · asked by shredderb 3

i have 2 young children, and they ask why i always hit mommy when i come home drunk.

what should i tell them? i dont want to scar them for life

2006-08-15 09:09:42 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

more alert, smarter (higher cognitive skills), healthier and immune to common illnesses as opposed to formula fed infants? I'd also like to see a credible study citing that formula fed infants IN DEVELOPED NATIONS are more lkely to die than breastfed infants.

Credible=not from La Leche League. I'm talking about an NCBI study or something equal. Trust me, I have dug deep, and it was not to be found by my efforts. Maybe someone here can be kind enough to point me in the direction of this golden fleece so that I can read it for myself.

Not interested in ANY propaganda from Kellymon, LLL, or breast militia sites. Please post facts only. PLEASE.

Thank you.

Be Blessed.

2006-08-15 08:58:42 · 11 answers · asked by Goddess of Nuts PBUH 4

My b/f's son was with us this past week, and my b/f was upset with me for asking his son to chew with his mouth closed 3 times in an entire week. He, however, didn't even acknowledge that was happening, and therefore didn't say anything to him. His son also would push on my seat when we rode 9 hours in the car, and I asked him to stop, again, another thing that my b/f got upset with me about. His reasoning is that kids are kids and you have to have patience with this stuf, and you can't ride them because it will make them hate you... but where do you draw the line? What is the right thing to do? Why?

His son is 9.

2006-08-15 08:56:53 · 21 answers · asked by a_cubed24 2

2006-08-15 08:49:37 · 28 answers · asked by comeanddance83 1

How many naps do a 1 year old generally take? Is it a good idea to have them a set bed time and schedule durning the day such as when they nap?

2006-08-15 08:26:15 · 12 answers · asked by mckt81 3

Can anyone who has been where I am give me any advice or insight on what's coming?!

2006-08-15 08:13:17 · 15 answers · asked by KC 2

My sister Alicia just got married and wants to start a family right away. She can not have children so she is looking to adopt 2-4 kids ( not at the same time but throughout her lifetime and marriage) from America. She wants to start out with a 3-13 year old beacuse she knows how much infants are in demand and she wants an older child. Can you give her a site to get older children? Also, some sites for infant adoptions because she wants to do that too. Thanks!!


2006-08-15 08:04:39 · 6 answers · asked by ♥ Ava ♥ 3

My husband recently began thinking about getting circumcised. Oddly enough i've never been with a circumcised man and didn't really know how to respond when he told me he was thinking about having it done? Is it really any different at all? How does it feel different? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Well any answers/advice would help really.

2006-08-15 07:51:06 · 16 answers · asked by Ashley K 1

to play with dolls??? My boy is 20 moths & I have a daughter (5yrs)..My boy likes to play with cars & he likes to fight or play hard with dad, but there is a doll that my daugther has looks like a real baby it is fill with water so it is a little heavy too...But he treats the doll like a real baby, with love and real careful , he is not like other boys who hit the dolls or take off the head. Some people had told me that it is a good sign that he migth turn to be a loving father because he also likes and treats the same way to little boys & girls & maybe the fact that I'm pregnant has something to do with this behavior or I don't know tha's what I think.... But is it good or bad for a boy to be this way ??? any suggestions or advices on this ..... :)

2006-08-15 07:49:05 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sis is getting a divorce. She and her daughter are currently staying with me and im sorry to say that she is a neglectful mother. SHe is staying in my basement and she has made it EXTREMELY dirty. she never cleans, she is never home, she barely feeds or bathes her 4 yr. old, she doesnt spend time with her and the little girl is running around spelling like pee and poop because she isnt potty trained yet and my sis wont change her diaper. She gets $800 a month for child support but she spends that money on clothes and getting her nails done etc. she also has a full time, good paying job but I have to buy food, clothes and other necessities for my niece because she wont. Should i call her ex husband and tell him whats going on or would i be crossing the line? I love my sis to death but im so worried about my niece.

2006-08-15 07:37:35 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son loves the Wiggles

2006-08-15 07:09:56 · 38 answers · asked by Atlas 1

We moved in w/ my hubby's uncle 2 yrs ago along w/ our 6 yr. old son "Robert"(who is to a previous relationship of mine) "Robert's" real father has nothing to do with him & my hubby has adopted him & taken all rights, like he was his own from the beinging. We have a 21 month old daughter together. Our uncle is all about her. He seems like he will yell @ "Robert" if he even touches our daugther a bit to rough. When we are planning on going somewhere & "uncle" is not, our son will say will you miss us & the uncle replies only "Lisa" (our daughter). Last night our son told the unlce to put down the foot part of the recliner & when the uncle did he he hit our daughter w/ the that part of the chair, in the head. (an accident) The unlce went nuts & yelled "You rotten little b@strad to our son, b/c he thought "Robert" wanted him to hit his sister in the head. "Robert" says he didn't know she was there & asked him to put it down the chair so he could see the tv better. What should I do?

2006-08-15 06:55:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My step son is three and he is a cute kid. He doesn’t act up, he loves me to death, and he’s just a good boy. Unfortunately, I can’t help feeling things I know I shouldn’t.
I find myself feeling relieved at the end of the weekend when he has to go back to his mother. I find myself getting jealous because my husband shares this bond with his ex because they have a child together and I’m his wife and we don’t have one at the moment. I don’t want to be one of those horrible step moms that treats her step child worse than her own kids. So far I have kept my feelings to myself but still I know that I shouldn’t be having these feelings. I guess I’d just like to know that I’m not the only one that feels these things and just hear some of your stories. I know it isn’t my step son’s fault and he is just a child….

2006-08-15 06:49:25 · 14 answers · asked by estephania2182 3

It's happening every night. She says she's scared of bears coming in the house or something ludicris like that. Sometimes I sleep through it but she wakes my wife up almost every hour ALL NIGHT LONG! Since my wife isn't getting much sleep, she's real cranky and taking it out on me.

We've tried telling her that everything's ok. We've tried threatening her. We've tried yelling at her. We don't know what to do. She's a good kid (healthy too.)

We will not give in and let her sleep in our bed (which is what she wants to do). I'm not gonna start with that crap.


2006-08-15 06:03:15 · 25 answers · asked by DapperDan 3

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