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Parenting - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

My son has begun to pick his nose lately and eat it. It makes me cringe! ! I have tried to reason with him and tell him to stop but he doesn't listen. I am afraid he is going to get sick from putting dirty fingers in his nose and in his mouth. Does anyone have any suggestions?

2006-08-18 11:17:30 · 17 answers · asked by Danielle P 2

I asked this question before. I don't want to know that this isn't the best way to preserve it or that rocks don't need preserved. This is for my child who would break it if it wasn't put in acrylic. If you can't answer, please don't bother. I'll try a new category under parenting. I think parents will understand better than geologists.

2006-08-18 11:16:44 · 3 answers · asked by old.houndog 3

my daughter takes her lunch to school and loves just peanut butter sandwiches. ths all she wants for the sandwich. i figured she would outgrow this but she did it all last year and now starting again this year. will she outgrow this eventaully? she is 8

2006-08-18 10:34:15 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My youngest girl is only 10 yr old and calls him her brother and even my 18 yr old daughter says that. But my 20 yr old daughter refuses to let him call her his sister. I have found it easier to let him call me Mom when he started pre-school last year. He is the child of my son, who is very sick and was unable to care for him. My adopted grandson--my youngest so knows that I adopted him and that he was in another woman's belly. Just curious if there are any others that maybe in my situation or have some good advice. I want to be truthful with him and not make this a huge mess for him. He is deeply loved by myself and husband as well as our other children. It is just hard at times because he is my biological grandchild. I know this is quite common nowadays.

2006-08-18 10:11:59 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most books are cardboard or thin paper that he basically tries to eat. does anyone know of some apprpriate safe books that he will enjoy?

2006-08-18 10:00:59 · 27 answers · asked by Jen 2

How can we keep them from being repeat offenders....

2006-08-18 09:43:57 · 28 answers · asked by Carrie P 1

What are the major differences between them? Of course, I'm not referring to the obvious physical differences. I'm referring to personality wise, emotionally, mentality, etc...

2006-08-18 09:19:24 · 18 answers · asked by man_id_unknown 4

Is it because no one will babysit them? It seems that in every store, restaurant (nice ones too) and even at the movies there is some horrible little brat screaming or crying. Why? If the parents can't control the kids, why take them along? Don't get me wrong, I know it can't be helped sometimes but these people don't even discipline their children - they just ignore them! Or keep threatening to take them home but the kids persist and nothing happens.

2006-08-18 08:30:24 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

Surely they wouldn't be crying if they didn't have something to cry about in the first place?? It's almost as bad as the woman in McDonald's the other day who told her son to ''eat up that burger or you're not getting any chocolate cake for dessert!''

2006-08-18 08:21:01 · 26 answers · asked by Rox 4

im 21, this will be my 3rd pregnancy (none went to term), i aborted both of my past pregnancies, and deep down my heart is telling me to keep this one. i cant put my emotions & body thru another abortion...but i am really worried what the father will say & do...or not do... the last abortion i had he was the father and told me that he did not want that child, and i couldnt have a baby with someone that said they didnt want a baby, or that they didnt want to be a part of the childs life, i could not bring another unwanted baby into this world so i had the adortion. we have been together 2 years, and im almost to the point where i dont care what he says, but i am so scared, i dont knwo what to do...then my mind keeps telling me that once again i cant bring another unwanted baby into this world... i havent told him yet im scared as to what he will say... i feel happy but i dont want to raise a baby all on my own... i have a steady job, but $$ does not raise a child, two loving parents do

2006-08-18 08:19:21 · 38 answers · asked by miss me! 4

Finally found something my little girl loves. Fish. I cook it until it's falling off the bones and mash it up for her with a fork and she eats almost a whole medium trout or salmon fillet by herself and washes it down with a 7 ounce bottle of milk. I make sure there are no bones and she is very happy, but is she too young for so much meat? I'm glad to have found a food she enjoys, so I don't want to rock the boat. Is this fine for babys?

2006-08-18 07:24:25 · 18 answers · asked by ZigZag 2

How Long does it usually take to get contractions? Ive been haveing sharp pains under my belly and right above my vagina? will i go in labor soon?

2006-08-18 07:17:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-18 07:09:04 · 12 answers · asked by Jilly 1

1. Whos the better cook?
2. Whos the better driver?
3. Whos the better parent?
4. Whos the one who will live longer?
5. Whos the better conversation starter?
6. Whos better at making friends?
7. Whos better at singing?
8. Are you a girl or boy?

2006-08-18 06:36:48 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am pregnant with our first child When we watch Supernanny and Bratcamp etc on TV then go to the supermarket and see children screaming and thowing tantrums I panic inside and wonder what we are letting ourselves in for. Everone I know with a kids gives me the ' it's different when it's your own' - is this just one big cover up or does a mini miracle occur?

2006-08-18 04:52:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a child (age -9Yrs) with knowledge of human reproductive system of his class book (class III), ask that how baby comes out of his/her mother's body? what would be the scientific answer.

2006-08-18 04:35:31 · 10 answers · asked by Expert 3

2006-08-18 04:13:45 · 29 answers · asked by lol 1

I work in retail, and unfortunately, I have had to sometimes tell kids not to touch some of the merchandise, because their parents won't do it. Sometimes the parents get ticked off, but if they corrected their kids, I wouldn't have to. These parents aren't doing a good job of teaching their kids to respect other people's property.

2006-08-18 04:09:18 · 14 answers · asked by tangerine 7

My (soon to be) 4 year old son's birthday will fall on a Thursday. He is looking forward to a party at Chucky Cheese...you know, over priced pizza, lots of games and running around inside. I was planning to have his party early on the Sat. following his actual date but I am in class all day Sat. I thought about moving it to Sunday 11am. (11-12 ish isn't so busy at this place) but I'm worried that people might not come because it's on a Sunday. Should I miss class and have it on Sat. Try for Sunday and hope that it doesn't offend anyone I invite that it could interfere with church or...have his dad take the day off work and try for Friday after Preschool?

2006-08-18 04:02:36 · 29 answers · asked by Amy B 2

In school he is an extremly smart student honor roll grades and I couldnt be more proud; however, when in school he is more into the drama with his friends and likes to bully certain students around and throws temper tantrums when he is told to do something at school and when I punish him he cries like alittle girl, Now he is ADHD and he was taking off the medicine over the summer, I had him in daycare through his school and he was very good they had no problems with him at all, Now that hes back in the classroom he decided not to follow rules and run with the crowd. I am a single mother and his father is out of our lives, he was abusive and a bad alcohalic and cant stay out of jail!! my son I feel deserved a better life so I got him out of it along with myself and his baby brother, I am with a man whom Ive been involved with for 4 years and he loves my kids to death and is wonderful with them. What can I do to get my kid on the right track?

2006-08-18 03:57:49 · 20 answers · asked by landscaperschick73 3

freaked out mum to be!

2006-08-18 03:38:19 · 47 answers · asked by soggyflipflopbrain 1

I do not have any children of my own yet, but how hard is it to be a single parent? I'd prefer to have a man by my side when I choose to go down that Rd but sometimes you dont always get what you want! Single Mothers & Fathers: tell me how you feel!!

2006-08-18 03:35:00 · 17 answers · asked by not-really-me V 1

How can i lose some fat around my midsection? i had a baby 6 months ago and ready to get rid of it. i really don't have time to excersize or walk so i want a diet that works. is there a diet i can go on? i heard of adkins/nocarb diet, what is it exactly? I want to fit in my old clothes again

2006-08-18 03:32:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 11 year old son seems to think what I tell him is an absolute joke.. Yesterday he got in trouble at school because the teacher asked him to do something and he gave her a nasty attitude. He is more concerned about his friends and involving himself with the drama and also bullying other kids then turning around and saying they started. When I give him a punishment he cries like a baby as if Im not suppose to punish him, he doesnt seem to understand when you do something wrong there are consequences that have to be paid, he thinks that shouldnt exist. I dont know what to do any more and the sad part is he is an honor roll student but hes more concerned in disrespecting his teachers being all up in everyones business and picking on kids and lying about it. What can I do to get it through to him that it has to stop and it actually stop, I feel like a broken record, Parents give me some input.

2006-08-18 03:27:37 · 13 answers · asked by landscaperschick73 3

regarding my 4 year old daughter and 9 year old nephew. I overheard a converstaion between my four year old and my 9 year old daugters. My four year old was describing the nightmare she had last night. She said my nephew tried to make her sit on his peepee. My heart hit the floor as we have had issues with this nephew before showing my daughter his peepee. He was spoken to then by my husband and his mother. So now this comes out. I stayed calm and asked her if anything like this has happened in real life and she answered sometimes when i am at his house. again biting my lip and trying to stay calm I asked her what she said to him when he tried this. she said nothing i did not know what to say. i informed her that if it ever hapened again to tell him to stop and that you are going to tell me(mom) and then to come tell me right away because he has no right to do this to you. Then she added into it that he has also told her to drink the water out of his peepee.

2006-08-18 03:05:14 · 50 answers · asked by hopeless 1

Why or why not?

2006-08-18 02:24:33 · 22 answers · asked by all_my_armour_falling_down 4

I wonder if a baby's happiness can be significantly affected by how you are with them? So if you're happy, laughing, singing and upbeat, like I try to be, it should follow too that the baby will be happy. Or is it just something in their own nature? Or even a mix of both. Wondering as a curious mum wanting to do her best for her baby.

Any general tips from mums/dads on what makes for a happy baby appreciated too

2006-08-18 01:45:24 · 24 answers · asked by sweetpeachmummy 2

When should a mother show and explain about breasts and pubic hair.

2006-08-18 01:07:00 · 33 answers · asked by peep 1

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