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Pregnancy & Parenting - 12 June 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I saw a woman at the doctor yesterday who was feeding her son, whom she told me was 6 months old, something brown and bubbly in his bottle...it looked just like Coke or Dr. Pepper! Is there ANY reason to give a child this age soda? Wouldn't that just contribute to bad oral health and higher risk of obesity?

2007-06-12 08:48:01 · 26 answers · asked by grayhare 6 in Newborn & Baby

My mother-in-law has had cancer for a few years now and it's getting worse (no longer in remission, no longer curable, etc.). My wife and I know it's probably a matter of months before she dies. The problem is her parents live across the country, and we recently moved to a new state. I feel when the time comes that I should fly back with my wife for the funeral to support her, but we have no one to watch our kids over night. And we can't afford for us all to fly across the country. In fact, we're probably going to have to go into debt just for her/us to go. Help! What do I do? Do I let her go by herself when the time comes? How would you find someone you would trust to watch your kids for 2-3 days? (Our youngest is 7, so they're not real little kids.)

2007-06-12 08:41:24 · 25 answers · asked by historybuff33 3 in Parenting

Knowing that fertility treatments cost $$$, and few insurers cover those. Suprised that if it is the insurance companies that they arent the ones putting a cap on this - sooner or later. The NICU cost must be huge! Figure it would also be them who also end up putting the cap on elective c-sections.

Not saying my opinion either way, just wondering how it works.
(Havent even seen Sicko yet)

2007-06-12 08:36:39 · 3 answers · asked by lillilou 7 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I got married last month 5-19-07 and never knew anything about ovulation times or whatnot because i had no plans on getting pregnant for atleast another year. It turns out my last period was 5-12-2007 which put the week of my honeymoon right in the middle of my ovulation cycle. My period is now 5 days late but HPT are negative. I have a few signs such as tiredness, dark very visible blue veins on my breasts that were not there before, and "different" cramping. Any suggestions?

2007-06-12 08:32:41 · 18 answers · asked by 8 * Second * Ride 3 in Pregnancy

I have already decided on the middle name for my little girl. It will be Grace. I am having the hardest time deciding on the first name though!! Which one do you like best??

Ella Grace
Maya Grace
Lilian Grace
Liliana Grace
Leana Grace

Please help!!

2007-06-12 08:31:08 · 101 answers · asked by Ellanora 3 in Baby Names

i love beautiful names. i do not like names like ann and jane ( no offense to anyone whose name is ann or jane). i would like to have a name that starts with an s to honor my mom who died when i was nine. her name was stacy. my name is jocelyn. thanx for ur help!

2007-06-12 08:29:15 · 39 answers · asked by jocey 2 in Baby Names


Last Name Is Rose!

Allie-Anna Lynn Rose
Kira-Katie Lynn Rose (Kira is pronounced Ky-Ra)
Raleigh-Ray Lynn Rose
Riana-Ray Lynn Rose
Tessa-Taylor Lynn Rose
Natalia-Noelle Lynn Rose
Wendy-Williow Lynn Rose
Emilee-Elandra Lynn Rose
Brittany-Beth Lynn Rose
Bethany-Brianne Lynn Rose
Madeline-Maria Lynn Rose
Lindsay-Laura Lynn Rose
Carleigh-Cara Lynn Rose
Carleigh-Candice Lynn Rose
Shandi-Shayla Lynn Rose
Nicky-Nicole Lynn Rose

Since these names are so longggggg we will just use the fist or second name. Dont make suggestions for other names, just say which one(s) is/are best and why.

2007-06-12 08:28:52 · 12 answers · asked by Gator. 4 in Baby Names

For an eleven year old (girl) birthday party.

2007-06-12 08:23:39 · 7 answers · asked by db 2 in Grade-Schooler

Has anyone had success using the electronic "sea bands" which you wear around your wrist and that deliver an impulse to the accupressure point for nausea? I tried the regular bands and they didn't do anything - the button was too big to stimulate the point. Please, I just need info on that specific remedy, not any other morning sickness remedies - I've tried them ALL and nothing works for me - this is my 4th pregnancy. Thanks, ladies!

2007-06-12 08:21:32 · 4 answers · asked by Knight of Malta 3 in Pregnancy

I am the mom-to-be's friend who was asked to do the baby shower. Of course I said YES! But, is it okay to ask her family for some help financially to make this wonderful for her? And how do I do this? Call them?

2007-06-12 08:14:03 · 15 answers · asked by Happy Girl 3 in Newborn & Baby

We have 3 kids under 5. We have done some of the big name vacation the past few years. We are planning on going some where again before the year is out but want find someplace with out an adult sized taking mouse, 50 ft water slides and 200 people every 10ft. All we can think of are the places you see the ads for on TV every summer and those are just the kinds of places we are trying to avoid this time. Anyone know of a slow paced enjoyable family ( with you kids) vacation spot that is not so commercial.

2007-06-12 08:13:37 · 12 answers · asked by Brian 5 in Parenting

I think I probably know the answer, but just need to hear it from someone else. My fingers are crossed. Today is day 21 and twice when I wiped, there was very faint brown swirly stuff and faint pinkish as well. The only reason I'm not 100% sure that I'm pregnant is because I had sex on day 6 but didn't ovulate until day 10, so I figured the chances are slim.

2007-06-12 08:11:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive


what are the best ways to get folic acid without having to take the pill? and how much of it would i need to be eating or drinking in about a months worth?

2007-06-12 08:09:57 · 8 answers · asked by megan_trigg2000 2 in Trying to Conceive


2007-06-12 08:05:06 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I am a contracted employee always have been, I am pregnant with twins. My employer does not pay in to unemployment for me, does this mean I wont get umemployment disability when i am forced to take maternity leave?

2007-06-12 08:01:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My wife and I are curious about which over-the-counter and prescription medications are deemed safe for pregnancy. She has a friend who was prescribed Dramamine for morning sickness and it helped ease the nausea. Thanks.

2007-06-12 07:51:37 · 15 answers · asked by Knight of Malta 3 in Pregnancy

Can you have EWCM (Egg White Cervial Mucous) other than ovulation time? Also, since I did have implantation bleeding for about 3 days with my first child, is it likely to happen again when I am pregnant next time?

2007-06-12 07:50:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I am currently using Nestle 3 & 6 for my second daughter who apparently has more appetite and takes formula to compare with my first daughter. So if anyone can tell me about the Kirkland (Costco brand) baby formula would be appreciated.

2007-06-12 07:50:02 · 2 answers · asked by redmouse 3 in Newborn & Baby

I have a question to ask about the development of the fetus. At my first ultrasound, at 5weeks pregnant the fetus about 0.832cm and it look like a black dot in my uterus. About 10 days after, i went back for another ultrasound, the fetus is about 1.05cm and the dot is no longer a dot, it look like a bean shape. My question is that at the 2nd ultrasound there are no fetal heartbeat. And my doctor said that it more likely i have a miscarriage. I am kind of confuse cause if i have an miscarriage how come it showing the fetus change from a dot to a bean shape. if a fetus is already dead, should it not change at all? now i should be about 8 or 9 week pregnant, and went back to the doctor for a blood test to see my hcG level. because i have no miscarriage symptoms, and before going for D &C procedure, i want to make sure that i am really miscarriage. Does anyone in here have the same experience before?

2007-06-12 07:49:57 · 17 answers · asked by katherine 1 in Pregnancy

strange question i know. im not a woman and im pretty sure im not pregnant. i just was curious. babies dont pee in the womb so what makes them start to pee? do they pee before their first breastfeeding?

2007-06-12 07:49:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

How did it help? I never took them and I am 38 weeks.

2007-06-12 07:35:22 · 14 answers · asked by alainall 1 in Pregnancy

I usually give him son goldfish,fruit snacks or even animal crackers.

2007-06-12 07:35:12 · 19 answers · asked by nikkm0113 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

The reason why I was asking is because the past couple of times I have went to the Doctor they have told me that my cervix is getting thiner but Im not dilated any. So I thought that if I walk at least a couple of miles a day, Could it speed up the process and maybe I could have my baby sooner?

2007-06-12 07:33:46 · 17 answers · asked by pinkdimond00003 1 in Pregnancy

Hi everyone. I need to finally clear out my baby son's things. The issue is that most of it is in new condition unworn, and many designer names. Also many like new items like bouncers, swings, etc. Is it too much to ask for 75% of the original price? All are in just as good as new condition. All clothes are new unworn or worn once. I have two bouncers( new $35-39 each), a baby einstein mobile that was $35, and other great name brand products. I went crazy shopping but don't want to do all the work for a yard sale unless I get a return on what I spent. If I just wanted to get rid of it period, I would just donate it rather than take all the time to mark things under 25 cents. Please let me know your own etiquette for yard sales. And yes, I would pay the prices I am marking things at for myself. Also I am going to have many items under a dollar and free items that are still in great condition. Thanks in advance all you yard-salers out there. I need your help.

2007-06-12 07:33:22 · 9 answers · asked by Sweetness 6 in Newborn & Baby

I'm still eating 3 square, healthy meals, but until yesterday I had to eat something practically every two hours. Now, four hours can pass by and I'll start to feel hungry enough to eat. This is my first baby. Is this common? Thanks.

2007-06-12 07:31:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

for example if it drys on the sheets on something

2007-06-12 07:27:34 · 10 answers · asked by larios10906 1 in Pregnancy

after your baby's birth, did your doctor willingly prescribe you medicine, or did you have to "fight" him for it? What did he give you? did it help?

2007-06-12 07:26:33 · 6 answers · asked by ♥ LovingMyLittle1 4 in Newborn & Baby

Do I have a good chance in conceiving even though i did not have sex on the ovulation day but i did the day before and after. Me and husband did not want to do it 3 day straight since sperm since to decrease the more you have sex. Thanks

2007-06-12 07:25:40 · 11 answers · asked by lettynato 2 in Trying to Conceive

Hi, I've just gone 10 weeks pregnant, just got back from salou in spain for a week. I went to massive theme park there, port adventura, I had gone on alot of rides as my midwife said I should be ok as the baby doesn't move into my pelvis til fter 12weeks pregnant. I have had no bleeding, just mild pains occassionally. do you think i should worry. My tirdness is not as bad, and the nausea has calmed down.

2007-06-12 07:25:35 · 16 answers · asked by tessie 1 in Pregnancy

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