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Fish - June 2007

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my oscar will only occupy the right side of my 55g tank. he is alone with a pleco. he only stays on the side next to my bed. i hardly ever see him on the other side. and the odd part is all the live plants and rocks are on the left side where he can hide. does any one else have this problem?

2007-06-10 13:57:30 · 3 answers · asked by Sean M 2

I have 3 betas, two of them expand their fins and eat. the other one keeps his fins down and doesn't eat much. what's wrong with it?

2007-06-10 13:53:46 · 3 answers · asked by aznbuddy 3

Alright well my female fish started to drop eggs and she started eating them and put them in bubbles so i put the male betta in and hes eating the nesta nd the eggs! I dont get this at ALL HELPP!

2007-06-10 13:52:03 · 4 answers · asked by liz k 2

i have had a danio a and some sort of tetra die from what i think is some sort of gill disease. after their death and maybe before and i just didnt notice but their gills are red and a little before their anus on their belly they have an opening that looks almost like something had eatten through it and around that it was red too. i was wondering if maybe they could have some parasite too??? i have been doing water changes every week to lower my nitrates which have been high and the pH is 7.0. i have a heater and an air stone and no other problems that i know of. if you have any other questions you can email me at eat-sleep-ride@comcast.net.
♥thanks in advance♥

2007-06-10 13:51:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-10 13:30:37 · 3 answers · asked by nostorey 1

that move are all over the inside glass of my fish tank!
they look like little worms!!
what are they???

2007-06-10 13:24:33 · 1 answers · asked by Sean M 2

is it posible to put sand in a fesh water aquarium and if so is it easier to clean and do fish like it better (tetras?) also coul i put it in my betta tank to?

2007-06-10 13:13:26 · 5 answers · asked by ryanderhino 1

they aren't moving much and are having trouble swimming
and literally look as if they are dying..we've had them for about 3 years or something..
Right now they are in a vertical position and are still breathing but look really ill... My mom just changed the water and everything.. The water before was green and looked as if it was full of ammonia and algae ..
Help please? what should we do?

2007-06-10 13:08:11 · 7 answers · asked by MeganElizabeth 5

i have a fancy goldfish, and i'm ont sure if it is a female or male. on the beginning of where Cashew's ( the name) tail starts, the place where it is connected to the body, it looks like someone tore the skin. it lives alone in a tank, but cashews skin body looks like its torn in half almost ! like, bacteria is eating it's skin or something T_T.
please tell me, what is this. and how can i heal cashew ??

2007-06-10 12:55:32 · 2 answers · asked by aehfdklj 2

Whenever I put my face really close to my Betta's 1.5 gallon aquarium, its gills widen. Is it scared of me?

2007-06-10 12:52:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My male betta seems to blow a lot of bubbles. The bubbles are not clumped together, so I don't think it would be a bubble nest. When I watch it swim, every so often it will blow a small bubble which rises to the surface of the water. Is this normal?

2007-06-10 12:40:05 · 7 answers · asked by qanda15 2

He's a blue Betta. All blue, except two tiny bits of red at the front that you can't even see unless you're actually looking for it.

2007-06-10 12:30:57 · 13 answers · asked by Ashley 2

i just got a new fish tannk 5 gallons what kind of fish could i put in it besides BETTA'S GGOLDFISH MOLLIES GUPPIES AND TETRA'S SOMTHING EXOTIC BUT NOT TO HARD TO TAKE CARE OF ! : )

2007-06-10 12:30:29 · 6 answers · asked by ryanderhino 1

also how many can i fit in a 5 gallon taanl and what do i feed them?

2007-06-10 12:09:01 · 8 answers · asked by ryanderhino 1

I have two goldfish in a large tank and the water is cloudy again. I don't think we added enough in the begining and I want the water clear again. I want to add it with out taking the fish out but will the initial pouring in the substance be too much for them and kill them?

2007-06-10 11:51:47 · 9 answers · asked by wonderful 2

I thought my one 10-15 Gallon filter was broken so I bought another one. I am not able to return it, so would it benefit the tank to keep both of the filters running in there? Like keep it cleaner and require less water changes?

Thanks a lot, I appreciate any help.

2007-06-10 11:50:19 · 7 answers · asked by aaaaaaaaaaaaaa555 3

please i need info becuz im not coming home to a bunch af big guppies with there belly full of baby fry i would so freak out i need alot and you ppl onley have 2 days please please i need help

2007-06-10 11:49:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to have some kind of fish in my out side urn / planter pot. What kind of fish is the best and what kind of set up do I need for fish to be healthy? Why some inside Gold fish are OK with tiny vase and water without pump or filter? Anyway, can I just throw some kind of fish in my urn / planter pot and will be OK?

2007-06-10 11:45:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

they are different types of guppies and they have been togetther for about 5 hours

2007-06-10 11:45:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

we got a 55 gal. tank. we have not set it up yet. we would like to get a saltwater tank running. the only thing we have is crushed coral out of a tank thatsome one else had. is it ok to use? what type of filter system do we need? what else do we need to set it up?

2007-06-10 11:43:41 · 3 answers · asked by TKP 1

so i got this new fish yesterday and it doesn't eat its food! but one day i was sitting by its bowl eating a taco and dropped some taco sauce in there and my fish ate it! but i don't know if its healthy for my fish. but not eating is aslo unhealthy so wut should i do? feed it taco sauce or let it starve? or do ya'll have any suggestions?

2007-06-10 11:38:51 · 8 answers · asked by felicity 2

I am planning on using urn / planter pot as a above ground pond. Then decorate it with Bamboo water fall kit with a pomp which will generate an oxygen. I am also planning on putting water plants in the pot. Then finally a Koi (small 5" ones). Okey, what else do I need to keep the Koi healthy and going ? The care, any tip would greatly appreciate it.

2007-06-10 11:29:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can a fish be saved from this condition and is there a name for it?? Is this just stress? I have a 220 gallon aquarium that has been up and running for months. I have other cichlids, however it did not seem to be extensively bothered by the previous fish in the tank. I do not have access to another tank to try to cure him and I dont think buying medicine to treat that much water is practical but I did wonder if this fish might be saved??

2007-06-10 11:29:04 · 2 answers · asked by buzzard b8 3

i read alot of the bottles of food i buy or the frozen food packages or even the live food.Most of them say feed what your fish will eat withen 3 to five minutes and suck ou t the rest. They also say feed 2 to 3 times daily.Is this too much food m fish eat it and im careful not to eover feed or at least what i think would be over feeding. I've also read that feeding your fish too much can make them fat and deformed. I also want to know is it a good idea to let your fish fast at least for one day a week. I know they wont die without food for one day or at least i think i know um yeah thanks

2007-06-10 11:27:48 · 8 answers · asked by mike a 2

I'm trying to start a salt water tank in a small 10 gallon tank. The salinity on my hydrometer reads a little over 1.026, can someone give me some advice on what to do how can i bring it down i would like it to be around 1.022.

2007-06-10 11:13:08 · 4 answers · asked by hoyitzalex 1

30 gallon tank. Long not tall.

Is this a good set up???
I was thinking this for a 30 gallon tank.

3 turquoise danios
2 Mickey Mouse platies (1 male 1 female)
- I'll probably give away or sell the fry or let them defend for themselves in the tank.
5 Neon tetras
2 african drawf frogs
1 female betta

and acouple of plants. Gravel on the bttom of the tank.
And a bubble curtain and filter.

What else (if it's not over crowded) can I add???
Are fake or live plants better???

Thanks for your answers : )

2007-06-10 11:03:16 · 6 answers · asked by MusicalHeart 5

They have really big goldfish and really tiny ones at petsmart. Why are some so big and others so small? There the same kind of fish. Will the small ones grow to the size of the big ones with time?

2007-06-10 11:02:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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