Two fancy goldfish and two large pale orange snails (1.5" each) in my 29gal tank. Some anacharis and moneywort along with a java fern, and a Whisper 30 filter. I get slime issues and plant debris like no other. I have a shy amount of gravel in the tank so that I can easily stir it up when changing 20% weekly or every other week, and occasionally add another filter media on top of the cartridge inserted in the box filter, and still end up changing filter media every five days. I added a small whisper to the tank to get some **** in it to cycle a new tank faster, and that seemed to clear up the water a little but, but the whisper filters are more expensive than other ones and they just seem to be too ineffective for my plant tossing foot long poop making lovely goldfishes.
Question is, how many plants of what type for low-moderate light will be plenty to take care of excess ammonia and what filter should I pick up, besides an pool filter, that will be cost effective?
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