While at a friends house the other day, I saw that her dog was infested with fleas. The fleas were so bad that you could see them on the dogs fur from 5-8 ft away. It was the worst flea problem I've ever seen. The dog has redness/bumps all over and is obviously MISERABLE.
The dog is also underweight. My friend told me he recently lost weight and I suspect it's due to the fleas. I warned my friend that her dog could get very sick, even die. She said she was going to have the dog flea dipped. I offered her some Frontline Plus and she refused. After offering a few times, and then even asking her to please take the flea meds, she still refused.
I feel AWFUL for this dog. I can't even go to my friends house w/o getting bitten by fleas myself and I feel so incredibly sad for the dog. But I am powerless.
We are dog lovers and believe you should care for your pets like you would your kids. The dog can't help himself. How do I handle this tactfully?
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