This is a true story, one of the following 2 dogs actually bit his owner on the face, right on the lips. I am asking you to guess which dog was the culprit based on looks, breed and information I provide and I want to know why you think you are correct about the dog you choose.
Dog #1 is a male mutt, 8yrs old, neutered, 80lbs, never violently abused, owned his entire life by a woman who is a straight A student and very popular. This dog was born and raised in a rural area.
Dog #2 is a male American Bulldog, 2yrs old, not neutered, 100lbs, never violently abused, owned by several people before being owned by a man who is a highschool drop out. This dog was born and raised in a urban area.
I lived for over a year in the same house with these 2 dogs, both slept in the bed with me at night, were affectionate, gentle, housebroken and well trained.
37 answers
asked by
Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy