My mom has always had huge issues about her weight. She was overweight for years, and is now super-skinny. I think she goes as far as OD'ing on diet pills and thyroid medication to keep it off. She always raises her weight in conversations, always talks about how to keep it off, what other women look like.
I will be frank and say that people compliment me on my body, and i am happy with it- until I spend time with my mom. She seems to think that a good body is a skinny one (only-nothing inbetween). She comments on what I eat,implies I need to lose weight (eg "you shouldn;t eat that. Women who eat that tend to put on weight", "I have this great weight tip for you).If she gets told off for being obsessive, she does it subtly- literally raises eyebrows whenever I eat, checks whats on my plate, shakes her head, or gets my senile grandmother to say something nasty!
Thing is, I am not putting on weight. But a week at home and I feel suicidal, fat and ugly.What do I do????
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