Whoo, this is gonna be a long one..
ok, for some people, obesity is a big problem, so they advertise weight loss programs and supplements on television and stuff, right? Well, they need to advertise weight gain programs too.
Im an African American female, and most people's steryotypes of black females are either overweight or "bootylicious.", well, im actually underweight (and constantly losing weight) because im 15 years old, and i weigh 104 pounds (im 5'5" in height). This is not a new thing, though, because the main cause of this is when i was about 7 years old, i became a very picky eater. I only wanted to eat things like rice and hamburgers, and i never wanted to eat "southern foods' like collard greens, fried chicken, etc. Basically all that tasteless nasty stuff (and to this day it still disgusts me)well, my family would only cook these "southern foods" and when i would tell them im hungry, they'd say to eat what they already had, but when i said i didn't want to eat it, they would just say "well...." and walk away. What most people don't understand is that you can't force me to eat something i don't want or those same reflexes that keep you from eating something rotten, will make me throw the food back up.
In some cases, i've tried to eat, but i've only gained like, one pound from this time last year!
Maybe my metabolism is fast,
but I need help: this is starting to ruin my life!!. I feel like my mom doesn't want me anymore because of my weird eating habits, im starting to feel extreme dislike (i dont wanna say "hate") for other family members because they wont help me and/or eat regularly, and im even starting to hate black people in general, because they are up to their normal "weight", and are starting to make me uncomfortable by making it obvious that they think im awkward because of my size (and i've got these long *** legs to top it all off!). And plus guys don't like girls my size.
Can someone help me? this is starting to ruin my life- and will probably eventually lead to suicide!!! :(
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