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Diet & Fitness - 3 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diet & Fitness

I should be about to afford 2 hours of exercise daily, one hour in the morning and one hour before dinner time. =) What can I do and how much of it? Jogging is so boring? Don't really want to do it.

2007-11-03 23:50:12 · 6 answers · asked by Willy 3

for example, i can get myself from 100lbs to 96 in 7 days by eating 500 - 700 cals a day and doing quite alot of exercise. yet ONE day of eating 2000 - 2500 cals and i gain half of it back. its not fair! why is it so much harder and take so much longer to lose weight than gain weight?

2007-11-03 23:16:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am supposed to lose sth about 15 kg in 5 months.I am 5'3 and 74 kg.how much airobics is useful?what could be a normal diet for me?


2007-11-03 23:00:32 · 6 answers · asked by caspian k 1


I am the first to admit, i'm terrible for being too lazy to exercise.. But I need some help please.

I have quite a sedintry job. I sit at a desk for up to 12 hours a day! Can someone please reccomend me some simple yet effective lower back strengthening exercises? Something that I can just do at home, or even at work at my desk?

Thank you so much!!!!


2007-11-03 21:51:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok ive been on a diet for like 3 months and well on the first week i started the diet....i lost 10 pounds on second another 13 pounds (diet was only salads and water)ever sinse ive lost total of 30 pounds and nothing sinse so yesterday I applied to the gym and worked out for 3 hours (i said an hour earlier but i realized it was more) anyways I did 45 min on tredmill, 25 min sitting bycicle, 30 min on ladder (electric) and an hour of weight lifting...now here are my questions
1) My goal is to totaly loose atleast 70 pounds including the 30 that ive already lost..."how long do you think its going to take me to achive that goal" (staying on this routine)
2)what can I do to boost my metabolism and loose weight faster
3) I'm weight lifting, will that affect my weight loss (in a negative way)
4)my friend lost 60 pounds and OMG YOU CAN TELL how can I do it fast.....
5) are gatorades bad (for loosing weight) and also power bars

thanks alot

2007-11-03 20:40:53 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 5'9" and 190lbs. I want to put some muscles (already have some, but they aren't like Goku's in Dragonball Z). I am starting off slowly with 4 minutes of Timework FX and 4 minutes of AB King Pro. How long should I continue at this level? What should my future workouts be like? Need some good advice. Thanks.

2007-11-03 20:27:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


ive been told that of i was to go on a water fast that i can lose up2 10 lbs a week. I just want to know the process by which fat is burned and if fat really be what im buring and not other things.

2007-11-03 20:13:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i wanna jump higher so i can dunk the basket in my gym, it's about 10ft...... any advice?, i can almost get the rim =D

2007-11-03 20:09:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 13 and it seems impossible to lose weight! I've been doing loads of exercise (jump rope, dancing, daily sit ups/crunches) but I never lose weight. I'm really starting to doubt that I can lose even a pound.

2007-11-03 19:57:38 · 7 answers · asked by ministryod 1

Hello All,

I have a 3 week holiday coming up ( WOOP! LOL) and I'm planning on working out 3 times a week, everyday during the holiday ( Includes Sit-Ups too btw!) and I'm wondering, will I get a 6 pack from this? Thanks, and by the way, I have a VERY healthy diet ( Mum is a doctor lol).


2007-11-03 19:45:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

a tape measurement be to determine body fat percentage i tested mine with tape measurements on some sites and got results from 8 to 11 percent body fat and once with 13 % and if those were kind of accurate how come i still cant clearly see a 6 pack

2007-11-03 19:14:17 · 2 answers · asked by jesse 2

Topic, i am 19 now and wonder if i stunted my growth back then, because i stopped growing at about 5'8 inches tall and my dad is 5'10, mom is 5'2..........i used to just try to find out what my max bench was, doing like 110 pounds (i dont remember how much i weighed back then, but it was impressive to my friends)....so do i have to live with this, or is my final height just natural?

2007-11-03 18:57:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

to count calories when i eat every sunday at my grandmas ? is there a certain amount of pasta and salad i could put on my plate and still be able to count the calories into my daily total

2007-11-03 18:22:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it bad for you like candy?

2007-11-03 17:26:44 · 9 answers · asked by Ambie 3

I weigh 272 at 5'7". Two years ago, I weighed 190.
All the weight was gained during a very abusive relationship that I got out of this past August. The forty I want to lose was gained in a three month period of severe depression (I actually gained 54 pounds in that period).

I've lost 15 pounds in the 2 months since I got out of said bad relationship, but I REALLY need to lose this 40 pounds before Christmas. I know losing weight this quickly isn't the best way to do it, but at my weight it's possible. I just need to know the best way to go about it.

Thanks in advance!

2007-11-03 16:03:23 · 31 answers · asked by Renee T 2

2007-11-03 15:54:01 · 1 answers · asked by la.manda_00 2

I want to know everything please.

2007-11-03 15:40:57 · 6 answers · asked by ♥Jesse♥ 2

2007-11-03 15:25:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

A friend of mine takes the stuff. I believe the commercial name is Deca Durabolin or just Durabolin. He was telling me how it has no side effects, etc. But what I was wondering what about negative feedback mechanisms from the endocrine system? How does it work?

I've been in the fitness game forever and I've never seen gains like his. I was seriously considering taking it but that little voice in my head is warning me. I won't do anything until I learn more from a pharmacist or health care professional but for the mean time I'd like to hear from experience.

I only want answers from people who have taken it or otherwise know what they are talking about. I'm looking for information about nandrolone and I don't want to be lectured. I can spot a fake and I know when you're talking s**it. Any one who doesn't comply will get thumbed the f**k down.

2007-11-03 15:20:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I usually get home after school and feel depressed. Therefore I don't feel like getting out of the house or doing anything really. I have a soccer class in school, we run but I just don't push myself hard enough. I come home and eat until I feel sick enough to stop. During the weekends is alot worse. Probably gain 5-10 lbs. I think it's just been a bad year and I feel depressed and want to take my anger out on food. Every weekend I say, "I need to go on a diet." But it just get's worse.

Any ways to change the way I eat and the way I feel about my weight? Help me live a healthier life!

2007-11-03 15:12:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Thanx in advance!!!

2007-11-03 14:53:41 · 4 answers · asked by Eugene Prada 2

ive hit the weight loss plateau. to break it, do i need to increase in intensity or duration? i do cardio 5 times a week, twice a day.

2007-11-03 14:42:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay so instead of eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner i can substatute one or two of them (or a snack) for a plate of ice (you take a plate fill it w/ water freeze it then eat it) it makes me feel like im eating but its actually like drinking water. i also eat POM seeds after every meal (i heard they make you lose weight) so anyway what i want to know is...is this deit safe??? for my health i mean?

2007-11-03 14:36:25 · 6 answers · asked by Girlygurlz4 1

Sorry for sounding harsh, but I don't understand why so many overweight people drink diet pop. Am I the only one who's known people that seem 'proud' that they choose DIET over regular?


2007-11-03 14:30:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I run 2 miles per day during the week (mon-fri) and do 25 push-ups & 50 crunches per night (I'll increase the amounts as my body adapts to it) and do arm curls with weights every other night (i'll increase the weight and reps as i get stronger); will i lose weight? and will i lose weight at a normal rate (2lbs/week - ish)? (((I weigh ~210lbs))) (if i follow that schedule, about how much could i safely lose by the end of Febuary?) Thanks so much :)

2007-11-03 14:23:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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