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Weddings - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Weddings

My husband and i have been married for 3 years now and i want a real wedding, we got married through a civil court because we were both in the army and now i am out. Ive started planning it but my husband told me there is no point to it that we are all ready married...im catholic and i already messed up by not having a holy matrimony and now i want to have one. it will mean so much to me....im starting to think my husband doesnt even love me as much as he says he does....what do you guys think?

2007-09-25 15:40:28 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 10 months from getting married and My fiance and his mother have put no input into my our wedding. My Fiance acts like he dosen't care and My Future MIL is just acting cold.The really sad thing is My fiance is from Russia and he is an only child. His own mother wont help with her only childs wedding but His mother will fly 12,000 miles to siberia to attend her nephews wedding.My hand are tied and I am starting to feel like I am going to marry myself...What can I do to get them involved.?

2007-09-25 15:40:15 · 13 answers · asked by Bride2Be 4


2007-09-25 15:21:00 · 10 answers · asked by mary 4

Are you supposed to invite just the people involved in the wedding ceremony? And their spouses/long term partners?

Are you supposed to invite your family that has traveled far to come to your wedding? For example, my aunt and uncle are not in the wedding ceremony, but they are flying in from Washington DC to Southern California. Should they be invited?

If people are single, should they be allowed to bring a guest?

We are going fairly causal for the rehearsal dinner. No invitations. Jeans ok. We are having it at Macaroni Grill.

2007-09-25 13:43:26 · 11 answers · asked by Selah 2

I have been saving for an engagement ring for several months, planning to propose to my gf of 4 yrs at around Christmas time. I was planning on getting a 3/4 princess cut in white gold as this is waht she had told me she wanted. Well today my 97 year old granmother (that raised me since I was two and I love to death) offered to give me her engagemnt ring to give to my gf. Her and my mother aboslutly adore my gf and they both thought it would be really special. At first I thought it was a really great idea, its around 3/4 carot with two little diamonds on the side, with a platinum band. But the question is....do you think she would feel resentful that I didn't get her something unique for her? In other words will she think I am skimping by giving her my grandma's ring? She knows how much I care for her, and she really likes my grandms. Now I would feel bad to turn my grandma down but don't want to hurt my gf. What should I do?

2007-09-25 13:31:21 · 16 answers · asked by the coast with the most 3

What is the etiquette? How much do people normally give. My mom says the the average guest cost is up to 54 dollars.

2007-09-25 12:59:17 · 6 answers · asked by Jules 4

Do you think it would be pretty if my 4 bridesmaids all wore the same dress but in different colors?
For example,
The first bridesmaid would wear the dress in light pastel green.
Thd second one would wear the same dress, except it would be light pastel pink.
The third one would wear the same dress except it would be light pastel blue.
The fourth one would wear the same dress except it would be light pastel purple.
And the groomsmen would have vests to match their respective bridesmaids.
So....would this be cheesy, or pretty?

2007-09-25 12:36:09 · 27 answers · asked by Annie 4

I recently got engaged to my fiance. Last night, the question came up about my bachelor party. We both have preconceived notions of what the limits should be. First off, I love my wife to be very much and can't wait to settle down and begin our lives together. Prior to seriously dating her, I lived a fairly wild life and come from a more open background than she does. Her limit is that of "look, but don't touch", where touching is considered cheating. My definition is intercourse or oral. Having been to a strip club before, to me, lap dances are pretty meaningless. Her perception of a strip club is more akin to a brothel. Any attempts to tell her how it really is gets brushed off. How can we discuss this productively? Its not that I feel the need to get a lap dance, but I dont want to be told what I cant do. I want to just be able to confront the issue when it presents itself, and be able say goodbye to that part of my life and move on with her.

2007-09-25 11:25:44 · 22 answers · asked by ZombieExpert 2

Obviously we're intending to send thank you cards out from all our gifts we recieve during showers and our reception. my fiance and i found these thank you cards and think they're hilarious (this really all depends on your sense of humor). We really want to send them...obviously as a joke, but we're trying to come up with the best way to do it.

I feel if we send that by itself and wait a week to send the real ones..it gives people too much time to get offended. We're also going to send out the thoughtful hand written notes as well...we're just wanting to know the best way to go about it.

Everyone knows we're kinda quirky and out there though..im just not sure.

any advice?

here are the joke thank you cards btw.


2007-09-25 11:01:23 · 15 answers · asked by Courtney 4

the gifts in question have been gifts of money.

2007-09-25 10:37:59 · 50 answers · asked by lil 1

So I'm 4 months pregnant and I'm not married and all of the women at my job are married or engaged. I work for a medium size corporate company.

I came up with this plan to buy a ring and pretend I'm engaged so people will not look down on me. My boyfriend claims he is getting me a ring but he is taking to long and we are not getting along so I'm not sure if he is really going to get me one.

Do u think this is a good idea?

2007-09-25 09:40:41 · 40 answers · asked by Jasmine 2

looking for cheap reception site in massachusetts that can accommodate LESS than 20 people? our reception will probably only have about 15 people at it...

any suggestions/ideas?

2007-09-25 09:15:31 · 3 answers · asked by mums_the_word 3

How to decorate where we will be standing on the field.. ( we are getting married at the Mississippi Braves Stadium) And I don’t know what to put or where to put it.. we don’t have much to spend… so keep that in mind.. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-25 08:43:10 · 8 answers · asked by *Saved by God's grace* 2

Well we decided to get engaged, and are in the process of picking rings. He just wants a simple band, doesnt matter whether its silver or gold. What i would like is to get a band that will last a very long time. He works with his hands, hes a mechanic, works on a crewboat and he also does roofing and construction. I just dont want to get a band that will get all scratched up or break in half after a year lol so does anyone have personal expirences or any tips they can give me?

2007-09-25 08:40:48 · 30 answers · asked by Jenn 3

Hi every one, what would u do if your wife/husband lost there wedding ring?i mean would u go mad etc?
My husband is in the army and on excerise and has lost it somewhere.Im gutted and so is he, we have been married 16 months and it wasnt insuired either.

2007-09-25 08:26:01 · 24 answers · asked by jenlouise 2

On a wedding program "the bride & groom will not be sending out thank you notes. They will be donating what would have been spent on postage to a charity"

I notice that they did not ask the guests to donate instead of buy them gifts. I also notice that they didn't name the charity. I think their heart is in the right place but it seems like they are only doing this because they don't want to deal with the task. Am I just old fashioned?

2007-09-25 07:56:30 · 31 answers · asked by Cheyenne 4

So as a few here know my future in-laws are a bit out there. Well, it got better. My FFIL has been having issues with a billing discrepancy at the hospital. So Saturday, he smashed the phone. Sunday, he was driving, and ripped a bunch of political signs out of someone's yard. Went home, popped a bunch of Xanax, FMIL takes him to the hospital, on the way there, they stop at that same stoplight. He jumps out of the car, rips the signs out AGAIN. (after the cops warned him he'd get arrested if it happened again). They get to hospital, they ask him why he did it, and he tells them "I figured popping a bunch of pills and calming myself down a risking killing myself was better than my original idea of going to the store and getting a gun and killing somone". Well, they let him outta the hospital, and we don't know what to do. We don't want him at the wedding (afraid he will cause drama) but don't want to start drama with his mother (this is his stepdad). What would you do?!?!

2007-09-25 05:49:23 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am in the process of planning the guest list for my wedding. My fiance and I have differing opinions on who should be invited and who should not. He believes that if someone is 'family' that they should automatically get an invite. I disagree. He has a 3rd. cousin that neither one of us is fond of whatsoever. We and this individual have clashed before. I believe that if neither one of us would enjoy their presence at our wedding, why should we invite them?

He on the other hand sticks to his belief that "They are family, so they must get invited." What do you think?

2007-09-25 04:32:04 · 34 answers · asked by Kelly103 2

Me and my husband will be married for 10 years this December.We want to renew our vows.We know we are going to have it at our parents house.And that we are going to say our own vows.I need help with decoration ideas,food.It would be held on Dec.2.When we got married no family was invited,we went to the Justice of the Peace.Now we want to renew our vows and have everybody there.

2007-09-25 04:20:58 · 6 answers · asked by shadowmonkeyblue 3

from flowers to invitations and favors , I need all the help possible. I love the soft colors and the soft peach roses. He like red!! We have 1 year exactly to organize the event. Food is a very tricky problem we are vegetarians..

2007-09-25 04:12:00 · 3 answers · asked by CINDY V 1

i've just got married and i'm not sure what order the rings should go on my finger... should it be my engagement ring first and then my wedding ring or should it be my wedding ring first and then my engagement ring?

2007-09-25 03:56:16 · 25 answers · asked by Emma S 2

She never has like my fiance and he is the greatest everyone else loves him. She said she should be the maid of honor haha. I need her help and I can not see her helping. I can see her being a big lush at the wedding and ruining it. What do you think any advice or just ignore her.

2007-09-25 03:16:44 · 20 answers · asked by Kelsy 1

Any one else trying to slim down for the wedding? If so, how successful have you been, and what is your best advice?

Good luck girls! (and guys if you're trying like my fiance is!)

2007-09-25 03:09:37 · 38 answers · asked by Mrs.10/18/08 4

I need to find the perfect toast for a friend's wedding in two weeks. There is a book available on www.ToastersChoice.com for $7.95 - should I buy it?

2007-09-25 02:55:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I guess I am worried because we are not super religious.... I believe in God and the bible but we don't go do church or pray very often. My fiancé doesn’t believe in anything so that worries me. We are meeting with the Minster who is going to marry us tonight. For our first meeting class the Minster was a real jerk so I am little worried about the new one but he can’t be any worst. Anyone have any good stories for me? Horror stories, funny stories or did it go great for you guys?

2007-09-25 02:51:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

MY plan was to do my final year this year and hopefully when i graduate end of july next year i'd get married.... but due to the fact i have done not so well in 2 modules i have to re sit only them modules this year instead of going into my final year!!

i have tried to explaine to my girlfriend but she wont have non of it...she is upset and really down and the worst thing is her family just wont accept this.... there all like marry her next year or you ant gona marry her at all... and i think to my self how will i support her all these things dont come easy. Getting married ant easy find a place to live bills to pay and she thinks its all rose's i dont know what to do i got her shouting down my ear and i feel like i have to leave uni to see her happy....all my life worked hard to where i am. wanted to do a degree and now i'm almost there just dont know what to do....help plz

2007-09-25 02:39:32 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone else having issues with other girls trying on your engagement ring? I've taken my ring off a couple of times to let some friends get a better look at it, and almost every time someone attempts to try it on. (WITHOUT ASKING!)

It just bugs me! I know some people even think it's bad luck.
To me, it's like when people go up and rub a pregnant lady's belly without asking!

Am I being selfish? I really don't want MY engagement ring on anyone else's finger, and I ESPECIALLY don't want it on there without the person asking first.

Am I over reacting?

2007-09-25 02:17:31 · 35 answers · asked by Mrs.10/18/08 4

I need a gift idea for an older woman--this is her first marriage. Thanks!

2007-09-25 02:16:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous