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Weddings - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Weddings

So a friend and her fiance want to get married at JOP then they are having their church wedding a few months later. They want to keep it secret but is it possible because at the wedding at the church don't you sign documents with the Paster?! How can they do this without NOBODY knowing? Not even the pastor. please help!

2007-09-27 16:17:01 · 18 answers · asked by married to my hero 1

i want to get marryed in a court room in saan diego, cali.

2007-09-27 15:59:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am having difficutly coming up with wedding location ideas. I haven't really started looking yet I am just racking my brain & not coming up with much. We don't have a church that we regularly attend right now. Are there old churches in cities that you can just get married in? (as in do those exist or did I imagine that? and how would I find them?) I don't really feel comfortable just finding a random church but who knows. I am not against outside except I'm afraid I would worry about weather too much (and I don't want to sweat at my wedding!) Besides, church & beach & cruise where else are common wedding places? preferrably indoors

2007-09-27 15:50:21 · 7 answers · asked by Amanda 4

Recently my fiance asked for my father's blessing and my father said no. This really hurt and pissed off me and my fiance, although he is my father I don't think I want him there because he does not approve. Everyone else on both sides of our families are happy we are getting married.

I have thought about asking my grandfather or my mom and step-dad. Any insite???

2007-09-27 14:47:41 · 31 answers · asked by darkferrie 4

My Mother is getting remarried in December and she asked me to be her Matron of Honor. The thing is, I live across the country from her and I'm pregnant. I won't be able to make it home for her wedding until about 3 days before (which will be Christmas).
Ok- my questions are...
1) Am I suppose to throw a bridal shower for someone being married for the 2nd time?
2) Do I get them a gift- and if so what in the world could I buy a couple who has everything already?
3) And what else am I missing?

2007-09-27 13:24:34 · 10 answers · asked by Blonde Bombshell 6

A fear of wedding dresses in general?

2007-09-27 13:02:14 · 9 answers · asked by onlyxainz 1

Help, the shower is this Sunday! A bridesmaid was supposed to bake cookies and attach them to sticks to serve as centerpieces in vases on the tables and individual gifts for the guests to bring home. Well, the bridesmaid screwed them up and they all broke!
Please post ANY ideas for easy, inexpensive wedding shower decorations that can also serve as a little thank you for coming. The mother of the bride ran out and bought little Renuzit candles, but they look tacky and will only be our back up plan.
Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance! (Fingers crossed)
Addt' Details: Fall wedding, red/harvest theme

2007-09-27 12:33:24 · 10 answers · asked by Spoiled 3

I want something simple, elegant, and inexpensive... and if there is anything that involves firetrucks or something of the sort that would be great also!!!!

2007-09-27 12:18:08 · 14 answers · asked by ~*Katie*~ 4

My supposedly best friend said she didn't want me to be pregnant at her wedding (she said it in a joking manner, but i know she really feels this way) I don't feel that I should base my family planning around her wedding...as long as I'm there for her at her wedding she should be happy for me...any thoughts?

2007-09-27 11:58:31 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

i know, i know. it's not proper to include gift details or gift preference anywhere in the invitation as guests aren't expected to bring gifts in the first place. But we all know for a fact that guests DO bring gifts and since I'm getting married in a place halfway around the planet, I'm not planning on boxing and shipping back home all the boxed gifts we will receive. We would love to receive cash as gifts but we don't want to sound as if we're asking for it.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this? Thanks!

2007-09-27 11:55:56 · 12 answers · asked by tangerine 2

What is a good first dance song for a wedding.

2007-09-27 11:44:55 · 17 answers · asked by Bride2Be 4

Me and my fiance planed a outdoor ceremony and his mother changed his mind for a church ceremony. And i am not pleased with the wedding planning so far. And i don't know what to do about rechanging his mind?

2007-09-27 11:34:09 · 39 answers · asked by Mrs. Allen 1

I want to wear a pretty champagne coloured cocktail dress for my wedding. I havent been able to find anything so far. Does anyone know of any good sites where you can either buy on line or maybe get nice pictures to take to dressmaker?

2007-09-27 10:46:58 · 10 answers · asked by bluegirl6 6

Okay my father and I have never really been close. But my step father has been in my life since i was in 3rd grade. My dad picked out a song for him and I BUT i want to do something for my step father and I.... I just dont no what. I dont want to hurt my real fathers feelings. Can anyone help me????

2007-09-27 10:14:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-27 09:58:32 · 17 answers · asked by smallpackage 1

2007-09-27 09:52:49 · 12 answers · asked by seth001 2

I feel like it would feel like hey at least give me the gift!

2007-09-27 08:12:27 · 33 answers · asked by seth001 2

What would be a fun creative way to ask someone to be my maid of honor or bridesmaids? 2 of them live in my town and one lives 5 hours away. Nothing very expensive. Thanks!

2007-09-27 07:55:23 · 8 answers · asked by mudpie 2


Thinking of getting marry on the island or the cruise...but would like to have a nice big BBQ when we returned. I'm not really into the traditional church weddings/reception. I'm more into casual thing. Want my guests to be comfortable....Is it apprioate to wear the gown again or should I get a white sun dress????

2007-09-27 07:17:01 · 10 answers · asked by njgal14 1


I'm trying to plan my wedding, we're doing a normal one, then getting married in the temple sometime later. And as I don't like the rings etc typical weddings anyway, I was hoping to do the old pre-Wiccan Scottish handfasting temporary wedding kind of ceremony. Where they'd do that, and then get married by a priest later.
I'm doing research myself, but I was wondering if anyone could explain how to do these kinds of weddings, or give me websites that do.
We are Scottish, but I don't think my great-grandfather would know about this too much. And he doesn't like talking to people anyway, so i can't ask. lol

2007-09-27 07:11:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is getting married in the next 3 weeks on the Carnival Cruise to the carribean and I feel that it is extremly import for me to go, so here's the thing I was going to go but I had to pay so many bills and she wanted it all up front but I really really want to suprise her and be there!!

so does any one know of a payment plan or somehting of that nature to get me there and pay monthly.. ect


2007-09-27 07:05:59 · 6 answers · asked by Jessica M 1

My brother just found out that he is going to be a daddy. He is 23 years old and his fiance is 21. She is the baby. She has 2 older sisters and 2 older brothers and 2 older half sisters. She was spoiled rotten to say the least. My family has always been able to "get by". She has decided that she wants to go anywhere from 50-100 miles away for each doctor visit and to have the baby...this of course will cost a lot in gas. She only makes 150/week if she continues to work. They do not have their own home yet mind you. She has also made mention that eventhough she is reluctantly willing to get on medicaid that she does not want anything to do with WIC because that is for "nasty people" and she doesn't want to take any "stupid parenting classes". She just mentioned to my mother that she plans to get a Vera Wang Diaper Bag...I am so outraged. None of her siblings have any children and she being so childish and unrealistic. How do I get through to her?

2007-09-27 06:23:46 · 24 answers · asked by sapphiresunstar 3

Are you supposed to buy a gift if you are in the wedding party?

2007-09-27 05:52:04 · 28 answers · asked by baseballguy20052004 1

Me and my Fiance don't drink. We won't have any alcoholic beverages served at the wedding. Is it ok to still have a toast using sparking apple cider? or instead of a toast, just have the maid of honor and best man say a few words.

2007-09-27 05:47:31 · 17 answers · asked by lulu 3

he is working abroad and his boss refuses to give him a vacation for wedding although he knows that this is so urgent...

2007-09-27 05:27:14 · 8 answers · asked by shery s 1

he signed a contract for a year since last june, and the contract states that he has no right to make a vacation through this year.. but some of his friends assured him that the boss will understand that this is urgent.. now this boss refuse to give him vacation and we have already reserved the church in such a difficult way.. what can i do?

2007-09-27 05:16:11 · 13 answers · asked by shery s 1

The first time my sister got married I was 15 and she made me her maid of honor. I'm her only sister. She got married again, to her new husband, and didn't choose me as her maid of honor. She picked her friend. She also chose her friend's kids to be the flower girl and ring bearer, not my kids or my brother's kids. I was really hurt, and so was my sister in law, (about her kids not being chosen. We felt like she could have had more than one flower girl/ring bearer.) I know it's her wedding, but it still hurt. My question is, if I ever get married, would it be catty to not pick her as my maid of honor? I was her's the first time. Any thoughts?

2007-09-27 04:44:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are on a budget, so I can't afford a lot of bridesmaids. I have asked my best friend and my goddaughter, but my sister and my fiance's sister thinks it's their 'right' to be my bridesmaids. My other sister doesn't mind.

Also, we are only have one usher and best man, so one bridesmaid and one flowergirl will balance it well.

2007-09-27 04:23:32 · 29 answers · asked by alib69 2

In the Weddings section, these questions are asked about once every 48 hours:

-How much should I spend on a gift?
-What song should I play at my wedding?
-How much does an "average" wedding cost?
-When do I send thank you notes?

I move for a 30-day moratorium on these questions. Who's with me?

2007-09-27 03:58:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend is getting married and her colors are turquoise,white and bronze...the colors are very shimmery(even the white..very pretty) as far as decor goes..she wants candles or lights that give the illusion of flickering candles cuz it will look good with the fabrics and matching decorations color wise but where do YOU personally draw the line between decor thats beautiful and color coordinated to way to much going on, tacky, too matchy matchy?

also she has an idea the place she wants to have the reception..does the staff at the place do the decorating or does she hire someone seperate to do that? its in a ballroom of a country club

another question..is it ok for her to hire an outside caterer even though the country club has a kitchen staff that usually does functions? she comes from a large puerto rican family and she wants some of the food to be very culture oriented and wants someone else to do it other than the C.C staff

2007-09-27 02:58:35 · 13 answers · asked by jennybean7985 5