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Marriage & Divorce - 12 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-12 13:42:11 · 8 answers · asked by bettys5incali 2

We have been married for 3 months & i was 5 months pregnant when we got married.. From the beginning of this pregnancy i have no sex drive whatsoever.. & even though he asks for it EVERY SINGLE DAY i just can't.. It's painful & uncomfortable & the thought of it sickens me..

We had an amazing sex life before i got pregnant.. Do you think it will go back to normal after our son is born?? I really miss sex... but when we try it just hurts so bad!!!

2007-12-12 13:30:55 · 19 answers · asked by ˚despeяate housewife˚ 6

I am married w/2kids. i have caught my husband many times thru emails and text messges but he kept on denying. i'm thinking of giving up the marriage, but stay for the kids....

2007-12-12 13:24:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tis the season to be jolly right?
I was addressing out all my christmas cards this morning and the thought crossed my mind to send one to my soon to be exhusbands attorney.
Am i crossing th line here. I am representing myself and part of me is doing it just to get under my ex's skin. Should i just leave it alone or show the both of them that they don't intimidate me?

Am i crazy?
If it was you to be my soon ex husband how would you feel about it?

2007-12-12 13:24:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Man And I Have Been Together For A Little Over 2 Years Now, And We Are Thinking About Marriage. How Long Should We Wait To Get Married After We Are Engaged?

2007-12-12 13:21:34 · 10 answers · asked by southrn_chrm87 1

Married 25 years to a nice, educated family man. Problem is, when my husband is depressed, he directs his anger at me with verbal abuse and becomes a different person, like there are two of him. For instance, I have spent the past 2 mos. shopping, wrapping & preparing for Christmas... mostly his family, mine are out of state. Decorated to the nines, gifts personally selected & wrapped beautifully... he says to me, "Your gifts are worthless and most of them will probably get returned". Then, the other night we were at a martini bar with my son and his new girlfriend (1st time meeting her). My husband calls me Alice at the table. I said, that's not my name. Again he called me Alice. I said, if you can't remember my name, at least think of something cute. He says, "Okay BERTHA!" Now, I am not fat, don't have a big butt, conversely I am very attractive. Need your opinions, please on how you would feel/deal with this, he won't go to counseling. I get these zingers often, that blindside me.

2007-12-12 13:17:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-12 13:09:05 · 12 answers · asked by its me 2

I don't need opinions on whether you can claim abstinence even if you've already had sex. I already have my view on that. What I need to know is about the relationships between people.
It is known and proven that couples who wait until they're married have a more successful relationship, and those that don't wait until they're married have a higher divorce rate. Now here's my question:
If someone's in highschool and they have sex with their partner (long term, not just some silly 1 month relationship) for about 9 months, and then decide to claim abstinence until they're married, do they still have the high divorce rate? Or will the long period of abstinence until they're married help, even if they had sex before?

Sorry if this question is confusing, if you need any clearing up, ask and I'll add details.

Oh and....
I know some may think it's too early to think about it, only being in high school. I'm not saying I

2007-12-12 13:06:33 · 10 answers · asked by xm90 3

My husband of 25 years looks at porn on the net and tries to hide it from me. he only does it when I am not home or am sleeping. He usually erases the history but sometimes like today he left it all on there for me to find.
I have asked him why and to please not do it but he won't stop.
It makes me feel like he is looking for someone other than me.
It makes me not want to have sex with him at all.
We have been together all this time (25 years) and I have never been with anyone else. I love him but this "addiction" makes me sick.
What can I do?

2007-12-12 13:02:37 · 16 answers · asked by kuunoita 6

Most marriage include a new style of living. You know you and your spouse are living together for the first time, starting a family, and probably decide to buy a new house together.
Well my question is if the two of you were to buy a new house and were deciding on the location. Where would you move??There's no right or wrong answers

1. Stay in the state you met at
2. Move closer to his family
3. closer to her family
4 Or a whole new state with just the two of you

Do you think a woman should always live close to her family, just incase something happened and she might need there support?


2007-12-12 12:43:07 · 5 answers · asked by tc22 3

Does your mate ever attack your ethnicity when you have heated arguments? My husband is Mexican and I am half black. I was raised in an all white middle class neighborhood with 2 very professional educated parents. I am strong-willed and can be very mouthy at times when I am pissed off. My husband associates my "attitude" with those of black women. (In a very negative way) He says racist comments (you people make me sick, etc), and he's even called me the "n" word on occasions during arguments when he has had a little too much to drink (4 times in 5 years). When he shows this racist part of himself it makes me hate him and want to divorce him. We don't have any children, and I won't get pregnant with a man that would have racist feelings about his own children. I grew up being called "n" word in school and have white family that disowned my father for marrying my mother. I'm disgusted by this behavior. What should I do?

2007-12-12 12:39:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I are separated, and he's filing for divorce tomorrow. We had already decided that we would do split custody, on a 4-day rotation, and on the amount of child support would be (he's being VERY generous there). We're trying to have as amicable a divorce as we possibly can, and until today, it seemed to be going well.

But I lost my job on the day of our consultation with the attorney. He's right now paying my rent and some other bills, but I will have about $150 to try to stretch until the beginning of the year, more than half of which will be gas money.

I've been job hunting, trying to find something, going on interviews, etc.

So he called me up and said he's going to take the boys until after I am able to get a job AND have paychecks coming in (probably looking at around four weeks, at the least.)

Keep in mind, it's been less than a week, and two of those days, I was home with my kids because they were sick.

Can he actually do this???

2007-12-12 12:38:52 · 9 answers · asked by CrazyChick 7

Why is that when there is a question addressed to guys on here there are a good number of women who always asnwer by stating "My husband would say ....."

If its addressed to the ladies, some men log on and state, "I'm a guy, but I think ....."

Why is it that in a marriage, (some) women fell the need or feel the entitlement to answer on behalf of their husband?

Is it that they want to control the way he "should" think about the subject matter? Is it a control behavoir? Does the man loose his ability to THINK for himself after he gets married?

How many of these same women would be upset if the tables were turned? I know a good number of women who would state, "He doesn't answer for me.... I have my own mind and my own thoughts ....."?

Men don't seem to do this to their wives... they answer, "I think ....", not "She would say ...."

Is this just another example of the pendulum of equality in relationships actually being shifted past center to the side of the woman?

2007-12-12 12:18:54 · 15 answers · asked by aa889d 5

last summer. He was really handsome. He is 38 and Im 24. He thought I was very pretty. I was intoxicated(He was sober) and we ended up foooling around almost having sex, but he lost his erection. He then got mad and was talking about his ****** divorce. That was that. I later came to find out he was all obsessed w/ the divorce, ex wife etc. I however still like hima lot, and blame myself, things did no work out with us. I still like him, but he is not paying me attention anymore. I have no controll . I want to talk to him, but I already feel like an ***.

2007-12-12 12:16:06 · 5 answers · asked by Dani 1

Age group
a) 11-18
b) 19-30
c) 31-40
d) 40-death
#In any circumstance.
#scale from 1-10
# "10" it realy affects her
# "1" it doesn't affect her at all
please answer the quetion like this
a) 10
b) 5
c) 2

2007-12-12 11:59:19 · 13 answers · asked by Abdulwasi J 1

My husband and I have only been married for 2 months, however we dated for almost a decade. We've had our share of ups and downs, but have always worked through it.

The past two months have been really hard. Last night we got into an argument and I have never heard such nasty things come out of his mouth. That I was ugly and obese (I wear a size 2) and that he never wanted to marry me and tried to back out. And he is convinced that I am sleeping with someone (he always thinks this....very insecure). And went on and on in detail about how disgusting and terrible I am. I got very upset and gave him back the wedding ring and he told me he wanted a divorce.

I am so upset that I feel like I want a divorce, but I feel like such an idiot after 2 months of marriage to file for divorce. I'm just concerned that he's done some irreversible damage that can't be fixed. I won't ever feel the same about him after the horrible things he said to me. Is it worth trying to work out?

2007-12-12 11:59:11 · 25 answers · asked by Keely L 1

so I told a mate of mine who owned a pet shop about it, he said I'v got an idea why don't you have my talking parot to spy on her and he can tell you what happens when rent collect calls. I said thats a good idea, so he showed me this parot , it hadn't a feather on it and this long d---k hanging down, he said the parot raps it around his perch to stop him falling off, so I put the parot and his stand in the front room. anyway the rent mans day came and when I finnished work I rushed home and asked the parot what had gone on , The parot said the rent collecter came in and undressed himself then undressed your wife, I said what happend next and the parot said I don't know , my d---k whent all hard and I fell of the perch

2007-12-12 11:55:58 · 19 answers · asked by wuz 5

We are trying to determine whether or not in-laws are aquired along with everything else when you get married. Is my sister-in-law now his sister-in-law as well? He is trying to tell me she is not related in that manor.

2007-12-12 11:51:53 · 7 answers · asked by mdsredhen 2

We both know that we are divorcing, yet she yells at me to not go out with my friends until the divorce finalize. She demands respect, which i understand, but she doesn't give it back; especially when she damaged my plasma t.v., and keeps on hitting me.

2007-12-12 11:43:31 · 19 answers · asked by Randy E 1

well my husband is 30 no license, no car, lives with me on and of his mom and sister on and off.

hes been picked up atleast 6 times in the past 2 years for driving under suspension, caught with marijuana atleast 5 times in the past 2 years, ive called the police on him so many times, i even had a restraining order for about 2 months on him,...

the thing is, he has a lawyer and i dont and i cant afford one at this point...

im in college full time , i dont work i just go to school but i have my own house.

what do you think???

im nervous cause he has a great lawyer, the best in this town..
any ideas????

2007-12-12 11:41:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Men have it all before marriage. Then they get to the point where the girl basically says, sign this piece of paper, transfer 50% of your assets to me, or the sex is over. The guys do it.

They stay together 7-10 years, the woman gets her kids, builds up her assets through the guy, then files for divorce (women file for 84% of divorces, hmmm wonder why). The guy's life is ruined. The woman makes out with the money and the kids (if she wants them).

Do guys realize if every guy stood up and said NO to this biased crap that things would finally be equal? But men, at the simple possibility of having to look for sex with someone else, sign the paper. What does that say?

2007-12-12 11:38:44 · 25 answers · asked by Joey 2

my husband comments on every picture from pretty women he can see here .
Is he cheating ? should I do the same ?

2007-12-12 11:37:10 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Her father lost custody in court. Bother legal and physical. He was awarded very limited visitation and ordered to pay child support. This was almost 5 years ago. He payed a little support at first (maybe the first year?), but that's no longer. He's also stopped visiting, and hasn't seen her in over a year. During that year he has been arrested but possibly not charged for domestic abuse and stalking his ex girlfriend. As you can probably tell, it's not loss not having him in our lives.
My daughter still carries his last name and absolutely hates it. I found out she tells people her last name is the same as mine. I'd like to change it, but I don't know where the father is, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't agree anyway. He's very controlling.
So, I'd like to know what the normal procedure is in CA for a legal name change.


2007-12-12 11:35:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

The father pays support through the state, but since we are not yet divorced, there has not been a custody agreement established. Can I move without being charged with kiddnapping? I was hoping this would motivate him to divorce me, since I have tried through a paralegal but refused to consent to sign the papers. I have heard since we are still married and since I am considered the custodial parent for the fact that I have a car, and an apartment, and the childcare, and health care all set up, and he is ordered to pay child support, but there is no custody order by a court. I want to move by the end of the month, what can I do? I don't have enough time to go to court, and of course I plan on telling the father before I go, but can I get in trouble here? I am in Florida moving to Illinois. I don't want to go to jail, but I don't think its right for this bum to keep me living in this small crappy town.... AHHHHHH! help....

2007-12-12 11:21:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I kind of think she doesn't do he man jobs like shingle the roof or rebuild the motor in the hotrod so why should I do all the skirt work?

2007-12-12 11:18:46 · 6 answers · asked by willywonker 3

I want to as a revenge for dumping me. She doesn't know.

2007-12-12 11:05:57 · 45 answers · asked by ? 1

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