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Marriage & Divorce - 24 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

well i have been asked to marry him and i am 16 and he is 17 going to be 18... and he told me he loves me after 3 years...

2007-11-24 13:57:52 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you be ready, willing and able? If not, for what reason would you turn her down?

2007-11-24 13:55:06 · 9 answers · asked by ncgirl 3

I've been married to my husband for almost 4 years but it has been very very rocky. In the beginning he was so nice and romantic and we were good up until later that year after 2 months of being married when i was 4 m prego he got drunk and hit me bad. Then after that it's been down the road of crazy things...that was the only time that he hit me but he still drank alot and did very stupid **** which i forgave him for and he stopped drinking recently and i had started to go to church and trying to have faith and we were actually really working out. But now well he's the one who works and i dont i take care of our son at home ( i live w/ my parents and he lives w/ his mom cuz she's sick) that's how it's been for almost 4 yrs. but anyways...he's been acting strange since thanksgiving , not talking to me like always..and not caring for my feelings and now he's saying it might now work....what should i do? should i just get over him and divorce or make it work out? this time it's diff tho

2007-11-24 13:53:29 · 12 answers · asked by elizabeth 2

If I had a nickle for every time I heard a woman say that to me....

I am 34, divorced, good looking, nice, and respectful. I have had married/involved women coming to me with that line and worse (hiding their marriage) since I was 18. I do not knowingly do anything, of course (the times it was hidden, I cannot count in this). Yet, I have enormous trouble find women who are actually single (it's not like I am that attractive...no ego here).
I just cannot figure this out. What is it about a guy like me that draws women who are involved? I'd like to hear particularly from women on this. I need some advice, as obviously there is something really wrong with me (otherwise it would not happen all the time). What am I doing wrong? I don't get it (no, please no puns on this, please).

Thanks for your input.

2007-11-24 13:46:15 · 5 answers · asked by Ben YY 2

i love him alot , he is my soulmate. Im divorced and not interested in ever getting married again. my ? is does his wife know? I think i would if i were with the same man for 30+ yrs

2007-11-24 13:41:18 · 26 answers · asked by bella43 1

And vice versa.

Meaning - is the single person commiting adultery or just the married person?

2007-11-24 13:37:43 · 46 answers · asked by ALL-MAN 5

My new husband cheated on me with his ex wife a few months before we were married. It rocked the very core of everything I believed him to be. Never in a million years would I have thought he would have done this. I know some of you are thinking I was stupid to go ahead and marry him but I really do love him. In my mind, I was not the first woman who has experienced this and so many other women have gotten over it so I would be able to get over it to. Well here it is almost a year into our marriage and the trust issues are still present. He says he would never cheat on me and I should be over it by now because we were not married when it happened. What do you think?

2007-11-24 13:32:45 · 29 answers · asked by ds 1

my parants need counceling really bad but I know that they dont want to pay or feel that time will help them or something. How much is it usally anyone know


2007-11-24 13:23:33 · 7 answers · asked by jordan P 1

my parants have been married for 20 years. I am 16 years old. This past year there fighting has really gotten bad. I fear that they do not love each other no more. They show no love for each other and disagree at everything. How do I tell them they need professonal help? I have a problem that I feel that I always have to be around them to try my hardest to make sure they dont fight. They constant fighting I feel is really damaging my mentally. My dad says he does not need counceling.

please please help me

2007-11-24 13:21:12 · 12 answers · asked by jordan P 1

I do trust him but not her. They are too chummy. I'm not invited to go anywhere with them cause "their life circles shouldnt intertwine, thats why they can be friends, their lives are totally separate". They joke about the weirdest stuff and go to sex exibits at museums together. The last time I allowed a female friend I got cheated on. I'm scared and dont know what to do. I love him and don't want to lose him but this female situation really makes me nervous. oh yeah he lets her into his deepest thoughts and inner fears and i'm always locked out as to not worry me. Isn't it my job as his woman to hold him down, keep his head above water, be his ear, his shoulder, the person he can tell everything to? what the HECK do I do?

2007-11-24 13:14:36 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

or will you have regrets about not experiencing life enough? even if you know you love them?

2007-11-24 13:05:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm fourteen and I always wondered why people would get married to people they didn't love (because if I'm fourteen and can see that, I know an adult can). Then I came to the conclusion money. That's mean, because you are stealing and lying to the other person. I wanna know why.

2007-11-24 13:01:44 · 13 answers · asked by They Call Me Megaman.... 3

but most of my mates said that if there parents were having a divorce they'd cry all the time, and they'd be reli sad. my parents are in the middle of a divorce, theres loads of arguments and my dad even smashed up our house, but i havent cried about it, and it dosent bother me much, i just think the whole situation is stupid...well i dont know what to think of it.

is there something wrong with me because i'm not upset??

am i a brat because it dosent bother me much??

2007-11-24 13:00:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

skirts how should he respond? I have to play golf tomorrow with the guys and all i have are skirts and blouses!
I know she thinks this is very funny just because we are about the same size!

2007-11-24 13:00:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend and i have been together for almost a year. we've been living together for 4 months. i want some more commitment from him, we talk of marriage all the time. we've started looking for houses also. i want an engaement ring.. am i too needy or should i just take it slow and wait on him to pop the question or should i ask for more commitment to our relationship?

2007-11-24 12:57:43 · 21 answers · asked by jenni 1

I can't believe it's happenning again! My husband whom I thought was perfect and very much in love with me, (which is why I married him) is now starting to sigh...take me for granted! My last boyfriend before him did the same thing after a year. I felt like a piece of furniture who only became noticeable when it was time for sex. Now my husband is the same way lately. We don't see each other all day (work) and then he comes home and sits on the computer all night. He talks to his best friend on the phone and knows all about his life, but always forgets what I tell him or barely listens when I'm talking. Yesterday I stopped my story half way through while telling it to him and he didn't even notice! He also never tries to look good for me anymore and just comes home and puts on his sweat pants. Does this mean he doesn't want me anymore, and if so, why does he bother to stay?

2007-11-24 12:25:44 · 12 answers · asked by stripedbook 5

I told my husband before that it was either me or her. He was living with her but finally moved back home and moved all of his stuff out of her place. That showed me that he wanted to be home.

I know he is still talking to her and seeing her. If I tell him to stop, he will say that he isn't talking to her. What can I do to show him I want him to be with me and me only?

2007-11-24 12:22:28 · 40 answers · asked by blue eyes 2

If you found out u were pregnant by a married man and it's his only child (first born) would u keep it?
He is getting a divorce. I have been seeing this man for 4 1/2 months. He is not focusing me to give the baby up. He wants the baby, but i am undecided. I’m 22 and he is 44. I was just talking to his as a fling , but I have fallen in love with him.

2007-11-24 12:15:28 · 10 answers · asked by misslady 2

She plays mind games with my finace. She plays mind games with their children just to get to me. She has vowed to never stop trying to break us up. She will probably never change or get remarried. I have tried ignoring her and being the bigger person. Truthfully, I don't know if I should hang in there or just get out of the situation. I put up a good front so that it never gets back to her that she bothers me. But I really can't take it anymore. It is so bad that, even though it would be the hardest thing to do, I would leave him to have peace in my life.

2007-11-24 12:07:22 · 19 answers · asked by Tyra99 2

so ive been dating this guy for about 8months and he has driven me to the point where i no longer hang with my girl friends and let alone even know any guys, so i cant go to clubs and when i do we break matter infact we break up every other day when things dont go his way- well it only last for a few hours and then we are back in love again like nothing happened!!!! this is my first relationship is this normal or not?? should love be this hard and is there a way i can have him change and just give me a healthy relations i love him soooooo much !!!

2007-11-24 12:06:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband has threatened to file first so he can get the kids. My oldest does not belong to him, so I already know he can't do that. We agreed that I would stay home with the kids and he would work. I am 28 - fully capable, but lack education and a good work history.... I dont have my own money to file first and get the "upper hand" but I truly believe that the children belong with me. In short - if he files first and I have no money to file before him or fight what he is after am I just screwed? We were married for 5 years
Any info on child support-spousal support and child custody in the state of Texas would be much appreicated

2007-11-24 12:02:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I left my husband almost a year ago because he has a drinking problem. To make a very long story short,he pretty much didn't want to change for me or his daughters because he ended up finding another woman and now she is pregnant with his baby. This girl says that she doesn't want this baby and when this baby is born she is going to give it to my husband.(it is a very weird relationship) I don't want my husband to have this baby at all because he has already hurt so many lives because of his drinking. He has to drink to get through the day. My husband passes out all the time and I don't want this baby to be crying while he is passed out. I stay up at night worring about this baby because my husband can't even take care of himself,so how can he take care of a baby? I know he can't and that is why it is bothering me so much. I want to call social services if he does get this baby,is that ok? Would you do the same? I don't want him to hurt this baby,thats all.

2007-11-24 11:56:29 · 9 answers · asked by lvbrdy4vr 1

We got engaged over a year ago. NO wedding plans because of the way he has been acting. Anyhow, he went from putting effort into making his house look good for us right before he proposed n then after proposed hebegan fixing his male friends kitchen for free for months to point I hardly saw him(thought he was gay it was so bad). Then, he bought an investment prop next door n is renting it out to a family he knows. All of a sudden, he spends all his time there n eats dinner there n doesn't ask what I am doing or invite me to eat or seem to care. (They like to drink n party alot n lately all he cares about too!). He hasn't paid any bills in a few months bc why? I don't know - he has the money, yet he put a real heater in the garage next door so they can all hang out in it n costs $60 a pop for propane??? Why isn't he paying bills n hanging out partying n eating w family next door and basically feels as if he abandoned me and his house? Is he mentally ill? What is going on?

2007-11-24 11:48:42 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband is an alcoholic who just got of detox and now he is being a jerk to me and his 2 daughters. When I dropped him off at the shelter where he will be staying for awhile he just got his stuff and left without even blinking an eye toward any feelings toward his girls. What do I do with him sicne the girls deserve to have a father who cares about them. open to any suggestions. I am about fed up to here with his attitude and considering not letting him near the girls or I for awhile but with the holidays coming around i want my oldest to spend the holidays with him but only if treats the situation with respect not attitude. SO HELP ME!!

2007-11-24 11:48:16 · 15 answers · asked by mommalyle 2

I have seen so many questions on here asked by someone whose lover has made a mistake, asking how to deal with it. The answers are always the same: Leave him/her. Move on! You deserve better!

While I do agree that this sentiment is sometimes deserved (i.e. in cases of abuse, or if it is an ongoing problem) why is it that the first advice we give is to end the relationship? Even a marriage!!! Isn't marriage "for better or for worse" anymore? What happened to forgiveness? What happened to fighting for marriage and staying together forever? Doesn't anyone do this anymore?

Is it necessary to advise someone to end a marriage (or even a relationship) based on one mistake?

2007-11-24 11:27:22 · 24 answers · asked by Been here before 3

Help save our friendship and teamwork. It has changed/ended in the last 4 weeks. For most of the last 25 yrs, we have been the ying and yang of a great team, family and carriers in the same industry. We have been the rock and center of both our families as they all went through many devoirs. My Wife’s mom as been through 5 of them, moreover is a fan of devoirs and moving on!! However, now my wife suggest, she is done with ours, without getting any HELP! We both have lots of issues, especially from our lack of family support. I strongly, believe in expert help with everything…. education, taxes, investments, parenting, life, and most of all, relationships. However, this is our biggest disagreement, that has been going on for 25 years. So how can I get her to want EXPERT HELP?? Moreover believe in the expert advice out there?

How do I fine expert help, moreover get her to go?

2007-11-24 11:21:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i was younger i grew up with domestic violence. me and my sister had to listen to my dad beating my mom. he would beg her forgiveness and she would always take him back. i used to hate my mom for going back and putting us through it. it stopped when i was about 14 and it seems my dad has learnt to control his anger and knows that my mom wouldnt consider going back ever again if he went back to his old ways . but even though im grown up and got kids of my own i still relive it in my head evey night in bed and even though my dad is really good to me and my sisters and dotes on us i still cant see past the violent wife beater he used to be and i try to avoid him all together. i know i should drop my guard and give him a second chance but i cant even say his name without having flashbacks. i just need some friendly advice and i cnt get therapy because i cnt afford it. please help

2007-11-24 11:19:31 · 23 answers · asked by crazy_mama 1

I have been married for about three weeks but with my husband altogether about seven months. He is involved with the Mormon church but not deeply and even admits to not believing in all of their beliefs. My question is, how do I cope with the fact that he has not informed his church that he is married? He says he has not told the church because they believe that young men ( he is 21, I am 19) should go on a two year mission before they marry. Now every time the Bishop calls, I am referred to as his girlfriend and he is constantly lying to the church when he is with me. All of his friends from the church don't even know about me and if they do, its only as his girlfriend. I want to introduce him to my Christian church, but he is reluctant and I have lost all ideas about what to do. I don't want to be a secret anymore. Help!!!!

2007-11-24 11:16:21 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been the custodial parent since my boys were born. He wants to have joint custodial parenting. I don't think he is priveledged to be nor deserve to be, he has never taken full responsibility of the boys, and my oldest is 13 yrs old. How do we resolve this without going to court where it can become expensive?

2007-11-24 11:12:20 · 6 answers · asked by Christine 1

How many of you are married still to same man or woman, and are 30 or older? I was just thinking how many people that are friends and relatives that have been married and divorced and then married once again! And I am only 47 and my wife is 43? Its kind of sad that people marry and divorce so easily now days! Not much commitment anymore I guess? So how about you? Are you 30 and over and still married to that one man or women? And if so, how many years?

2007-11-24 11:04:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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