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Family - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

I've been married for 2 yrs, been living with my husband's family (of 9 plp!) since. My husband is the eldest and have always been looking after the whole family from sorting out everyone's car insurances to sorting out mortgages. My MIF reckons my husband's changed a lot since our marriage beacuse my husband is asking everyone to share the house work, and that he's thinking more about me and our baby's welfare more than their's. Whenever an arguement arised between my MIF and husband, my MIF would blame everything on me. She would say 'He's changed a lot since he married you, I don't know who's been saying things to him and who's been directing him to change'. But I've always treated my MIF politely, I've always asked if she needed help with anything, helped her cook, doing household jobs, helped revising with my younger bro in laws, always obeyed her, never said no to anything, never raised my voice when speaking to anyone in the family.

2007-03-29 02:50:15 · 17 answers · asked by bluecow 5

My little sister goes through my room and takes things without permission when I'm not home. My room was converted from a second living room so I have no door, only curtains. She trashes my room whenever I do give her permission. She even came in my room looking to take something while she thought I was asleep! I've done everything I can think of to teach her how to respect other people's things and their privacy. I've sat down and talked to her, I yelled at her (which obviously doesn't work), I've banned her from my room, I've even cancelled special sister trips to the mall because she invaded my room the day before. We have different mothers, and I tried explaining to her mother that I'm tired of my little sister invading my space. She doesn't do anything!!! She yells at me for 'picking a fight'. I'm 19 and its pretty sad when my 11 year old sister can do whatever she wants! How can I make her see that what she's doing is wrong and disrespectful and make her stop?

2007-03-29 02:46:56 · 15 answers · asked by xxmadteapartyerxx 1

Let me start with a brief history. Growing up my mom could be affectionate and loving but also had a really nasty side too. She angered easily and when she did she was verbally abusive cursing and belittling my brother and I. Often she would tell you how things ought to be done and if you disagreed she would instill fear, such as well this or that may happen. I am now 39 and over the past 10 to 15 years my mom has stopped with the cursing at me, thanks to some self help and me telling her to stop. However, she still is judgemental and will say things such as your house is a mess will endlessly tell me over and over your kids are tired and they need to nap when she know I have tried numerous times to have them sleep. I do tell her I've tried etc etc but inside I'm burning up and her comments to me often escelate to an argument. I give her credit for some positive changes but I feel I still have to explain myself because she assumes and as mentioned will keep repeating herself.

2007-03-29 02:31:38 · 12 answers · asked by Mike S 2

My sis-in-law only calls when she has something nasty to say to me. She is mean and caused many family fights. She hasn't had my # for 2 years. But now she does and I want to get it changed.

2007-03-29 02:14:13 · 15 answers · asked by courtney o 1

My mother has had one heck of a life. She suffered from eating disorders as a child and depression throughout her whole life. When she was 19 years old, she got pregnant with me, which I'm sure did not make her life any easier. My father was on drugs (he died 3 years ago of an OD) and her boyfriend of 15 years (who she married last April) is an abusive jerk. (No longer physically abusive, but very verbally)..

My mom got her dream when she had more children. I have siblings ages 5, 6 and 7. My mom does a lot for our family + her husband (she runs his landscaping business).

We recently found out that my mother has a tumor, its VERY big. Some tests just came back bad (I'm not sure what kind of tests, shes not too clear with me).

My mother has made many sacrifices for me throughout her life, and she always thinks of others. I have been giving her my time - helping with the kids and the house work a lot.. but I want to do something more.

2007-03-29 01:27:09 · 29 answers · asked by ? 4


2007-03-29 00:55:09 · 27 answers · asked by aruna w 1

He is at the computer most of the day and his private life is a mystery to me. I do not know his friends, but he knows mine.

2007-03-28 23:49:05 · 5 answers · asked by sweet_sunshine 2

a big problem regarding my brother in law who committed a crime... rape..my mother in law wants us to participate...to brive the family of the victim so they wont file the case.i dont whant my family to get involved.i dont want to get my hands dirty about it.I even quarrel to my mother in law..but my husband didnt want his brother to be in jail,instead he's blaming me for being cruel to her mother..

2007-03-28 22:48:08 · 11 answers · asked by amygdala 1

when my brother and sister in law have a financial problem my mother in law always asking us to solve their difficulty even they already have their own family.which cause my own family to suffer.this is a serious problem that may break our marriage.

2007-03-28 22:10:53 · 9 answers · asked by amygdala 1

Ok..my brother is a 33 year old who still lives here at home..i dont like him because my mother still spoils him (why i dont know) but it makes me mad cuz i am the one ignored..but anyways..a few months ago he asked me to move where i was sitting because he wanted to sit in that room to watch tv..i said "umm no im sitting here..working" (i do my Avon invoices and work etc on my laptop and paperwork..) He said just ok. And then today he did it again..said can i move to the living room cuz he wants to sit here..i said no again..i said "im working here.." and he said ok. But i feel bad :( like if im being a bitc* I never ask anyone to move where their sitting..but i think the tv in his room wasn't working this time also..i dont know,should i feel bad,would you?

2007-03-28 21:10:14 · 11 answers · asked by yahooaddict 4

My Mother in law is driving me crazy at present,
she says I don't iron her son's clothes well enough and he is looking too thin,
She makes comments like, "Don't you feed him good meals, etc".
She used to be fairly tolerable but seems to pick on me more now since I started working
What is the best way of dealing with this or her,

2007-03-28 20:17:56 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Need some advice!!! Pertaining to child custody?
Here is the situation in a nutshell...my brother has custody of his children right now because his ex-wife beat them with a belt and left many bruises all over their little bodies. The abuse was reported CPS took the children their father went down and picked them up and filed for custody. The mother was arrested but the DA dropped the charges and she got off with child parenting classes!!UNBELIEVEABLE!!! During this time she has had supervised visits.
She is now in the process of filing for sole custody. What can we do to make sure she doesn't get them back or at least not as the custodial parent. She also has a another child who was taken away and put into foster care. The father of that child could not get custody because he lived with her while the abuse had taken place and didn't report it. I believe she has the 3rd child back now.
We can't afford a lawyer nor can she. Help!!

2007-03-28 19:36:07 · 6 answers · asked by glove 2

Do you think i was out of line?
I am very adamant about not having alcohol around my children...i really just despise the stuff and don't want it around them, especially at a young age and in a family setting.
Well last weekend i was with my MIL at her house. She doesn't drink, but her bf does and he was drinking some beer with dinner. He isn't a raging alcoholic by any means, just likes to have a couple of beers or glasses of wine at night to relax. The next day, i talked to her about it and just requested that when me and my DH bring our children around that we would appreciate it if he doesn't drink, especially in a family setting....It was a polite request and suggestion that he just didn't drink around them...was that out of line? Please no smart remarks-just want honest opinions, maybe from those of you who don't drink or may be in a similiar situation?

2007-03-28 19:18:42 · 21 answers · asked by stellniel 2

I live at home with my parents, i pay $20 a week out of the $100 i make at work and every night at 1am my mom takes my xbox 360 out of my room, but its getting really annoying, she bought it for my birthday, but i wanna know if i have the legal power to say no its staying in my room, and if so do they have the power to throw me out?

2007-03-28 18:51:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother is moving to Canada, with her friend. I have options, but I'm having a hard to deciding.

My grandmother offered to help me move to Saint Louis, Missouri which is my dream. Yet, I have a full-time job here, and I just found my father's family after 14 years. Everyone I love is here, but I've longed for Missouri since I first visited. I don't know what to do. Any advice?

2007-03-28 18:50:30 · 4 answers · asked by pomme_de_sangstl 2

I had a job and I was really independent and then I quit, because my parents wanted me to. Now that i have quit, I have a lot of school stuff to pay for, such as field trips, test, and what not and my parents are getting bitchy because I keep asking them for money, even though they wanted me to quit my job. What should I do ?

2007-03-28 18:36:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husbands' grandfather died recently and the funeral is soon. The side of his family that is related to his grandfather dislike me becasue of my race, and they are very verbal about it.
I'm going to the funeral to support my husband, but I'm not sure how I should approach the situation, should anyone of them say something to me.

2007-03-28 18:28:11 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brother and I agreed to pay half-and-half of this special internet service...its $80 for 3 months. I have paid the whole thing and he hasn't paid me back $40 ever since (about 2 weeks ago). He tells me "F*** OFF! What about all those times I shouted you lunch greedy B****!? Ive cooked you dinners a few times blah blah blah etc.".
The money I paid for the service was also my birthday money aswell...how can someone like that take someone's birthday money!?
I talked to my dad about it but he just says we act like children.
This aint fair!
I need my 40 bucks..

2007-03-28 18:25:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

About 2 years ago I called the Abuse Hotline because I believed my nephew was being neglected. The police went to the house and determined that the neglect wasn't bad enough to do anything. My family hasn't spoken to me since. Then my mom calls last week and acts like nothing happened. Afer 2 years I finally got used to being without them! I still believe I did the right thing. If my nephew is injured again, someone will take notice. So my mom has been calling and inviting me to lunch, but she hasn't apologised for treating me so badly and I still haven't heard from my brothers or sisters. I am very uncomfortable speaking to her. We have never had anything in common and it just seems weird.

Should I bring it up ask her why they didn't support my decision? I mostly want to know why shes calling now, 2 years later and rocking the boat. My life is good now without all the stupid drama and gossip.

2007-03-28 18:08:01 · 6 answers · asked by scrappyscrapper123 1

I am graduating from high school this June. My mom is throwing me the best graduation party. She bought my class ring, my prom dress, everything I ever needed to get through high school.

There were quite a few times I almost gave up and dropped out of school but it was her that talked me out of it. She told me stuff like "i know you can do it, i believe in you". She has always been there for me.

She always did everything she could to make sure I was happy. Her and my dad got divorced in the middle of my Junior year. No matter how hurt or depressed she was because of her divorce, she was always there for me.

I need a nice song to dedicate to her at my graduation party. A song that just says thank you for always being there for me when i needed her and supporting me to get where i am now. She's my hero.

A song I like is Somebody's Hero by Jamie O'Neal but she already knows that song so I am looking for something similar or just any song that says what I am trying to say.

2007-03-28 18:05:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My aunt died a little more tan a month ago. I know that seems stupid but she was a really big part of my life and i just can't seem to get over it. I lived with her for about seven months and I used to go over to her house every weekend. She had cancer a few different times. I was there just a few days before she died. she was so close to death. I am only 12 and have had more than 7 relitives die that i remember. She hid her pain and even though she could barley move her leg because of the fluid on it she still did everything with me. O yeah her left hand and whole arm was the same way. I odn't know what to do she just was so special to me and I don't want to earse the memories of happiness just the ones like seeing her dead. I know that can never really happen so just give any advice you can anyways please help.

2007-03-28 18:04:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


i remember some of it...
i remember being with my mom in a cab,she was babysitting these two chinese girls and my mom had to go home to get *something* and all of a sudden i was in this weird kinda house and there were two men, one looked kinda young but the other was probaly around his 40s but he looked kinda familiar in a way and i remember asking him if he would let me go home when we were *done* and he said no, then i asked him if he would kill me and he said no. then one of the guys made me put the thing in my mouth and the other just had sex with me. i remember getting out of the house some how and i ran into this office like place and was yelling for help and telling them that the other girls were in the house...the last thing i remember is my dad saying that he wondered how i felt cause i looked really bad...i know i have had bad dreams about school and my brother being eaten by a shark but this was really [not scary] but weird. im 13 and not even having sex.can anyone relate?

2007-03-28 18:04:40 · 3 answers · asked by ♥ :) ♥ 3

Ok I got a good question for ya all........what is the farest back that you can remember age wise?

2007-03-28 17:35:20 · 11 answers · asked by angel_leea96 2

I asked my friend why he did that and he said that it's because he owes a debt to his parents. They are the ones who raised him and send him to school. His dad even told me that he was his "investment" and lives the good life back in the PI. While my buddy and his wife are struggling. I guess from my understanding a parent puts his kid to school and raise him right so that in return he would be able to do the same for his or her children. Not once did my parents asked me to pay them back for my education or my upbringing. We argued for a little while about this issue and he ended it with "It's just part of our culture" I don't think that's true, is it? . If there is anyone here who can explain this to me a little better I'd appreciate it.

2007-03-28 17:01:20 · 11 answers · asked by least_likely2 3

Kinda like, 'what's YOUR problem'..

2007-03-28 16:50:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

today we were in the car and i gave her attitude and she called me a show off or im just rude and it really hurt my feelings what should i do

2007-03-28 16:49:26 · 12 answers · asked by Calista 1

My brother has been really not respectful of me or my kids. He is very overpowering. I had told him that he was out of our lives until he can show us repsect. I didn't talk to him and finally he starts making contact.

He called today and talked non stop about his life this. His job this and talked about himself (as usual.. but worse). He metioned that he was hurt that I didnt' wish him a happy birthday. I told him not to take it personally and he went on about it. I said "I'm sorry if you had hurt feelings'. He laughed and said he is more hurt that I think he bullies me. I told him that he does hurt my feelings. Then he cuts it off and annoucnes that we are not talking about it anymore. We will deal with it by moving on. Then said, 'Oh I'm home. I gotta go! I just drove up to the house. I am home.'

I feel so overpowered around him. that conversation too. He controlled the WHOLE conversation. I had no say in anything. Would you feel upset too?

2007-03-28 16:38:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My BIL (as I'll call him in "short form") has been kind of a jerk from the moment I met him. He's a victim. Just ask him! Everyone's out to get him. The banks, his creditors (oh, and he's not responsible for his bad credit -- his ex-girlfriend is, or so he claims), people in general in the community... It got real old, real fast. He exaggerates everything, almost to the point of out-and-out lying about things or events he has no real knowledge of, just to make himself feel important (I think he has a serious self-esteem problem). Now he's married a good-hearted, albeit naive young girl, and he's got her totally suckered in to his little web (bad credit, persecution, etc.) He completely mooches off his parents, and doesn't have a real job (his parents pay him to do odd jobs around the house!). My husband is so sick of him that they rarely speak anymore. My issue: I quite like my sister-in-law, but hate seeing her get sucked in by my BIL. How can I help her out?

2007-03-28 16:25:23 · 8 answers · asked by jeffs_wife_ali _&_adams_mom 2

Really outgoing. Really strong personality. WHere you feel that your power is taken away around them and that they are in control of the conversation, how you get treated, etc.... How to handle these family memebers that are overpowering?

2007-03-28 16:23:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey i dont know what can i say! i'm 20years old and im engaged.. im be with my fiancee for almost 2yrs.. everything went too many problem.. between my mom and his parents is against eachother..my mom don't like his parents because his dad is do something are bad to lil girl be4... and plus his mom are drinking person.. they say my mom is not know nothing.. my mom talk to cop be4 and cop told her that abt his file... she want me break up with my fiancee.but i not going break up with my fiancee! i really love him alots i know what im doing... i not going let his dad going bad happend to me. my mom is really sick.. and she told me if i see my fiancee she will kick me out and not let me see her and talk to her ever again!... can you please help me..im so stress over a months! i don't know what can i do.. and remember that i not going break up with my fiancee. i really love him so much. me and him are very happy together... and great couple.. we love eachother very much... thank u 4 helpin

2007-03-28 16:16:23 · 12 answers · asked by XxItalianxX 1

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