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Family & Relationships - 7 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

my friend made an e-mail and she said it was her friend from florida. his name is chad summerville so he e-mailed me then i started 2 e-mail him back then, we started e-mailing each other. i told him about my self and he told me about himself!! then he sent me a picture of him and hewas really hottt! i was going 2 ask him out but then my friend told me it was her all along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;..(

2007-06-07 11:20:09 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I asked the guy I like if he was interested and he seemed really nervous. He kept looking away and was like "Yes, no..yeah, but no." What does this mean?? He can't make up his mind or he just doesn't want to hurt my feelings?

2007-06-07 11:19:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I want me and one of my best friends to go from friends to lovers, and suggestions? We're really close. We both love each other very much, but i don't know how to transform our relationship?

2007-06-07 11:19:04 · 20 answers · asked by Rae 2 in Singles & Dating

Me and this guy started e-mailing e/o 2 months ago and ever since then we have become really close. He flirts w/ me ALL the time (He e-mails me all day everyday, he brings up little things from past conversations, he sits near me everyday in class, he looks for me before school so we could talk, he compliments me, he smiles when we talk, he keeps eye contact, says he's sorry for anything he did wrong, and a lot more) B/c of all this everybody thought we were going out and I assumed he liked me. But in a recent e-mail conversation, he told me that he told this girl who he liked and that he's scared that she'll tell and when I asked him who he liked he described her as somebody that was nothing like me but never told me the name. Why would he flirt with me and then tell me he likes someone else???

2007-06-07 11:17:49 · 8 answers · asked by problem_girl 3 in Singles & Dating

It's funny because I messed around with this guy at my college.He happens to be my sorority sister best friend and his sister is also my sorority sister.I asked him advance if anything romantic was going on between him and his friend, he said no,,and he liked me and was very attractive.Well I guess you can say I didn;t handle the situation to good.We ended up sleeping togehter a few times.I called him up one day asking him for my earings I left as his house, and he told me not to call him anymore, and if i did he would put my business out in the street if I contacted him again.I'm dumbfounded because he hadn't gave me any signs.Actually I asked him if it was okay for me call him again, And so I asked him could we talk it out because he seemed so mad., but he was like no.So the next day, I get a call from his 'best friend" inviting me to an event he was hosting, and so now none of my almost sorority sister's don't speak to me anymore, neither does he.I'm thinking did I do something wro

2007-06-07 11:16:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

A married woman told her husband how good and nice her male friend who they both work in the same office is and wish to spend alot of time with him too. is this woman telling her husband that he's not man enough to handle her? is she telling her husband that she is inlove with someone else outside their marriage. what is the message this woman is pass across to her husnand ?

2007-06-07 11:15:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

everyone i meet they end up not likeing me. they like me at first but after 2 days they start to not like me. im shy but what is it that you hate about someone.

2007-06-07 11:14:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Well in my class all the boys take the piss out of me saying my name in this sarcastic voice then everyone else joins in saying it which makes the place echo like mad! Except the girls, who are my friends [[Most of them]]
I cant handle it no more really, i mean, i have a lisp, im kinda deaf, but can hear, and apparently my voice is sqeaky ='[
I just wish i was popular with the boys. But i cant seem to be.
They just hurt my feelings. When they shout at me, i shout at them back and then they mimic the words i cant say which makes me embarrassed. I try to learn my speech but i cant help it, i just can't. What do i do? I spoke to the teachers but nothing changed =[ It's getting me down.. Thanks if you help me.. x [[ I know not everyone is not popular but it would be good to have some boy mates once in a while ]] x

2007-06-07 11:14:06 · 14 answers · asked by JackTheRipperDude!_ 2 in Friends

I would like you to look at the picture on my Myspace (http://www.myspace.com/49936390... ), and tell me what your first impression of me is.

I'm not looking for compliments, what I'm trying to see is what people think of others they don't know. Just from looking at the picture, try to guess what my personality is like, stuff like that.

I would like to know whatever you think of, so feel free to post it below.

I was a little unsure of what catagory to put this in, so any suggestions on a better catagory to put this in, would be appreciated.

2007-06-07 11:13:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

my wife has emotional problems. she left about a month ago. a few days after she left she emailed me and said that she wanted a divorce, all this stuff out of the house, and she was moving out over memorial day. I told her no she can't have this or that and that day didn't work for me. Since then, I haven't heard one word out of her in 3 weeks. only thing she's been doing is purposely showing up in places that she knows i go and the times i go. it's totally weird. i haven't heard a word from her....not one. i've also checked our joint bank account where i took money out and left the rest for her. it still has my name and she's been doing nothing. no money taken out for a apartment, no money going to an attorney, no money where she's doing anything except going to the grocery store and buying wine....a bottle a day. It's bizarre. i'm just kicking back but it's starting to freak me out. What does her behavior suggest?

2007-06-07 11:12:58 · 14 answers · asked by survivor 1 in Marriage & Divorce

They are old classmates, coworkers, and Army buddies that I still keep in contact with via myspace. I have never had an intimate relationship with any of them. I have never given him a reason not to trust me. We've been married 5 years. His reasoning is that if I feel like I need to have guy friends, then he has failed as a husband.

2007-06-07 11:12:27 · 16 answers · asked by missylit 3 in Marriage & Divorce

A few times, I've had cigarette ash on my leg from my friend sitting next to me when I'm in the pub, and if i'm sitting with this particular guy he always touches my leg and brushes it off, is this a sign of flirting or politeness?

2007-06-07 11:11:38 · 10 answers · asked by Some random girl 2 in Singles & Dating

My fiance and i have been together for almost 2 years and things lately have been rocky. Earlier this week he told me he no longer wants me and he is tired of my "Drama". It wasnt really a suprise because he says that everytime we fight...But this time we didnt argue. He just told me that he was moving out in september and i was shocked.

My grandmother (who raised me) passed earlier this year and around the same time he got a promotion/new car. I was really depressed and i wasnt really noticing things with him. But before my grandmother passed i lost a baby...So i have been really sad.

Cant understand why this happening now...
but i have lost my fight for the relationship...i am tired but i want things to work at the same time.

Please help, what should i do?

2007-06-07 11:09:24 · 7 answers · asked by Samaria's mom 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-06-07 11:08:47 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok I like this guy named Ryan and I asked him to get with me a couple of weeks ago but he said no cause he doesn't want to get with anyone cause it's summer. I called him today because i wanted to invite him to a party then after i found out that he is with my enemy Jazmin!!!!! I was heart broken!!!! What should I do now that they are both invited to my party but I was planning to ask Ryan to get with me @ the party!!!!!!

I need help Quick!!!!!!

2007-06-07 11:03:29 · 15 answers · asked by Aaliiiiiiiyyyyaaaaahhhhhh :) 3 in Singles & Dating

Changing my name after our wedding seems like kind of a pain in the butt, and I've seen quite a few bridal name change kits online. Are they worth it? Which one is the best one for its cost?

2007-06-07 11:03:04 · 11 answers · asked by vanillakokakola 2 in Weddings

I met this 18 year old on holidays and we became great friends. After we went home ,we kept in touch by email and phone and built up a relationship. After knowing him for 7 months he said he liked me and said if we lived nearer perhaps we could go out with each other. I really liked him and we even planned meeting up over the summer. We emailed almost everyday and phoned every week. Regulary he told me I was pretty and sweet and that he liked me. After 11 months one night he emailed that I was so important to him. The next day he didnt email me or contact me and the next day he apologised and said there was something he needed to tell me. He said he had a girlfriend and that it just happened. I tried to accept it ,after two months I realised I felt so hurt. he said he didnt know I had feelings for him. He wanted to remain friends but I love him and it hurts me to speak to him. So we no longer talk. He emailed to say he was sorry and it was his fault. Is it my fault? I love him so much!

2007-06-07 11:02:15 · 11 answers · asked by Irisheyes 2 in Singles & Dating

I am very attracted to girls with big butts, as long as they have a slim waist. In fact, I usually find myself dating girls with that body type. My question is, why do they make fun of their butts being big while it drives me crazy? 100% of the guys in my social circle ridicule it too- too much junk in the truck etc. Whats the deal, I even learned biologically that human males are supposed to be attracted to that hip to waist ratio. Friends and family make me feel embarrased to be with these girls, but I like booty!!! Maybe our entire society is brainwashed? (Except maybe black guys?)

2007-06-07 10:59:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i can not get on to see my little brothers site can you help me please...

2007-06-07 10:57:21 · 7 answers · asked by Jonathan L 1 in Family

why are people so rude on this thing? I asked a simple question and thought that i would get a simple answer. i did not have to go through my whole life story and explain every aspect of my life. does it matter what i call my man? WE have been living together for 3 years and in the great state of TEXAS that makes us legally together. so does it really matter what i call him? i still go throught the same thing that a military wife goes through... just because we do not have a piece of paper means my worries do not count? then they think they know everything and ask me why am I posting questions when i am in school.. i am 24 years old i am not in high school... school is school no matter where you go you can go to elementary, high school, a university or even Med. school. It is called school no matter where you go. I know i am prolly going to get bashed for posting this but common now...let all act like adults(unless you are children) and leave the bashing people for a face to face situation... not the computer.

2007-06-07 10:53:48 · 11 answers · asked by stefani 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I went out on a date with a guy I really like last week (we've been getting to know each other as friends since March). We had a great date, and a wonderful time. We clicked, we kissed, and he even said he might call me later that night. We did end up getting together later that night, and had a great second date. It included a lot of making out (I use the term liberally, since we did more than kiss). Two days later was date #3-- but this time, it struck me as strange that he didn't touch me or even kiss me until we said goodbye. It's been a week now and I haven't heard from him. I spoke to him online the other day; I asked him if he is no longer interested and he seemed confused and didn't know why I would assume that.

So what's up? From my perception, he seems to be gradually losing interest and just doesn't want to hurt my feelings. Am I reading too much into this?

2007-06-07 10:51:38 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2 in Singles & Dating

Ive been dateing my girlfriend for about two years now, and I love her with all my heart. we havent taken the next step because she was going through a long and drawn out divorce and it just was finalized. we have 4 kids 3 from her marriage and 1 together I just got a promotion to relocate and she is still in school but they also have joint custody. she told me that she would go back to court and relocate but i dont know if that will happen. what should i do. and we dont spend a whole lot of time together but everything is good between us I just wish I had more of her time alone with us, should i let her go or stay with her

2007-06-07 10:50:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Hve u felt that someone was just too good and decent for u and tht they were not worthy of them?

2007-06-07 10:50:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I dated my ex on and off for 3 yrs and he kept running everytime we got serious and its been over a year since we went dated and during that time i met someone that i have a lot in common with and really like but hes about 10 years older then me and thats the only thing wrong with him so now i dont know what i should do if i should go back to my ex and possibly have my heart broken again or if i should try it out with this other guy thoughts???

2007-06-07 10:46:06 · 16 answers · asked by Jenni D 2 in Singles & Dating

ok so not direct enough 28 f married 12 yrs m 29 he like some sports he disk golf ,music and workingout .. Icook clean take care of our kids. well there pre- teens so they do most the stuff themself we both work but he getts home before i do so he does dinner then we are off to the gym or watch tv... Ideas on spicing it up and just idea on ways to surprise guys up for anything?

2007-06-07 10:46:01 · 4 answers · asked by SKY 1 in Marriage & Divorce

If i gave all the money in the world would u ever go back to high school with the same people

2007-06-07 10:45:50 · 7 answers · asked by Hypercutie_2 4 in Singles & Dating

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