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Family & Relationships - 7 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Then they leave their wife for another woman and complain about alimony? It is not like she has a 401k she's been contributing to.

Seriously? I have heard too many men say their wife is not going to work, her place is "in the home" and she'd "better" have my meals ready for me when I get home. Then they leave their wife for their secretary, and then complain about alimony and child support.

Makes no sense to me.

2007-06-07 09:13:03 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My husband no longer knows what he wants in life? He proposed marriage counseling. Will it work?

2007-06-07 09:09:02 · 20 answers · asked by K9Girl 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Divorced for three months,i moved out of state.I want to try again.It was like we had a unheathly relationship with a piece of paper.We both have grown alot since.I get the sense she is open to the posability of starting over from square one. How do i show her i love her more than ever and want to begin anew from 300 miles away .Do i send her little gifts of affection now and then,I need to show her my love and not just say it.What would get your attention ladies and really make you feel like maybe you would be willing to try again..

2007-06-07 09:07:25 · 3 answers · asked by Rodger M 1 in Marriage & Divorce

It was are agreement when I bought it for her. She is going into 7th grade but her friends that have phone still have their phones when they get D's! That shocked me but I don't know if I should lighen up?

2007-06-07 09:06:19 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Would you like your father more than your mother or the opposite??Why??

2007-06-07 09:06:09 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

There is this guy and i no we are definetly right for each other...the problem is that Iv never had 2 work to get a guy b4..they have always come 2 me..! we'v kissed b4..and he is always really friendly to me and hugs me..and always looks me straight in the eyes when we talk..but hes reallly friendly 2wards every1 and i really dnt think that hes likely to ask me out.! what can i do to really get his attention

2007-06-07 09:05:43 · 3 answers · asked by lulabee444 3 in Singles & Dating

Should a single mom share pictures of her kids to a guy she just met online (not met in person)???

2007-06-07 09:04:28 · 24 answers · asked by gr8tlife 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My daughter’s father asked me to marry him this last march. My parents (who are well off but not rich) told us that since we were planning on buying a home this July they would give us a down payment if we got married at the courthouse, instead of paying for a wedding. So my husband and I put aside our “dream wedding” and rushed to the courthouse a month later so we would have money to move. They did give us $500 for our honeymoon and another $500 to live on when we got back. Now that’s it time to move they haven’t said anything about the down payment. I don’t want to be rude and ask because we really don’t need it but the fact that they told us they would give it to us and we didn’t have our wedding. I’m I wrong for feeling upset about this? Cause we really wanted a wedding!!!

2007-06-07 08:58:27 · 29 answers · asked by Carlie 2 in Marriage & Divorce

We've been dating for almost three years, (three years august) and i have no idea what to get him for graduation, i was thinking about taking him somewhere like the beach and getting him something, any help would be great!!

2007-06-07 08:55:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My wife isnt in love with me but she wants to stay together for the kids plus she cant make it on her own

2007-06-07 08:53:38 · 20 answers · asked by brian c 1 in Marriage & Divorce

me and my boyfriend are in an arguement. we have been getting in arguements a lot lately over misunderstandings/stupid stuff. i'm sick of being the one that always calls him and tries to fix everything up. this time i'm leaving it up to him to try and fix things. it's been 4 days without talking. are guys really too stubbern to want to resolve arguements with their girlfriends?

2007-06-07 08:53:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I had a fight with my mother last week. She thought that I shouldn't be upset, therefore in her mind I wasn't upset. I spoke with her yesterday, after not speaking to her for a week. She tried yelling at me, and lecturing me like I am still a child. I told her that I didn't have time in my life for such things, and got off the phone with her.
Today she saw my husband and started complaining about me. She said that I said things that I didn't say, I didn't even say things remotely like the things she said I said. She told my husband that I had told her and my dad to go to hell, that I didn't need them anymore, that I had my own family now.
Why did my mother tell my husband these lies? Is there something wrong with her, or is she just trying to "go behind my back" to get my husband on her side, or turn him against me, or I don't know what??? Should I call her and say something to her? Please help! I worry that something could be wrong in her mind.

2007-06-07 08:51:27 · 17 answers · asked by Kaytee 3 in Family

Ok so, me and my bf slept together for the second time tonight. I thought it was great-- it lasted longer than the first time. After we were finnished, I went to the bathroom, and when I came back and layed down beside him, he was like, "Im killed!" and then we were laying there, and he asked me if I wanted a drink of his coke-- and I said yeah, and then he said, "Its the least I can do"

What does all of this mean... Would you say he enjoyed it, or what do you think??

2007-06-07 08:50:22 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I just turned 14 on the 4th. Today my mom told me that she bought her own place and was going to get a divorce. I don't understand. They got along so well and never fought. My mom told me it was because they grew apart. How can i cope with this? I feel like there's no hope for anything anymore. I was so close to them...

2007-06-07 08:49:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i meet this man on a singles site,we have meet in person and have been inseperable since the only thing is we have been together for 1 mth now and he has asked me to move inand marry him what should i do? im meeting his kids this weekend

2007-06-07 08:47:08 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

like some ideas or what you would say

2007-06-07 08:44:33 · 12 answers · asked by I hate pink 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-06-07 08:43:18 · 12 answers · asked by >>3©µ@D0®!@N<< {15} 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-06-07 08:42:10 · 33 answers · asked by simple serenity 3 in Singles & Dating

What should you do should you choice the man you love and stick it out divorced.. or should you walk out and give him the divorce and act divorced as bad as it hurts...

2007-06-07 08:42:04 · 18 answers · asked by booboo 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I am in a long distance relationship with someone that has some serious depression issues, he has manic deppression and he is bi polor. ive been in this relationship for over a year and it really is getting HARD. i am 15 and he is 20. he is an ex drug attic,and i have no way of contacting him, and he gave me pictures once, but they were F A K E ! well i think you understand the main PROBS.

but really, i do love him, but i am 15, he is doing a whole lotta drug therapy and stuff and well i am a hella stoner, so he does not like it when i smoke weed. so he always tries to keep home and talk to him on the phone, but i am a teenager and i should get out and do "TEENAGE" things...

but the real problem is.. is that its really hard to live without him, but when i am with him it is hard too... so what can i do...?

im afraid that if i leave him for good that he will commit sucide or go back to doing drugs... he tells me his life is in my hands.




2007-06-07 08:36:27 · 13 answers · asked by Sara Madison 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-06-07 08:36:00 · 11 answers · asked by cindyrae_2000 1 in Marriage & Divorce

ok..like my mom has been thinking that i am depressed..heres why:

she thinks that i am depressed about my brother(he has just recently built up my family's trust, and then he just squished it like it was a bug. or u can say he "ran" away) so my mom thinks it is becuase of that

but she said she noticed that i never smile anymore, and at a wedding i went to i just sat by myself, instead of going to talk with anyone. i mean yes this is true but i dont feel any different since he left. i mean he is my only brother and everything but i learned to live my life without him... if you can help me any that would be great..but if u need more info to help u can e-mail me or sumthing

2007-06-07 08:33:56 · 10 answers · asked by ~Katie~ 2 in Family

2007-06-07 08:32:26 · 2 answers · asked by Alejo 1 in Friends

My father in law wanted me to be his best friend. But I always thought that its not a good idea because a best friend comes before everything. so I told him that I need a father rather than a Friend. I know that best friends share all their secrets & problems with each other. I am now married and believe that my Husband is only my best friend and if I have anything to share he should be the first one to know it, not someone else. My mother in law is also some old fashion person and I do not know what meaning they will draw from my father in law being my best friend....and I also do not know how will my husband will react about this friendship,although this friendship would have been very pour but might have not been seen in a right sence...My father in law has asked me many times are you my friend and I never responded because I was not comfortable being his best friend. But I feel bad coz I let him down...He cares about me alot..did I do a right thing?? Please advice

2007-06-07 08:32:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

is it true that if you are bipolar or something like it that that you can only have supervised visitation in WI. My husband is phycohelia (don't know if that is spelled right) but what it is, is borderline bipolar and border line schizophrenia he likes to hit things and trough things and yell all the time and i don't trust him to be alone with my son at all. he is 9 months old please help me with this can he get any custody or not?

2007-06-07 08:32:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

my husband told me he was attracted to me because i was the center of attention, outgoing, and noticed. When we socialize with friends thats me that who I am. I'm loud, fun, outgoing, and beautiful which is what he was initially attracted to, but now he gets mad when I'm the center of attention, or am loud and outgoing. How can something have once attracted him now turn him off?

2007-06-07 08:30:07 · 17 answers · asked by All Smiles 2 in Marriage & Divorce

All info is greatly appriciated also detail will help as well stories anything thanks!

2007-06-07 08:29:35 · 15 answers · asked by Lux 2 in Singles & Dating

10 POINTS!!! Guys do you prefer a woman who is innocent or knows about the world ie men?
whats more attractive in your eyes and why?

2007-06-07 08:26:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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