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Family & Relationships - 7 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

How would you like to die if given a choice ? Would it be watching your great great grand son or daughter being born then after you could go. or go in your sleep, or go together with your love one going also, not killing each other of course but dying together, like in that movie can't think of the name of it though. I come back later to tell. I thought about it and I would like to die after making love but at first I thought die right after it happen, hehehehe, but now I changed my mind, I want to die after making love but with my wife also dying together with her, in our sleep, just dying holding each other forever and ever into our after life like we promise when we got married. Lol now just finding someone that wants to marry me. But just think about it, we all going to die, even me , even you, I got lucky I am like Job, I get to live over 500 years but still got to go. So think and post everyone how they like to go bye byeeeee...

2007-06-07 07:03:30 · 6 answers · asked by godblesswithhugs 2 in Marriage & Divorce

i ask this cos someone just asked why guys like virgin girls so much, so i thought i would put the otherside up.

2007-06-07 07:02:46 · 43 answers · asked by Mr brightside 2 in Singles & Dating

i am a female not a lesbian! ok got that out of the way. i play for a traveling asa softball team and i'm one of the older players. i know people look up to me and one girl called me her idol. so there's this girl always starring at me whatever i do she's starring even if were stretching all glanse over at her and she starring at me! if i laugh she then laughs it's kinda weird. i hope she wants to be just like me nothing more. what do you think about this situation? what should i do?

2007-06-07 06:59:18 · 25 answers · asked by confused 2 in Singles & Dating

See, me and my friend were having a fight and he thinks that i am holding a grudge because i am mad at him for one day. Do you think it is a grudge or do you think i am just mad?

2007-06-07 06:58:20 · 6 answers · asked by Waz Up? 3 in Friends

They can work, or just be crazy. But they have to be funny! Thanks!

2007-06-07 06:56:43 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Me and her were in middle school and she was my first crush and girl I ever met.

2007-06-07 06:56:15 · 56 answers · asked by Peter 4 in Singles & Dating

2007-06-07 06:55:30 · 20 answers · asked by KAB :O) 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-06-07 06:55:22 · 27 answers · asked by Pandora 3 in Weddings

nyone with info plz..reply

2007-06-07 06:53:25 · 9 answers · asked by torontoguy_76 1 in Singles & Dating

There's this great guy from india who i toldely admire and love=) he's a very honest guy to me and also treats me like a QUEEN.. right! we been going out for two year's, and now i am leaving.. im moveing to New Zealand and the thing is i dont want to break his heart because he feel's that right when i get up to New Zealand im going to have someone new in my life?!?! and he dosen't want our relationship to end??? i said to him that i love him very much... and i thank him for all that he done for me:)but now the time has come for me to leave and i really have no choice? The reason i am moveing to NZ is because my nana is very sick at the moment.. and seriously need's my help...ect.. and i told him that hopefully our road's cross again someday.. and we both cried very much that day! he told me that if i leave him he don't know what he will do.. becaue he can't ever find another lover no matter how hard he tries he know's it's impossible... what should i do?!??!?

2007-06-07 06:51:19 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

For a couple of years now I have wanted to just pack up and move, don't know where to, or how, any advice? I just feel stuck in my life right now, like I'm not moving forward. I don't know why I'm so scared to start over even though I know what/where I am now (in whole) isn't working.Thanks in advance!!!

2007-06-07 06:47:21 · 5 answers · asked by Mom_2_1 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-06-07 06:46:49 · 3 answers · asked by HEAVEN 7 in Marriage & Divorce

Is it unreasonable to want my partner to kiss me hello when he comes home? I just want a little hug and kiss or 'missed you' or a little something to know that hes happy to see me.
When I give HIM the kiss when he comes home he said it feels like im 'attacking' him and he cant get a chance to set his things down even.

Is it unreasonable of me to want more love from him? I feel like Im just not getting enough attention/love/affection/companionship.

2007-06-07 06:45:29 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

It seems that "Bobs" johnson is not just up but also a lot bigger than it used to be. Anybody out there ever try it? what happened after you tried it?

2007-06-07 06:45:11 · 4 answers · asked by Yorgi 2 in Singles & Dating

I want to have something simple though any websites would be helpful.

2007-06-07 06:44:29 · 9 answers · asked by LydBaBy21 2 in Weddings

i broke up with him bc there were rumors that he was cheating on me that were proved untrue, my friend had been secretly crushing on him when i was dating him then when we broke up she pounced! he asked me out agen after i had already brokeup with him and then my friend asked him out not knowing he had just asked me back out a few days earlier, and now they are dating and theyve never even had a face to face conversation, i go to church with him and we still flirt.. alot.. but i always feel guilty about it bc hes dating my BEST FRIEND! i feel so horrible and stupid i wish i had never broken up with him, if i hadnt we would still be together! i havent even told my friend i still like him.. should i? and should i tell him.? what am i ever going to do to get him back? i truly think i love him but, im not sure if he feels the same way!!! please please help me im so confused, i see no point of living. he was what i looked forward to, now i have nothing to look forward to.. please help me!!!

2007-06-07 06:42:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

so here's what happened
like two weeks ago me and my cousin [okay he isn't my REAL cousin we are no way shape or form blood related] we had sex. he's 18, i'm 14 and it was my first time. we've done it 4 more times since then. we began to get closer and closer to each other until we basically fell in love. well he told my uncle and my uncle told me that he said that i was the best he ever had and that i was really good when i blowed him. so i still love him but i'm wondering if he really loves me or did he just use me?

2007-06-07 06:40:49 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Men are supposed to be the head of the house but what if the wife makes more money so the dad switches roles and takes care of the kids? Is this frowned upon by other people? I would like to hear your thoughts! I'm not talking about free loaders who sit on the couch all day! I'm talking cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, doctor visits, watching kids, and the whole works!

2007-06-07 06:40:44 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

be stuck with the wife for many more years as she gonna live to be an oldie?????

I love her really ......

2007-06-07 06:39:37 · 20 answers · asked by londonletch 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Alright, I work at a regular store that sells norm stuff (like Best Buy, Target, Toys R Us, Walmart, etc). I have a co-worker there that I like a lot there and wanna ask her out, but there are some problems. One Being is that I've never asked someone out before despite me already being in my early-mid 20's (sad I know but....). So my confidence in that is very low, always refused to ask, do to the risk of being turned down and such.

That is one thing, the other thing is that she is about 18-20 years older then me (can't remember exactly) , but we get along just fine when talking and such. I wanna ask her out and such, but don't wanna make her uneasy and kinda make the buddy buddy friendship we have get a little odd/screwy cause of it. I'm sure there is more to it that I just cant think of atm, but If I can Ill add it in later on.

So help would be appreciated.

2007-06-07 06:38:57 · 18 answers · asked by Jake 1 in Singles & Dating

i work in an office and i have 6 hours left, i look like hell and feel even worse! i need i quick fix fast

2007-06-07 06:38:22 · 21 answers · asked by boredTOdeath 2 in Friends

My husband has forgotten my birthday for the last two years, Christmas well the gift part mother’s day (this year was my first) and he believes that a women’s place is to cook clean and do everything around the house and work- he has gotten fired from the last 6 jobs and his contract is not being renewed because his boss feels he is not motivated enough. I am so mad!!! And now I am just ferrous because my bday was June 4th and I got nothing!!! Not even a stinking happy birthday- and it’s marked on the calendar on the computer!! We have been marriage for one I have done everything he’s wanted plus throw a surprise party for his mother he wanted, made a big deal for xmas as it was our sons first- I am so frustrated and he thinks I’m over reacting!!! There so much more but I one have 1000 characters…. what can I do!!!

2007-06-07 06:33:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

We have no kids, and we have a beautiful relationship. We talk about marriage sometimes but if i bring it up, he just says like 1 sentence,and then changes the subject. I know he loves me, but im tired of waiting to get married. we are living together now for 3 years and i feel its time to move on to the next step. please help!!!

2007-06-07 06:31:11 · 31 answers · asked by PrinCipeSSa ItaLiAnA 3 in Marriage & Divorce

be brave and insult people, make outrageous remarks or comments but do not list their e-mail so you can argue you point?

Bunch of Cowards if you ask me!

2007-06-07 06:28:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Well, I'm getting a divorce for my xgirlfriend and now she has a boyfriend. I went running last night and they were walking in MY neighborhood. I did a double take. First time in 1 1/2 months, won't speak to me. Quite honestly, she looked awful, was wearing a track suit-never used to wear those, looked like she had put on 20 lbs and the guy she was with was an older, short out of shape mexican/arab looking guy. I almost laughed my self to sleep last night. She acted absolutely embarassed when i ran by her twice, like she knew she messed up. What should i do about this? anything, its like i've made a huge comeback in the looks dept. Grown my hair longer, got a tan, lost weight, wear contacts now, its like she was shocked at how different i looked. I could pass for a surfer and this happens?? She stuck arnd while I was married for 5 years, dated her before i was married too. Now I have a kid, but my divorce will be final before the end of summer. Do I still pursue this girl?

2007-06-07 06:27:49 · 8 answers · asked by ilosthernyc 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I am 18 and still a virgin. He is 24 and has had sex with alot of girls. He himself has never pressused me to have sex. We have only done innocent things. However what my neighbor (who i am close to. shes 40) said that i better decide if i want to have sex with him. because she isnt sure he will be waiting around.

This has been bothering me and i don't know what to do. I love him a lot. I need some guidance thank you.

2007-06-07 06:24:37 · 53 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Shes my ex as of two days ago.But looking back both before we were married and during i was somewhat blind to what it really meant to our relationship.She never drank in my presence.She would pull to the side of the road just before getting home from work and slug back some Vodka.I could smell the alcohol or listerine when she would greet me.She would never kiss me when she got home because she was trying to hide it but i could smell it all the same.One day i left to go out of town for work but half way there the plans changed and i turned around to return home.When i arrived she was throwing up in the toilet and the bathroom reeked of vodka.I tried to help her up but she wanted to be left alone.She said she was embarassed and when i asked her how long she had been drinking like this she said for 15 years after she found her first husband in bed with another woman.Her moods would change from one miniute to the next.I don't drink,i sher fist love the bottle?

2007-06-07 06:22:09 · 9 answers · asked by Rodger M 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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