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Family & Relationships - 7 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

we have been together for almost a year he was areal man gentle with me but of let he has become too busy, doesnt call anymore and even when i call he sometimes tells me he is busy or he says he will call later which he never does, its driving me crazy what do i do, wait and see or foreget it

2007-06-07 04:50:47 · 14 answers · asked by Aisha B 1 in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend said that a study was made and that guys were attracted to oranges. he said he and his friends were attracted to oranges. is that true?

2007-06-07 04:50:27 · 15 answers · asked by hockeyangelofdeath 2 in Singles & Dating

He currently admitted to me that if our relationship didn't work that he would date my bf.

2007-06-07 04:48:55 · 41 answers · asked by confused 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My brother can't see his kids because his wife won't let him. When he goes to court over child support, the judge tell him that is another case matter. He haven't seen his kids in 2 years. He have no money to hire a lawyer. He lives in Va. Any advice on how he can see his kids?

2007-06-07 04:48:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have a new friend and she is a about 11 years older than me..she is my former college teacher and we talk all the time through email and she is about to have a baby next month.I would really like to help her out if she needs it and become better friends with her..we are planning to go do something later this month before she is due.I hope we don't lose touch because I think she would be a good friend to have in the end.She gives me alot of advice and actually started me a hobby that her and her husband like to do and she tells me alot about it and suggests alot of things to me.I was just wondering ..I dont want the friendship to fade away...and I want to make her something when the baby is born like some kind of dish but I don't know how to tell her..I mean how would I ask her if I could bring her by some food or whatever?? I have never been to her house or anything... what would you say?(we are both female) I also dont know where she lives.do you think she will want me to come over?

2007-06-07 04:47:16 · 7 answers · asked by blue_star12111 1 in Family

in her palatial home with a band on her ankle. does anyone else think that this stinks and shall we start a petition?

2007-06-07 04:45:59 · 45 answers · asked by shirley p 2 in Family

I love my BF very very much. He knows this. I have told him in e-mails and letters. We have talked about how long I have loved him, (he is my best friend of over 6 years, and over that time certain "feelings" have evolved between us and for the last 2 months have been having a "romantic" relationship in addition to our awesome friendship)-Here is my problem, I LOVE HIM and it is hard to keep my moouth shut about it. Everytime we make love I bite my lip to avoid telling him that I do love him. I am so terrified of running him off or having him think that I am looking for more than we already have. I am a very patient person and have no desire to hurry this along...This is way to good to rush, I want to savor every second. So, how do I do this? He is the love of my life, and he is also my BEST FRIEND-the kind of friend you always hope to find, but rarely do. If kisses are indeed a good indicator of someones feelings, than he really loves me too...but he has never told me that...

2007-06-07 04:45:05 · 4 answers · asked by looking4truth 2 in Singles & Dating

u see... im menna be going on holiday wiv ma mam and i wanna stay atmy m8z how so ya tell her u dont wanna go?

2007-06-07 04:43:19 · 6 answers · asked by phoebe w 1 in Family

2007-06-07 04:43:03 · 22 answers · asked by sunkiss 2 in Singles & Dating

I just want to know what to do or how to do it with my husband?

2007-06-07 04:42:07 · 44 answers · asked by franzee19 1 in Marriage & Divorce

my gal friend says i nerver communicate especily when in bed at that very instant moment of love making....meeEEEen....gals give me a clue here,and note i love her to the grave i would do anything for her.

2007-06-07 04:40:46 · 11 answers · asked by kiukfrek 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

does that make sense? it does to me. i was too hurt yesterday that i ended our relationship. for the first time, i didn't think twice about my decision. it was a mistake repeated, and i had enough of it. he cried. even so, i could still stick to my decision then. but when he asked me to kiss his forehead for the last time, i couldn't do it. it's strange cos i was so on about the whole moving on thing. but at the same time i don't want to move on. i am still strongly attached to him. when i kissed him on the lips, i felt as though everything was perfect again. like there weren't any problems. i want to give it another chance. but i am 89% sure it's going to happen again. i am scared now. the decision i made to give him another chance. now i feel so scared of everything that i wished i didn't have made that decision. what is it that i am going through right now?

2007-06-07 04:36:15 · 7 answers · asked by IamherewhenIhavenothingtodo 2 in Marriage & Divorce

i`ve made out before and i`ve french kiss before , however my bf hasnt, im his first gf, i just cant find a way to explain it well enough to him, i was hopeing you guys/girls could help me please!

2007-06-07 04:28:57 · 11 answers · asked by Loving_This_Time_Around 3 in Singles & Dating

ok well im writing here cause i have been in a realaitonship for almost 3 yrs and we broke up 2 weeks ago and im wondering why i cant stop thinkin about him and i miss him so much but i no i dont want him back what do i do help me please

2007-06-07 04:28:53 · 12 answers · asked by nowwhatsingle 1 in Singles & Dating

My best friends, son's first birtday is coming up and I don't know what to get him? He will get everything he'll ever need from his grandma and great-aunt. Clothes won't be special (he has TONS!), toys, he isn't really interested in. Is it really in appropriate to get a gift card? I'm really close to him and I don't want him to look back and think, "Aunt Samantha got me a gift card for my first birthday." :-/

What to get for the child who has it all??????

2007-06-07 04:24:42 · 8 answers · asked by Sam 2 in Friends

We spent 8 months getting to know each other, texting continuously, phoning several times a day, having fantastic sex (sorry, had to put that in). And then he leaves his job and I've only seen him once in 3 months and spoken to him 4 times.
Im so upset!! How can he just forget about all the time we spent together?? I make the effort to call but on his side its just dwindled to nothing. I just feel like he's neglected me.

Has anyone else experienced this?

2007-06-07 04:23:40 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Married retired voluntary 3 years ago. Please Dont suggest working 45 years non stop is long enough to toil .All sugestions appreciated

2007-06-07 04:22:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Let me explain. He was upset because I supposedly gave him mixed signals. I am in therapy and it was a hard day so I was emotionally wiped out. He was feeling froggy and I wasn't soooo he got all bent out of shape because he didn't get his way. He spouted off that I was looney and needed to get my head on straight. Well -- gees I am working through alot of issues right now and I am really trying. How do I handle the situation? I am trying to be all to everyone plus get myself healed too. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2007-06-07 04:20:22 · 20 answers · asked by crazicowgirl 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I love him and he loves me but im worried about my future if i stay with him. he is very sweet and loves animals and is consdidered and not selfish but yet he has bad credit and is not good at saving money. i know he loves me but sometimes he does stupid things, like drink to much and be mean to me. he said he is working on it and i can tell he his. I dont know if trust him with paying bills and i think i would have to get his money from him to pay the bills, instead of trusting him to do it he just isnt established and as mature as me he is only 23, i am only 21. he also smokes weed and i cant stand it. he said he will quit one day. help me what should i do? I love him so much but i am worried about the future. like last night he didnt call me till 8, usually we are togther every day. i know he isnt cheating, but sometimes he i think he would. he says i am the only one for him. sometimes i dont even want to kiss him, but i love him is that weird?? can anyone help me i am so confused

2007-06-07 04:19:51 · 21 answers · asked by erica b 2 in Singles & Dating

what can i do to cheer myself up?

2007-06-07 04:19:33 · 30 answers · asked by abcd 5 in Singles & Dating

we've been together for about a year nd a half nd we have a baby he has hit me in the past he calls me begging for me to get back with him i dont know what to do i still love him should i get back with him or stay away from him

2007-06-07 04:18:48 · 52 answers · asked by JeNNiFeR 1 in Singles & Dating

looking at women. I don't stare, but I do look and observe. I especially enjoy seeing a woman dressed up in a skirt, high heels, etc. Does it bother you if a man looks at you when you are out in public? What sort of reaction do you have if you are being noticed? Do you do anything to encourage the looks???

2007-06-07 04:18:38 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

my name is Oscar I´m new here

2007-06-07 04:18:06 · 6 answers · asked by 9Nightcrawler 1 in Friends

omg...mi parents r so overprotective...i cant go anywhere and theyre always telling me to stay home and study....yes im azn but most azn parents rnt tis overprotective...any advice ppl...i need to get out more.....PLZ HELP!!!!!

2007-06-07 04:15:45 · 8 answers · asked by berritscold 2 in Family

When I saiy country man, I dont mean some dumb redneck, I mean a good looking country boy that works hard in the coal mines such as myself?

2007-06-07 04:13:55 · 22 answers · asked by wvstud22 2 in Singles & Dating

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