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Family & Relationships - 7 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

my bf is such a great guy!! We'll be getting married in a couple of months. I feel extremely terrible because 6 months into the relationship i cheated on him and he loved me enough to stay. I haven't cheated since. I can't say i have an excuse for doing what i did I guess i can say i was being selfsiha nd immature. What happened was that i went out with another guy after my bf & I had an argument. Nothing happened between me and that other guy but we kissed. I haven't seen the guy since and it was a one night of going out thing i didn't "see" him over a period of time or anything like that. I kept it from my bf and he found out i went out a night when he was looking for me so eventually he figured out himself that i was with someone else that night. I didn't spend the night with the guy but it was bad enough i went out with him. Now that my bf & i will be getting married i'm scared that later in the years he may want to get back at me & do the same to me just out of revenge.

2007-06-07 05:14:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

im getting married in 3 months. surely i am having bridal showers, right? well, my friend got married in february and i gave her a shower, but she has not mentioned giving me one. my aunt gave my sister one, but hasnt mentioned giving me one. my moms best friend also gave my sister one. but still no word on if im getting one. should i worry about it? am i selfish? i want to have one. i think its fun and very helpful to a couple just starting out. it kinda hurts my feelings though to think that i may not have anyone to give me one.

2007-06-07 05:14:18 · 28 answers · asked by Ashley 2 in Weddings

I've always respected my dad's privacy but lately something has been bugging me. He tends to mention a female coworker often. I can see him chatting with her every single day. Infidelity seems to be running in the family, actually. I can't really sleep well because it's been in my head for these past few days. My parents seem happy enough though but they're good at hiding stuff from me and my sister. What exactly are the signs of infidelity? And how will I know for sure?

2007-06-07 05:13:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

ok so can you plz tell me how my BF is feeling about us being together by the way he acts toward me? he always just stares at me he dont hold my hand he dont call he only says "luv ya" on e-mails not to my face and he barelly talks to me at all and if we do talk we only say some stupid words like " i hate that shirt you are wearing" i do need you help plz tell me if you can sence you are a guy what he feels about our relation ship and thanx bunches

2007-06-07 05:12:55 · 15 answers · asked by Arial Lee 1 in Singles & Dating

how many guys would date someone not their own race? like asians.chinese, indians, and all the otehr races in the world

2007-06-07 05:11:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

we have dated and broken up a couple times. When we broke up we did't really end it. he just sent me a text on my cell, it says I have changed my mind and things won't work out. I just want to know his feelings about me and what's going on with me and him. someone help me?

2007-06-07 05:11:07 · 14 answers · asked by princess 2 in Singles & Dating

ok when me and my fiance get intamate it's only like once a night. when we first got engaged you were like two jack rabbits you couldn't stop us. what's wrong with him now he can't keep up like he used to and he get tired after one time knowing I want more. can anybody help? plz

2007-06-07 05:11:03 · 25 answers · asked by Aubrie F 1 in Singles & Dating

Well my boyfriend said he wants to know what it feels like to have sex with another person. Because im the only girl his ever been with. Why would want to do. He said he wants to experience with another girl just because his only done it with one person and i've done it with 2 other people.

2007-06-07 05:10:59 · 9 answers · asked by anna_r_3 1 in Singles & Dating

ok me an this boy scott we have been together for 2 months he lives in north carolina and i live in mississippi and we have been talking about me comming there but i havent talk to him in three days .and his internet bill was due the 1st of june but they gave him a cut off date which is the 15th what should i do becuz i love him and i want to be with him but if his internet got cut off i have no way to get in touch with him and he had to have his phone cut off and we have talked about me comming the 16th of june but what do i need to do?

2007-06-07 05:09:33 · 8 answers · asked by Veronica D 1 in Singles & Dating

I have a question dealing with my boyfriend (BF) and my family. My BF and I plan on getting married in 2 mos. at a courthouse (we don't care for ceremonies). My parents want to be at there, even though it's more of a formality than an event. My BF, who is not close to his family and doesn't like hanging out with people who "inconvenience" him (abusive upbringing), doesn't want anybody to be at the courthouse. I do not care either way, but my BF states that when telling my parents not to come to the courthouse, I should say that "we" don't want them to come. I am stuck in the middle b/c I want to please both my parents and BF. If I tell them the truth about my BF's feelings and reasons to my parents, he thinks that I do not support him and am betraying him. Since my parents are Thai-American, family is important and I believe what my BF wants will hurt my parents. I can't talk to my BF b/c I get emotional -- he then gets angry and yells violently, which I am not use to. What to do?

2007-06-07 05:09:11 · 13 answers · asked by Felixia_75 2 in Family

I am getting married later this year and we are both Christians and aren't going to have a dance, just the dinner and reception. I am having trouble coming up with ideas for my reception which don't involve a group or DJ.

2007-06-07 05:08:52 · 27 answers · asked by tmj73158 2 in Weddings

Do guys like it wen you mack the first move.

2007-06-07 05:08:27 · 14 answers · asked by ? 2 in Singles & Dating

Whenever Wondering Wife is out with her Ogling Spouse, she often catches him checking out other women. Ogling Spouse thinks he is being discreet, but his wife catches him ogling women all the time. Wondering Wife has tried to overlook this juvenile behavior but Ogling Spouse’s co-workers have begun complaining about his ogling. Some women at his job said, “He has a staring problem.” Another co-worker said, “He is creepy.”

2007-06-07 05:04:49 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Just a thumbnail, I thought I had deleted it, but I'm not so hot on computers! He didn't really look, but I'm so dissappointed, do you think it matters, and is it bad luck?

2007-06-07 05:04:41 · 45 answers · asked by emily_jane2379 5 in Weddings

Why does evereyone think Pete Wentz is soooooo hott. Well i think he's cute too but what about the other people in fall out boy!!!! like patrick and andy i don't think joe is cute but the other ones yes!!!!!!! i love patrick and andy not to many other people really pay attention to them. So how many out there think patrick and andy are hott!!!

2007-06-07 05:03:53 · 3 answers · asked by mrs.patrickstump 2 in Singles & Dating

me. I know abortion isnt right so everyone can hate all they want on me. No one knows what the situation was, so f*** you if you are just going to tell me to go to hell. I am trying to get thru all of this and be okay. Trust me I do feel like I am the worst person alive for doing it. But now I feel like I have nothing. I NEED ADVICE ON HOW TO BE A BETTER PERSON AND GAIN SOME CONFIDENCE, because I have none. I want to prove to everyone I can be that woman.

2007-06-07 05:03:35 · 14 answers · asked by I love my life 1 in Singles & Dating

He mentioned loved during sex, could he tell me he loves me next?

2007-06-07 05:02:15 · 8 answers · asked by no name girl 5 in Singles & Dating

2007-06-07 05:01:46 · 11 answers · asked by tami m 1 in Weddings

so i've been together with this girl i know KINDA well for a few weeks now. recently she told me that she is on birth control...which blew my mind. THEN i think about the dudes she has dated...cuz we went to school together... and it makes sense to me now why she would be takin "the pill". I never knew or heard of her to be a "slut" so-called, but sometimes she can get frisky if ya know what i'm saying.
but i guess the question is what should i do?? i'm not into the girls that sleep around and are overly experienced....brush it off or keep goin with it??

AND i wanna know the truth... Girls take the pill cause they wanna have lots of wild sex or cause of the less cycle shtuff??

2007-06-07 05:01:06 · 17 answers · asked by Moe_Fugga 2 in Singles & Dating

Ladies, to answer this you must tell your ethnicity, your choice and why. Now imagine you meet four guys. All of them have same body type, height, education, income, etc. The ONLY difference is the ethnicity. One is Asian, second is Caucasian, third is Latino/Hispanic, and fourth is Black. Which guy would you choose?

Copy, paste and answer the following:

Your ethnicity:
Your choice:
Your reason:

2007-06-07 04:59:45 · 18 answers · asked by Dr Love 3 in Singles & Dating

what do u find most atractive in them and your opinion

2007-06-07 04:59:34 · 6 answers · asked by crazy_smart_cute 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-06-07 04:56:34 · 12 answers · asked by Challah back Girl... 5 in Singles & Dating

i really want to know

2007-06-07 04:56:12 · 9 answers · asked by shito 2 in Singles & Dating

My brother came home to fix our roof. He was done and decided to take a dip. Now this may sound weird but he swam nude. It was no big deal to me because I have seen him nude more times than I can remember. She came back and freaked when he got out the water nude and started to dry off. She hasn't spoken to me in a week. Do i owe her an apology?

2007-06-07 04:55:52 · 14 answers · asked by ABC 2 in Family

I am in the process of getting out of my current relationship. At soon to be 40 year old lady with a profession (nurse) , I still have not found Mr. Right. I learned that It begins with me and learning to love myself FIRST.This includes pampering myself and treating myself right. This also means that I should have a healthy self-esteem. I am childless. My parents are in the 70's. I reside with them now. However, what if I have to live on my own someday? I'm a little afraid to live on my own because of loneliness but more so for safety reasons and if I get sick (God) forbid, no one will be there to help. Any thoughts?

2007-06-07 04:55:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I'm having a dessert and dance reception, there will be alcohol but we need good music to get people moving. 80's and 90's is good. Contemporary dance music is cool but I don't want my grandparents to hear a lot of cursing. I don't mind the obligatory "cha-cha" song, or chicken dance whatever. Maybe some good oldies - i want to see grandma bust a move.

2007-06-07 04:55:05 · 15 answers · asked by bubukittypoo 2 in Weddings

why do teens (im a teen ) hookup on the internet..
and y do gurls think that the boy is faithful?
whats the point of the teenchatrooms?
( i have a REAL gurl who live 2 houses away from me we been datin for a year now)

2007-06-07 04:52:21 · 4 answers · asked by I LOVE MY BABY SKYLA ~JOSE 1 in Singles & Dating

well i'm 18 turning 19 soon. for the past 4 yrs i've ben curious. ever since this really pretty girl use to stare at me (i found out she thought i was cute) i prefer females older than myself the thought of a 23 yr old just turns me on i have no idea why. i haven't met any females that i like lately. i'm 5'2 slim with a little shape not lanky. i have pretty brown eyes, full lips = big lips, somewhere around bowwow's skin tone, black hair. i'm cute. not a loud mouth girl real down to earth a little shy...so if anyone wants to e-mail me go ahead and race does not matter

2007-06-07 04:51:54 · 7 answers · asked by ch@L@nt 1 in Singles & Dating

I dont understand why it is that everytime something happens it always turns out to be my fault even if i dident do it and he did why is it that guys have a way to switch things around to be your fault?

2007-06-07 04:51:14 · 12 answers · asked by sheree 2 in Friends

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