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Family & Relationships - 7 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My fiancé and I have been having a disagreement about young children at the wedding and his mother is starting to get involved. I don't want children to ruin our wedding ceremony. I have been to too many weddings where children are crying and the parents don't want to take them out. I asked him about having a nursery and he said no, I think it was more his mother. He wants children because his step sister has two young ones and he wants them to be there. I told him that they won’t even remember it, but he said he doesn't care. What do I do???

2007-06-07 12:54:52 · 16 answers · asked by giggles028 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-06-07 12:54:20 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

So yes I went and spent most of a week with a woman I wrote to and called for about 8 months. She is 23 and I am a disheartened 28 year old .

The conversation tells me she is very serious about me while her body language below the shoulders tells me she is not.

She would only open up at meal times at which point it was pretty easy to make her laugh and smile and look shy.

I’ve never seen a woman blush so much just to have me hold her hand and look at her eyes.

It was like dating an old fashioned woman that dressed like a modern model and liked to show what she has looks wise, but also with a good education and capable of having her own career if she wished. But after one week not even a hug! What’s up with that!!??


2007-06-07 12:54:00 · 4 answers · asked by Jeff W 1 in Singles & Dating

okay here's the deal. i have a man i have been with for a while we have been together since high school we are both in our twenties now. he always does very nice and special things for like send roses to my job or takes to nice places or what ever i want to do. he is very sweet and loving. but he always complains about me not doing anything special for him. i try to come up with ideas but none i think he would like or make him feel like i really love him. have any good ideas. HELP?

2007-06-07 12:52:39 · 32 answers · asked by jgirl24 1 in Singles & Dating

We got burgers , candy and pop , baby duck wine , everything!

2007-06-07 12:50:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

I just started talking to a guy whos 14 years older than me ... hes great and has alot of respect for women .... but im jus scared hes too old ... what should i do?

2007-06-07 12:49:20 · 7 answers · asked by ~*Lynn*~ 2 in Singles & Dating

Are today's boys more sensitive? Because sometimes boys come crying to me with their problems. I am girl, btw. I get sort of freaked out. Growing up I was taught that boys don''t cry and have issues/problems. They just ignore problems.

2007-06-07 12:48:30 · 6 answers · asked by BeautifulGirl 2 in Singles & Dating

No college, Stay at home Mom for 12 years, divorce, Have to get a minimum wage job, worked my way through jobs the next 10 years, Finally got to the right job, that made it all worth it, a hard job, but good pay, benifits, retirement. Would be able to give kids , future grandkids, any help, or financial support they would need. New husband would not have to work so hard, could buy new truck, and we could take trips, and have a better life.

All that is gone, and now I am forced to go out and get a low paying job again, with no hope of ever having the type of job I wanted, or thought I would now have. Don't tell me different, because my resume sucks, my job skills aren't good, and I'm not feeling young enough to start over with any kind of school!

I need to get a job, but put it off everyday! How can I get over the loss, and have acceptance, and get on with life, and do what I have to do?

2007-06-07 12:46:14 · 8 answers · asked by Sunday 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-06-07 12:45:39 · 20 answers · asked by suze 1 in Singles & Dating

They are 31 and 32 years old respectfuly,we pay there rent buy gas for there car and both finsh collage and one is working and the other is not looking

2007-06-07 12:45:24 · 17 answers · asked by howaboutit99@sbcglobal.net 2 in Family

where can a wedding be besides a church? somplace with really cool hotels and sunny,warm beaches.but i dont know of any places like that.could you please name some?oh yeah also the reason i had to put my abc's is beacause i had to have 10 characters.

2007-06-07 12:42:34 · 15 answers · asked by avaob1 1 in Weddings

So I have been in a relationship on and off again for close to 4 years now. Last year she moved to the East coast and I staye in the Midwest, however we have been continuing to talk to eachother. I can say that even after not seeing eachother, the comfort and love is still there. We also end up sleeping with eachother when we get together every few months to catch up even though we have continued to move forward with other people (nothing serious for her or me). Here is the problem... She is looking for Grad schools and has told me that she is willing to move back to the Midwest if I were ready to commit (i.e. move in together, engagement down the road) and this would be a no-brainer except that she is not Jewish. I know this sounds lame, but it is really important to my parents. My thinking is, am I choosing her/us over a healthy relationship with my parents in the future? They say that they will never accept her, but part of me thinks that it is some-what of a bluff. Any advice?

2007-06-07 12:41:10 · 4 answers · asked by B_sq 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok, so I've liked this one guy for awhile, and he knows that I like him. Some of my friends think that he likes me, and his friend makes it seem like he likes me, but I don't think he does. Do you think I should ask him out or not? I want to, but I'm scared that he will say no, what do you think?

2007-06-07 12:40:49 · 19 answers · asked by ♥ Sydd 4 in Singles & Dating

have a date ? in secretlly , coz im afraid n worried he will refused , and what if he will tell to others that i asked him a date

2007-06-07 12:40:46 · 19 answers · asked by carmelite 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I love my girl; she loves me. . as more and more we got close to each other, i was finding more and more about her past. we both decided to speak up everything about our past so we are not surprise in future. i told her i had one relationship, but she had four sexual relationships. she slept several times with each of her ex bf's. she told me as we decided not to hide anything from each other.
Knowing her past sexual relationships hurts me. she understands and tells me that if i cannot handle, i can let her go. i love her, and i do not feel this should be the only reason to let your love go. but my concerns are will there be a time i will start over looking and forgeting about her past? Is she safe to be with? Should such girl be given a chance and would she be trustable? please help me with your opinion/advise. thank you

2007-06-07 12:40:26 · 6 answers · asked by Desert Fox 2 in Singles & Dating

My sister was married in a formal ceremony in the past and has since divorced. She is currently getting married to her beau of 10 years. They have been living together ,have bought a house and shared a household for those ten years. She is getting married in the Bahamas without any attendees except her 2 best friends. Her only reception is being held out of town from her immediate family.

We received an announcement that included where they were 'registered' for a vast array of home items. I thought this was tacky but was assured this is how things are done.

Is this how things are done? I was going to buy them a completer set for some of her china or her crystal. What's with the towels and the sheets thing?

2007-06-07 12:40:18 · 9 answers · asked by Grace R 1 in Weddings

My fiance was in contact with his ex almost the whole time we were together. He slept with her once. He didn't want to end contact with her after we got engaged. I don't understand why he would still hold onto her if he loves me.

2007-06-07 12:38:39 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

im only 20 years old but after sex i feel like i have the flu and then the next day i feel like i got into a fight or somthing and i notice i bruise easily too. like the guy im with will squeeze my -b-r-e-a-s-t and i dont feel bad at that time but today i noticed i have a bruise now is it normal to feel this weak? ive noticed also that when he f--i-n-g-e-r-e-d- me i bled also then it stopped .im going to get that checked out by a doctor but i am not a virgin but i know that its been a year since ive been penatrated since when i m-a-s-t-e-r-b-a-t-e i dont hardly finger myself or use somthing for insersion but is it normal to bleed somewhat since i havent been penatrated in a while and it was kinda vigarous ? it didnt hurt when he did anything really he noticed that i bled and then told me . i have no problem with lubracation and incersion is much easier now then it has ever been but i am worried though

2007-06-07 12:37:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

for girls

2007-06-07 12:36:21 · 30 answers · asked by pesce persico 3 in Singles & Dating

my daughter (D) was asked by her friend (C) to wear a gown to her (C's) wedding.
But she is not part of the bridal party...
When it comes to the photos, i am sure they will only want family in the photos...
why should she be the only one wearing a gown - outside of the bridal party?
Am i right?

2007-06-07 12:32:24 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

and i mean REALLY like her.

2007-06-07 12:31:25 · 18 answers · asked by hollaholla if yous a balla 1 in Singles & Dating

We are getting married in Australia and I have a huge hispanic family. They won't all be able to come, should I still send them invitations? It seems like a waste..?

2007-06-07 12:28:24 · 13 answers · asked by diamonds 1 in Weddings

Have sex with you spouse and put them in a good mood
NOT have sex and have them in a pissy mood?
And why?

2007-06-07 12:28:05 · 9 answers · asked by snack_daddy10 6 in Marriage & Divorce

if you had to choose...which would be more important-full bust or big booty? is there any compensation for one with the other?

2007-06-07 12:26:24 · 9 answers · asked by Love Child 3 in Singles & Dating

I'm 18 and still a virgin :), but I've been with my boyfriend for about 7 months now. I'm not ashamed being a virgin. I'm actually quite proud, and feel that sex is pretty a huge experience in your life. Yet, I feel very guilty because he is my first boyfriend and I want to have to have sex with him. :/ We've had this discussion, and he told me that the emotional attachment is so strong and that we shouldn't have sex yet! Nor does he think I'm ready. I'm flattered, but again feel guilty because I want him to be my first :( .

2007-06-07 12:22:44 · 8 answers · asked by B 1 in Singles & Dating

I have read we are suppose to exchange a special gift. I was thinking a hand written letter along with a photo book of our "dating" years.... Please help with AWESOME ideas!

2007-06-07 12:22:37 · 13 answers · asked by CaliforniaLove 3 in Marriage & Divorce


Want to know if its a good idea to go alone in a club in London ?
I mention that I come from abroad and I will start my Uni study here. And also my social life isn't wealthy. Maybe I'm a weirdo, but used to be very clever..too much science...sorry..
By the way I'm 23 and never had a girlfriend or even kissed really, but I'm very good at flirting, tested.

Hope I hear optimistic advices!

2007-06-07 12:19:24 · 4 answers · asked by Yahoo 1 in Singles & Dating

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