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Family & Relationships - 7 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

how do you act around her?
do all guys act differently around the girl they like? im just curious?

2007-06-07 13:28:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My fiance and I are getting married soon and we keep arguing about me helping with the wedding decisions and planning. I don't get it! Other guys are shoved aside during this time, why am I getting the hard part of this? I think she is asking for too much, what do you think?

2007-06-07 13:27:00 · 23 answers · asked by zablue 1 in Weddings

in my case to all the girls that I know and girls that like me I try to keep distance and if they try something on me then I put a stop to it and make sure they know its only friendship...now this happens and my girlfriend didn't put any stop to it and she says that she was talking about me and that he was talking about his girlfriend...but still it bothers me that he put his head on my girlfriends lap......what should I do? am I making too much of a big deal out of this? please some advice would help....oh and did I mention she use to like him in the past....any advice please..

2007-06-07 13:26:48 · 50 answers · asked by JCP 2 in Singles & Dating

Its summer, I have now completed my first year of college, and I am looking for a job right now, but in the meantime I have absolutely nothing to do, lol. So hit me up!

2007-06-07 13:26:14 · 4 answers · asked by abbijbpurple 2 in Singles & Dating

sounds impossible but i am in need. any ideas?

2007-06-07 13:25:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I truly do not know what is going on with my wife and her mood swings. She's hot and cold and I have no idea what the heck is causing it. She's in her mid-20s and we normally get along really great. I've been noticing a pattern. Some days she wears no makeup to work and others she does. Simple enough I guess. Except when she does she is really cold and distant from me. I straight came out and asked her if she was interested in somebody from work and she said no she was not. Her behavior is very eratic. Some days she is so happy she wants to hold hands and be close and others she gets out of the car without a kiss or hug or anything. Nothing leads up to this, no fighting or arguing or anything. When we do argue normally when she is in a cold phase she says she does'nt have the energy to argue with me. Or she says "I just don't care". And then she turns back to being hot again. Is she confused about wanting to be with me, or maybe cheating at work on me. Please help......

2007-06-07 13:24:41 · 13 answers · asked by Rocky 1 in Marriage & Divorce

He got mad at me because he thought I was mad at him what do I do, I really like him!

2007-06-07 13:23:36 · 6 answers · asked by Misz Twinkie Dink ♥ Dink 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-06-07 13:18:38 · 11 answers · asked by The Man in the Yellow Hat 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm only 17, but I'm in line to be the maid of honor at my sister's wedding in September. Since there was another girl who was supposed to be the maid of honor, I haven't really been involved in anything. I have many questions:

How do I plan a bachelorette party suitable (considering I'm underage and my mom will be there too)

What sort of things do I assist my sister with?

Do I still give her a present? If so, what do I give her?

I'm sure there are many other aspects I have to deal with that I don't know about, yet. PLEASE HELP ME!

2007-06-07 13:18:25 · 13 answers · asked by Kailei B 2 in Weddings

My hubby and I got married 4 yrs ago. Two weeks ago his cousin got married and to my amazement/shock he and his bride used our songs in their ceremony. Our songs are not common like Shania etc. etc. They were unique. And to top it off they copied our centerpieces again unique(as i am crafty) and to make matters worse copied our program almost word for word. Am i wrong for being pissed? I feel like they could have come up with their own uniqu ideas for their wedding

2007-06-07 13:17:28 · 38 answers · asked by melissa p 1 in Weddings

She is really hot and I want to hook up with her too, but I don't know how to approach her with it. Any suggestions? I need them, and fast.

2007-06-07 13:17:28 · 18 answers · asked by tony81393 1 in Singles & Dating

...think it's sexy for a guy to win a fight against the loser boy? Pin, KO, or submission hold?

2007-06-07 13:13:26 · 24 answers · asked by goucho 1 in Singles & Dating

he is working with my mom.he tell my mom that he likes me and he has been asking for my number for about 7 months?Does he have some weird problem and i think he is kind of creepy.he is nervous/shy when my mom talk about me to him example like>>today i am going to the cafe and after he heard that he walk away quickly?i caught him many times that he glaze after me when i walk away?i think he is acting weird??

2007-06-07 13:12:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

stood behind me and friend looking over our shoudlers, talking to my friend (she dsnt like him) , and stood next to me in gym class. And when someone was behind me, and he let her go ahead of him, she agreed and stood next to me. She also asked a while ago if i was ina class that she was in, even though it is just one class, and shes in it. What do u think? She also looked at me while i got up ata school assembly(i know she was focusing on me) Whast does thsi mean? Any experience with this sorta thing girls?

2007-06-07 13:11:59 · 8 answers · asked by sklinckyy 1 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I recently had a baby. His brother on the east coast is getting married in July and has just recently told us they do not want children at their wedding and want to know what we plan to do with our 3 month old baby. We are flying from los Angeles to their wedding in Boston and feel this is entirely inappropriate. In addition to the costs of airfare, rental car, tuxedo rental and finding a babysitter, should we still have to give a gift too? What is the best way to handle this situation?

2007-06-07 13:11:01 · 43 answers · asked by Laura R 1 in Weddings

my sisters child is getting married and she says no kids on the invite it just says me and my husband i have 4 kids one that is 21 and the 17 and twins that are 11 the 21 year old is not invited and my 17 year old can not be left with just anyone he is autistic and has diabeties so i have to be with him what do i do . I called my sister and told her but she says no kids do i just not go...helppp

2007-06-07 13:08:05 · 11 answers · asked by m k 1 in Marriage & Divorce

This question is for hrlping me get this girl i really like!

2007-06-07 13:07:39 · 15 answers · asked by Joey 1 in Singles & Dating

Without her getting angry and abusive?

She's had a few too many happy meals. . .

2007-06-07 13:07:23 · 58 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i have to travel far and stay at a hotel over night which is going to cost me lot. is it cheap of me not to give cash?

2007-06-07 13:07:02 · 4 answers · asked by JOE G 1 in Weddings

2007-06-07 13:06:17 · 24 answers · asked by bossyfer 2 in Singles & Dating

i failed ALL OF MY CLASSES THIS QUARTER!!! i cant stop crying. my mom says this will be the worst summer of my life!!! i will be studying all summer not hanging out with my freinds at all no tv no ipod no radio no computer!!! after tomarow i will have to do all that. im 13. will i go to 8th grade?? proably not!!! i have been haveing suicidal thoughts!! how can i be happy???

2007-06-07 13:06:01 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

The person I am dating (6 months or so) does this: If I am over at his place and am going to shower he wants the door open. I was toweling off one day and I realized he could see me because of how the mirrors in the bathroom are. When I tried to hide behind the shower curtain he said he couldnt see me and came in the bathroom.
He also will say we can do something Friday or Saturday night and won't say which day. I always think this is so I don't make other plans and he knows I will be at home.
He lives about 20 minutes away and recently suprised me by coming over (he did bring me dinner). And when he comes over he wants to go to every place I normally go (liquor store and the like).
He also quizzed me about my friends on Myspace and who has called or sent me text messages. He also has my password for my cell phone account online so he can see who I talk to.I am wondering if this is normal behavior and if I should worry. I find it a bit possessive and it seems to be increasing

2007-06-07 13:05:55 · 6 answers · asked by *Rumer*Severin* 5 in Singles & Dating

I've dated this guy in his early 30's for a year in AUgust. He's met my mom and sister but I have yet to meet any of his family. We live four hours away but I go see him or he comes to see me once a week or so. Is it wierd that it seems like he doesn't want me to meet his family? I was so excited for my family to meet him. What's his deal?

2007-06-07 13:04:28 · 10 answers · asked by sweet and sassy 1 in Singles & Dating

As some might know, I posted a question re: reaching my answers limit for the day.

A suggestion was that I go looking at and vote on undecided questions. That got me thinking...

Why don't people thumbs up/down more often? I think a lot of posters go back and check to see how well their posts were received. Thumbs up/down are a great way for us to get a reality check on our opinions. So, why don't more of us use it?

2007-06-07 13:01:39 · 10 answers · asked by Melanie J 5 in Marriage & Divorce

There's a reallly shy guy on my bus that I want to get to know. I sit next to him sometimes but we never talk because we're both listening to our iPods. He's sat next to me a few times and I've sat next to him but he's really quiet and hardly ever talks. He seems really sweet, though, and lives very close to me. Should I try to start a conversation? Or is it okay if I give him a note asking him out? Help!!

2007-06-07 13:01:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

OK so I now this sounds bad but my Matron of Honor is pregnant and due close to the wedding. When I first asked all my girls to be in the wedding that if any where planning on getting pregnant before the wedding please let me know because there can be health concerns with being pregnant and standing up there to long. (I got that information from a dr and a friend who was in a wedding while pregnant and got shin splints from standing up so long with a flat shoe) She has not purchased her dress yet and I am thinking it will be more expensive then she thought. They do not have alot of money. I need some advice to talk to her. Oh and hear is the worst part she is my fiance sister but we are not real close and I was going to ask her to be a book attendent instead so she would not be on her feet so long.

2007-06-07 13:00:51 · 24 answers · asked by cag2421 1 in Weddings

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