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Family & Relationships - 5 April 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

so theres this guy. We will call him Lyle. Lyle likes his drink . So a bunch of us go out & I end up w/ Lyle at Lyles house ,who I don't know well!!! my friend met this OLD lady he wanted to go home w/ so they dropped me off at Lyles w/ Lyle.. I had no ride home but soon called a family member .. Some friend hah!!!! Would you have stayed at Lyles? He was cute ,fun, financially stable but very drunk!!!

2007-04-05 22:53:20 · 8 answers · asked by lilly l 6 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm a junior in high school, I wonder why I don't got a boyfriend? all of my friends do but i don't. I don't understand it, everyone even strangers tells me I'm really pretty and always asked if i have a boyfriend. it makes me sad whenever they asked that question because i don't have one, my friends talks about their dates, dances, parties, etc i always feel left out. is it because i'm shy and quiet not like those typical gossipy girls? i don't understand, help?

2007-04-05 22:48:49 · 25 answers · asked by Isabella 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-04-05 22:43:42 · 7 answers · asked by sunluvr67 1 in Singles & Dating

Nothing has happened between us, we've only talked and not even inappropriately. I find myself thinking of her all of the time. Should I discuss this with her? Should I discuss this with my wife or ignore it and hope that it goes away... I am horribly confused.

2007-04-05 22:41:44 · 18 answers · asked by Answer is Mine... 2 in Marriage & Divorce

and she called off the wedding once she found out that he lied because she said she doesnt know how many other things he's lied about. Is she wrong for that and what should he tell her to make things better bcause she not budging?

2007-04-05 22:15:13 · 11 answers · asked by E-4 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I can't believe what she just told me, this guy said he's not going to take care of the baby he calls and harrasses my wife.
he said he'll pay for an abortion,but not child support.
I really don't want her to have this baby either, but two wrongs don't make a right. I've gotta go back to Iraq in a few weeks. I hope he doesn't start coming around again when I'm gone. what should I do?

2007-04-05 21:55:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I hear him when he talks to other people in the family, or his friends, but whenever he talks to me he can (at times) be hateful and disrespectful and The nicer I am the worse it gets. He always tells me he loves me, but then he acts as if everything i say to him is just an annoyance. He has a few friends who are just Losers, and he always is making excuses for their behavior, but he holds me to much higher standards, is always critical of everything I do? When I tell him how I feel, he says its all me. I asked his family today if it is really me or if they ever hear him speak to other people that way, and they all said he only acts that way to me, What is up?

2007-04-05 21:50:02 · 26 answers · asked by tvm209 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I found out that my 14 year old daughter was seeing this lad who's 16. I told him to stay away from my daughter as i dont agree with this, he's about to leave school. I know there's nothing sexual going on but 2 years difference is quite a lot in my eyes. The fact that she lied to me about this is also why i'm upset. She's got sats exams soon so i dont want any distractions. Advice please as i dont want to push my daughter away, i thought we had a close relationship.

2007-04-05 21:40:32 · 26 answers · asked by chickadee 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

before when we doesnt have internet conection yet..we used to watch movie as family.he used to help me with house works and cuddle each other while watching tv.He spends his free time wisely...but now
He just do his daily routine works just to keep me away from bubling his unwanted words! At the end of the day just find my self alone on the bed staring at him while Playing `RAN'. Sometimes i even want to have intimate times with him but i see nothing that excites him than playing online. Should i just undestand him?cz he usually says he stopped drinking,etc.thats just his pleasure time. But i`m starting to freak-out! cz he`s not like this before.
Need advice from married couples only.

2007-04-05 21:34:52 · 13 answers · asked by cHiNaEyEs 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Omgeesh I Love him so much like there was this one time we were sitting there and his feet were locked around my feet and we looked at each other and i was totaly focused on just us being there everytone else in the room didnt matter to me and all my stress and worries dissapered and

do you think i really am for people who are married is this how you feel when you fdirst met you loved one

2007-04-05 21:22:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My wife and I were watching the "George Lopez Show." The show was about a sex offender moving into the neighborhood. When George and wife with surrounding neighbors found the home with the sex offender, they were suprised it was an attractive female who was once a teacher and had sex with one of her students. George and the neighbors forgave her and welcomed her to the nieghborhood. My wife was pissed. I will keep my comments to myself. What is your opinion?

2007-04-05 21:20:04 · 2 answers · asked by DA PHAT PHANTOM 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

OK, I never thought I would be in this kind of situation, but here's the story. I signed up for an online dating service just for the hell of it and never thought twice about meeting a normal guy. A couple of weeks ago, he and I started exchanging emails almost daily and I could tell that we clicked -online atleast. He wanted to call me after the first couple of emails but here's the catch - I just left my home in the US to spend a year overseas teaching English. He told me that he was disappointed since he was "so anxious to talk to me". Afterwards, we started IMing each other and now he brought up calling me again - this time, making an overseas phone call! I still have my guard up, but we've had some long IM sessions and we still don't get tired of talking to each other.
He says he "isn't expecting much", but that "having a good conversation" would be cool enough for him. Whaat? Wouldn't you have to be pretty serious enough to make an international phone call to a girl? Guys?

2007-04-05 21:17:58 · 8 answers · asked by Elizabeth 3 in Singles & Dating

seriously they are all dogs and i do not understand why.i think all the attractive people moved to boulder or some shitt

2007-04-05 21:04:56 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


i love my sister 's brother-in-law. but i can not speak you becouse i do not know that he love me.

2007-04-05 21:04:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i dont have a bf and sometimes i feel bad for it.

2007-04-05 20:43:34 · 8 answers · asked by anu 1 in Singles & Dating

My aunt and uncle have seperated for little less than a year. My Aunt made the move and now she is feeling apprehensive towards it all.
My uncle seems really happy and she feels the need to come and help with everything.
The house finally sold but yet now she has mixed feelings. I think she is being selfish. Am i wrong, what do you think??

2007-04-05 20:39:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

he is in India, wife overseas. He is doing nude sexual webcam chatting, wants to meet in person for fun. He gets to go abroad. Both married in India.
Should wife confront him? Is this evidence sufficient to confront his cheating pattern? Would you confront him or just ask for divorce based on general excuses?

2007-04-05 20:28:17 · 34 answers · asked by Simple 1 in Marriage & Divorce

DO men really dont care about how a woman looks and only care about a woman's peronality?

2007-04-05 20:24:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

....It is after a brutal argument, and one of several over a three month period. He leaves for the night but has no intention of cheating until his sisters friend throws herself at him. Then the couple get back together and he starts to talk and they understand things about eachother better......should the cheating be forgiven?

2007-04-05 20:13:46 · 16 answers · asked by theartisttwin 5 in Marriage & Divorce

If ur bf bought his ex a lot of gifts while they were together but u did't get a lot of gift from him. Do u think he loved his ex more than u? Even though he earns more $$ than the past (in addition, he's not saving for any big purchases, no debt & having a very good & stable job). Why is he being so stingy to me but spent more $$ on his ex? I know it's really bad to measure love in gifts. But what I thought was if a man's being generous to you, that means he loves you & he doesn't mind to share his fortune with you. From this point, I didn't think he wanted a long term relationship with me or love me as much as his ex. Am I overreacted?

2007-04-05 20:06:16 · 13 answers · asked by provemeuloveme 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-04-05 20:02:58 · 20 answers · asked by questiongrrrl k 1 in Friends

I have never been raped or molested nor had bad expereiences with men but I can't keep boyfriends because I have problems showing affections. I am afraid and I think too much before I dare to touch a guy or stand close to him. When he touches me or sits close to me, I want to sit closer and remain there but I flinch. I love them I don't feel uncomforable around them it's jjust a problem with myself.

I can't show that I care too. My first reaction to anything is to withhold my smile or care. I can't break free of myself. There is something holding me back

2007-04-05 20:02:44 · 8 answers · asked by adrienne 1 in Singles & Dating

....or know every detail?

2007-04-05 20:01:37 · 25 answers · asked by theartisttwin 5 in Marriage & Divorce

why do parents intentionally put their kids thru lifelong pain..i look like my parents and they are both ugly...why parents do this??..i wouldnt have a child if i knew i was ugly.

2007-04-05 19:59:31 · 24 answers · asked by Ask ME 3 in Family

I am male 28 studying Ph.D courses in University. I am a regular student....but This time I don`t know what suddenly happened. The person I liked has also changed mood and now don`t bother even look at me......Every where the same situation is.....I have got job and also persuing Ph.D....But this summer every one has lifted me....and I have become very alone.......and of course thinking......aakhir chakkar kya hai.....Meaning whats wrong with me....? I feel I will remain alone for rest of my life...Now how should I spend my life....I am unmarried.....

2007-04-05 19:50:22 · 3 answers · asked by banyamin12 1 in Singles & Dating

Now, I've never been into a relationship and have came close a few times. But it makes me sick and disgusted when guys put that ultimatum on women like that. Even if he does get some, he might be dumping you anyway like your like a used car and go with something better.

I believe if he's asking you to have sex or dumping you, than he's probably not the right guy for you. If he was the right man for you, he would respect your decisions to not get off on him. That's just me. We all have our beliefs and morals, unfortunately not everyone in the world can be on the same page.

What do you think? If you've been in a situation much similar to this, I like to know your experiences and how you felt being used like that?

2007-04-05 19:48:27 · 30 answers · asked by *One Of A Kind* 4 in Singles & Dating

i have a major overreating problem
i take the little things way to seriously, and i end up getting to angry at something so simple and exploding, or i think some thing is sadder then usual, i need help to get over this,

2007-04-05 19:44:26 · 9 answers · asked by robert m 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-04-05 19:37:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I am a good person.Honest, hardworking, loving and family oriented. Again, my case is kind of complicated,- not even Dr.Phil, has answered me!! I just need some advice pls. I have lived in a very abuse relationship, and dont know where to go from here.I have 2 wonderful daughters,- 12 and 14. They have suffered enough, and I need to make their lifes better now.Any answer, will be very appreciated. Thks

2007-04-05 19:35:20 · 12 answers · asked by andersi 1 in Marriage & Divorce

From a psychological standpoint, what do people think about guys like this? You know who I'm talking about: The type of guy who never really gets involved in a long term relationship, but has plenty of "girlfriends" who are in relationships already. What are people's thoughts about people like this?

2007-04-05 19:35:00 · 17 answers · asked by ihc_div1_mem3 1 in Singles & Dating

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