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Parenting - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

My daughter is 10 and her toys and clothes are moving her out of her room. She has many things that have gone unopened and some clothes that have been worn once (maybe twice) and she is on to the next thing. My nieces have all received clothes and toys in excess and now I am trying to find a way to give some of these things to those in need. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.

2006-09-18 09:28:41 · 8 answers · asked by kml_bell 1

How many children did you decide to have or do you have? How did growing up an only child influence your decision? Because you know what its like without siblings, do you want your child (ren) to go through the same thing you did?

2006-09-18 09:18:31 · 5 answers · asked by name 1

everytime he sees ta vaccum cleaner he always screams

2006-09-18 09:18:21 · 14 answers · asked by brettlover135 1

My baby's current schedule is:

7am - 8oz formula in a bottle
8-10am - nap
10am - cereal/stage 2 foods (approx. 10oz)
1-3pm - nap
3pm - 6oz formula in a bottle
4pm - stage 2 foods (approx. 8oz)
630pm - 8oz formula in a bottle

How should I change this? I know that she needs to start whole milk from a sippy cup at 12 months and that I should be getting her to start feeding herself some foods. I'm confused.

2006-09-18 09:16:25 · 5 answers · asked by HapaMommy 1

Daycare as a good or bad learing method for kids????My sister-in-law, doesn't want for her kid to go to daycare she is scared for all the things that come out on TV (abuses & all that)...
I have a 6 & 2 yrs old and they both have gone to the same daycare my oldest started when she was 2 & the other one when he was 4moths & I have never had any problems they are very social and I have notice they learn more than spending all day at home, he is talking more, he like to play, sign, eat by himself he is llearning to potty train ... My nephew is 6 months older than my boy & he verly talks & he is more shy & always with mom & doesn't want to share anything with other kids.I beileve that day cares in a way are good for kids but of course it is always best to be cared by mom... but at least a part time daycare will be fine ....Do you think daycare's are not good fot kids!!!

2006-09-18 09:13:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Parents may keep having babies if they had already 3 boys. If they had one boy and one girl, they probably wouldnt keep having babies.

2006-09-18 09:10:09 · 11 answers · asked by sophia t 1

Is it only me who feels uncomfortable in "parents and toddler groups" and they are always so clicky? or maybe because I look different and foreigner?? Does anybody feel the same way I do??

2006-09-18 08:58:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you consider a dead beat dad?

2006-09-18 08:47:08 · 23 answers · asked by Caitlyn's Mommy 2

I read an answer on Y! A that got me thinking.

What do you think about a father who has a child, and he works 2 jobs so his wife can be a stay at home mother?

He would never see his child, what good is that?

Yeah the kid has his mother home all day with him, but then he doesn’t even know his own father!

Wouldn’t it be better if the parents work 40 hours each outside the home, and spend all of their free time with their child?

Then the child would know BOTH parents!

I personally think its hypocritical to say that a child needs his MOTHER at home, but then to have the father never home.

Some fathers are 10x better parents then mothers.

Children need a father just as much as they need a mother!

If you don’t believe me then go to a strip club, most of those women never had their fathers around!

My husband could work 80 hours a week so I could stay home, but then he would miss out on being a father and our marriage would be affected.

What do you think?

2006-09-18 08:40:24 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-18 08:37:35 · 19 answers · asked by .vato. 6

my baby is now 17 months old what woukd be the ideal age to potty train him

2006-09-18 08:28:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm curious about what other stay-at-home moms do all day--other then look after your kids?

What consider your duties?

If you could write a job description what would it say?

2006-09-18 08:25:30 · 30 answers · asked by .vato. 6

I have some more time before I can legally leave home,and I can't stand it. How can i make it go quicker? Mail me if you need more details. vwmradbff@yahoo.com

2006-09-18 08:02:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have asperger's syndrom,and I was not exposed to " floor time," or any other "Spectrum" stuff. I was raised like anyone else: I had food,clothes,ect. I am highly intelligent, but i prefer to be alone ( a by-product of my autism) and I have 3 kids and have been married 10 years. When ppl ask why i don't like to be around their kids/them,and my daughter informs them I am autistic,ppl tend to avoid me. Why? Also, why do some ( supposedly) intelligent ppl seem to think that retardation and autism are on and the same?

2006-09-18 07:42:16 · 21 answers · asked by Dragonflygirl 7

I just don't get it. The doctor said it's nothing physically wrong with him. I've grounded him and cut him off from friends, still no change. I spank him after each night he pisses the bed, and that doesn't help. I make him wear those diapers to bed and all he does is wet those like a toddler.

I've tried everything! I even put his little sister (10 years old) in charge of him when I leave to go on a date or whatever for a night and make her his babysitter since he's obviously not ready to grow up. Nothing works! He's not mentally retarded, and like I said the doctor said nothing is physically wrong with him.

I'm considering forcing him to wear diapers and not being allowed to use the toilet at home (at school in normal clothes of course) as a punishment to teach him a lesson if he wants to act like a little baby at night.

Good idea? Bad idea? Suggestions? I just can't figure out what other type of punishment would help, nothing has to this point and frankly I'm fed up.

2006-09-18 07:37:29 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous


I would like to start giving my 14 month old who only has eight teeth some more table food.
Any ideas on some good meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Thanks for the help.

2006-09-18 07:30:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

wife is only one in house who's not illiterate/has several years of college. She asks 20+ step son about his financial aid. He says the school's FA is "free". She reviews paperwork & sees that this small non-state “Institute” school is chging GED students 7 grand yrly just 4 GED classes! Advises step son to take SAR to school & ask exactly what package he got. He tells her he "don’t think they will need 2 see the SAR"/questions the validity of what she says. Says he thinks that the school is free because USA doesn't want to have illiterate people so gov't is willing to pay for people to get an education free (sad). Either way wouldn't U want your financial aid package info?! To know if you got grants or loans instead or taking the school's word 4 it that everything is “free”. Wife asks step what his FA’s name is. Stepson: "I didn't ask". At this point shd she say, “4get it! Let these fools get stuck with 7G loan to pay for a GED" or would you keep trying to offer help, advocacy, info?

2006-09-18 07:27:08 · 4 answers · asked by philosophical.beauty 1

my son is 3 years old, and occasionally calls for us at night, so we still use a monitor. (we wouldn't be able to hear him without it.)
he wakes up sometimes when his eczema flares up.

2006-09-18 07:15:04 · 15 answers · asked by jessc 2

My ILs are talking about getting a boat (a sports speed boat). I say that as long as the kid is a baby and will sleep quietly in mom's (or dad's) arms and is wearing a life jacket it is ok but then once the kid starts walking they need to take a break from the boat until they are more responsible like around 5 or so. Especially since waterskiiing will be taking place and some may be distracted.

Also at what age would you allow the child to start water skiing? I would say around 10-12. They think 6-8.

Also, is murder legal if your husband doesn't agree with you on these issues? I am ready to kill him.

It should be noted that my mother and I agree and my husband and his mother agree. It's parent and grandparent against parent and grandparent.

Also, wouldn't you think that if one parent was a little more cautious than the other that it is only fair to go with the more conservative parent rather that just go along with something that one parent is uncomfortable with?

2006-09-18 07:13:59 · 15 answers · asked by jennypoo803 3

I know that you are not suppost to feed in with rice in his bottle, but this seems to be the only way I can feed him. If I don't he eats like every hour. What have you folks done differently?

2006-09-18 06:59:11 · 5 answers · asked by Rosey55 D 5

I have a three year old and a ten month old and my husband thinks its funny to coax the three year old to curse. And when she does say a bad word he laughs and makes her repeat it. I think it's inappropriate for little child to curse and I make it a habbit of telling my oldest not to do it. But her dad always changes the rules. He says he has no problem with it as long as she doesn't say the F word. I think when they are teenagers I could handle them saying the occasional curse word, but three and ten months on ward to school age is way too young. What do you think?

2006-09-18 06:59:02 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister and her husband have been unable to conceive and want to have a family more than anything. They would love to adopt a child and are open to infants or older children (even a brother/sister combo) up to 7-8 years old. They don't want to foster a child because the heartbreak would be too much if the crack addict mother came back and took the child. They want a clean adoption and don't have the big bucks it takes to go to China or to adopt through a private agency. How can they adopt if they don't have all sorts of money? Please help me find some resources for them because they would be fantastic, loving parents. Thank you, everyone!!!

2006-09-18 06:52:40 · 11 answers · asked by nido_tr3s 5

Or should I say, is there something wrong with me, he's 15 and we both like hard rock, heavy metal and such

2006-09-18 06:48:32 · 24 answers · asked by buddy1 4

any suggestions i can't just say no she has no other comfort is i wrong i still let her have it and how should i get her off at this point?

2006-09-18 06:38:13 · 12 answers · asked by gracttt 1

2006-09-18 06:24:00 · 41 answers · asked by leanneb1989 2

When I say young I mean under the age of twenty two.

Regardless what they are "missing out on", do you believe the majority of young parents are good of parents?

Do you think the older the parents--the better the parenting?


Do you think age has no relevance?

Please list why or why not. Thank you for your response!

2006-09-18 05:49:46 · 31 answers · asked by Maggie 1

Why? Why is it OK to shout and yell and hit and moan and groan and treat your child like a pice of dirt? Does being small mean you are somehow immune from feeling? How would YOU like to be bossed around 24/7 by a bunch of giants? Is there not ANYONE out there who wants to treat their child as they would wish to be treated??
Many people are nicer to their dogs than to children, what is UP with that? (I'm all for treating dogs better too, but that's a whole new topic).
Please may there just be 1 person out there who does not believe in smacking, yelling, belittling, shaming and patronising children in the name of so-called 'parenting'....??

2006-09-18 05:28:12 · 33 answers · asked by Trin 2

Im still in contact with my ex's parents & they see my boys every 2nd wkend. The last time they came to visit, my sons were bathing and when I invited them in I said " the boys are bathing..." meaning they will be out soon. I was abit surprised when my sons grandfather who is in his mid fourties went into the bathroom to say hello to my boys while they were bathing. He stayed in there chatting to them for a few minutes. I was in there also so nothing serious happened it was all very innocent! Im just wondering if this seems abit odd to anyone else or am I being paranoid??? I reinforced to my kids that no one should ever touch there "middle bits" except for them and they are educated about that & Im certain that this was all very innocent but when are kids to old to have other people see them naked?

2006-09-18 05:08:47 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

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